Gold and dragon feathers

By CocoBeeBunnie

43.6K 2K 2K

For the longest time Tubbo had wanted to become a dragon rider. Watching the heros compete, dancing through t... More

Character descriptions of the biggins
Scouting the competition
My, what sharp teeth I have.
Bonus fluff 3 chapters in? Couldnt be
Picnic with no basket
The Sky beneath your feet
Gossip can sometimes be a valid source.
Meeting somone you already know for the first time
Taking your pet lizard for a little walk.
To hold a cloud
Three birds
No cause for concern
Winter in fall
Practice can get perilous
Night light heart
A place new for eyes like mine
Single gold coin (short Christmas special i guess)
Speedrunning being the best
A moment in thyme
Drop of snow
Ring by ring
Hugs and the chug of a train
Idol conversation
Dwarfed by your wings
Skipped stones
A single domino
Pouring sand into an hourglass
The smallest blizzard
Seagull landing
Closet hangers
Crowns of silver
And crowns of flowers
Shards of glass from the hourglass we made togethed
Are those stars or glass in the sky
Ghost rider
Shower of silver tears
Thorned jackets
Just an ember
you ever feel a heartbeat?
Pearl of hope
Friendly neighborhood tour guide
Dimly lit room
Tricky treat
Dandlions and Milkweed
Of Nutmeg
Open door
All but a job
Caught up
Bedhead and puffy eyes
Purring Unknowable things

Sandpaper pillowcase

366 22 48
By CocoBeeBunnie

Ranboo knows they must have fallen asleep at some point but at this point he's been tossing and turning in bed for at least ten minutes. He's not sure why he's so restless other than that his instincts might have something to do with it. Maybe he's just still awake because they all slept in the last few mornings. Either way he ends up admitting defeat, sliding off of his bed and stretching.

If he's not going to be able to sleep, he may as well find something to do. It must be really late judging on how dark it is outside his window so he makes sure to step quietly on his way to the kitchen. Maybe he just needs something to eat. They had refilled the kitchen earlier so there should be plenty of options. They even still have some of Niki's bread to snack on sitting on the counter.

Just as the enderman hybrid reaches the loaf, undoing the towel around it so he can get himself a slice, he notices a figure on their porch. It's hard to see with how cloudy it is tonight but he recognizes Tommy all the same. It seems he wasn't the only one unable to sleep. He cuts off a second slice, leaving hardly any bread left, before making his way quietly to the door.

He flicks on the porch light, even if it's quite dim, much to the waiting Dragon hybrid's surprise. Though the momentary alarm quickly gives way to something much harder to decipher as the door creaks open.


The boy in question hums in confirmation, taking in the scene. It's not much, really, Tommy's just sitting at the edge of the small slab of old wood, the light making feather lined wings glisten whenever they love (however slightly). What he can recognize in the blond's expression is tired and stormy.

At least he's apparently keeping the promise to take breaks they made him take, even if only in the middle of the night. As Tommy returns his gaze to the patches of stars in the sky, his horns almost glow softly (something they only seem to do in this form). It's refreshing to see his common form, even if part of him aches at the thought of how many years of it he missed.

Wordlessly, Ranboo sits down next to Tommy, pretending not to notice the wing that immediately brushes against his side. He wonders if it should feel more foreign than it does. Tubbo sure seems more reserved around brushing up against them, at least. But he's not Tubbo, he didn't spend a bunch of time with Tommy as a dragon and Tubbo didn't have to feel more about Tommy then missing him.  

There's also the way that the dragon hybrid's reveal just makes sense to him. While he never thought anything of it, deep inside he always knew that Tommy's sounds were less like enderman whoops and more like a growl, bark or chirp. Tommy always liked collecting things but preferred just to keep them in the house rather than instinctually carry them around.

He was always to protective whenever other people were around, more preventative than the defensive only  stratify Ranboo tends to feel. Something makes more sense for Tommy to be a dragon. Whether that be in his pride or his sounds. He always would climb and run, preferring being on higher ground. The wings on his back just make sense for him to have, even if they were never around.

Ranboo wonders if he should say anything about it, if it would help Tommy at all. Maybe it would be weird to say, or be too invasive. Before he can make a decision either way, he's drawn out of his thoughts by the blond besides him shifting uneasily.

Tommy's eyes are returned to the ground, then to Ranboo where they're held for a moment, then they once again fall.

A breeze flutters past them, on the border between refreshing and cold.

It's clear that Tommy wants to say something but Ranboo isn't sure if he'll ever hear what it is. It's an odd thought, he's so used to thinking of Tommy as nothing but bold.

In the cold, dark, night air he seems anything but.

To his relief, even without being bold, Tommy still is capable of speech.

"... hey, Ran'?"


"I was just wondering.... How- how long did you know I was gone?"


He didn't expect that, he has to think for a moment. The answer comes with some unpleasant memories but he tries to be honest (no matter how much he kind of wants to sugar coat it all to keep the air from seeming more cold).

"How long?... I think around a week? Maybe a couple days more than that."

He turns to get a better look at the dragon hybrid, who looks deep in thought.


"... i don't know, just wanted to know... was it really over an entire week? Not just a few days or somthing?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. "

"Shit, man, I'm sorry...I-I didn't know "

" I know, but Tom- did you really think I wouldn't notice?"

"I don't know... yeah?"

"How little do you think we care about you?"

His tail stops twitching completly at that for a moment before continuing.

"-It's not that, I just thought youde be to busy is all. I know you cared about me, I'm not stupid."

"We still care about you, you know that right?"

"Yeah... I know..."

Ranboo's not sure he believes that, it makes an anger flare up for a moment before fizzling out without anywhere to go.

" do you? I've seen the way you look at Tubbo and me as if you're waiting for somthing to happen-"

"I'm not! I'm just- look just come back to me once your instincts wear off and we'll see where it goes."

Ranboo frowns at that one, wholly unsure what that's supposed to mean. Before he can question Tommy further, however, they're startled by the sound of a clang from inside of the house.

They immediately rush back inside to see Tubbo in the kitchen with an embarrassed expression and the scattered remains of what was a tin of coco powder, though little remains in the sideways tin rather than all over the ground.


"Oh- hey, gents'. Lovely evening?"

"It's the middle of the night"

"Well what am I supposed to say, 'lovely middle of the night'? I was trying to sound like a fancy waiter or something."

In the corner of his eye Ranboo sees Tommy crouch down to snatch Micheal up from the ground before the kitten can examine the mess of chocolate that's still all over their floor.

"and why's that?"

The goat hybrid shrugs

"I dont know, you guys looked like you where having a moment out there and I didn't want to just interrupt."

"So you knocked over the hot chocolate? Weird plan, big man."

"That wasn't on purpose and you know it. Why are you awake anyway?"

"Same reason as you if I can hazard a guess, couldn't sleep"

" seems like none of us could, tonight."

"Hmm, just like old times"

Old times, back when they first started the tradition of hot chocolate and late night cuddles, back when they first found this place but were still caught up in the fear of being caught or being in danger. To be fair, the first tin of chocolate was there already when they moved in and was made with faucet water. It's a wonder they didn't die from it or something.

"Just like old times"

They stand in the relative dark reminiscing for a few moments before finally starting to clean up, spurred on by the twists Micheal began performing in hopes of wrenching himself free from Tommy's grasp.

Then, just like old times, they use what little is salvageable from the tin to make three (hardly full) glasses.

Then, just like old times, they return to their couch.

Then, like old times, the restlessness drains until they all end up sprawled across the couch. Sleepy conversations promising things they won't remember in the morning until they finally can fall asleep.

Unlike old times, as Ranboo shivers once while drifting to sleep, he's not warmed by a blanket or a jacket.

But by feathery, soft, wings.

(Let's freaking go, another chapter full of dialogue you guys didn't have to wait forever for! This one's a bit shorter but I'm happy with it as is. As always hope you enjoy and are excited for more!)

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