Live long and prosper while the winter melts away

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Sunny heard his mom come home, and he ran downstairs to see her. "Hey mom!" Sunny excitedly greeted his mother.

"Hello, Sunny! You seem chipper today!" His mother smiled at him.

"Yeah, I-" Sunny cut himself off.

Wait, I forgot to tell my mom that I like guys.

"I uh... I have a boyfriend now, mom." Sunny said a bit less excitedly, more worried for his mother's reaction.

"Er... a boyfriend?" She said with a hard to read facial expression.

"Yeah... I'm gay, mom." Sunny said more clearly.

"Are you sure?" His mom asked.

Looking back at all the times that Sunny's body has shown how sure he is... I think he's sure. Sunny agrees with the narrator's expert perception skills and tells his mother, "I am very sure."

"Um... well, okay. If you ever change your mind, don't be afraid to tell me, though." Sunny's mother said before picking up the bag she brought inside and moving to the kitchen.

Well, it could've been worse.

"So, who's this boyfriend?" She said in a skeptical tone.



Yeah, that was more of the reaction I was afraid of.

Sunny sighed as his mother gripped his shoulders, yelling about some shit she didn't like about Basil or something. Sunny didn't bother listening anyway.

"I'm going to Basil's house." Sunny announced and walked for the door.

"Oh no, you don't! You need to see the doctor, young man!" She tried to block the door but was too slow.

"Bye, mom." Sunny left. She needed to cool down, and so did he, so he wouldn't end up screaming at her.

Sunny quickly reached Basil's house. It was only a block's worth of road away, after all.

He knocked on the door, to which Marc soon answered. "Oh, hello again, Sunny. I'm so sorry for putting you in danger like that, I did not mean to. I wasn't really in contro-"

"Yeah, I know, it was Omori. Don't trust anyone in your dreams that looks like me. Can I see Basil?" Sunny asked briskly.

"Uh... ye-yes, of course." Marc moved to let Sunny in.

Sunny walked inside as Marc called upstairs to Basil, "Basil! Your friend is back!"

"Make that boyfriend, heh." Sunny did finger guns and a smug grin to Marc.

Yeah, that was cringy as fuck...

"Sunny!" Basil excitedly greeted his friend as he tried to run down the stairs but ended up descending at a rather normal speed.

Sunny happily hugged Basil once he made it safely to the bottom of the stairs.

"How do you run down stairs like that?" Basil asked, giggling as he hugged Sunny back.

"You'll figure it out once you live with stairs for a while." Sunny giggled back.

Marc went away to do whatever else, as Sunny began to walk upstairs with Basil.

"Wider stairs than at my house." Sunny laughed. He was walking beside Basil rather than behind. Though, behind was always appreciated by him as well.

The two reached the top of the stairs, and Sunny stopped for a moment. "Can I kiss you?" He asked shyly.

"Um..!" Basil was caught off-guard, as if he hadn't expected his boyfriend to want to kiss him, "Of course! You can kiss me any time you w-want!" Basil stuttered as his face grew more pink with each word.

So cute...

Sunny hugged Basil and kissed him on the lips warmly. The kiss was extra warm due to how red Basil had gone once he was kissed.

"I'm going to kiss you a few more times, okay?" Sunny asked with his cheeks flushed pink.

Basil just silently nodded as his face was turning the same shade as a strawberry. Specifically #Ff2525 in hex. "I know it's blushing and deep red," as some would say.

Sunny kissed Basil on the lips passionately before giving him 2 more pecks on his cheeks. Basil covered his lower face with his hand. He made a sort of squeak sound.

The two walked towards Basil's room as Sunny cooed over how cute the sound Basil made was.

"You're just so cute, Basil. Look at you!" Sunny smiled before kissing Basil again.

Basil squeaked again before playfully complaining, "Hey! You didn't warn me that time."

"Alriiight, fine... can I try a French kiss with you?" Sunny asked.

Basil seemed to not know what a French kiss was but nodded cluelessly. He smiled cutely, Sunny's heart was melting.

This might make him mad... heheh.

Sunny kissed Basil on the lips again, but this time shoved his tongue into Basil's mouth. Sunny never really closed his eyes when kissing Basil, he just liked seeing him too much. Sunny had to giggle when he saw Basil's eyes suddenly open widely in surprise when he started using tongue. Suddenly he started making a cute face. The kind that made his dick react.

Abort mission. ABORT MISSION.

The two pulled out of their "French" kiss, titled that even though it most definitely wasn't invented by the French. Basil panted and began to speak, "I..." He paused and took a breath, "We can do that... again some time... if you want..." Basil's face looked as adorable as ever.

"I love you so much, Basil." Sunny said as he hugged Basil. He felt something poking him again.

Too cute...

Sunny stood up to stretch. The hug made him notice a crick in his back. He stretched and a small crackle from his back brought relief.

"Aww, Sunny! Did you bring something over here for me?" Basil smiled.

"Huh?" Sunny replied in confusion.

"In your pocket, silly! What did you bring me?" Basil pointed at Sunny's poorly hidden boner. Basil seemed clueless to what he was really asking about.

"Basil... that's... uh..." Sunny stuttered, but before he could, Basil reached for his pocket, and...

--thats where im ending this chapter you horney fukcs--

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