It's better to be laughed at than wrong.

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Basil listened to the beautiful song Sunny played. It sounded incredible, as expected of such a talented violinist using such an incredible violin.

Basil always looked at Sunny's face when he was playing. His face always was filled with focus and passion. He always played with his eyes closed, which Basil also found cute.

Sunny opened one of his eyes and looked at Basil. Basil blushed and averted his gaze. His staring must've been so intent that Sunny felt it.

Sunny didn't stop the one-man symphony for even a nanosecond, as he continued the incredible skill. A slightly fast part of the song, Basil looked on in awe as Sunny quickly did precise fretting on his violin with his eyes still shut, sliding the bow with amazing accuracy against each string. His eyes fully shut as he did.

Basil's mouth remained agape as Sunny's sonata ended.

"Sorry. I screwed up a few times... the squeaking must've been annoying..." Sunny had an apologetic look.

"What do you mean? That was beautiful! You're incredible!" Basil couldn't help but blush when he realized what he blurted out.

Sunny blushed back, and covered his face while turning his head away. "It wasn't that good... th-thank you though."

Basil really wanted to hug Sunny, but then Basil noticed something colourful inside of Sunny's bag that he brought outside the bathroom door.

"What's that thing at the bottom of your bag?" Basil asked.

"Oh yeah, mom gave me my present while I was packing. I have to open it too."

Sunny grabbed the wrapping paper covered rectangle from the bottom of his bag. "Probably gonna be underwhelming compared to a Stradivarius." Sunny laughed a bit.

Basil adored his laugh. It was perfect. He felt a bit dazed for a moment, just looking at Sunny's perfect face.

"Yo, Basil, back to reality." Basil snapped out of his daze.

"Huh? Oh yeah, let's see what it is!"

Sunny nodded his head, and tore off the wrapping paper with force. He always just grabbed a bit of the wrapping paper in his hand and ripped it off. His weird method always made Christmases fun.

"Oh, it's a chessboard." Sunny said deadpan, but Basil saw the glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"If you want we can play together." Basil barely finished his sentence before Sunny nodded excitedly.

It will be so hard to watch you get a girlfriend some day, Sunny. Why did you have to be so damn adorable...

Sunny set up his new wooden chess set with great efficiency. Evidently, he was eager to play.

Basil went first, moving one of his knights.

Sunny moved a seemingly irrelevant pawn forward.

Basil move a pawn forward next to his knight.

Sunny moved his bishop two spaces in front of his knight. Basil had an idea.

He moved the pawn in front of his rook forward, getting ready to attack that bishop.

Sunny seemingly ignored this obvious threat, opting to move his queen to some irrelevant square.

Is Sunny just gonna let me attack his bishop?

Basil smiled as he moved his pawn from next to his knight, to threatening Sunny's bishop.

Sunny took one of Basil's pawns with his queen. "Checkmate."

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