Ninjago Oneshots

By ImaginationsPortal

60.8K 845 1.3K

Just a bunch of Ninjago one-shots. The first seven-ish chapters suck, I apologize for that. This is my first... More

A/N -Request Page
Lloyd's Nightmares
Dark Secrets
"Those who smile brightest are the saddest"
How can I help?
Past Pains
Possesed Memories
Not your fault
Morro's Pain
The Lloyd sandwich
Two sides of me
Movie Night
King and Queen
Comfort Cuddles
Can I have a Hug?
Bedtime Stories
Robotic Anatomy
Windows and Fights
Pillow Fort
Tickle Fight!
What goes up, doesn't always come down
Cooking Days
Out of the Closet
Help me!
One Happy Family
English Lesson
Opposite of Feeling Fine
Power Outage
RGB Sibling Short
Snowball Fights
It's Okay to Cry Sometimes
Best Brother Ever!
What is love?
"I pissed him off,"
Comfortable Crushing
Do they even care?
Troublesome Lad
Five More Minutes
Family First
Zane x Dareth Prompt
What's 'Cuddling?'
My Body Hurts
Will You Read Me a Bedtime Story?
I Miss My Mom
Rainy Day Reading
Please... Take My Hand
Feral Kai
Forehead Kisses
Just A Nightmare
I don't like it
Fucked up coding

Screams and Shouts

672 9 5
By ImaginationsPortal

Yay! Platonic Moss because I can! Also slight angst, cuddles, a happy ending, and even better, Kid Lloyd! But also nightmares.

Cole's P.o.v.

I roll over and try to fall asleep. Something won't let me. Maybe it's Jay's soft snores or the washing machine's constant whirring. I sigh and get up. Quietly sneaking out of the room, I shut the door. I set about down the hall. I hear something so soft, I almost miss it the first time. I stop when I hear it again—a whimper. I move to Lloyd's door and listen. It happens again, but this time with a word.


What? Is Lloyd okay? Is he talking to someone?

"No, please... Not them. They're nice to me." His voice says again. I shake my head. Maybe he's talking to himself? I continue down the hall. I'm drinking some water when a loud, sudden scream makes me jolt. I race down the hallway, burst into Lloyd's room, and see him sitting straight up, screaming with tears pouring down his face.

"Lloyd! Are you okay?" I ask. He opens his eyes and closes his mouth. "Shh, shh. It's okay." I calm. He holds his arms out for me, still crying. I carefully sit next to him and pull him onto my lap. He tucks his head under my chin. The door gets shoved open again and the others are standing in the doorway. Zane takes a half step forward. Lloyd sucks his thumb absently, face still wet with tears. Sobs wrack his body, and his body jerks against mine. I motion for them to move closer. Jay sits next to us and rubs Lloyd's arms. Kai joins Jay's side, rubbing circles on Lloyd's hand. Zane sits quietly, watching.

"Lloyd baby? What's wrong?" I ask.

He still doesn't respond. Zane leans on my arm and lets Lloyd see him. Miraculously, he calms slightly. Zane pulls Jay and Kai into a position where Lloyd can see them. 

"He's still panicked," Zane explains. "He had a nightmare and his brain is sending mixed signals. By doing this he might calm down faster."

He seems to be right. Lloyd's calmer now, and less panicky. I rub his back as Nya appears, teal nightgown flowing. 

"What's going on?" She asks. Kai stands and walks over to her, wrapping an arm around her. 

"Lloyd had a nightmare, and we're calming him down." He explains. Nya sits and happily leans on Zane when he offers. Lloyd finally stops crying and nuzzles against me.

"C-Cole? Will you guys stay with me tonight?" He manages.

"If you want us to," I promise. He nods. I lay down and the others follow suit. With a yawn, Lloyd's asleep again. We cuddle while the others cuddle around us. I run my fingers through Lloyd's hair and close my eyes. We fall asleep, comforted by everyone's presence.

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