Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)

By Vanlite

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This is going to take place at the end of the last episode of "Wednesday" when she got the text from her unkn... More

The Text
Welcome Home
Arrival and Reunion
The balcony
New kid
The plan
The cave
What else could happen
Field trip
Something Evil
Libary of emotions
The Body
The layer
Whose There?
The party
Not a chapter
Who Are They?
A Pupa
Rain And Thunder
Crying Is For The Weak
Stupid psychic
Nail Polish
Regrets For No Reason.
Story update.
Officially Outed

Getting ready

687 17 0
By Vanlite

*No ones POV*

-time skip-

"It's been about 2 months since nevermore closing, but because of recent events they have found more teachers and staff and are reopening the school back up for the rest of the year!!
For safety, buses will be stopping at the students homes, picking them up and bringing to nevermore starting Tomorrow. Those who wish to stay home, may. Good luck everyone,
Can't wait to see you all so soon!"

Enid smiles, getting up from her dress and rereading what she had just typed before pressing the send button to post her new story on her personal website. Excited for what's ahead.

Everyone received a notification from this post and mostly everyone decides to rejoin the nevermore experience not frightened about what happened only a few months ago. Or atleast putting it behind them.

1 day later

*Wednesday POV*
Ring ring ring.
Ring ring ring. I start pushing myself out of bed half asleep and half awake, making my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I reach for my black oversized sweater, Checkered T shirt and pair of black baggy pants that I've placed on a rod a night before.

I finish getting dressed before redoing my braids, then walking to my bed and remaking it.


As I wait for the bus on my front porch while writing in my notebook about what I know about this "stalker" *tshh* A noise follows throughout the air. I look up to see a dark blue bus interrupting my thoughts. I don't know why but looking at it I feel an overwhelming sense of annoyance. Too many kids. Too many colors. Too much noise.. I sigh and begin walking towards the bus.

I picked a seat in the back were no one was sitting. "Wednesday?" I heard a familiar voice. I turned to my left. It was Yoko

"I haven't got a chance to talk to you after the fight. What you did was very Nobel and I should've listened to you...I apologize "

I nodded turning back to the window I could tell she was annoyed with my response but I could really care less.

I felt the end of the seat move down as I felt a presence beside me. Who the hell.. I turned again, yoko.

She sat with her arms crossed "I said sorry now you have to say It is Or isn't okay!" this has to be a joke.."we have to work on that. wanna see "It's Okay" in sign She asks, darting a smile at me.

"I'd rather die." I reply "OH COME ON" she says, moving closer and grabbing my hand. I quickly backed away and forced my hands back. "I'm going to help you be more social it will be fun!" "I don't want to be social." I say gently shoving her out of my seat and looking out of the window. The general sound of kids being kids annoys me, how could I ever be social with them.

*Xavier's POV*
I got on the bus only to see Wednesday, the sight of her makes me upset. I'm still upset about her treating me like garbage. As if I was annoying her. The least she could do is tell me what I did to make her hate me so much. My thoughts kept pilling in but were interrupted by the weight of someone sitting right beside me.

I Glace over to see Bianca smiling at me "I've missed you Xavier, how have you been" she asks "pretty good how about yourself?" "Good" she says with a warm smile. That smile almost makes me .. what am I saying, she manipulated me. I can't go back with her either. "I've been working on art " she says "really? Let me see." She shows me and picture of her cat. It was terrible. "Ooo very nice" I say jokingly shooting her a smile. We get on the topic about art for the whole bus ride. There was so many kids on the bus, so much noise it sounded like we were at a concert. But the voices just shadowed are convo which I liked.

697 words.

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