The Rising Star - Alexia Pute...

By steffi209

1M 30.6K 4.6K

Eleanore Queen is the upcoming rising star for both her club and national team. Recruted by the Arsenal Acade... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
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Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
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Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
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Part 126
Part 127
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Part 129
Part 130
Part 131
Part 132
Part 133
Part 134
Part 135
Part 136
Part 137
Part 138
Part 139
Part 140

Part 77

10.1K 241 34
By steffi209

A/N: And I'm back! Sorry for the long wait but I needed to reset a bit after a very busy period 😅  but I'm back and ready to continue Ellie's adventures however I won't be posting everyday like I used to because otherwise i can't keep up with the writing but I promise to not keep you waiting for to long. Anyway on with the story! I hope you enjoy 😉

We were all standing at the lowest deck of the boat waiting on the captain's orders. A while ago he had told us that we were going to make our first stop so we could go for a swim. The most  exciting part of it all was that we were allowed to use all the equipment.

So now the whole team was gathered here, patiently waiting. When the boat was finally anchored, some of us moved to the platform that wasn't fully unfolded yet.

"How are we supposed to get in?" Jana asked, inspecting the platform a bit better, forming some kind of plan in her head.

Mariona and I both looked at the water and then glanced at each other. Without words being used we knew that we had the same idea, taking a step closer towards Jana without the youngster noticing.

"Well…" I said in a high pitched voice, both Mariona and I taking yet another step closer towards the younger girl. "You jump." Both Mariona and I pushed her in at the same time. Jana let out a shriek in surprise while Mariona and I bent over laughing.

This caused chaos amongst the team. Everyone participated in a pushing match. Soon, I too became a target. I had just pushed Aitana and Pina in when I got a taste of my own medicine.

I swam back to the surface and looked at the person who had pushed me in. Vicky stood there, laughing her ass off.

"And here I thought we were friends!" I faked my shocked expression, yelling at our captain.

"We are, don't you worry. I just like messing with you way too much." She smirked at me.

Without another warning I was pushed under water. Reaching up to the surface again I was met by a smirking Ana Maria Crnogorčević. She innocently smiled at me, like she hadn't just pushed me under.

I laughed with her and tried to push the girl under but that proved to be a bit more difficult than I originally had thought. Eventually the pushing became more laughing, and we all gave up eventually. Aitana, Patri and Mapi joined us while they were hanging onto a paddleboard.

Ana Maria and I swam over and I grabbed a hold on the board as well. Ana Maria wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my head, using me as her floating device.

After a while of talking to the girls and when Ana Maria moved from my back to the board itself I swam over to Alexia who was near the platform with some of our friends.

She was in the water and had her arms folded on the platform, keeping her above water and had her head rested on them. She was talking with Vicky, Lieke, Caroline and Martha.

When I got close enough, I hung on to her like a koala and rested my head on her shoulder. Alexia simply smiled at the gesture and continued the conversation while I just listened.

While I had my left arms firmly around her waist, my right hand slowly traveled down towards her left thigh. Alexia did her best to ignore it and to stay engaged in the conversation but I wasn't done yet.

I let my hand wander down more. She took a small intake of breath when my hand softly brushed over her core. Her jaws clenched shut, desperately trying to control her breathing. In triumph, I placed a small kiss on her bare shoulder while she let out a small moan, that she covered up with a cough.

I repeated the process a couple of times more. I felt her breathing slightly pick up and her head leaned against mine. It was getting harder and harder for her to hide what I was doing and luckily for her the captain of the boat interrupted us.

"Anyone interested in some water-skiing?" The man walked on to the platform, immediately grabbing mine and the younger one's attention.

"Queenie! Vamos!" Patri yelled.

"Oh, gotta go." I kissed her cheek and swam towards the ladder. Alexia was left flustered and incredibly frustrated. She had wished at this point that she hadn't started what she did this morning.

We followed Jack to the speedboat, who then introduced us to the skipper of said boat. The group that went on board consisted of Patri, Jana, Pina, Aitana, Mapi, Leila, Mariona, Sandra and myself.

While the others took a seat, Patri and I walked up to the skipper to check out the boat. We both looked over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

"How fast does this thing go?" Patri asked the man who was waiting for the boat to be fully on the water.

"It goes pretty fast." He smirked. "But we're not going all out when you guys are on the skis." He immediately tempered our imagination. The boat was finally in the water and the skipper started the boat.

"How fast is pretty fast?" I wondered, looking at Patri in the proces, who looked at me at the same time. The skipper just smirked.

Before we knew it, Patri and I stumbled backwards, almost falling on our ass when the skipper decided to go full gas.

The others who were smart enough to already be seated laughed their asses off. While Patri and I grabbed a hold on something to keep us upright.

It felt exhilarating. The wind in our hair, the splashing of the waves, the sun on my skin and being surrounded by the people that I love. It was honestly one of the best days.

When the skipper had successfully proven how fast the boat could go, it was time to water ski. Patri would go first. She had done this before so she didn't need the whole explanation.

Within minutes she was in the water and on the skis. The boat picked up speed and lifted her up in the water. She was actually pretty good at this. She was able to hold on for a couple of minutes more till she got too cocky.

"Go G!" Sandra and I cheered for her.

But when she let one hand go so she could wave at us, that's when she fell, luckily without any damage. She went a couple of times more before it was my turn.

The skipper walked up to me while Patri was losing the skis. He explained everything again and gave me some tips along the way. I was standing on the edge of the boat, looking at the water and the skis, trying to figure out how to get them on.

"Have you done this before?" Jana came to stand next to me.

"Dude, I lived in London for 9 years. What do you think?" I glanced at the girl beside me and raised my eyebrows at her expectedly.

"So you haven't." She sheepishly laughed.

"Well no but I've skied before so how much different can it be?"

"Yeah good luck." Aitana patted my back while Jana gave me a sympathetic smile. Both girls returned to their seats so they could enjoy the show they were gonna get.

"So what now?" I asked no one in particular.

Sandra, who stood beside me, looked at the water as well and then pushed me in. "You get in." She smirked.

I glared at the girl and stuck out my tongue. After failing and struggling, I was able to get on the skis. The skipper gave me some final pointers just like Patri and then he slowly picked up the pace.

"Yes Queenie!" Jana and Aitana cheered when I slowly rose up from the water but that was only for a few seconds because before I stood properly on my feet I fell down. Of course this caused the others great joy and laughter.

Alexia's pov:

Lieke, Vicky, Martha, Caroline and I were hanging out at the back of the boat. I was holding on to the platform, my arms resting on it to keep me afloat with the others doing the same except for Caroline. She was sitting on the platform with her legs in the water.

While the others were chatting away about God knows what, it was hard for me to keep my focus in the conversation. Instead of listening I was watching Ella getting pushed into the water by Sandra and swimming over to the skis, trying to put them on. While watching her, I couldn't help the smile from growing on my face.

"That smile hasn't left your face." Lieke smiled, poking my cheek.

I swatted her hand away but couldn't help but smile when my focus was once again pulled to the girl on the skis. She was able to stand up for just a second when she fell down into the water again.

"It suits you. I'm happy for you but I swear if you break her heart." Lieke's tone immediately changed, her eyes hardened. This pulled my focus back on her again.

"I won't."
"So are you two finally together now? Vicky looked at me in curiosity.

"Uhm." I was not sure how to answer that question because we hadn't really talked about it yet. Neither of us had asked the other to be their girlfriend so I have no idea where we stood.

"Ale." Martha groaned when she realized that we haven't had that conversation yet.

"She told me she wanted to take it slow." I tried to defend myself but by the looks I received that wasn't really working.

"And how is that going for you?" Caroline smirked at me, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Incredibly hard." I groaned, throwing my head back.

"Okay! Let's not talk about Ellie that way." Lieke stopped the conversation from going any further, making us laugh.

"She adapted quite well it seems." Vicky smiled while looking towards the water where Ella was currently getting some pointers from Sandra and Patri.

"Yeah, she did. It's like she's been part of the team since forever." Martha pointed out.

I just smiled and kept a close eye on her. She had this adorable look on her face. A look of determination, her tongue slightly sticking out and her eyebrows furrowed up in concentration.

"How many times do you think she's gonna try?" Caroline asked while we saw her get ready again.

"Until she nails it." I smiled.

Ellie's pov:

I grabbed the handle bar and got ready to start again. The first time didn't really go how I wanted it to go but now that I know how not to do it I was ready to try again.

"Come on Queenie! You've got this!" Mapi yelled.

"Make us proud!" "Go Queenie!" Leila and Mariona yelled at the same time.

Patri and Sandra gave me some more advice and when I told them I was ready, they signaled the skipper to go again.

This time I was able to properly stand up. I almost fell a couple of times but I always managed to keep myself up. The others cheered me on while it felt like I was flying over the water.

"Of course she would nail it on her first few attempts." Patri shook her head in disbelief with a smile on her face.

"Did you doubt it?" Mapi carefully jumped up and down while cheering me on.

After a few more goes and everyone had their turn on the skis we went back to the yacht so we could switch them for the inflatable raft. On our way to the water, Sandra came up with a good idea.

"How about we make it a competition?" The goalie looked at us. The mention of a competition grabbed all of our attention.

"You've got my interest, go on." Mariona sat down next to me so I leaned into her side. She gladly threw her arm around me and pulled me closer.

"We divide into groups of three, the group that stays on the longest wins." Sandra explained her idea further.

"I like that idea." Jana said with the rest of us agreeing.

"What does the winner get?" I asked, curiously.

"Uhm, a week full of coffee orders?" Patri offered.

"You've got yourself a deal." Sandra high fived the midfielder.

"What are the groups?" The goalie faced all of us but before she could continue to talk, Leila jumped up from next to me and dragged Mapi and I to our feet.

"I take Mapi and Queenie!" She threw her arms around our shoulder, a big smile on her face. The others weren't all too happy with the idea.

"No! You always take them! Learn how to share." Sandra complained but to no avail. Leila was not having it.

"I already have to share her with Mapi and Ale! Don't push it." She glared at the goalie and tightened her grip on me a bit.

"Don't worry Sandra. We'll kick her ass tomorrow during training." I smirked at the goalie and gave her a high five.

Everyone divided themselves into groups and we got started on our competition. Jana, Aitana and Pina went first. They laughed more than they actually held on and flew off within minutes.

Next up were Mariona, Sandra and Patri. They did better than the first group, holding on for a solid seven or so minutes but when the skipper decided he had enough they also flew off.

Now it was our turn. Mapi, Leila and I got on the raft and got ourselves ready. I was seated in the middle with Mapi to my right and Leila to my left.

"So what's the strategy?" Mapi looked at Leila and I in curiosity.

"Hold on longer than they did." I simply told her but that didn't seem to impress the defender all that much.

"That's it? That's your grand plan?"

"Do you have a better one? I'm all ears." I looked at her expectedly but before our banter could go any further, Leila stopped us.

"Shut up and just hold on to something. I don't know about you two but I don't want to buy them coffee for the whole week." She warned us.

"Agreed." Both Mapi and I agreed.

At the beginning it wasn't that hard to hold on but when the boat picked up more speed it increasingly got harder. Even to the point that I had to grab onto Mapi to keep her from falling into the water.

After what felt like an hour of desperately holding on, the boat came to a stop, indicating that we had won the challenge. Mapi, Leila and I got up and started cheering while the others groaned at their defeat. We jumped in and swam over to the boat.

Once we got back to the yacht, I made my way over to Alexia, who was still hanging out with the others at the platform. I jumped in and just like before I koala hugged her. We stayed like that for a while when some of the youngsters decided to jump in the water from the upper deck.

"Please, be careful." Alexia let go of the platform and turned around in the hug. Now she was the one with her arms around me while I held us both up.

"I'm always careful." I placed a light kiss on her lips. She smiled in the kiss but when I pulled away she gave me this warning look.

On the upper deck Jana, Bruna, Patri, Aitana, Laia and Pina were waiting for me. Even some of the older girls joined us but they were just there for support.

Alexia chose to stay down and film our jumps. While the other girls just jumped, I decided to show off and do a flip or two much to the likes of the other girls except for the older players and Alexia.

They didn't really like the flips and were more concerned for my safety. So after some more flips and jumps, they convinced us to stop and grab a drink.

(Photo with Jana, photo with Patri, Aitana and Pina, photo with Alexia, clip of her water-skiing, clip from her doing flips, photo of her doing flips.)

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Eleanoremqueen7 off day well spend 🥰✌️

@aitana.bonmati Chica 😘
@patri8guijarro She can do everything 😍
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 I had a great teacher 😏
          •@sanpanos I'll take that compliment!
     •@marialeonn16 free coffee baby!
           •@leilaouahabi 🙌🙌
           •@Eleanoremqueen7 Winning team 🥰
           •@patri8guijarro nevermind I take it back. I don't like you anymore 😒
@lavellerose Looking good Qeeunie 😍
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 Thanks Rosie. Miss and love you ❤
@marialeonn16 I must say your tactic was on point 👌 and I guess you look okay 🤏
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 I love you too Maria 😒
@janafernandez3 Hermana ❤
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 Love you sister! 😘
@ana_crnogorcevic Legend ❤
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 Queen 😏❤
@sammymewyy Go Qeeunie, show them who's boss! 💪
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 You know me, I never turn down a challenge 😏
@alexiaputellas Spain looks good on you 😏
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 The people help 😘
@leilaouahabi Partner in crime ✌️😘
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 😘
@leahwilliamsonn 😍
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 😘
@reeba04 Please don't injure yourself 🥲
     •@Eleanoremqueen7 never 😇😈 love you 😘
           •@reeba04 love you too 😘

I followed my friends in and was right behind Aitana, who was talking to me when suddenly someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a room. It was Alexia but before I could ask her what was wrong, she placed her arms around my waist and pulled me in for a searing kiss.

Unlike the other once we had shared, this one wasn't needy or desperate but loving and caring. My hands went to her shoulders and slowly wandered around her neck. When she slowly pulled away, she placed a couple more short kisses on my lips.

"I really am looking forward to that date." She mumbled against my lips.

"Me too." I chased down her lips when she pulled away.

Me too.

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