Part 84

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Our day off had turned out perfectly even though it had gone completely different than the way we had originally planned it.

After Alexia's cooking incident, we had most of our teammates over to finish all the pancakes we had made. They all stayed after and hung out at our apartment. After a while we decided to go into the city to go for some coffee and we ended up spending most of the day together bowling.

Although we had a lot of fun spending the day together with our friends, I couldn't help the nervous feeling from growing bigger in the pit of my stomach. The thought of meeting Alexia's mom scared me to death.

I mean I liked where things were going with Alexia and I but I didn't really know where we stood. We hadn't talked about that part yet. When we confessed our feelings, we had agreed to take things slow and I could get behind that, but that was all we talked about. What if Eli didn't like me? What if she thought her daughter could do better?

I was stuck inside my head, no matter how hard I fought it and it was getting noticeable. I stopped counting the amount of times Alexia looked at me from the corner of her eyes, checking if she could spot something wrong but each time I brushed it off. I didn't want to worry the girl.

Instead of partaking in the chaos around me, I chose to just walk to the locker rooms. Even when Mapi and Patri were jumping up and down around me bragging about their win yesterday at bowling I withheld myself from a funny comeback which took everyone by surprise.

I'm a very competitive person so when I hadn't won yesterday, obviously there was a lot of teasing to endure so ultimately everyone had expected me to fight back their teasing but I didn't. I just laughed it off.

I greeted everyone on my way to the locker rooms, even Kheira who after the game kept on acting strange around me. Today was no exception but honestly, I couldn't care less with the nerves of meeting Eli.

"Uh? What?" I looked up around me in confusion. I was currently sitting in my football shorts and sports bra, completely zoned out, when suddenly somebody nudged me.

"Are you okay?" Jana repeated herself and looked at me in worry.

Just like the others the youngster had noticed that instead of taking part in the chaos, I was more quiet than usual. Even now with Aitana, Patri and Jana around me, I had completely zoned out, not even knowing what they were talking about.

When I looked at the three girls but more specifically Jana, the worry was easy to spot on their faces.

"Yeah, sure." I played it cool and tried to brush it off. I grabbed my Nike socks out of my back and started to put them on.

"Are you sure? You're awfully quiet." Patri correctly pointed out while frowning at the fact. She was usually the one I was causing chaos with.

"Totally. Just wondering if I fed Nala or not." I shrugged, keeping my focus on my socks.

Patri accepted my answer. I knew she wasn't convinced and neither was Aitana or Jana but they decided not to push it. They weren't the only ones who weren't convinced.

I could feel Alexia's stares from across the room but just like my three friends, she too decided not to push it. For now at least.

"What were you guys talking about?" I changed the subject all together, looking at the girl's.

"That Aitana's landlord is a total creep." Patri rolled her eyes at the mention of the older guy. I frowned while grabbing my cleats out of my back.

I looked at her surprised. It was the first thing I heard about the problem but then again, I hadn't been at Aitana's place either but judging by the small glare Patri sent Aitana, it seemed that the problem had been going on longer.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now