Ben10 human girls x male read...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including human females from Ben 10 series. More

Female Ben 10 x male reader Bennette Tenyson(Bene for short)
Lucky girl and Gwen Tennyson x Male reader
Female Ben&Gwen x male reader
Joan Maplewood x male reader
Original&Omniverse Gwen x male reader Interdimensional date
Female Kevin Levin x male reader Karen Levin
Female Benverse & Beachday
Female Ben 10000 x Male reader
Nega Bene x male reader
Nega Bene x male reader part 2
Helen Wheels x male reader
Bad Gwen x shy male reader
Eunice(Unitrix x male reader)
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Rook
Female Omnivese Ben 10 x male reader
Female Mad Ben x Male reader
Female Ben 23 x male reader
Werewolf Gwen x Male reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Albedo
Gwenettes x Male reader
Female Ben 10000 Omiverse x male reader
Molly Gunther x Maler reader
Mazuma x male reader
Charmcaster x Male reader
Gwen's french teacher x Male reader
Female Cooper Daniels x male reader
Gwen&Gwen's clones x Male Reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Kevin
Pinky x Male Reader x Missy
Mad Gwen x Male reader
Swift x Male Reader
Helen Wheels x Male Reader x Female Manny Armstrong
Ben 10000's daughter Gwendolyn Tennyson x Male Reader
Turbine x Male Reader
Change of face Dog girl x Male Reader
Frightwig x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x Male Reader
UAF Gwen x Male Reader
Perfect day cheerleaders x Male Reader
Christmas special:Elf Gwen x Male Reader
Gwenom Tennyson x Male Reader
Omniverse Gwen x Male Reader
Omniverse Lucky Girl x Male Reader
Gwendolynn Tennyson x Male Reader
Sparksville woman x Male Reader
Female Ben 10 x Male Reader x Female Generator Rex
Ben's fouth grade teacher x Male Reader
Ben 10 female goth students x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x male reader part 2
Valentine day
Emily x Male Reader 50th story
Pierce's girlfriend x Male Reader
Mad Helen Wheels x Shy Male Reader
Tiffany x Male Reader
Ship/Julie fusion x Male Reader
Mrs Fang x Male Werewolf Reader
Dr.Borges x Male Reader
Blonde classmate x Male Reader
Mandy and Female Andy x Male Reader
Carol Smith x Male Reader
Councilwoman Liang x Male Reader
Cryptid Drew Saturday x Male Reader
Robo Rojo x Male Reader
Trina x Male Reader
Rojo's gang x Male Reader
Female Circus freaks x Male Reader
Female Bird vilians x Male Reader
Female Ben&Gwen x Male Reader Part 2
Female Forever knights x Male Reader
Female sumo x Male Reader
Female Sublimino x Male Reader
TetraGwen x Male Reader
Anniversary #1
UpGwen x Male Reader
Female Dr.Animo x Male Reader
Gwen harem x Male Reader
Perfect day pizzza workers x Male Reader
Tigris (Nyancy) Chan x Male Reader
Female Ben x Shy Male Reader
All That Glitters victims x Male Reader
Female Cops x Male Reader
Hoverboard girl x Male Reader
A change of face Prison harem x Male Reader
Ben's female classmates x Male Omnitrix Wearer Reader
Possesed Kai Green x Male Reader
Merry Christmass
Black knight x Male Reader
Mad Ben's female slaves x Male Reader
Female Sumo x Male Reader Part 2
Monster weather girl x Male Reader
Vigilante Lucky girl x Male Reader
Ben 10000 Policewoman x Male Reader
Hot stretch lady x Male Reader
Natalie Alvarez x Male Reader
Anniversary #2
Mrs.Jones x Male Reader
Ben's UAF classmates x Male Reader
Possessed Gwen and Charmcaster x Male Reader
Rook's fan girls x Male Reader

Elena Valadis x Male Reader

1.6K 28 8
By gentelmanbeast

Year 2005

It was a sunny summer day.Temperatures were raising,birds with cooling of in the bird baths and particular family was moving into their new home.Both parents and their son were moving boxes back ad forth from the moving truck and their car.

Y/N:Ugh,did we really have to do this when its so hot?
D/N:Look at it this way.Since its summer,you have enough time to get to know the town and make some new friends before school starts.

Y/N:But cant we at least take a break.

M/N:The sooner we finish,the sooner you can get a break.If we get everything ready today,youll have an entire day tommorow off.Or do you want to do this tommorow too?


He continued to carry the boxes with his parents with out a break.When he got to the cars trunk,he got his hands on his back and bent backwards to stretch-

???:Youre new here right?


He turned and saw a girl around his age with black shoulder lenght hair,red jacket and black jeans.

Y/N:Um yes,we just moved here.Im Y/N.

???:Elena.Elena Valadis.Need a hand?


He tried to lift another box but was strugling to even get it up.All of a sudden,he felt the box getting lighter.Then he saw Elena on the other sid eof the box,across him.

Elena:Got your back.Well,front anyways.

The clumsiy walked over to the house and had to adjust a little to fit through the doors.When they set the box down,Y/Ns parents just came down from the uptairs.

D/N:Y/N,whos this?

Elena:Im Elena Valadis.I saw you struggling with the boxes so Id thought Id be a good neighboor and help out.

M/N:How sweet of you.Do your parents know youre here?

Elena:My dads just across the street.I already told him Im here.If you want,I can ask him to help if you want.

D/N:Did you say Valadis?

Y/Ns parents exhange a suspicious look before turning to kids again.

D/N:Why dont you two kids go out and play?I just remember we have something to do.Old friends to call.

Y/N:But you said-

D/N:That you should go out and play.Now go on.

Y/N was confused but shrugged either way since got a break from carrying the boxes.


Elena:C'mon,I can show you around town.

She grabbed him by his arm and pulled him away from his house and down the street.

M/N:Should we call someone?

D/N:No,not yet.We should be ready though.Maybe he changed but we should be at high alert,just in case.

Timeskip playground

They eventually made it to a classic playground.It had everything kids oved.Swings,big house with a slide,sandboy,merry go round,seesaw,jungle gym,monkey bars and more.Elena let go of his arm and ran to the swings before standing on it and started to swing.When Y/N caught up to her,he saw one the other one to catch his breath.

Elena:So where are you from?

Y/N:(Home town).We had to move here to Bellwood because of my dads job.

Elena:And what does he do?
Y/N:Hes just a plumber,nothing exciting.

Elena:A plumber you say?Wouldnt you know it,same as my dad.

Y/N:Really?What a coincedence.

Elena:And its a lot more exciting than you think.When I grow up,Im gonna be like him.

Elena:All kids want to be like their parents.And its fun.

Y/N:Oh yeah,fixing drains,instaling toilets and other plumber things are the very definition of fun.

Elena:You dont trust me?Then how about I show how fun it is to be a Plumber?

Y/N:But you said youre gonna show me around town.

Elena:I can to that later.We still have plantey of summer left.Now come on slowpoke.

She jumped off the swing and started pulling him by his hand again.

Y/N:Will you stop pulling me?!

Elena:Only if you stopped being so slow,haha!

Timeskip Elenas home

Elena:Dad,Im back.

There was no answer.Apart from the sound of their own footsteps and the closing doors,there was a complete silence in the entire house.

Elena:I guess hes not here.

Y/N:Maybe he got called for a job?

Elena:Good.Then that means we have the house all to ourselves an we might get a new peice for the collection.

Y/N:What collection?And please let it be an answer that doesnt include pulling me.

Elena:Fine.But youre no fun.

Y/N:So far you havent been very much,yourself either.

Elena:Just come upstairs.

She went up the stairs adn Y/N followed behind her.Once on the last floor,she pulled down the rope that was hanging from the ceiling and the stairs lowers to the floors so they could go in the attic.Much like the Simpsons.After climbing the stairs to the attic,Elena turned on the lights and walked over to a large wooden chest.

Y/N:I suppose youre gonna say your dad id secretly a pirate or something like that?


The chest had a lock but instead of using a key,Elena slid it side way to show it was a fake covers that hid an array of tiny buttons.She typed in the correct sequence and the chest made a sound of something hermetically sealed being opened.She lifted the cover to show the inside of the chest was metalic and had some sort of a high tech looking cubes.

Y/N:What are those things?
Elena:Wait and see.Its gonna blow your mind.

She picked one and pressed the button on top.A hand opped out on the other and and she pulled it.Then,with handle still in her hand,the cubed shifted into a sci if looking weapon the size of a bazooka.

Y/N:What-how-what is that?!

Elena:Its awsome.There are regular plumbers that fix the pipes and then there are the real Plumbers.They are like the space cops.

Y/N:You mean like Men in Black?

Elena:No,the Plumbers are all over the galaxy.They fight aliens and gather their tech.Every time dad goes on a mission,he brings back something amazing.

Y/N:Is it safe?

Elena:Sure they.Ive been handling alien technology before kinder garden.I can tell The Series 4 De-Atomizer from de moleculizer XL4 with my eyes closed.Though,my personal favorite is still the ion inhibitor model six.Cant go wrong with the classics.

Y/N:Can we go now?This place is creeping me out.

Elena:Dont be such a baby.No one know that this is all here and is not active right now.Speaking of which,you wont tell any of this to anyone.Right?

Y/N:Who would belive?
Elena:Not good enough.Promise.

Y/N:OK,I promise I wont tell anyone about this.Now can we go?
Elena:Fine.We can restart the tour of the town.Starting,with the cinema.Theres a great movie about a rogue AI robot with unstable emotions playing today.We have to see it,come on.

Y/N:Hey wait!

She started dragging him out of the house again,while his parents watched through the windows in hopes of discovering something.

Timeskip three weeks later

After some time together,Elena and Y/N both grew closer.And it wasnt just because of the secret they were sharing.Being next door neighboors and same age mean they had a lot in common and a plantey of time ontheir hands.Right now,they were playing video games in Y/Ns room.

Y/N:So,a month and a half of summer left.How are we gonna spend them?
Elena:This game is a good start.But itll be over in few missions.

Y/N:How do oyu know that?

Elena:I watched a walkthrough at home.

Y/N:Hey,thats cheating.

Elena:No,I just whanted to know how the story ends.Its not my fault I have good memory.

Y/N:Still cheating.

Elena:Oh yeah?What about you always picking characters first.

Y/N:Thats not cheating.Since its my house and my console,its also my privelage.First come first serve.

Elena:Doesnt apply when you already live here.

Y/N:Heh,well see.Maybe we could go to the public pool before they close.

Elena:Meh,the first and last days of summer are always so crowded.And there is no one that plays with me.They all have their own friends or are too young for me.

Y/N:Well youre in luck.Becaue a,its techically middle of summer.And b,you have me.I always wanted to try Marco Polo in a big pool.

Elena:I never played that.But I think I get the mechanics of it from what Ive seen on TV.

Y/N:How about we go ask our parents can we go after we finish this mission?
Elena:Only after were sure the cutscenes over.Youre gonna like this one.Ans we only need to ask your parents.

Y/N:How come?

Elena:He had to go on a bussiness trip.He didnt say where and he promised hell be back before the summer end.Watch out.


Just as he turned his attention to hte screen,a minion came out of nowhere and killed his caharcter.

Y/N:Aw man.

Elena:Look at the bright side.

Y/N:What bride side?

Elena:We dont have to get up until after we finish this mission.And we said that we swap everytime someone dies.


He handed her over his controller and she gave hers to him.For a second,their hands grazed each other and while Y/N thought nothing of it,Elenas cheeks turned cherry red.She smiled as she watched him play and kill various smallfry enemies.She let out a loving sigh before turning her attention back to the screen.

Timeskip next week public pool

After ceaseless begging and repeatedly saying please,Y/Ns parents agreed to drive them to the pool.The car pulled up in the parking lot and made their ways to the chaging rooms.Y/N was just applying suncscream to the last part of his body that was exposed to the light when girls finished getting dressed.

Elena:Im ready.What do you think?

He turned to look at her and became awestruck.Her swimsuit sported the same color pallet she usually had.Meaning black and red,blakc back with red front that aslo had black spots.She looked like a really cute,and little backwards lady bug.

Y/N:I um,...y-y-you look nice.

She blushed and looked away,holding the forearm of her other hand after hearing him compliment her.


D/N:OK kids,you better get in the water before it gets really crowded.Well only be her just for few hours.

Elena:I dindt put sunscream yet.Can you help me Y/N?


She sat down on the pool chair and grabbed the bottle of sunscream.She let out a little on her palm and gave the bottle to Y/N before applying the said cream on her legs.Y/N was confused and didnt know where to start.So he moved her hair away and started rubbing it in her neck.The sheer contact made he twitch a little.

Elena:Slowly,its cold.


He put another serving of it on his hand and rubbed them together to warm them up a bit then slowly started rubbing it in her shoulders.Since itd be the second most difficult place to reach after the back.Once she was done with her legs and Y/N with her shoulders,she finished the arms herself.

Elena:OK,now were ready.Last one there is an Lepdopteran larvae.

Y/N was confused again and even raised his eyesbrow but shrugged and figured its not important before running after her.She jumped up and canonballed into the water.Y/N stopped before water and was about to dip in his foot.

Elena.Just come in.The waters f-fine.

He decided to sit down and push himself in the water.Which was surprisingly cold.

Y/N:Ah!Y-you said the water w-was fine.

Elena:If you jumped like me,youd get used to it quicker.Now how about some Marco Polo.Ill be Marco.

She swam away ftom him a little,closed her eyes and turned around three times.



She headed for him as he got under water up to his chin and slowly pushed himself from the wall with his foor in the opposite direction.As Elena tried to grab at the empty spot in front of a wall,it made him remember how he sued to play a different version with his family.Since it was in a medium sized pool with just few of them,everybody would be quiet while the one who was Marco needed to find them by sound.Y/Ns great hearing and ability to make his opponents laugh helped him a lot.



This time she tried to swim for him faster to catch up to him but he took a deep breath and dived underwater.He planned to resurface when she passed but she stopped right above him.He didnt know how long will he be able to hold his breath.


She opened her eyes and looked around to see Y/N was gone.Looking at the water to see if hes under it also proved to be less then fruitfull search.

Elena:Y/N?Y/N where are you?Thats it,I give up.

Y/N was quickly running out of air and had to resurface for air.But in doing so he had to lift Elena above him in the air until she was sitting on his shoulder.

Elena:Y/N,where did you go?

Y/N:(Gasp)Down.Didnt think youd stop right above me.When I play with my family,we mostly just hide and keep quiet.

Elena:Hey,you said you never played Marco Polo.

Y/N:I didnt.At least the official version.But since you gave up,I guess its my turn now.

Elena:No fair.

Y/N:I dont know why youre complining.Polo part is better than Marco.

She thought for a second and smirked,making Y/N a little nervous.Nervous enough to gulp in fear.

Elena:OK,Ill play along.Now close your eyes and the rest.

Y/N took a breath in and breathed out before swimming away from her and repeating the whole routine Elena did.



It was easy to follow her voice.Her movements in water,not so much.The problem with public pools was too many people and noise so he had to concenrated.Unless she crossed paths with someone and Y/N was now stalking some stranger,he was on the right on her tail.



Her voice was in a hurry,he mustve been getting close.He yelled Marco again but regardless speed up in the smae direction he was going for a while.It didnt even matter that he didnt hear a Polo in return,he didnt actually notice.He swam as fast as he could until he chrashed into something soft and squishy.He rubbed his head and opened his eyes to see he bumped into a heavier woman with sunglasses and a big hat.


His state of embarassment was interupted when he heard Elenas laugh behinf the woman.He saw around and saw her laughing her lungs off and sitting on hte edge of the pool.

Y/N:Very funn.

Elena:Haha,yea.I thought so hahaha!

He wanted to get back at her so he pulled her by the leg.She thankfully didnt hit her head on the the floor and just fell in the water.When she resrfaced and coughed up some water,she saw Y/N still hled her foot and had an unsetling smirk on his face.

Elena:What are youahahhah!

She didnt get a chance to finish as he started to tickle her forr with his free hand.

Y/N:Still funny?

Y/N:Are you going to apologize?


Y/N:I cant hear youuu.

Elena:Iaaahm sorryyyyhahaha!

Y/N:So close,one more.

Elena:Hahah,Im sorry!Hahaha!


He let go of her foot and she struggled to get to air.

Elena:Please,hehe,no more tickling.

Y/N:No promises,but Ill try.At least what I did wasnt on purpose.

Elena.I said I was sorry.Truce?
She offered him her hand and smiled like an innocent lamd.Y/N returned the smile and shook her hand.


But somethimes,the lamb is just a wolf in sheeps clothing.So she pulled him by the hand in the water and waited for his to resurface and get to air before saying:

Elena:Starting now.

Y/N:Youre an evil little girl.

Elena.Thats why you like me.

She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and swam away from him.

Elena:Last one to the end of the pools buying ice cream.

She swam on while Y/N stood frozen and lightly touched his cheek.After a while,he came to his senses and got his game face on before swimming after her.

Timeskip months later

Y/N was coming home from school but was worried since she was absetn in the class that day.Getting into his street,he saw a moving van and another family in front of her house.Now he was really worried.He hurried to his house and as son as he got in,he dropped his backpack by the doors and started calling for his parents whilst running all over the house.He eventually fond them sitting in the kitchen with serious expression on their faces.

Y/N:Whats going on?Why is someone moving into Elenas house?Where is she?
D/N:Think you should sit down for this one.

Y/N was confused as he slowly took a seat across them.He never saw he parents so serious.Almost like a concern.

D/N:My job...isnt why to think.

M/N:Plumbers,the one like your dad-

Y/N:Are cops for aliens?

Both his parents get wide and are silent for a while.

D/N:Where did you leanred that from?

Y/N:Elena told me.He dad is one too.

M/N:Which is is the part of the problem Y/N.You see,hes been stealing Plumber technology for a while.

D/N:At first there were no clues poiniting directly at him by nobody trusted him.He learned that were onto him and left.Elena and all his stolen goods with him.

Y/N:W-where are they?

D/N:We dont will probably never see her again.Ever.

Y/N was lost for words his best friend was gone forever.Any sound that tried to leave his mouth cane out in choked sobs.He began tearing up on the spot and his mother left her chair to hug him tightly.His father on the other hand didnt know how to aproach the situation and just left the kitchen.He stopped before the window that gave him the view of the Valadiss last known location.He didnt want his son to live in the word where even the best people can turn to the life of crime.And if he wanted his son safe,that meant protecting him from Elena as well.The sooner he learned the better.But he was not ready for the flood of tears that lasted the rest of the day.He looked at the picture of Y/N and Elena hugging and eating ice cream under the sun on the shelf.The picture became dusty and gray as the male arm lifted it off the shelf.Air was blown on it and a tissue cleaned away the dust.With the glass now clean,Y/Ns teenage face could be seen.He set the picture down and put on the coat to take a walk outside.

Timeskip 5 years later.

Now a fifthteen year old Y/N walked over to the window to look at Bellwood at night.In particulary,the house across the street.The young couple that boguth the house some months ago could be seen holding their baby through the window.Y/N sighed and went to the attic.Once there,he opened a metal chest he aquired legally.Actually,it was assigned to him,he just made some modifications.It was a Plumbers suit but I metalic,dark F/C color.He put it oe along with some detachable modifications.The gautlets,boots and a small thin backpack of the same design as the rest of the suit.Lat but not least was the mask.Once he put it on,the dark of attic was green and digital,coplete with night vision and targeting system.He made his way to the attics round window and crawled out.

Y/N:Another day,another Plumber night.

He jumped of the roof and onto the roof of other house.He was sprinting across them until he got into the skyscraper are.He jumped as high as he could and pressed a button under his gautlet.When he landed on theside of the buidling,he stuck like a gecko.He crawled over to the edge of the building to see how far was the airport.It was relativle close,but not worth the run.

Y/N:OK,enough exercise for now.

He turned off the elctricity in his finger that helped him climb like geckos do and fell.While falling he clapped his hands and activated the backpack.Its underside opened and a brignt glow fired out of it,turning it into a jetpack.He was gonna make it to the airport in ten minute or else.

Timsekip 15 minutes later

Y/N:I really need to work on my steering.

He was waiting atop tairport tower and observing the people leaving the various aircrafts.One induvidual stood up among the others.Well two,but the hodded figure with black glasses and a red coat is for police to handle.Skinny,pale faced,bold man that was deseratley clutching onto his brifecase was his to deal with.He followed him silently into the alley.

Skinny man:Ahhh,finally!I cant ssssstand another sssecond with those primatesss.

He grabbed the side of his face and began pulling.What he took off turned out to be an ID mask.And the man turned out to be a serpentine alien known as the Ssserpent.The snake that walks like a man.He dropped his suitcase and it oppened with the compresed air flowing out.He reached in and took out a blaster shaped weapon.

Ssserpent:With thisss,I will finally get my rewenge on Ben Tennyssssson.

Y/N:Think again scalebrain.


He dropped down and pressed with his thumbs,a button in the middle of his palm and pointed at him.Small grappling claws lached on the weapon and pulled in away.

Ssserpent:Ssso,the rumors were true.The vigilante Plumber that ssstalks Bellwood.I was hoping to run into you.

Y/N:I aim to please.Among other things.

He aimed his fist at him and grabbed his arm with other hand.That position alone activated a power pulse function and release a ring of green energy out of the gautlet and at the Ssserpent who unfortunetley dodged.He then pounced at Y/N who flew back but hit the wall which,at least teporarely,shut his jet pack down.

Y/N:Well,thats a pain in the backpack.

Ssserpeant sent one of it mouth hands at him but Y/N smacked it away before jumping back.Then with him hands both fists now,he hit his knuckles together which initiated the the program that simply put,made the suit bulk up.It made it metalic muscle mass inflate until he was the size of Tetramand.Ssserpeant sent his hand at him again but Y/N caught it.Then the scally villian tried to aim for the head with his other hand but that too got caught.He tried pulling back but to no avail.

Y/N:See,thats the problem when you fight someone in the broad daylight.Everyone can see your weakness.

He raised his arms in the air and slammed Ssserpeant down,knocking him out.Then he dragged him away,deeper in the ally.After tying him up in knots with his own coils and arms,Y/N called the Plumbers and told them where to find Ssserpeant.All the while unaware he was being watched by the mysterious figure from the airport.

Y/N:Flight back is no option.Guees Im stuck playing Tarzan again.

He turned on the electricity on his gautlets and began climbing the building.

Y/N:This will be a long,long way home.

While he was climbing,he also didnt noticed that the mysterious figure took a picture of him.With only thier chin visible,it was clear that the figure smiled after the photo was taken.

Timeskip days later

Y/N:Phew,what a day.

Y/N got home after a exhausting day at highschool and as soon as he got to it,dropped on the couch,not bothering to make it to his room.He reached down for a remote but felt paper instead.In confusion,he lifted it and saw a letter.

Y/N:Gone to Aldabra for second honey moon.We left you money at the kitchen table,fridge is full.Love mom and dad.Guess that means more Plumber time for a month.But first,TV time.

He picked the remote and turned on the TV,after which he scrolled through endless programs and finding almost nothing watch worthy.Until he found something special on the news.

Reporter:Were coming to you live at the grand opening of the new Valadis Laboratories.


Reporter:We have with us the founder of this place,miss Elena Valadis in person.

Y/N jumped from the couch and got closer to the screen in disbelief.

Y/N:Could it be?...Elena...

Reporter:Miss Valadis-

Elena:Please,call me Elena.

Reporter:Elena,could you tell us a bit more about your laboratory?

Elena:Of course.I always tried to make the best of things.The nanochips you are about to see are no differen.

She beckon with her right hand before turning and walking away.The camera crew followed her in the building eventually the lab itself.There seemed to be glass cages in the walls that kept nanochips floating.

Elena:What we do here is trying to perfect the technology left by an unknown inventor to help humanity.The nano techology has infinite posibilities when put to practice.Medical comunity,information transfer,fuel efficiency,energy preservation and many more.

Reporter:Wow,trully interesting stuff.What are you currently working on?

Elena:Were reprograming every old chips to obey our,how to say,digital fingerprint.Were also manufacturing new prototypes by the hundreds every day.After that,well begin exposing them to known toxins and bacterias so theyll know to target them whilst leaving the body unharmed.

Y/N couldnt hear anything anymore as he bolted out of his house and headed for the grand opening of Elenas lab.He was flying across the roofs as fast as he could.He almost hit several objects on the way but he just could wait.Only thought was hurry!


Elena was just waving off the camera crew with a smile before breathing a sigh of relief.She whiped her hands against each other and went back to her lab with someone following her in the shadows.She walked over to the large microscop and adjusted the size.When she saw what she was looking for,she moved away to write something on the small nearby notebook.Then two shadowy arms apeared from behind her and covered her eyes.

???:Guess who?

She reacted immediatley and grabbed the arms to swing the person above her and slammed them on the floor after which she gripped their neck before they realized who it was.

Y/N:(Cough)Gee,youre not still mad about that game marathon,are you?


She let go of his throat and dropped down to hug him.Which in turn was just a diffrent form of suffocation.When the moment of sheer joy passed,she stood up and pulled Y/N to his feet.

Elena:I havent see you in years!How are you?

Y/N:Good.Now that youre here,amazing!Where were you?

Elena:There was a little misunderstanding and my dad got blamed.But none of that matters no,Im just glad to see you again.

She quickly hugged him again but with both of them now on their feet,her head reached only past his torso.

Elena:Didnt notice how big you got.What happened,dropped the games and snacks?
Y/N:You could say that.What about you?Never thought of you as a lab coat nerd.

Elena:I think I pull it of great.Check this out.

He let go of his and reached in her pocket to pull out a pair of glasses and put them on.Then she slowly lowered them while also lowering her head.


Y/N:Now thats more like you.

Author:(This short performance was inspired by Penny Hofstadter from The big bang theory.As one briliant mind once said,bazinga.)

Elena:But to answer your question,it somehow,clicked in me.I feel so connect with them.My dad was helping people from the aliens and they didnt even know it.Then Plumbers turned on him.Im just trying to help and bring back the deserved respect to the Valadis name.

Y/N:Seems youre doing a pretty good job of it,if I say so myself.

Elena:Thanks.So what have you been up to all these years?
Y/N:Oh you know,school,high school and such.I still play Plumber from time to time.

Elena:Really?Arent you kind of old for that now?

Y/N:Not the way Im doing it.Follow me.

He led her to the hallway they passed on their way to the lab.There was a couch near a houseplant and awater cooler to make it look less empty.Y/N walked over to the couch and from behind it,pulled out his custom made Plumber suit and backpack.He could see she was pleasantley surprised.

Elena:Youre a Plumber!

Y/N:Yep.After you were gone,my parents told me about the Plumbers themselves and I begged them day and night to joing in.Ive been home schooled in Plumber business since then and I put off the high school for a year so I could go to the Plumber academy.Then I decided to be like a lone guarding of the night like Batman or Raphael in that movie with thirteen monsters.

Elena:I never seen one like that.Is it a new issued suit or maybe something for specific class of Plumbers.

Y/N:I added a few things.Most of the suit is custom made by me and ready to tackle almost everthing.

Elena:Can I try it?
Y/N:Well,it might be a bit too big for you,but you can take the backpack for a sping.

Elena:What do you mean?

Y/N:Here,let me show you.

He put the back on her back and clapped his hands.Soon enough,the jetpack turned on and flew Elena in the air.

Elena:Woah!My nanochips certainly cant do something like this.

She flew around in circles with a surprising ease for her first time.Ehat happened during her flight was virtually invisible to the naked eye.One of the Valadis nanochips had snuck up on her lab coat and from there,made it's way inside the jetpack.She then decided to land before causes any damage.

Elena:Phew,I havent had this much fun in dogs age.

Y/N:They why dont you come with me?Cmon,its gonna be like the good old times.

Elena:I dont.They need me.


Elena:Um,the people.Nanochips can make the whole world better.Trust me.

She rest her palm on his hand in reassuring manner which wasnt necesarry.Thats what made it the exact opposite,alarmin,unnerving.

Y/N:Um,OK?I didnt say anything against you.So what do you say?

Elena:Maybe some other time.It was nice seeing you again.Bye.

She turned back to go to her laboratory whilst waving Y/N goodbye.


He picked his jetpack and put it on his back.For some reason,it felt a bit tighter than before.He then activated it and flew out of the window he left open.Camera watched him fly away from the inside of hallway before turning to see his jetpack behind the water cooler

Timeskip nights later

Y/N was flying throught the Bellwood,bummed out from another of Elenas rejection.Ever since she came back into his life,she was too busy to hang out with him.Everytime he went to her after school,she seemed like something was bothering her but she was holding it in.Might just be the traditional issue where she just gets to busy with her work to take a break.Another strange thing was that no matter how many times he readjusted his jetpack,it always went back after every night.He landed on a roof to take a break and looked around.

Y/N:(Sigh)Another night,another nothing.(Yaaawn)Wish something would happen.

Just then,a rock went flying right at his helmet.

Y/N:Ow!What the-

He looked down to see someone was waving.Upon getting a better look,he saw it was smiling Elena who now wore a red leather jacket over a black shirt,black leather pants and black heels.He smiled and flew down to her after which he removed his helmet.

Y/N:Elena!What are you doing here?

Elena:I felt sorry for blowing you off for a week so I wnted to tag along.For old times sake.

Y/N:Glad to see you change your mind.So,where to?

Elena:First,you should get out of that suit.We don't want any unnecessary attention.

Y/N:Oh right.

Elena:Maybe you should hide it.

He spots a tree behind them and gets an idea.

Y/N:I know just the place.

He activated his jetpack and flew over to that tree.After taking of the suit and said pack,he hid them in the banches and jumped down the tree with skills of an athlete

Elena:Wow,you didnt used to be so agile befoe

Y/N:I admit I got some moves from you.

Elena:That explains a lot.How could you ever be such a good Plumber with a proper role model.

She said it in a overly dramatic tone with one hand over her head.

Y/N:Hey,I did most of it myself.So,now where off too?

Y/N:Im a bit thirsty.Are those Mr.Smoothies any good?

Y/N:You kidding?One sip and youre gonna make the a peremenant part of your diet.

Elena:Then what are we waiting for?Lets go!

She grabbed him by the hand like so many times when they were kids and ran into a montage.First they shared a big cup of Mr.Smoothie and Eelena was delighted at the taste.Then while Y/N wasnt looking,she took a deep breath and exhailed to spray Y/N with her beverage.After a laugh,they went to the Burger Shack for a snack.There,they fed each other by thowing chilly fries into anothers mouth.They wrapped up their reunion with popcorns at the cinema with the movie based on their videogame.They left the building with wide smiles and relaxed sighs.

Y/N:Well that was desapointing.Worst two hours of my life Ill never get back.

Elena:I know.Our gaming would have made a better movie.We should start the game all over again.In the name of our good old days of course.

Y/N:I dont know.Its getting kind of late.

Elena:Oh cmon,please.The dark will only make it more exciting.

Y/N:But what about your work?
Elena:Work,shmerk.My nanochips can take care of themselves.

Y/N:But they just tiny peices of machines.

Elena.Oh they can do so much more.

She grabbed his arm but this time huged it close to her before slowly leading him away from the cinema.They eventually made it to the front yard of his home.

Y/N:How did you know I still lived here after all this years?
Elena:I knew you dont like moving around and since you already moved here,I figured youd want to stay.

Y/N:Makes sense.I guess you never know how well someone you know knows you.

They entered the house and Y/N went to prepare refreshments and snack for the gameing session.

Elena:So how long before your parents come back from their honeymoon?

Y/N:How do you know theyre on their honeymoon?

She pulled out the paper note he left.

Y/N:Oh,right.Well,at least twenty something days.They left few days ago and its a a honey moon.Meaning its gonna last for a month.OK,I think we have everything we need.Meet you upstairs.

He went up the stairs to his room to sind and start the game they enjoyed so long ago.Meanwgile Elena took a moment to reminisce about their past.She walked around the living room and past the TV,on which she trailed her hand.Unawarely leaving a trail of her nanochips on the top.Her trip donw memory lane was cut short when she heard Y/N running down the stairs.

Elena:Wheres the fire?

Y/N:I left my suit and equipment in the park,I have to go get them.

She narrowed her eyes for a moment as if met by an obstacle but retured to normal as she walked to the front doors.

Elena:What are you talking about?You left them by the doors.

He followed her to see and was quite surprises at the revelation.

Y/N:But I was sure-

Elena:Now,now,we all have problems with short term memory at times.Nothing to be worried about.Now how about that game?

She wrapped her arm around hims and led him upstairs.

Y/N:Sure,I really need to get the Plumbering for a while.Im just overworked,right?

Elena:Of course.Bet I get higher score by the time we finish first mission.

Y/N:Heh,dream on.

They raced eachother to his room and started the game.Due to all the enthusyasm and excitement,they accidentley skipped over few cutscenes and speeches.But apart from that,they enjoyed their return to the game they played so often as children.Of course,it was no surprise they were a little rusty with the controls.Y/N even almost got killed by a small time minion.But Elenas character rescued hims just in time.Even though it seemed she was on the completley opposite end of the screen.The game seemed a bit glitchey,which Y/N wrote it of as just game being old,even though every glitch worked in his favor.

Elena:Oh no,lost again.

Y/N:Guess you just forgot how to play.But honestly,I didnt even know I was that good.

Elena:Ill get higher score next time.In fact,how about we make it interesting?
Y/N:You mean,put it on a harder mode?
Elena:I was thinking more along the lines of a...wager.

Y/N:Sure,what did you have in mind?

Elena:If I win,you have to do everything I say for a week.

Y/N:Some high stakes.OK,but if I win-

Elena:Actaully,I already picked for you.It wouldnt be so interesting otherwise.If you get to take me out on a date.

Y/N:A-a-a date?

Elena:Why not?It wouldnt be that much different from today.

Y/N:But were friends.Wouldnt it be weird?

Elena:Think of it like a prank.We make everbody think were dating,and e might get some special treatment.I know you like those two person seat in cinemas.

Y/N:Is guess.But were still friends right?Nothing changes?
Elena:Nothing has to change.But mixing things a bit now and then wouldnt hurt.


Elena.OK,the truth is,Ive never been on a date.Some neighboors in my town began talking and Id really like to have a real date at least once.

Y/N:Is that all?Why didnt you just said so?Sure.Anything for my best friend.But dont hold back this time.

Elena:You remember that the alternative is you being my servant for a week?
Y/N:Oh,right...Lets just play.

He returned his focus to the paused screen and unpaused it quickly.Elena on th othre hand slowly smiled while looking at him.


The first mission of the bet had limeted movement space,due to it being in a flodded area and as in many games,the water meant doom for the player.So they decided to not count that one.

Second mission had a stronger miniboss so they forgot about the bet and worked together on that one.Third had a hords and hordes of small time enemies so they ended up tying the score.It was getting kind of later so they only had time for one last round.Elena couldnt waste this opprotunity.In that last mission of the day,most of the small enemies went after her and dealth barely noticeble 1.5% more damage than they should.With her wasting point on reviveing herself and Y/N just by pure luck finding all of his favourite weapons and upgrades,he finally won in the end.

Y/N:Yes!Oh finally.Man,this is the longest I stayed up with out looking for aliens.Good match.

He presented his hand to Elena as a sign of good sportmentship and she took it before giving it a hardy handshake.

Elena:The better,actually come to think of it,the only man here won.

Y/N:You put up a good fight but they really had it in for you.

Elena:Yeah,crazy minions.So what time are you picking me up?
Y/N:Um,dont know,when are you free?
Elena:For you always.How about tommow at eight?
Y/N:Sorry,no can do.I have a test this Monday.

Elena:Then make it noon and Ill help you study afterwards.

Y/N:Really?OK then,thanks.

Elena:Dont mention it.

They stand up and while Y/n suspected nothing,she kissed his cheek after which she said.

Elena:See you tomorrow,honey.

Y/N:Save it for tommorow in public.

Elena:Well see.Well,good night and see you tommorow.

Y/N:Good night,you too.

She waved him goodbye and let herself out.On the way to her lab,she made a little detour.She went to the tree where Y/N hid his equipment.She tried climbing only to find out,she wasnt very good at it.Then her fingers dig into the bark and began climbing up the tree.She found what she was looking for and tossed Y/Ns suit down.The jetpack found itself on her back as she slowly flew down to grab the suit.Then she flew back to her labaratorey building where she tossed his suit in a random closet.While walking to her lab,the jestpack degraded,as it was just a copy and got asimilated into Elenas back.She walked to one of the glass cages and pressed her palm against the glass.

Elena:Its finally done.Were going on a date.I followed your advice just like you told me to.

???:He must be yours...You earned him...You need him baaaack...

Elena:He will be.Ill show you he feels the same for me.



???:Theyre out there...And theyll try to take him from you..They all want him for themselves...

Elena:No.No!They cant have him.Hes mine!

???:You must do everything to protect him...

Elena:I must do everything to protect him.

???:You need to be stronger...






???:For him.

Elena:For him.

She pressed the button at the side of the cage and the glass lifted itself.She outstretched her arms with blank eyes as the nanochips began flowing to her.They flew right into her hands and on her arms as they became one with her skin.Her being.When the cage was empty,she turned around with completley white eyes.The lightning outside slashed to show her shadow on the wall.A shadow with nanochip queen horns.Her shadow desappeared and appeared back with every lightning strike.


Y/N was standing in front of the hallway mirror in a hurry.He was trying to look his best for an hour now but couldn't a combination of clothes that was both comfortable one and looked good.He tried on his favorite set of clothing he wore everyday to give it one last look when the doorbell ranged.He panicked,there was no time to change and she was right outside the doors.The ringing was heard again but he froze from all the thoughts running through his mind.When the bell ranged once more,he took a deep breath and exhailed.He walked to the doors and turned the knob.When he opened the doors,he was stunned.

Elena donned red,sleeveless leather jacket,dark blue jeans and had her hair done in a side braid ponytail.Safe to say,he was speechless.


Elena:Thanks,I just picked at random.Barely gave it any thought.

She moved her hair a bit and camera showed the back of her jack was black before the nanochips moved inside out and became as red as the rest of the jaket.She then got closer and straightend up a rinkled shoulder on Y/Ns sleeve.

Elena:I like your choice too.Very comfy.

Y/N:Thanks.Ive been stressing out for a while on what to wear.Too bad I didnt remember earlier that it wasnt a real date right?

Elena:Right...Anyways,do you have a game plant of this date of ours.

Y/N:I figured since we both like movies,why not go with the classics?

Elena:Say no more,I cant wait to see whats in store.

She grabbed his arm and wrapped her around it before dragging him away.Y/N barely had enough time to close his front doors.It was only after they left the street did she let him lead.

Elena:So when we get there,do we play a couple thats been going out for a while or is it our first date?

Y/N:I didnt think that far ahead.Maybe reunited childhood neighboors?If its a thing.

Elena:Maybe not but I can work with it.Are we close to our secret destination location?

Y/N:Funny you should ask.Its just around the corner after the next house.

Elena:Then what are we waiting for?

She grabbed his hand and ran to the next turn,dragging him along.

Y/N:Did you grew up at all?

Elena:Only a little.

She stopped suddenly like a grazing deer hearing a howl when she got to the next street and saw the restaurant at the end of the street.

Elena:A restaurant?How romantic,you really put some thought into this.Im really surprised.

Y/N:Yeah,about that...Parents only left me enough for food until they come back from their honeymoon so I picked this.

He pointed right to their right at the beggining of the street with a cafe.

Elena:Oh,well,as long as were together.

As they took a table,Elena was thinking how Y/N will need more money.And its going to happen sooner than he would think.The waitress took their orders and left while Elena kept giving her menacing glares.

Elena:So...what changed in Bellwood after all this years?

Y/N:Oh you know.Various businesses going in and out of bussyness.There was an ice cream shop that only lasted about a month.

Elena:Poor hygene?

Y/N:Worse,poor manners.The only employe was the owners brother and a really awfull man.The owner really lost it when his brother got him closed that he even scared him.

Elena:Really?Thats helarious.What else?

Y/N:Well,this cafe has only been here for three years and the restaurant opened up around a year ago.Theyre like a parasite living off this place popularity.When the restaurant was still realtively new thing,the place declined in customer numbers but eventually it all went back to normal.

Elena:Did anyone we know moved out?

Y/N:Remember our geography teacher?

Elena:That old grump?Of course.He always gave me the most difficult stuff to look for on that big map.What about him?

Y/N:Took an early retirement.

Elena:What happened?
Y/N:Well the kids these day are more rude then back in our time.And lazy.If its not on youtube,game or a social network like that clock tick tock thing,they dont respect it.So he had it and let choose to let someone younger and more patient take over.

Elena.Not surpriseing:He was old when we had him.

Y/N:And our headroom teacher retired.

Elena:Really?She was always so nice to her students.Remember when we had her and most of the class didnt have homework?The rest of us were allowed to rest until all of them finished.

Y/N:Yeah,she was really friedly.Too bad she was too old to teach.Near the end her hearing got a little worse on one ear so kids took advantage of it.

Elena:I remember how you always hated when other students talked during the class.Especially if it was in the same time as the teacher.

Y/N:Well how was I supposed to learn something if I couldnt hear what the teachers were talking about.And however told those morons that they know how to whisper,they lied to them,big time.

Elena gave it a laugh and the sound of her laughter made Y/N join in.The waitress finally brought them their coffees and glasses of water which made Elena grew quit immedietley.Fortunetley for her,the waitress left as soon as Y/N payed her.

Y/N:What about you?How did you get acustomed to your new town.

Elena:It was honestly very boring.It was difficult to find new friends and for the first several months I didnt even want to in hopes of returning back home.But dad said how we can never go back.I mostly focused on studies and my work to occupy my mind.I worked hard and ended up as a young scientist you know today.

Y/N:What about your father?
Elena:He left as he always did but this time he never came back.Im sure he disapered but as always,he never told me where he was going.

Y/N:Im sorry to hear that.

Elena:Dont be.He took me away and never told me why.He had no right to seperate us and probably got what he deserved.

Y/N:OK,calm down a little.Hes still your father.Sure I was angry when you moved out too but I wasnt that angry.

Elena:Exuse me,I alwas react like that when hes involved.Sometimes I think Id been better of without him.

Y/N:He still raised you didnt he?

Elena:Somewhat.He was missing most od the time.If he wasnt a Plumber,we wouldnt have had to move and we could stay neighboors this enitre time.

Y/N:Whats important is that youre here now.We have all the time to catch up on everything we missed.Altough were probably too old for some stuff.

Elena:Yeah.Hey,since you know about me,what about you?Did you date anyone?

Y/N:No,I wasnt really interested and when I wasnt occupied with school work,I put all my energy into Plumber training.Plus,compared to you,all those other girls I met were boring.

Elena:So...youre saying I ruined them for you?

Y/N:Lets just say,when you try a ghost pepper,you dont find the jalapenos spicy anymore.

Elena:That really sounds like something youd say five years ago.

Y/N:I tried not to change too much.Unlike you.

Elena:W-what do you mean?

Y/N:I know for a fact that ten year old Elena could never picture herself with her that wents passed her shoulder.

Elena started sweating bullets.Could it be that he found out more about her then she had told him.

Y/N:...I like it.


Y/N:I mean,dont get me wrong,your old style was cute in a tomboyish way but with body growth and change of facial lines,some hair styles compliment the rest of the body and some mess with propotions.

Elena:Agreed.So,where else did you plan to take me?

Y/N:It wouldnt be much of a surprise otherwise.But I guess we can go now.

He lifted the coffee mug to his mouth and in just a few seconds,drinked down the whole thing.

Elena:Glad to see some things havent changed.

She followed his way and quickly drank down the coffee before they left the cafe.After walking fot a while they reached and old looking building.

Elena:What is this place?

Y/N:Dont you remember?This is the old library.She just got two new paintjobs over the years.

Elena:Oh yeah.Now I see it.We spent so much time here as kids.All those reading assignments,hide and skees,games of tag.Do you think its still there?
Y/N:I checked,no one seems to know its there besides the two of us.Want to check it out?

Elena:Of course!Cmon!

She grabbed him by the hand again and dragged him inside.Once inisde the library,they had to keep quiet.They also had to try and not look suspicious,which meant no running.The sheer thought of sneaking in front of hundreds unsuspecting eyes made them giggle on the inside uncontrolabley.When they got to the oldest part of the building,they crouched down at the corner in the left.

Elena:You sure it still works?

Y/N:Would I lie to you?Go on,you may do the honors.

She grasped the edges of something in the wooden wall with her nails and pulled out a square of dimensions meter by meter.Behind it was a hole of same dimension with a tunnel.

Elena:Lets go inside.

Y/N:Are you sure?We both grew over time.We wont fit in.

Elena:Dont be such a spoil sport.

She lied downon the floor and began crawling inside.Y/N chuckled and tried to stiffen a laugh while making sure no one was watching.With no one around,he followed behind, closed the doors and whispered:

Y/N:Youre crazy!

Elena:(Crazy for you.)

They crawled for some time until they reached an empty space which while spacueos five years ago,was quite small now.There were Christmass lights,blakets all over the floor,paper bags and juice boxes stuffed in a corner next to a full trash can.

Elena:A little cramped but,its just like I remember.

Y/N:Yeah,but did it always stink so much in here?

Elena:Must be the mold.Still its nice though.

Y/N:If you say so.

He tried squeezing through the narrow pathway but got stuck.His back to the wall and his face to Elenas.It was hard to move and they were both blushing.


Elena:No,it OK.You just had a healthy grewspurt over time.It suits you.

Y/N:Thanks.Maybe it you try going left and I go right,we can wiggle free.

Elena:I dont know if I can move.

Elena:(But I know I dont want to.)

Y/N trying going about his plan whilst Elena only pretended to put and effort in it.She was to stay close to him as long as possible.After they took a break,she decided to really try to get unstuck.For Y/N at least.After they got free of,themselves,they sneaked outside where they could breath normally.Unfortunetley,while they were in the procces of leaving the tunnel,they got spotted and asked to leave.And never to return.

Elena:Well,it was nice to visit that place one last time.So whats next?
Y/N:I have to say,I didnt think of much.And I had my hopes on out librarian hideout taking more time than it did.

Without noticing,Elena snucked behind him and gave him a tight hug.

Elena:I dont mind,Im just glad to be spending time with you.Im sure you feel the same way.

Y/N:Of course,youre my best friend.



They turned to see a girl in short sleeved white shirt,a black skirt,long white socks and black shoes and with long black hair.

Y/N:Lucy.How are you?

Lucy:Good,I was just finishing with my styign when I saw you getting banned from the library.And who is this?
By now,Elena had already let got of Y/N by wasnt happy to be in the presence of a girl his age.

Y/N:Oh,of course.This it my best friend and former neighboor,Elena Valadis.

Lucy.Oh yeah,I saw you on TV some time ago.Youre working with some sort of nanobots right?

Elena:Nano-chips.Theyre nanochips.

Lucy.Theres a difference?

Elena:Of course there are.Nonobots are-

Lucy.Oh,before I forget.Hope you studied for the test this Monday.Youre running out of time.

Y/N:Well,yes and no.Elena said shed help today after our little tour.

Lucy:How sweet of you.Like and older sister helping her baby brother.Well,have to go,see ya.

Y/N:You too.

He waved her as she left but stopped when he saw Elena staring at him.

Elena:Who was that?

Y/N:Who?Lucy?We go to the same class.Shes a nice girl but has a real rotten luck with boyfriends.I thouhgt shed never be the same after she broke up with some Michael Morningstar.He was really exhausting her.

Elena:Are you,interested in her?

Y/N:What?No,were friends.Just like the two of us.

Elena:Of course.Just...friends.

As they walked,Y/N could not see Elenas eye twitch for a moment.

Y/N:Speaking of which,would you mind if start getting ready for the test?

Elena:No at all.But I just remembered that I have some lose ends to take care of.You go ahead and start without me.I promise you Ill be back as soon as possible.

Y/N:OK,see you back home.

And so they seperated,each their own way.Elenas eyes were narowing in her scheming thoughts

Timeskip hour later

Y/N was sitting on his bed with various papers and open books around him,breaking his head over the difficult task before him.To his surprise and mostly relief,he heard a knock on the front doors and ran downstairs to open them.

Y/N:Elena!Oh you coulndt have come here any sooner.Theres one task I cant even think of solving and Im trying very hard not to look at the solutions.

Elena:Relax.Im here now,arent I.And one little look wont hurt anyone.Just to give you an idea.Its not cheating when someone gives you a push in the right direction.I should know.

She wrapped an arm around Y/Ns shoulder and led him up to his bedroom.She helped him study for hours and with her knowledge of how Y/N thinks,helped her to come up with familiar examples.After a while,Y/N was ready to tackle any problem from that subject practically blindfolded.

Y/N:Yes!Thank you Elena.I honestley dont know what I would do without you.How could I ever thank you?

Elena:Just hold on to that.Ill think of it eventually.

Elena:(Tell.Tell!Tell him now!)

Elena:I-I have to go.It was nice spending time with you again.

Y/N:You dont have to go if you dont want.You can sleep over like when we were little.


Her face lit up a Christmass tree as she felt firework going on inside her.

Y/N:Of course.Mom and dads room is going to be empty for a while now.

Elena:Oh...Well,can I take a bath first?

Y/N:Sure,you remember the way?
Elena:Of course.

She headed downstairs and began to undress for the bath while Y/N went to get started on the dinner.He decided to do something simple that will be done by the time Elena finishes her bath.


Y/N just finishes his garlic chicken for two and set the plates down on the table when he head footsteps behind him.

Y/N:Ah,just in time Elena.I trust you enjoyed your bath.

Elena:Very much so.

Y/N turned to to look at his friend but was stunned to see Elena in bathrobe that hugged her body.

Y/N:Elena,what are you wearing?

Elena:I thought Id wash my clothes but since I wasnt planing on staying in the first place,I didnt have anything else to wear.So I just picked this out.How does it look?
She span around as the bathrobe flew up to show her feet in slippers.

Y/N:Um,good.I prepared the garlic chicken,hope youll like it.

Elena:If its from you,it must be good.

And so they ate,talked and reminisced through the night.When the time came,they wished each othergood night.Since Y/N had high school tomorrow.

Timeskip morning


She was lightly pushing Y/N in his bed so hed wake up,now in her clothes.

Y/N:Hm?Elena?(Yawn)What are you doing here?What time is it?

He looked at his alarm clock to see it was at least half hour earlier.

Y/N:Why did you woke me up so earley?
Elena:I wanted you to enjoy your breakfast and and properley wake up before you go to school.

Y/N:Thanks,but you didnt have to go so far.

Elena:Nonsense,I enjoyed it.

Y/N stretched his arms around and raised himself enought to take a seat.That way he saw that on top of her normal clothing,Elena also had an apron.

Y/N:Why are you wearing my moms apron?

Elena:I thought it would complete the atmosphere.Plus,its nice to wear something white other than labcoats.Now come on,your breakfast is waiting.

She went downstairs while Y/N stayed to get dressed.After he did,he walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see what Elena made for him.There were pancakes,waffles,syrup,nutella chocolate,french toast,boiled eggs and manny others.

Y/N:What is all this?

Elena:Breakfast.I want you to be ready for the test.Itd be awful if all your hard work was for nothing.

She pulled out a chair for him and after he sat,she pushed him in colser to the table.So much so that she pressed him against it,with no chance of escape.Quiet one at least.She set the plate before hime and started filling it withh the food closest to it before cutting it up for him.


Y/N:Thanks.Arent you going to eat?

Elena:Im not hungry.Im just gonna stay to see you off before you go.

She sat down next to him and just watched.Her blinks were almost unnoticeble.It was somewhat unsettling.After he was finished and Elena wiped his mouth with a napkin,Y/N headed for highschool with Elena wishing him luck.Every step of the way and every class before the test filled him with dream.What if he forgets everything before the test finally gets here?He tried remembering anything but he couldnt think of any part of that subject.Finally,the excruciating wait was over,an the final class began.Y/N got to his seat and waited as the professor started to give away the tests.When he finally got his,he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before starting the test.To his surprise,it was the same exact tasks as the the ones he practised with the rest of the class a week ago.He thought that today was his lucky day.It wouldve been even better if Lucy didnt stay home after injuring her ankle when walking down the stairs.


Overjoyed Y/N ran out the doors after the last bell,sure he aced the entired test.He was scared when he accidentley misspelt his name.His first thought was to call Elena and thank her.He dialed in her number and pressed the phone against his ear.


Elena:YN,how is are you?Did you do well on the test?

Y/N:Yes,I was just about to tell you that and thank you.

Elena:Oh,theresreally no need.

Y/N:Dont be so modest.Id still be on the first task if it werent for you.But,remember Lucy from yesterday?
Elena:Hm?Dont think so.

Y/N:Aparentley,she slipped down the stairs and injured her ankle.She ended up needing magnetic resonance.

Elena:That bad huh?

Y/N:No,her parents are just paranoid.

Elena:Is that so?Want me to pick you up?
Y/N:Theres no need,Im already out.

He then heard a honking sound and like other students turned to look at the souce.Turns out Elena was waiting for him in some sort of a fancy car.

Elena:Are you coming or not?

Y/N:How did you get that?

Elena:Let's just say,there are benefits when you own your own business.Now hope in.

Y/N smiled and headed for the co driver's side of the car.Meanwhile,he could feel and almost literally soak up the jealousy of male and admiration of female students watching.Once he got in,she quickly drove off in a flash.

Elena:So,where to?

Y/N:Home I guess.Some TV,homework,luch and then a Plumber patrol.I haven't been yesterday.

Elena:That's it?C'mon,Y/N that I know would have much wilder plans?

Y/N:Guess that's growing up for you.People change.

Elena:They don't have to.I mean,why stray from who you are?Now why dont we pick a good movie to watch?

Y/N:Id love to but you know it yourself,no education,no steady job.

Elena:Cmon,a little break wont hurt anyone.

Y/N:But if I dont patrol,I wont be able to stop the aliens that could hurt someone.

Elena:Thats why they have all the other Plumbers.

Y/N:Is everything OK?

Elena:Everythings fine.Im just trying to make up for all the lost time.

Y/N:OK,but just one little stop.

Elena:I know just the place.

She drove for a while until they made it to her labs.Y/N was of course confused as to why would she bring them here for the one thing together.She led him to her laboratory with the nanochip cells when she stopped,facing away from him.

Y/N:So why bring me here?

Elena:I wanted to show you something...

She pointed her plam at the cells without turneing and they opened up.All of them.The nanochips in them began to float out and orbit her.

Y/N:Elena,are you OK?

Elena:Never better.Let me just slip into something,more comfortable...

As she made the pause,her skin and clothes started turning black with light blue circuit lines all over her body.Her eyes became white and pupil-less,her face blue and four long spikes along the sides of her head grew with herself growing taller.

Elena:Do you like it?

Y/N:Elena,what happened to you?
Elena:I had seme personal growth.My father had some nanochip related issues and the famous Ben Tennyson had put a stop to his copy and the Nanochip queen.But she was a decoy,Im a real one.

Y/N:What are you saying?

Elena:Im saying that everything I need is to keep you to myself.No one is to bother us ever again.

Y/N:Its the nanochips!They must be controlling you.Fight it Elena!Fight it!

Elena:They are not controlling me,they are me and I am them!They give me what I want!They fullfill my deepest desires,even the ones I don't know I have!

She began to stalk towards him as he started backing away towards a wall he eventually hit.

Y/N:Lucys incident,that was you?

Elena:She interupted us and me.You dont need someone so rude in your life.You have me.



She gotclose enough to him and pressed her index finger against his lips as she was almost pressing against his body.

Elena:Dont be a friend.This is a good thing.

???:This is it...Take him...Hes yours...


She grabbed him by each side of his head and slammed her lips agaisnt his.As it was a century since the last once.Y/N didnt try to get away and just stood there until she pullled away.

Elena:What do you say about that?

Y/N:Elena,I never said I didnt love you.


Y/N:I had a huge chrush on you when we were little and couldnt get you out of my head since.

Elena:Then why a pretend date?Why act as if were just friends or neighboors?

Y/N:I didnt know if you had the same feelings so I didnt want to ruin everything.I care for you,nano or otherwise.You dont need to be jelaous and try to harm any female near me.I want you.Only you.

???:No!...You need us....He only wants the queen...The queen...

Her horns were retreating back into her head as the black color startes to sip back into her skin.The nanochipss hold on her grew weaker and her and Elena had full control over her emotions since who knows when.

Elena:Oh Y/N,you cant imagine how long I waited to hear that.

She leaded into his hand and firmy hugged him.Since she wasnt holding back like back in her youth,Y/n was a little surprised by the strenght behind her hug but returned it none the less.He even petted her back.

Y/N:Im just glad to how you back.

Elena:About that,maybe I should tell you.When you firts came here,your jetpack was left here and you took the nanochip maybe copy.Thats how I knew where to find you.And the suit you left with a fake jetpack at the tree were still there until I took them.The ones in your house are both fakes.

Y/N:O-K,thats a bit stalkerish.

Elena:Sorry.I havent felt like myself for some time.But I feel better than ever now.

Y/N:I can imagine.What now?This nanochip busyness is too dangerous.

She let go of him and turned around at hers and her fathers lifework.

Elena:Yes,yes it is.

She turned only her arms into those of her nanochip queen form and extended her claws.She began running around her laboratory and slashing everything in sight.She then turned to Y/N again and pointed with a long claw at the closet.

Eelena:Your suit and jetpacks are in there.Get them and get ready to take off!

Y/N:But how do I know which jet packss real.

Elena:Youll know!

She wnet back to destruction as Y/N ran to the closet.As soon as he opened the doors,the fake jetpack grew teeth and jumped at him.He dodged and locked himself in the closet.The fake pack was trying to bite through the doors when a laser went fired through the doors and the fake pack.He kicked down the doors to reveal himself in his suit and jetpack again.In the same time,the fake suit and jet pack from his home flew in through the window.They combined with the first fake pack and made a nanochip replica of Y/N.

Y/N:I know I can be mad at myslef sometime but this is redicolous.

The nano Y/N took a swing at him but the real one dodge and uppercutted him in the chin.

Y/N:Handsome and a killer right chroshe.Im in trouble.

They fought with nobone gaining an upper hand.Not even when the lasers came inot play.The real Y/N then fired his cables at the nano version and pulled him into the wall.Then before it could get back up,he fulled it towards himself and puched the nano self into his gut.But tthe nano version just ripped off the cables and pushed the real Y/N away.He however,showed that his glove was still in its gut.Then he used that arm to press the button on his remaining glove and after some beeping,the one in nano Y/Ns gut self destructed.


He looked up and saw Elena falling towards him.After he caught her,he saw how much damage she did to her lab.

Elena:Everything is going to blow up.We must get away quickly!

Y/N:Say no more.Up and up,and away!

He activated the jetpack and flew right through the skylight.When they got to the safe distance in midair,Y/N turned so they could see the massive explosion.

Y/N:Wow.What a splash.

Elena:So,I have nowhere to go now.Is there any place at your house when your parents come back?

Y/N:Wait,you lived in that lab?

Elena:A little bit.

Y/N:Heh,dont worry.Im sure theyll agree.But what about your job?

Elena:I guess I can take back the good name Valadis by being the Plumber tech suport.Should be easy with the nanos still in me.Plus,I get to spend more time with you.

Y/N:I promise,as soon as highschool ends,youre gonna have me full time.You can even come with me on missions.

Elena:If thats so then...

She pushed him away and in result,made him drop her.He flew at high speed to catch her but she just flew upwards with a nano pack.

Elena:Race you to your room!

And she took off laughing,Y/N fallowing right behind her.They were heading right in the direction of the sunrise as the nanochips began swarming the screen around them,forming a heart.And then they covered the entire screen turning it black.

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