Part 115

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A/N: Alright, guys, very sorry about the lack of posting, but it has been very busy lately. The school year started again, and I changed grades, so I had a lot to catch up on and get my classroom ready, but I'm back this week! How is everyone doing? I'm dying of nerves because i got my first football training today in a very long time, so I'll be dying. Anyway, have a good Monday and week! 

After a solid couple of days of training, game day had finally approached, and I was more than excited for it. Since camp started I had been looking forward to it because it wasn't just a regular game day, today would be Ali's hundred cap.

It is an impressive milestone, one I hope to achieve as well one day and the defender deserved to be honored for it. That's why the federation invited Ali's family for tonight and Jill made her captain.

Before we left to go to the stadium, we would have a team meeting and it was tradition that when someone was being honored, everyone would say something about that person once Jill was done. So here I was patiently waiting for my turn.

Everyone had said nice and touching things and it only made me more nervous. Ali meant a great deal to be so I felt the pressure of giving a great speech but I had nothing prepared. Everytime I tried to come up with something, my mind went blank.

"I think we saved the best for last." Jill's voice briefly stopped me from panicking further but once I realized she was talking about me, my heartrate picked up again.

When Jill noticed I wasn't really moving, her smile turned into a slight frown, confused as to why I didn't move. Kelley, who was sitting next to me, nudged my shoulder and pointed to Jill.

Slowly I got up and dragged my feet up there, to the front of the room. My head was spinning and my mind went blank once again. I lifted my gaze from my feet and let it settle on the dark haired defender in front of me.

"Uhm, I honestly have nothing prepared. I really tried but each time I came up blank." I stared at Ali who was having a smile sporting her lips.

"It's not because I have nothing to talk about." I rapidly shook my head, realizing that what I had said sounded a bit wrong.

"It's just, where do I start?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the ground again to collect my thoughts.

"I guess I should start with the beginning." I looked up with a smile, my gaze settling on the defender once again.

"I was only sixteen when I got called up for my first camp and even though I knew some of the players, I was still so nervous." I breathed out. The others laughed when they remembered my nervous state.

"Jill appointed you to be my roommate and because I was traveling from Europe and arriving late, you convinced her that you should be the one to pick me up from the airport." I continued my story. The smile on the defender's lips grew each second.

"And that small gesture was the start of everything. From that moment on you took me under your wing and never once complained about it." I chuckled, thankful for the defender.

"Every training, you pushed me to be better, to do better. On and off the field." I continued. The whole room fell silent. No one dared to speak, everyone hanging on my lips.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now