I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite)...

Galing kay Fanficanatic-tw

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2021 Rewrite. Kayla Hale. The name rung bells in Beacon Hills but, unlike her cousin, Derek Hale, she wasn't... Higit pa

Guess who's back, back again
You can call me Stiles
Failing to play it cool
Let's get this party started
Found a purpose
Try and not die
More enemies than friends
Brian, thongs and perfect killing
Crushing hard
Bedroom Shenanigans
Friends with benefits
Mission accomplished
Drowning in red
Hatred of hospitals
The spark
Murderous rage
Sheriff - AKA, Mr Cockblock
Movie Day
Crossing the line
Pool Party
Drunken truths
Big enough bed for us both
Sexual desire
The full moon curse
Long last
Together, together?
The Lost Bet
Cut deep
Friendship Tensions
One time offer
Ice cold
Admissions of guilt


188 11 15
Galing kay Fanficanatic-tw

Disclaimer: Teen wolf does not belong to me in any way, shape or form – sadly. And thanks the amazing reviews and support. It truly means the world and I hope you like this next installment :)

"What the hell Kayla!"

For a brief second she did stop, looking down at her fist in surprise.

Why the hell had she just punched Derek? She had thought about it a lot because, c'mon, it was Derek after all, but she had never actually followed through on it. Well... maybe once or twice, but he had been tolerable enough lately that she hadn't felt that urge in at least a few days.

Though as soon as that rational thought crossed her mind it had gone, wiped away with all her will power and self control, looking back up at Derek and beginning to stalk towards him.

"Kayla... stop it right now" he growled, taking a few steps back as he realised what was going on, "It's the Alpha, he's messing with you"

His words didn't resonate with her at all, too hyper focused on taking him out. 'Derek is ruining everything', she thought fiercely, 'he's being a pest, a nuisance - he should be helping me get revenge, not plotting against me'

Her thoughts, not her own, were full of rage, darkening her beliefs.

"Kayla, I don't want to hurt you" Derek warned, his eyes flashing blue as he allowed his claws to elongate from the tips of his fingers and, although making himself dangerous and menacing, there was hesitancy in his gaze, holding himself back.

She didn't care. She found herself letting out an ear piercing, half crazed scream filled with fury, lunging towards him and knocking into him at such a force they both tumbled back to the tarmac. Her hands, curled into fists, was beating on his chest and face, wanting nothing but to tear him apart and draw blood. Pinning him below her, unleashing fury like she had never felt below on him.

He was trying to speak to her, to snap her from the Alphas delusions that were infiltrating and poisoning her mind but as her fists got more forceful he growled and reached out, grabbing her dainty wrists in his strong grip and threw her off him, sending her flying above his head and rolling painfully along the tarmac.

Her knees and elbows scraped across the hard ground, rolling to a stop. The hate she felt, however, fuelled her onwards, leaping to her feet and throwing herself at Derek again, her nails trying to slash at his neck and face. Acting out exactly what the Alpha wanted to do to all the others... seeking revenge.

He blocked her as best as he could without injuring her, trying to make her see reason but she was ruthless, no thought for either of their safety's as she suddenly raised a leg, kicking him square in his chest and sending him careening backwards into Stiles' jeep.

'This is it' she thought, advancing on Derek who was rubbing his chest in pain, 'this is it. Get Derek out the way and then get to Scott'

She was just a couple of feet away from Derek, ready to unleash hell and fury down on him when a sudden shout of her name pulled her from her red hot fury, suddenly feeling like she had been dunked in icy cold water.

She blinked slowly, looking around in confusion as Derek shot her a cautious glance, his eyes still a brilliant blue, unsure and untrusting of her actions.

"Kayla" Stiles shouted again, racing down the concrete steps with Scott, drawing her bewildered stare towards him, "what's going on?"

She was speechless, unable to explain why the last minute of her life had happened, a horrible feeling twisting her gut.

"The Alpha" Derek growled, "he's here. He's controlling her"

"Wha-how?" Stiles asked, both he and Scott skidding to a stop next to them, the two boys sending her vigilant look.

"I don't know. We need to-"

Derek's exclamation was cut off by a pained gasp, blood spurting from his nose and mouth as he got lifted into the air, all helpless but to watch the Alpha twist his claws deeper into his back and toss him thirty feet into the brick wall.

She had seen a lot of Alphas in her life, but none quite as monsterous as this. This Alpha was a beast - quite literally. Standing at more than eight foot tall, completely shapeshifted from his once human form. Grotesque and hairy, more animal than human, the epitome of the word 'werewolf'. Hair and skin was pitch black, snout covering rows of sharp deadly teeth, with eyes as red as blood.

She was speechless for longer than she wanted to be, staring up into those glowing ruby red eyes, paralysed to the spot. That sense of familiarity returning, the longer she held his murderous gaze, the more angry she started feeling herself get.

She was jolted from her hyponotic stare by Stiles grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the school, snapping her back to reality with a painful bang.

Oh god...


She was tripping over her own feet as Stiles kept pulling at her, determined to get her to safety as the Alpha started to lunge towards them but, as much as she joked about saving her own ass, she wouldn't ever do that. Not with family on the line. Not with Derek.

She screamed her cousins name desperately, escaping Stiles' grip as he tried to reach out for again but she was already flinging herself down the steps and running towards Derek's lifeless body, skidding to her knees next to him.

"Derek?" she exclaimed, giving his face down body a quick shake, "Derek, wake up!"

He was unresponsive, eyes half open and she reached around the collar of his leather jacket, desperately feeling for a pulse. It took a few seconds but she was sure she felt a faint flutter beneath her fingertips, her sigh of relief cut short by the Alpha's loud roar.

She spared a quick look over her shoulder, seeing the Alpha circle the jeep and Derek's car, his eyes flitting between her and the school doors where Stiles and Scott were hiding behind, their faces barely evident through the rectangle windows on the double doors.

She looked back down, rolling Derek over onto his back and tapped his cheek harshly, trying to wake him up.

"Derek... c'mon, don't do this" she whispered, "please wake up... Derek..."

This couldn't be happening again... it couldn't be happening again... it couldn't be happening again...

She shook his again, trying to get him to come to but when she pulled back her hands were covered in his dark crimson blood, his entire tee drenched.

"Dammit" she cursed under her breath, having nothing on her to stop the bleeding, wondering if she could run back to the car and get a blanket or something and, when she glanced back over her shoulder, she noticed the Alpha was gone.

She carefully stood up, glancing around warily. There was no way he would just take off after all that... there was no way. He had bigger plans, she knew. The hairs on the back of her neck standing on end proving that he was still near, most likely watching from a distance.

She cast one more sad look to Derek before deciding she would chance a quick trip to the car, hoping there would be something in there to help him.

Her steps were tentative and careful, quietly making her way towards Derek's car as she kept an eye on her surroundings, looking out for those deadly red eyes.

It seemed the sudden disappearance of the Alpha made Stiles deem it safe enough to push open the double doors, his movements timid and hesitant as he glanced around, meeting her stare.

He waved her over, pointing to Scott to hold the doors open as he made his way over towards the discarded pair of bolt cutters, his stare not wavering from her own. When she didn't make a move in his direction, his gestures became much more frantic and insistent, his gaze full of panic.

She knew she should - it was common sense, right? To seek safety in numbers, inside and as far away from the Alpha as possible, but she couldn't leave Derek to his mercy. She just couldn't. Not Derek.

She shook her head, only about ten feet away from Derek's Camaro, ignoring his silent frustrations at her stubbornness when, out of no where, the Alpha leapt right over her and skidded to a stop in front of the two cars, panting and growling at Stiles.

The buzzcut boy's eyes went wide, grabbing the bolt cutters and began to run back up the concrete steps as the Alpha pawed the ground, letting out another ferocious snarl before beginning to pound towards him.

She had nothing on her - nothing to distract the Alpha with, nothing to throw at-


She grabbed her already fucked up phone from her back pocket, yelling a loud "hey", took aim and threw it. Her perfect aim meant the phone soared through the air and bounced off the back of the Alpha just feet before he reached Stiles, the sudden jolt making him skid to a stop and slowly turn towards her, giving Stiles time to get inside and slam the doors shut.

"Yeah, that's right" she yelled, throwing her arms out, "pick on someone your own damn size"

The Alpha remained on all fours, padding his way back the steps and towards her at a slow menacing pace, his hot breath fogging up the cold air around him.

She knew showing fear to monsters like this just fuelled them, pumping up their ego so remained still and stony faced, tilting her chin up as he approached, one eye still on the car just a few feet out of reach.

There was the sounds of bangs on the doors from Scott and Stiles, trying to pry the Alpha away from her but she didn't look, holding the gleaming stare of the Alpha. Taking slow steady breaths to maintain her heart rate, pushing away the fear that seized her heart.

"You're pathetic" she spat, shaking her head in disgust, "and cowardly. Going after a sixteen year old boy? Attacking Derek with his back turned? That's gutless"

Her words seemed to displease him, an annoyed snarl ripping from his throat, his snout twitching in anger. Yet, somewhere deep in his eyes, she was sure she saw amusement flash through them, like her words were funny to him.

She held his stare, trying to take small steps backwards to the car but he seemed to be aware of what she was trying to do, another ferocious snarl ripping free as he lunged forward, forcing her to quickly jump sideways away from the Camaro.

Instead of attacking though, he was simply circling her, keeping her from running. She feigned a move to the left, he skidded in front of her to stop her. She tried moving forward but he growled and leapt ahead of her, blocking her access to the road. This cat and mouse game unnerving her to the bone.

Only when she started moving backwards towards the school did he allow her, padding his way forward.

Right... because he wanted to trap them all in one place. This was his plan. This was what he was wanting. Like lambs to the slaughter.

He seemed to, somehow, be aware of her realisation, leaping in front of her before she could sprint away, his claws reaching out to slam into her chest. She went flying backwards, soaring through the air before landing with a loud 'crack' on the windshield of Derek's Camaro, the glass smashing.

She winced, her back tingling with pain as she blinked up at the night sky, feeling the windshield crackle and bend with the weight. For a few seconds, she was breathless. Unable to suck in any air until she her lungs kicked back into working, letting out a loud groan.

She was content to just lay there until she got her bearings, her head fuzzy and stinging with pain but the sight of the Alpha edging his way into her vision made her push herself off the broken windshield and slide off the bonnet, hitting the ground with a harsh splat.

He was right behind her. She could feel his hot breath prickling her skin, spits of salivahitting the the back of her neck as she stumbled in the onlt direction she could: the school.

She was playing right into his hands - she knew that - but there was no where else to go. She half limped, half ran towards the edge of the building and leaned down to grab a rock and send it flying through the window. The glass shattered, giving her room to jump up onto the ledge and throw herself through, just in time as the Alpha slashed at the air where her feet were just half a second previously.

She needed to find Scott and Stiles. She needed to know they were okay - Scott could handle himself, sure, but against an Alpha? She wasn't so certain, especially considering it knocked out Derek like a bowling pin.

When she thought of Derek thought of her heart clenched painfully - she had to believe he was fine, he could heal after all, and he'd been through worse injuries than this. Yes - Derek would be fine, he was always fine, he had to be fine. And what about Stiles? He was human, an innocent human caught up in this mess and if something happened to him... she would never forgive herself.

So with a determined sigh, she picked herself up off the ground, letting out a small wince of pain at the glass that had embedded itself in her side that made her jolt - jeez, couldn't she catch her break? Her mom always said she was a magnet for trouble and now she was starting to believe that statement was true.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"So we get the hell out of here, avoid getting torn to pieces by the hulk of an Alpha, somehow find Kayla, get Derek's keys off his, gah, dead body, and run - that sound like the plan?" Stiles summarised, hands on his hips as he stared at Scott from where they were in the boys locker room.

"Sounds like a plan" Scott said, shrugging helplessly.

"Yes, but does it sound like a good plan?" Stiles exploded, waving his hands in the air, "out of all the ridiculous plans we have thought of over the years this has got to be the worst, most impossible one... ever"

"We've got no choice Stiles" Scott whispered back loudly, "We have to get out of here - now"

"Yes, I know" Stiles relented, breathing heavily. He scratched the nape of his neck as he looked around helplessly.

Watching Derek getting murdered like it was the easiest thing in the world had shaken him up quite a bit, did his best to hide it. The fate of his own morality being a semi good distraction.

Despite that, he couldn't help his own mind constantly bouncing back to Kayla. She was still out there - somewhere - and he had no idea where and that scared the living shit out of him. If the Alpha could 'eliminate' Derek so easily then it could definitely hurt Kayla... or worse, kill her.

God dammit - he should've kept a hold of her. He should've dragged her kicking and screaming back to the school and into safety. Instead, he left her out there all alone and vulnerable, forced to watch as the Alpha taunted and played with her before they both disappeared from sight.

"Stiles... she'll be fine" Scott tried to say comfortingly, immediately noticing Stiles' worry as he zoned out, his teeth tearing skin off from his bottom lip.

"You don't know that" he sighed, "we watched the Alpha kill Derek in seconds, if he wanted to kill her, he could alright? Easily!" he exclaimed, "dammit - I had her in my hands and I let her get away"

"She wanted to check on Derek"

"He looked pretty dead to me"

"Stiles... he's her cousin" Scott said softly, "she wanted to protect him"

"Fat load of good that's done her now, huh?!" he grunted, his frenzied worry turning into frustration, "if she gets hurt Scott... if she...

"I know" Scott nodded, looking a little taken aback by his fierce concern, "but we'll find her on the way out. I won't leave her"

"Good, yeah" he sighed, trying to shake the all consuming panic that was making him feel sick to his stomach, "let's go then"

He nodded towards the door, about to get the hell out of dodge, not wanting to stay in one place too long but the sound of hurried footsteps made him share a wide-eyed glance with Scott.

Shit... the Alpha.

Stiles' hand tightened on the back of Scott's T-shirt as they waited with baited breath, hearts hammering in unison as they stumbled backwards but, before they could hide, the door was thrown open and, much to his relief, Kayla was there, looking as equally shocked to see them staring back at her.

"Thank god I found you" she exclaimed, looking at the two of them in relief and Stiles felt something pulling in his gut - like the weight of the world had been removed from his shoulders, seeing her standing there unharmed and alive, every worst case scenario that had been playing over and over in his head suddenly evaporating. For the last ten minutes, he honestly thought she could be dead. Awful images of her getting ripped to shreds infiltrating his mind.

She stepped into the locker room, clearly in pain but hiding it well, her long hair knotted and messy, goosebumps trailing down her bare arms and her cheeks a light rosy pink.

"The Alpha, and Derek, and that guy in the back of-"

Stiles didn't let her finish that sentence, rushing forward and suddenly pulling her towards him, crushing her against his chest. He didn't know what possessed him to do it but, all he knew was, he was mega-relieved she wasn't lying dead next to Derek. Because if she had been... Stiles would've been heartbroken.

He let his eyes close for a second, pressing his cheek against the top of her head as he breathed in the smell of her strawberries and cream shampoo, the familiar scent immediately relaxing him.

Then he realised he was making a scene... again.

"Uh... yes, it's nice to see you too Stiles but you're sorta restricting my breathing" Kayla's voice mumbled through his shirt, breaking the awkward silence between the three of them. Stiles' eyes went wide with the realisation and he pulled away, holding her at arms length with his hands on her shoulders as he gave her a quick once over, checking she was, in fact, okay.

"Uh, yeah... um... I uh... I'm just glad you haven't been ripped in half" Stiles stuttered, "I mean, you're alive and that's a really, really good thing. To not be ripped in half. Or ripped in any direction and-wait" he called out, interrupting his own rambles as he reached down to touch the side of her waist, "you're bleeding"

His hand brushed over the material of her white top that had turned a brilliant red, a stain about the size of his fist covering her waist. Without thinking, his fingers lifting the top to see the damage.

It wasn't a big cut, nor was it particularly deep, but it seemed to have been a bleeder, the small chunk of her skin missing still oozing blood.

"Oh" she had muttered, blinking in surprise at his concern, sharing a surprised look with Scott, "yeah it's... it's nothing"

"Doesn't look like nothing" Stiles frowned, "maybe coach has some bandages or patches around here-"

"Stiles" she exclaimed, grabbing his arm and hauling him back before he could go on the hunt for a first aid kit, "honestly, I'm fine. But uh... that guy that Derek had tied up in the back of his car? He's gone"

"Deaton" he exclaimed, turning to point a finger in Scott's direction, "It's definitely your boss. Damnit Scott, your boss is a psycho killing werewolf"

"No" Scott protested, shaking his head in disbelief, "It-It can't be"

"It is - he's a murderer"


"I agree with Scott" Kayla said as the two of them looked at her in confusion, "It's just... I knew the Alpha, somehow, but that guy? Deaton? I didn't and..." she trailed off, looking at the two of them cautiously, "I'm thinking... we should split up" she proposed and Stiles' mouth opened in shock and so did Scott's.

""Split up?" Stiles exclaimed, "Split up?" he said louder, "split up as in separating from each other when there's a psycho killing werewolf boss-"

"It's not my boss" Scott protested weakly, looking offended that Stiles even considered that idea, but he ignored him.

"-out for our blood? I don't think so" Stiles continued stubbornly, crossing his arms, "you're meant to be smart Kayla"

She quirked a brow at him, unamused by his statement.

"Trust me, this is me being smart" she said, "the Alpha wants us all in here for a reason, and I don't trust myself. Not if he can control me"

"Yeah, what was up with that by the way?" Stiles asked, "not that Derek didn't deserve a few punches but-"

"I don't know" she interrupted, "all I know is, I don't wanna flip out again and try and kill you both"

"Let's agree not to do that anytime soon, okay?"

"I wish it was that easy" she mumbled, "I've never felt anything like that before. His rage was... overpowering. I mean, he made me try and kill Derek for crying out loud"

"Kayla..." Scott said sympathetically, "Derek dying isn't your fault"

Her eyes snapped towards Scott, like his statement unearthed some deep protectiveness buried inside her.

"Derek's not dead"

"He looked pretty dead to me" Stiles said, unable to stop himself, gulping as her narrowed gaze swung to his.

"Derek's not dead"

"Blood spurted from his mouth Kayla" he exclaimed, "that doesn't exactly scream healthy"

"Derek's not dead" she insisted, "I felt a pulse"

"You mean you felt for a pulse when you didn't listen to me and decided staying out there with the Alpha was a good idea?" he exclaimed, his worry that he had been feeling for her turning to frustration at the complete lack of care she had towards herself, like she didn't value her own life, "again, thought you were meant to be smart"

Straight away, he knew he was just burying himself in a deeper hole, saying things that he didn't give his brain time to filter through. Annoyed that she seemed to totally disregard anything to do with her own safety.

She narrowed her eyes at him, her demeanour shifting to the defensive as she folded her arms across her chest, her lips a thin tight line.

"I don't need a knight in shining armour and I certainly don't want one, so drop the hero complex" she ordered, "I'm a big girl, I can make my own decisions. My decision was to try and save Derek because, god knows, you two shitheads weren't going to bother"

Ooft. Ouch. He forgot how unfiltered she could be, happy to say whatever she was thinking regardless of the consequences or impact. Something that, although he greatly admired, he also found to be a slap in the face he needed.


He didn't know what to say, totally lost for words until Scott turned towards the door, his face twisting into panic.

"Oh god... oh god..."

"What?" Stiles asked, ready to make a move towards the door but Scott held out an arm, holding him back.

"Someone's out there"

Stiles didn't need anymore clarification than that. The possibly of that 'someone' being the Alpha was incredibly high so he simply scuttled backwards towards the lockers, much to Kayla and Scott's annoyance.

"What are you doing?" she hissed, shaking her head, "that's a stupid hiding place-oh"

He jerked her forward, cutting off her displeased words, not really thinking just knowing he needed to shut her up and hide her quick, knowing she'd be too damn stubborn to hide herself as he backed into the cramped locker and pulled her with him.

Scott was forced to do the same opposite them, scurrying in and slamming the metal door shut.

The locker was narrow and tight, the confined space not helping his panic as he reached down to grab Kayla's hips to tug her against him then reached behind her to shut the locker door as quietly as he could.

With the door shut there was even less room. His hands, now trapped behind her, were holding her hips as her body was pressed tightly against his own, their faces just millimetres apart.

Through the dim light he could see her watching him, her annoyance fading away when they heard the door to the locker room slowly swing open.

He was panicking, starting to feel his breathing escalate into heavy pants, his hands unintentionally tightening around her hips as a way to ground himself, trying to ignore the slow footsteps heading in their direction.

She must've noticed his fear, slowly reaching up to press her fingers against his mouth, an indication to be quiet. He was trying, he really was, but the footsteps kept getting louder and he really didn't want to die at school. Well, he didn't want to die anywhere but school was like an extra 'fuck you'.

He glanced down at her, the tip of his nose skimming along her forehead only to see her already looking across at him, her gaze calm.

He didn't know how she could do that - be so composed and collected, that was. He was a few seconds away from a full blown panic attack but here she was, staring up at him like nothing was phasing her. Her body still, breathing barely distinguishable, her fingers still pressed against his lips.

He held her stare, both not blinking as he tried to match her breathing pace but found himself now not breathing at all, just realising how damn close she was to him. His new found panic changed from the Alpha stalking and probably wanting to kill them, to having every inch of her body pressed against his. Not only that though, his hands were clinging to her, holding her this close and she wasn't pulling away. Granted, it was no doubt because they were hiding from a psychopathic werewolf, but it was still a positive right?

He swallowed nervously, the breath catching in the back of his throat as he felt his gaze zeroing in on her, not focused on anything else. And for a moment, just a moment, he forgot all about the Alpha. Completely lost in the feel of her body enveloped with his, her fingers slowly dropping from his lips.

She was looking back at him, her stare soft, brilliant green eyes gleaming through the dimmed light and he almost closed the small gap between them, the few centimetres of space between their faces suddenly seeming achingly too far but a loud yell made them both jump, Stiles looking above her head through the small vent spaces to see the janitor opening the locker Scott had been in, his shout being that of surprise and fright.

Not knowing what else to do, Stiles pushed open the locker door too, him and Kayla clumsily tumbling out and causing the Janitor to let out another ear splitting yell.

"Shhh shhh" he insisted, trying to quieten the janitor down but he was having none of it.

"Son of a bitch, what are you trying to do? Kill me?"

"Please be quiet" Scott was begging, his nervous eyes flitting to the locker room door.

"You need to get out of here" the janitor insisted, pointing at all three of them, "right now"

"Can you listen to us for like half a second-"

"Get out"

"Don't you put hands on me" Kayla exclaimed as he went to reach for her arm, "we're trying to save your ass"

"All of you, get the hell out"

He wasn't listening, that much was clear, pushing them out the door and pointing down the corridor.

"Can you just listen to us-"

Stiles' plead was cut off by the janitor getting pulled backwards and then thrown against the door, his body being pushed against the frosted glass before blood exploded from his body, his yell of pain reverberating down the hallway.

"We have to go, we have to go" Kayla screamed, her hand slipping into his as she tried to pull him along, "now, now, now, he's dead- let's go"

Stiles didn't need telling twice, that was for sure. All three of them running like the wind.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"A dumpster?" Kayla asked, frowning as the two boys tried to push open an emergency exit - kind of ironic really, seeming how this was an actual emergency.

"A frigging dumpster" Stiles confirmed, banging his body back into the double doors to try and open it but it wasn't budging.

"Stiles, forget the doors, let's go" Scott exclaimed loudly, dragging Stiles away from the doors and causing him stumble, leaving Kayla to roll her eyes but follow the two boys none the less.

"He wants us trapped" she murmured as they hurried along the corridors, "when I was out there with him, he could've killed me but he didn't. He wanted me in the school with you guys"

"Great - now he likes playing cat and mouse" Stiles said sarcastically, giving a small shake of his head, "we're going to die. We're all going to die. This is so not how I planned my evening"

"No one's going to die Stiles" Scott reassured, "we're all going to be fine"

"Then what the hell does it want?"

"Scott" Kayla answered truthfully, "he wants you in his pack. The bigger the pack, the stronger the Alpha. He wants you to help with his revenge plan"

"Great - an Alpha into teamwork, this night keeps getting better and better"

They were hurrying along the corridor and she suddenly felt very exposed, the long rows of windows on either side of them making her feel like a fish in a glass tank - vulnerable and on show.

Her steps slowed to a stop, an uncomfortable tingle seizing the back of her neck.

He was watching them... he was watching them right now.

"What? What is it?" Stiles asked, grabbing Scott to stop him running off and turning back to face her, "you have that look on your face like something bad is gonna happen"

"Go" she mumbled in dread, "get out of here"

"What?" Stiles asked, his brows pinched as he looked at her like it was the most ridiculous idea in the world, "we're not leaving you"

"I can feel him" she whispered, "and as much as you're both pains in my asses, I really don't want to kill you. So go. Please"

"That's not gonna happen" Stiles said adamantly, shaking his head, "I'm not leaving you here to be a chew toy"

She wanted to cuss him out for his stubbornness, yell at him that she was right and he was wrong and she was just trying to keep them safe, but that tingle in her neck travelled down her spine, that sense of dread swelling in the pit of her stomach.

He was close.

She could feel his hatred and rage, his thirst for blood and revenge making her head spin.

He was close... and he was watching them.

She swallowed nervously, turning her head to the left to peer out the window, her breath shuddering in the back of her throat.

It was one of the scariest sights she had ever seen. Like something taken straight out of a horror movie.

The Alpha, half hidden in the shadows, staring right in their direction from the roof, glaring with his blood red gleaming eyes and that was Kayla's mistake. She looked into his eyes. Just like she did before she crashed, just like before when she tried to kill Derek, and then now. The urge to help him exact his revenge was all consuming, poisoning her brain.

No, no, no. She wasn't going to kill her friends.


She took a few steps backwards, shaking her head and trying to look away but she just couldn't, enveloped in red.

"Run, we have to RUN" Scott hollered as he and Stiles took off down the hallway just as the Alpha began to run along the roof towards them on all four legs, a murderous, blood thirsty growl tearing from his throat.

She wanted to run with them, to not be so helpless but she was stuck, dangerous thoughts about helping the Alpha with his revenge infiltrating her mind.

All her life she had been independent, tried to be strong - to prove herself to a family of werewolves that she wasn't useless, that she wasn't a freak, that she could look after herself and didn't need saving.

She pushed herself in gymnastics. She pushed herself in weightlifting. She pushed herself in learning all about the supernatural world so she may actually be of some use to those around her. She pushed herself in training because she needed to be able to handle herself. And now? She had all that power taken away from her, her mind going completely blank apart from seeing red. The urge to kill taking over her body.

But then, to her complete surprise, Stiles was back in front of her, his caramel brown eyes wide and caring as he cupped her cheeks, forcing her gaze to meet his.

"Snap out of it Kayla... you have to snap out of it" he told her, giving her head the smallest of shakes to focus her attention on him and him only, "don't let him win"

Instead of sounding urgent and worried like any sane person would with an Alpha about to pounce on them at any moment, he sounded concerned, like his whole focus was on making sure she was okay.

She wanted so badly to listen to him but the Alpha's influence was strong and she felt the tears building up in her eyes. Tears of frustration and annoyance more than anything, feeling like she was losing an uphill battle. Whatever 'connection' she had with the Alpha taking away her own free will which was the most important thing of all. She could handle making the wrong decisions because at least she made them, it was her own fault, but not having any choice in the decisions being made? That was scary.

But the more she looked into Stiles' eyes, the more she felt at ease. The pressure of the Alpha's influence slowly leaving her body. Almost as if the antidote to the Alpha's poison was-

No. Surely not. There was no way. It was inpossible. Stiles couldn't be...

But it made sense. Earlier, when she was attacking Derek, the only thing that brought her back to her senses was the shout of her name... from Stiles. He, somehow, managed to bring her back to reality. She didn't know how, and she didn't know why, but somehow - he did.

Her brain was clearing, whatever rage filled, blood thirsty fantasy that had been infiltrating her mind was gone and, despite his own terror, he stayed with her. Blocking out everything around them, his face just inches from her own. Holding her cheeks and sticking with her through the uncertainty, having some form of trust in her that she wouldn't turn around and snap his neck.

The fog of murderous rage evaporated and she was left standing in his hold, somehow completely relaxed. Not having time to analyse what the hell had just happened before the window to their left suddenly exploded, shards of glass flying around them.

Logic over feelings.

She took charge, grabbing Stiles' shoulders and pushing him down, covering his body with hers to protect from the sea of glass and the sudden intrusion of the Alpha that had skidded to a stop, snarling between them all.

They were seperated. Scott on one side, her and Stiles on the other. The Alpha twisting his head to peer between them.

She grabbed Stiles, pulling him up and forcing him behind her, starting to walk them back slowly. The Alpha, clearly caught between who to go after - his beta, or the two humans.

"Hey" she yelled, noticing the Alpha's blood red stare beginning to focus on Scott, knowing she couldn't let that happen. Scott was vulnerable, and she didn't want him to turn Scott against them. All he needed to do was roar.

"W-What are you doing?" Stiles stuttered from behind her, tugging on her arm and letting out a small squeal as the Alpha, bowed on all fours, turned towards them.

"Trust me" she whispered, keeping her arm out behind her to hold him back, "I got this"

"Oh dear god" he mumbled in fear under his breath, "I'm going to die... I'm going to die..."

"That's it" she taunted, continuing to walk them both back as the Alpha got ready to lunge, "come and get us"

Luckily, she was quick. Grabbing Stiles' hand and pulling him with her as she ran, the thundering of heavy paws following them as she dragged him down the corridor and, when the Alpha was close enough, suddenly pushed Stiles to the side out of harms way, leaned down and bent over so the Alpha careened into her, tripping over her body and went rolling down the corridor, unable to stabilise himself.

What was it that she had heard coach say? 'The bigger they are... the harder they fall'.

She winced, knowing her entire side would be bruised to fuck as she stood, not even sparing the Alpha another glance as she grabbed a flailing Stiles yet again and ran back towards Scott, yelling at him to "go, go, go"

Luckily, the boy listened, picking his jaw up off the floor as they burst through the double doors at the end of the corridor and flew down the stairs, her hand still wrapped tightly in Stiles'.

"Where now?" Stiles wheezed, holding his side as they rounded the corner and ran down another flight of stairs.

"I don't know - anywhere" Scott replied desperately, his voice shaking with panic.

"The basement - go to the basement" Kayla instructed, pointing to the set of doors opposite them that led to the bottom floor corridor, the entrance to the basement not far from there.

"So we can, what? Get trapped down there? The basement has no escape" Stiles retorted loudly, but she paid no heed to his attitude, pushing past Scott and pulling Stiles to the set of doors.

"Exactly the point Stiles" she muttered sarcastically, giving them both a couple of seconds for the lightbulb to go off in their head, catching up with her plan but as she pushed herself through the double doors, she ran head first into something, causing everyone to let out a yell.

Luckily - or unluckily - it was Brian.

She honestly would've preferred the Alpha.

"What the hell?" she gasped, her frustration and fear causing her to still grip ahold of Stiles' sweaty hand, "what are you doing here?"

He didn't seem as shocked to see her as she did him, but his curious eyes did fall back on Scott and Stiles, a frown pulling between his brows.

"Meeting you" he replied, forcing a smirk on his lips, "I gotta admit, I like your style. Sneaking into school after hours for a bit of naughty fun? Now that's hot"

"What?" she asked, "I didn't ask you to meet me here"

"Agreed" Stiles spoke up from beside her, "because that would be a stupid lapse in judgement"

She rolled her eyes at Stiles' words, forgetting she was still holding his hand as Brian went to snarkily reply but noticed their hands intertwined, an annoyed glint shining in his gaze. She looked down, realising their fingers were interlinked and immediately dropped Stiles' grip, suddenly very uncomfortable with the touchy-feely crap, especially because she was still struggling coming to terms with how Stiles was able to pull her back.

"Yes you did" Brian stated, his voice hard and unwavering as he pulled his phone from his back pocket and opened up a text, holding it out for her to read.

'Come and meet me at the school. I want to have some fun' it read, the words there in black and white and, sure enough, the contact information was her name.

She went to feel for her phone, tapping her pockets only to realise she didn't have it on her, having used it to catapult towards the Alpha to stop him from eating Stiles.


The echo of a snarl came from behind them, jolting her back to the present.

"It's not safe" Scott insisted, "we need to go"

"Whoa, hold up" Brian exclaimed, stepping in front of them before they could run off, "what the hell is going on? Kayla?"

He turned his expectant stare to her, clearly annoyed and disappointed that her text wasn't inviting him for some 'naughty fun', his arms folded across his chest.

"You want to know what's going on?" Stiles demanded, drawing Brian's attention away from her, "you just walked into murder central. Well done. Maybe next time think with your upstairs brain instead of your downstairs one. Oh wait... you don't have much up there either, do you?"

Brian's fist shot out and clipped Stiles right in the nose before anyone had time to react, sending him flying back and into Scott's chest who managed to catch him.

"Okay, stop" she demanded, stepping between them before Stiles could lunge at Brian, holding his nose, "lower the levels of testosterone please"

"I've had enough of your lip, Stilinski!"

"Enough" she snapped, "both of you" she added before Stiles could even think about opening his mouth, "we don't have time for this. He's coming..."

A/N) ahhh so many many plans for this episode. It's slightly different with the addition of Brian, so that's gonna be fun lol and awww the tension is BUILDING between them. I cannot wait haha. So hope you all enjoyed and please please review and I will see you all soon :)

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