I'm still picking up my molars, and putting them back in my face

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Basil arrived back at the house, and walked inside. Polly looked to the door in surprise, she was mid meal it appeared.

"O-Oh, Basil, I didn't know you'd be back today, I'm so sorry!" Polly said after swallowing the rice in her mouth. "I'll make you a bowl too."

"Thanks, Polly." Basil sat at the table and stared at his hands.

I wish Sunny would like me the way I like him...

Polly put a bowl of rice in front of him. Some sauce that she always made for the rice covered it.

"What's wrong Basil?" Polly asked worriedly.

"It's nothing..." Basil picked at his food for a few minutes, eating only a few bites. The smell of the sauce was too tempting not to.

"Thanks Polly, I might go to bed now..." Basil muttered.

"O-Okay Basil..." Polly looked on with concern, as Basil slowly walked upstairs and into his new room.

Polly clearly did a lot of unpacking while Basil was away. His bed was assembled, and made, the only thing left unpacked in his room was a TV stand.

Basil felt his cellphone ringing, and picked it up. "Hello?"

A blaring "Hey!" from Kel came through the speaker.

"Basil, I just saw you on TV!" Kel sounded like he was screaming with excitement into the receiver.


"Yeah, I didn't know you were gay, but apparently Zhang did! I didn't know you guys were friends!" The scratching from the audio peaking made Basil's ear hurt.

We weren't friends, he just called me names in the hall. He got suspended when he slapped my butt in the hallway, after I told my teacher about it...

Basil never telling Kel this, just chose to ignore it. "Sorry for not telling you, haha..."

"I dunno why Sunny was there, though... Anyway, Zhang is actually here rìght now!" Kel said cluelessly.

Basil felt a wave of panic hit him. "Hey, Basil." Zhang's voice came over the phone, making Basil feel nauseous.

"What do you want." Basil said this question as more of a statement. He didn't really care, he just hoped the way he spoke would either give him a hint at his anger towards him. Or at least make Kel hear his tone.

"Just sayin' hi, old buddy." Zhang's tone seemed a bit sinister, but before Basil had to exchange any more words, Kel got the phone back.

"Hero just got home, so I gotta go, but you did great on the big stage, dude!" Kel's smile was practically audible.

"Thanks Kel..." Basil smiled a bit at Kel's enthusiastic encouragement.

"Alright, later dude!" Kel hung up

Basil looked at his phone, and sighed.

I wish I could be more like Sunny. Then I wouldn't feel like crying right now. I'd be strong. I'd... be strong...

Basil collapsed onto his bed. He didn't feel like thinking right now. He needed to sleep.

-- haha lol he napping --

Basil woke up in a familiar white environment. This time, not being stabbed. The one who stabbed him seemed to be talking to himself, facing away from Basil, so he quickly ran to the door, leaving the freakish Sunny look-alike.

Leaving the door, it appeared he was no longer inside of the place he usually was when he exited the white void. Instead, he was coming out from the side of some cliff face.

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