He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

5.6K 239 17

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama


52 3 0
By rainchellread

"You ain't shit. I would fuck with one of your peoples to get back, but they dusty as fuck and I don't do downgrades." Regina hollered as she threw all the clothes from  Ronald closet into a box. She had been on the phone with him for the past hour while she packed up all his belongings. He had refused countless times to get his things, because he insisted they needed to keep their family together until the kids were older. "I don't give a flying fuck where you go and what you do for that matter, but me and mine are better off without you here. All you do is cause chaos for me anyway, which in turn is showing my kids that's OK to tolerate a toxic person and i simply refuse to show them that for one more minute. Hell, honestly even if I didn't have kids I don't deserve this shit and I'm not going for it PERIOD!" She folded the flaps on the box once it was full and taped the top marking the side "Cheap ass clothes". Picking up another empty box from the pile she opened it and taped the bottom as she started cleaning out his dresser drawers. "The only reason you have to come here is get this shit and that's all. As far as the kids are concerned you can pick them up from your mother's on the weekend if you so please, because I don't wanna see you and I have nothing left to say to you. You fucking make me sick to my stomach." She told him and pressed the end key throwing the cellphone onto the large california king bed. Regina had been ignoring everyone's calls and when Rain popped up unannounced she didn't even answer the door for her. As far as she knew she had been made to look like a fool in front of them and they just expected her to suck that shit up and move on like nothing happened. That ain't never been in her nature to overlook disrespect and she wasn't about to start now. The dresser was the last thing she had to empty of Ronalds and she was going to put all the boxes in the garage and move on with her life. "Ma!!" Her youngest son came bursting into the room without knocking. "Boy! What i tell you about knocking before entering my room." He was literally jumping up and down with excitement, so he ignored the threatening glare she gave him and continued with his good news. "Daddy about to take us all to Dave and Busters then out to eat. He said get ready cause even if you don't feel like it we having family time now.!" He was so happy he didn't even wait for response before he turned around and ran from the room to go get ready for his day of fun. "This muthafucka!!"  Taking a few deep breaths, Regina calmed her nerves and went into the bathroom to get some advil out of the cabinet. She felt a headache coming on. She turned on the faucet in the sink and poured 4 200mg tablet into her hand and popped them in her mouth before using her hands to scoop some water and swallowed hard.
"I know you not just getting dressed this late in the evening.! Hurry up we all waiting on you." Regina whole body got stiff at the sound of Ronalds voice and she turned her head slowly to see him standing in the bathroom doorway with his hands in his pockets. He had on a black sweatsuit and some red, white and black Jordan's with a red fitted on his head. "I could choke the shit out you right now. Didn't I just say I don't wanna see you or talk..." He held his hand up interrupting her "Yeah, yeah...all that shit you talking, later on tonight you gone be crying my name with your legs in the air. Let's just skip the dramatics this time alright?! Now hurry your slow ass up, cause these kids is jumping all over the furniture in the livingroom." He turned around to make his way out the room and stopped when he saw all the boxes she had packed. "You going somewhere? I know you not trying to move my kids away from me." Regina came storming out the bathroom charging full force at him "Ninja you leaving! I'm sick of yo shit!" She screamed and threw a punch. His reflexes were fast and he grabbed her arm turning her around and pulled her into him while holding bothe her wrists. "Calm yo lil feisty ass down. This will not be a repeat of what happened last time, cause I swear to God Gina....if you hit me Imma work your lil ass and you gonna wish you never met me." Tears sprang in her eyes and she struggled to get free. "I already regret I ever met you! I hate you! I wish you would just die!" Although Ronald knew he put her through a lot he hadn't expected that response and it bothered him to hear her say those things to him, even if she was angry. "Gina, baby I know I messed up, but we always get it together. It's me and you for life remember?" He released her when he realized her sobs were growing louder and she was struggling less. "Get...the...fuck out my .....face Ronald! Get...the fuck out my house!" Ronalds heart broke as he watched her body crumbled on the floor. She was his first love and the mother of his children. No matter what he had put her through she always stood by him and remained loyal. He knew he fucked up big time, she had never packed his things before. "Listen, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I don't even know what I was thinking getting with your friend girl like that." He walked the short distance to her and squat down so he would be eye level. "She threw herself at me and at first I rejected her, but she was persistent. Come on Gina, I know, but I feel fucked up right now." He reached out and gently grabbed her hand. Regina was sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest, arms crossed over her knees and her head buried in her arms. She hated to show him her tears, she didn't want sympathy, she wanted him to leave her alone, so she could heal and finally find someone that would love her right. "You ain't sorry!" She lifted her head showing her bloodshot eyes and snatched her hand from his. "You just feel guilty cause you got caught!" Shaking her head she pushed herself up and went to sit on the small loveseat. Grabbing a kleenex off the side table she blew her nose before continuing. "If I hadn't found out tou would still be fucking her!" She sniffled and more tears started streaming down her face "Why, just answer me why! What did I ever do to you to make you wanna hurt me so damn bad. I mean I get that cheating happens, but damn my friend?" She put her hand over her chest as if she could physically feel her heart breaking. "We were like sisters! Now I don't wanna have shit to do with her cause you can't control your dick, like a little horny teenager, running around hitting anything that move" Ronald took a deep breath and put his head down. He had no response, cause he didn't even know why he would hurt her like that. He just like new pussy, but if he said that to her she probably really try to kill him, so he remained silent. "You don't even know do you?! That's a damn shame!" She stood up and made her way to the bathroom. "Since your punk ass wanna promise shit to my kids I gotta go get ready, but I swear this ain't happening again, cause next time you'll just have to explain to them why I don't wanna be around you." Letting out a breath he hadn't realize he was holding he sighed. "You right, that was low, but I'm glad you decided to join us." Ronakd knew her going with them was her way of of allowing a little room for him to prove to her that he was truly remorseful. For what their relationship was, she was a good wife to him she just nagged to damn much, but he wasn't gonna give up a woman like her so easily. "Get out my room so I can get dressed." Regina said screw facing him. Ronald held back a smile as he opened the door to give her time. "She pissed, but I'm still in there." He thought to himself as he closed the door and went to make sure the kids were ready as well.


🥰😍😘❤️❤️ Hey guys. Hope yoyr enjoying the story.

Wooooo! Regina know her tongue sharp. Do she seem like she fed up enough to seriously end it all? Or you think Ronald still got a chance? Should she forgive him for the sake of her marriage and family like he wants?

Do you think Ronald is actually remorseful and plans to change his behavior? Why would he choose to stay when all he do is step out on her anyways?

It's sad that the kids are always the ones that suffer. You think they know what's going on or their parents seem to argue like this so often it's normal to them.

Let me know what you think in the comments. Should this be the last straw for Regina?

Well of course there's more I got in store for you, but the only way to find out is to stay tuned. As always don't forget to vote, comment and share

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