I'm the Main Character, and you have to like me.

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--half chapter of Mikhael POV tee hee--

The Maverick noticed he had finished his beer, but was still only feeling a buzz. He felt proud, proving he wasn't a lightweight.

He noticed people were heading inside, and Wang approached The Maverick.

"Where's everyone going?" The Maverick asked like an extremely cool person.

"Ah, come on, I'll show you." Wang had an unusual expression, one The Maverick's incredible deduction techniques couldn't match to an emotion.

Wang and The Maverick followed the group. The Maverick saw his comrades asleep on the couch, with everyone else surrounding them.

"Yuri drugged them, so now we can do whatever we want to them." A disturbed grin crossed Wang's face. The Maverick was disgusted.

"I call dibs on the girly one's throat!" Someone called out. Much of the group groaned in response.

"Well if we're doing dibs... dibs on his hole!" Yuto called back. The Maverick looked at him. He looked sweaty and far too excited.

"Fuck, I bet the black haired one's throat is tiiiiight." Someone in the crowd said with an excited laugh.

"Nobody lay a fucking hand on them!" The Maverick yelled. He needed to save his comrades from these creeps.

Yuto responded by grabbing Basil's thigh, and laughing like a freak. The Maverick sprayed him in the eyes with his homemade "KillerSpray."

Yuto's glasses may have blocked some of it, but it still hit its mark, as proven by his immediate screams of pain. "AUUGGGHHH! MY EYES!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?"

"Is it pepper spray? Heh, I'm immune." Wang said approaching The Maverick, trying to grab at the bottle.

The Maverick sprayed it at Wang's face, some making it's way into his mouth.

Wang fell to his hands and knees and puked. "That is NOT pepper spray!" He announced, before puking again.

The Maverick sprayed 3 creeps in between him and his friends, and then grabbed them over his shoulders and ran out the door.

As soon as The Maverick left the building, he felt winded by carrying them, and set them down on the sidewalk. The streetlights were very unhelpful in illuminating the walkways, leaving them mostly dark. The Maverick considered checking the time, but the idea that the men could try catching him off-guard, and taking the boys made him pick the two back up, and race off.

Only a few minutes of running passed by, The Maverick may be strong, but not that strong. He felt he was a safe distance, and put his fellow prodigies down, and checked his phone. 8:30.

Basil made a noise, startling The Maverick for a moment. "Basil..?"

"Muh..." Basil answered.

"Don't worry, you just... uh... got a little too drunk, y'know?" The Maverick felt he shouldn't tell Basil what really happened. He may be a prodigy, but he seemed a bit emotionally fragile.

Basil shut his eyes again, which made The Maverick a bit annoyed he was back to carrying two people who were passed out, instead of just one. He was relieved at not having to answer any questions that he couldn't answer.

The Maverick grunted and picked up his prodigies. He must move quickly, to make sure his compatriots wouldn't be spotted by the Shadow Cabal's assassains.

Of course, The Maverick could easily kill any of the assassains who would try, but with his friends incapacitated, they could be hurt, or even killed by any assassains looking to hurt them instead of The Maverick.

The Maverick heroically marched on, confidently bringing his friends to their homes.

The Maverick may return to our humble chapters some day, but after this one, we will be returning to our usual protagonists.

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