Solstice Souls Book 2: Black...

By edzooc8r

54.3K 6K 4.2K

The Cultivation world is in chaos as Wen Rouhan inches across clan territories looking for cultivators with a... More

And The Story Continues.....
Doubts and Dark Magic
Comfort, Cooking, and Compassion
One Man's Meat
When the Darkness Rises
The Eye of the Storm
No More Hiding
Back To The Beginning
An Apology With A Warning
Searching For Answers
A Daring Journey
Friends or Foes?
Unlikely Allies
Hurricanes of the Heart
Filling in the Blanks
Under The Cover of Darkness
Breaking A Promise
Adaptable Truths
Seeds Of Doubt
Far From Home
True Colours
The Arena
The Purple Viper
The Light From Within
Friends In Dark Places
Love Note
Fight to the Death
Xue Yang
The Truth in Masquerade
Making Up The Numbers
Necessary Reassurances
Sneaking Happiness
Escape Plan
Out of the Frying Pan
Reassurances of the Heart
Every Man Has His Destiny
Flying High
Confessions of a Heart
Truth Be Told
Soul Searching
Meeting The In-Laws
Dinner Plans
Grace Under Fire
Story Time
Of Pigs and Cabbages
A Not So Welcoming Committee
Sugar and Salt
Growing Pains
Tricks of the Trade
Hidden Desires
A Time of Need
Lessons Learned
Favorite Place To Be

Solstice Sons

804 98 53
By edzooc8r

Lan Zhan's POV

Suddenly, everything made sense.

"The Lullaby!" Wei Ying said, by way of explanation.

"Mn. These Bracelets, and these birthmarks." Lan Zhan's hand automatically went to the nape of his neck, and he moved his hair aside to show the crescent shape on the nape of his neck.

Wei Ying showed his birthmark, too.

Cangse Sanren looked smug, Wei Changze looked proud and his Uncle Qiren and XiongZhang looked even more shocked.

"The cave drawings!" XiChen remembered. "They depicted two cultivators who had the artifact, the one that can control resentment energy."

"Ahuh, XiChen-Ge, that's right, and we both learned so much more about them." Wei Ying goes on to explain about their counterparts, who both himself and Lan Zhan were in their past life, all those years ago. The dreams he and Lan Zhan had seen, which clarified what had actually happened at the end of their last life. How they each had absorbed the artifact into their cores, after splitting it in half.

"We are destined to become one, to bring our families together." Lan Zhan says, reaching for Wei Ying once more.

As soon as their hands touched, warm fingers accepting his hand, wrapping around to comfort and support, Lan Zhan immediately felt better.

"We have to make peace between our clans." Wei Ying says, smiling brightly even though his words were completely serious. "It's even more important than ever now."

"There is an old legend, perhaps forgotten now..." Uncle Qiren stroked his whiskers, thoughtfully. "It speaks of conflict reigning until, when the snows of Gusu melt, the arrival of Camellias will herald the end of war. When this happens, a great calamity will come to test the Cultivation World, but victory lies in being faithful to justice and righteousness." He sighed. "All these years, that legend has been wrongfully interpreted. It was widely assumed that the arrival of Camellias meant the calamity would come with the arrival of the flowers. Though that is not the case." He looks relieved.

"You know what they say about that, don't you?" Baoshan Sanren returned with a tray of cups and behind her, Jiang YanLi followed with snacks and a steaming teapot.

She paused to smile at the happy couple, before pouring tea for everyone.

"I'm sure you'll tell us." Uncle Qiren said, his left eye twitching uncontrollably, upon her arrival.

"Absolutely!" She replies, gleefully. As soon as she makes eye contact with her daughter, they both chant: "when you assume, it makes an ass out of you and me!" And then they fell about laughing.

"I imagine there's much to discuss about the current situation, too. WangJi, please tell us what happened once you left in disguise, from Cloud Recesses." XiChen quickly intervenes in what could turn into an incendiary conversation, since Uncle Qiren is changing colours faster than a kaleidoscope.

Lan Zhan fills them in on the attack at Lotus Cove and Madam Yu's deceitful behaviour, the results of which led to the Wens being let in and then being able to take Wei Ying away as their prisoner.

Wei Ying jumps in when necessary to complete the parts where Lan Zhan wasn't present, and together, they paint an accurate picture of life behind the imposing walls of Nightless City, and the terrifying possibility of an impending war brought upon the entire Cultivation World, due to the greed of one man and his formidable army.

And it is a formidable army. Whatever they may lack in skill, they make up for in sheer numbers.

"Even tiny ants can overcome prey more than double their size because of their numbers. It is the same thing with the Wen forces. They will make their move as soon as they find a replacement for Wei Ying." Lan Zhan's appraisal of the Wens and their possible military strategy was on point.

Both XiChen and Uncle Qiren were shocked at how Lan Zhan infiltrated the Wens and made friends with Wen Qing, and how she had helped them to escape.

When Wei Ying mentioned that she had made him drink a special tea which slowed down his heart and made him appear as if he was dead, while Lan Zhan was reliving that terrible time in his head, Baoshan Sanren made a special show of pouring more tea for the Lans in exaggerated moves, pointedly maintaining eye contact with Uncle Qiren all throughout, and then pushing the cup towards him, unnecessarily.

XiChen decided that one cup of tea was enough for him...

Wei Ying tells them about the truth serum administered to Jiang Fengmian and the horrible truths they uncovered as a result.

Their faces were masks of shock as they absorbed this news. Both glanced at Jiang YanLi, who was visibly trying not to cry. She stood up and went to the centre of the room.

And then she bowed to all present.

There was a gasp of dismay at her obvious sorrow, and Wei Ying was already up and hugging her out of it, tenderly wiping under her eyes.

"A-Xian...I'm so sorry for what my father has done."

"Jiang Gunyian, that is not necessary." This stern rebuke came from Lan Qiren, who also stood up and came towards them. "While it is said that the apple does not fall far from the is worth noting that children are rarely, if ever, responsible for the actions of their parents. To regret something that has already come to pass is also a foolish waste of time. If anything, we must learn from the past and make due corrections. I fear...I too, am guilty of this." Lan Qiren sighs, and then he bows too, shocking everyone. "The past few hundred years could have been spent differently...but we will do our utmost to rectify our mistaken assumptions about the Wei Clan. This is our formal apology to you and your clan. May the upcoming marriage between our sons lead to an alliance stronger than steel."

Wei Changze stood up with a smirking Cangse Sanren.

"I think we would be at fault if we allowed the Lan Clan to take the full blame by themselves." They both bowed as well. "Conflict arises due to both parties, and myths and legends."

"Cough - lies - cough!" Wei Ying interjects with a roll of his eyes, and the brightest grin.

Wei Changze glares at him for interrupting although he's smiling, and continues. "Contribute to an already tense situation. Let us make communication a fore point in the future, so we can avoid such mistrust."

XiChen came forward as the Sect Leader and agreed, bowing.

Then came the subject of allies and Wei Ying told the Lans about the Nies and how they pledged their loyalties in the event of a war.

"It would be a wise move to visit the local clans not affiliated with any sect. They must be made to understand the risk involved with remaining independent, because Wen Rouhan will see that as free real estate." Uncle Qiren warns. He actually smiled at Wei Ying and said, "It was a good pre-emptive move on your part, to get the Nies to side with us. They are on the cusp of Wen Territory and for them, the danger is worst. We must all be ready to heed the summons, should they call for help, and should the situation be reversed."

They all agree.

"You must be tired. If you wish to rest, you may retire before dinner." Baoshan Sanren says with a wink.

Uncle Qiren was about to protest, stating that the Lan Clan members were not the type of weak cultivators to succumb to exhaustion, just from traveling a long distance by sword, when XiChen quickly jumped in with a suggestion of his own.

"Actually, that's a great idea. Didi, why don't you show us the way, and then we can catch up on news to do with Cloud Recesses." He says warmly, only faltering when Lan Zhan pulls Wei Ying up, too.

"I'm sure A-Xian has things to do...elsewhere." XiChen says, pleasantly.

A clear dismissal.

"No. He doesn't." Lan Zhan answered, while Wei Ying giggled.

"Really?" Uncle Qiren frowned.

"Mn. It's easy to get lost." Lan Zhan said, truthfully.

The two other Lans did not believe him...until they reached the labyrinthine corridors leading to the guest quarters.

Lan XiChen realized he would have to be blunt now, when they reached the rooms they had been given.

"Actually...both Uncle and I wish to discuss something with you. In private." XiChen tries again.

Immediately, he can see Lan Zhan becoming tense.

"It's nothing to worry about." He reassures both of the youngsters.

Wei Ying tries to extricate himself from Lan Zhan, but Lan Zhan only holds on tighter, even wrapping his arm around Wei Ying's waist.

"Then you won't mind if my betrothed stays." Lan Zhan's golden eyes are shining with determination.

XiChen recognises the stubborn tilt of his mouth as Lan Zhan stares back uncompromisingly.

"My's okay. If they want to talk to you might make things awkward if I'm there..." Wei Ying is staring at him, full of love and silent promises.

However, this only fuels Lan Zhan's belief.

"There are no secrets between us." he says, laying his trap to win this silly argument.

"Of course not!" Wei Ying sounds fiercely adamant.

"Then, if I am to repeat everything back to you anyway, we should save time now." Lan Zhan pushes past XiChen and opens the door to his rooms, bringing Wei Ying with him.

It is coming later in the day now, and Lan Zhan is feeling tired, but he doesn't want to say anything pertaining to that. He thinks any actions which would lead to him being separated from Wei Ying are stupid and his patience has reached a new low.

All he wants to do is get dinner over and done with, and then lie down in bed, curled around his Wei Ying.

Nothing else will soothe him now.

XiChen follows them in and Uncle Qiren isn't far behind. His expression is one of uncertainty, and Lan Zhan thinks that he also has no idea what XiChen wants to talk about.

XiChen is nervous...?

"We only brought part of the wedding gifts..." he says, while his hands are fidgeting.

So...maybe that's not what he wants to actually say? Lan Zhan knows him better than anyone else in his family, aside from Wei Ying, and he's pretty sure that this is the case.


"The rest are waiting for you both in the Jingshi. Some are of a personal nature."

"Mn." It feels like XiChen is stalling, getting up the courage to say what he wants to say.

What could it be if he intended to talk to Lan Zhan separately? Alone?

Lan Zhan thinks back to early that afternoon, when Wei Ying had asked him about his brother. The relief he had felt upon the admission that he loved XiChen and it being the main reason for putting him in the second circle of people who he wanted close to himself.

"Just a moment." he tells Wei Ying, who is looking suddenly paler than normal and there's a worry lurking in his beautiful silver eyes.

Lan Zhan takes a moment to truly admire him, this wonderful young man whom he loves far more than himself.

Wei Ying is his in the same way that he belongs to Wei Ying, and nothing can change that for him.

Wei Ying reaches up and kisses his cheek, the same longing on his face that Lan Zhan knows is on his own.

But Lan Zhan powers through. He lets go of Wei Ying, even though it's hard, and goes to his brother.

There's a pause.

Lan Zhan looks deeply into honey-coloured eyes, so similar to his own and nods to himself, a silent affirmation of his earlier thoughts. And then he wraps his arms around his brother, giving him a warm hug.

He can feel XiChen's surprise and then the moment that XiChen chokes back a sob and hugs him in return. They hold onto each other for more than a few minutes.

"I love you, XiongZhang." It sounds cheesy even to him, but it's no less sincere.

Something settles deep inside Lan Zhan because he knows this is right. And that it is needed, right now.

Who knows what is going to happen in the future? Who knew whether or not he would get this chance again?

Everything around them was so uncertain, so horribly unpredictable, that to take every opportunity they had to appreciate all their loved ones was needed.

"I love you, Didi." XiChen responds back in a thick voice. "And truly...I am happy for you both. But...but are you really happy?" He asks, stroking Lan Zhan's hair and holding onto him as if he might disappear otherwise.

"XiongZhang...I am very happy. Wei Ying is everything I need, and I know it is the same for him." Lan Zhan tells him firmly.

This is more for XiChen than for himself, and he has never been so sure of this truth as he is now, at this very moment.

Once he marries Wei Ying, things will change.

They both know that it will never be the same again, the way they are brothers and just the two of them, because Lan Zhan now has Wei Ying to care for.

This change is inevitable.

And while Lan Zhan is going to miss the constant connection he has enjoyed with his brother up until now, and he hopes they will still continue to be close, they both know how difficult it will become.

No one has discussed where they will live after their marriage, but the Lan Clan has XiChen, and by consequence, the Wei Clan only has Wei Ying. Lan Zhan already knows that most of their time will be spent in Yiling.

He does not care where they live, as long as he will be with his beloved.

"That's okay...then." XiChen finally lets him go.

As Lan Zhan returns to Wei Ying, he sees that even Uncle Qiren is wiping under his eyes.

"Let them rest now." Lan Zhan says, taking Wei Ying's arm and linking it through his.

He yawns, and it's a surprise to both of them. Wei Ying walks that much quicker to their room.

Once inside, he guides Lan Zhan to the bed and pushes him down.

"We're not sleeping, just resting." Wei Ying promises.

Wei Ying curls up next to him and is uncharacteristically silent. Lan Zhan pulls him closer, inhaling his comforting lotus flower scent. He doesn't think he will ever tire of it, or the feeling like he's come home upon letting it wash over him.

"What is Wei Ying thinking about?" He asks gently.

"I'm kind of panicking..." Wei Ying says, a whisper of his usual cheerfulness.

Lan Zhan can't help the gasp that leaves his lips, and he rolls over so that his body covers Wei Ying. He wants to see Wei Ying, to look into his beautiful silver eyes and see the galaxies of the universe reflecting back at him. Wei Ying's steel grey eyes can be as tumultuous as a raging sea caught in the middle of a crashing wave. Or, when he's happy, they can be as peaceful as the skies just after dusk. The magic of nature and all her seasons are right here, within his beloved.

A captivating man who seems troubled.

Lan Zhan doesn't like that.

"Tell me. Please." He says, leaning down to worship those wonderful silver orbs.

"I'm working my way up to it." Wei Ying says, with the sincerest notes of regret.

"Then don't mind me." Lan Zhan tells him.

They are betrothed, almost married, with just a few days to go until Wei Ying's birthday. This is a gift for both of them. While Wei Ying is thinking, Lan Zhan begins a quiet worship of his face. His lips kiss the smooth expanse of Wei Ying's forehead, his taste unique and delicious. Lan Zhan's mouth kisses along his brows to the centre and works his way down his cute button nose. A sweet kiss is planted on each soft cheek and then Lan Zhan has a mild panic of his own: he has forgotten about Wei Ying's beautiful ears.

The arch and crevices are so tasty, and each lick of his tongue invokes a full body shudder from the warmest person under him. When Lan Zhan bites lightly on the softest flesh of Wei Ying's lobe, he gets a deep throaty moan for his adoration.

"My're killing me!" Wei Ying gasps, chest heaving.

Lan Zhan leans back, resting on his forearms, just so he can get a good look at the beauty before him.

Those lovely diamond eyes look wild with need, a deep seated hunger rising up in his expression.

"I believe Wei Ying was working his way up to saying something?" Lan Zhan is rightfully smug...because Wei Ying seems to have forgotten whatever was troubling him. And Lan Zhan has just reminded him.

"That's not fair!" Wei Ying smacks his chest lightly. "You've got me all worked up and now I can think of nothing else but your mouth..."


"But I want to know!" Lan Zhan pouts.

He couldn't help it, because he was only entertaining himself while Wei Ying was...doing whatever he was doing...

"Alright...alright, I'll tell you!" Wei Ying scoots up to plant a sweet kiss to his lips.

Lan Zhan is most interested.

"The truth is...when XiChen-Ge said they've brought wedding gifts...well, I'd totally forgotten that was a thing...and now, I don't know what to give you." He sounds utterly miserable about this.

"That's easy." Lan Zhan says, kissing his nose because Wei Ying has scrunched it up like a bunny. It's even twitching...and so adorably cute!

"Why is it easy? I have no idea!" Wei Ying wails and covers his beautiful face with his hands.

"Can it be something I wish for? Something only Wei Ying can give to me?" Lan Zhan says, carefully.

There's something really special that he's wanted for such a long time, and he's been a little scared and intimidated to ask for it...but now is the right time. Wei Ying is to be his husband...and he must be able to ask for anything from his husband by now!

He understands why Wei Ying had to work his way up to telling Lan Zhan what was on his mind; he's having the same difficulty in expressing himself, too.

One silver eye opens cautiously, watching him.

"Is that a roundabout way of insinuating Papapa? Because isn't that a together thing?" Wei Ying gestures between their bodies with a casual wave of his hand.

Other parts of Lan Zhan are already far too interested in where this conversation is going, but that's not what Lan Zhan had in mind. His ears are blazing and entirely too hot, and he's overcome by the inexplicable desire to bite Wei Ying...anywhere.

Maybe some other time, he thinks, burying his face in Wei Ying's neck, shaking it so Wei Ying knows he guessed wrong.

"Then? What else do you want from me, my love? What else can it possibly be, that only I can give you?" His voice has become unbearably tender.

Lan Zhan thinks he might cry with how soft Wei Ying is suddenly being with him.

So he plucks up the courage to tell his future husband exactly what he wants, even if it comes out too quietly.

"Dancing lessons."

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