Shields himself from reason with a kevlar baby blue tuxedo

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Basil moved his hands away from his face, and looked at Sunny. His face was pinker than Basil had ever seen it.

"I can sleep on the floor, if it'd make you more comfortable..." Sunny said awkwardly.

"N-No, it's okay, I'll just... flip over the blanket" Basil sputtered back, still a bit flustered.

Sunny somehow became pinker. "Let's just go for a walk, this room is too stuffy..."

It most definitely wasn't stuffy, but every second in this room made Basil feel like putting his face back into his hands.

Basil silently agreed, and they both headed down the hall, and back to elevator. The elevator was still there, and they pressed the 8 button, and quickly the elevator made it to the lobby.

A man entered as they walked out, and they made their way to the front door, trying to ignore the receptionists' giggling.

"I heard about the Guangzhou Greenhouse, I thought you might wanna see it?" Sunny said, trying to lighten the awkwardness.

"Really? You want to see that too?" Basil asked with an excited look.

"Sure, apparently they have some flowers only native to North America." Sunny said with a shrug, "Sounded interesting."

Basil could barely contain his excitement.

I always wanted to go to the Guangzhou Greenhouse! I can't believe I get to go, and with Sunny!

Basil beamed at Sunny. "I'd love to go with you!"

Sunny turned a little pink again, though barely noticable compared to his early shade.

Basil and Sunny walked a while, before Sunny spoke "Y-You wouldn't happen to know where it is, would you?"

Thankfully for Sunny, Basil did. "Yeah, I can lead you there, c'mon!" Basil grabbed Sunny by the wrist and started running excitedly in its direction.

Sunny seemed to be barely speedwalking at Basil's pace, Basil felt a bit embarrassed.

"There it is!" Basil pointed to the building.

"Hey, and there's Aubrey!" Sunny pointed to Aubrey, leaning on the wall next to the entrance. She appeared to be smoking a cigarette.

Basil was now the one being brought over to the building by Sunny.

Oh god oh god oh god oh god...

"Hey, Aubrey!" Sunny waved at her while they crossed the road.

"Huh? Sunny, what are you doing in Guangzhou?" Aubrey questioned with surprise.

"Oh, I'm here with Basil!" He stepped aside, no longer letting Basil hide behind him.

"Ahaha... hi..." Basil said nervously.

"Hey... Basil..." Aubrey said awkwardly.

"So... why are you in Guangzhou then, Basil?" She said, putting out her cigarette on the concrete brick behind her.

"I'm... here for my mom's campaign... it's complicated..." Basil spoke shyly, looking at his feet.

Aubrey shrugged her shoulders. "Well, whatever. You guys going in? I'm still waiting for Kim to get out of her optometrist. Can I bum off you guys to get in?" She flicked the butt of her cigarette into the recepticle behind her.

"Sure, I have enough money to get us all in!" Sunny smiled at Aubrey.

Basil was still a bit nervous, but he wasn't going to make Sunny cover the bill for a place he wanted to go to.

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