Second Time's a Charm (MxM)✔

By DarkSparx

180K 17.1K 3.3K

Cain, an ex-noble, dies as a common thief thanks to the manipulation of his wicked half-brother. Luckily, the... More

Trigger Warnings
Chapter 1 - Reflection
Chapter 2 - Family Matters
Chapter 3 - Funding
Chapter 4 - Invitation
Chapter 5 - Seducing the Butler
Chapter 6 - Speeding Things Up
Chapter 7 - Who's in Charge?
Chapter 8 - Shopping
Chapter 9 - The Gala Disaster
Chapter 10 - Abduction (TW)
Chapter 11 - Setback
Chapter 12 - Sabre Maddox
Chapter 13 - A Trick
Chapter 14 - The Dryad
Chapter 15 - Breaking Ground
Chapter 16 - Formal Meeting
Chapter 17 - Handle with Care
Chapter 18 - Something Changed
Chapter 19 - Demon Summoning
Chapter 20 - The Crime
Chapter 21 - Business
Chapter 22 - Enjoying the Moment
Chapter 24 - Crime
Chapter 25 - The Tour
Chapter 26 - Round Two
Chapter 27 - Change of Plans
Chapter 28 - The Choice is Yours
Chapter 29 - Who did it?
Chapter 30 - Acting Too Rash
Chapter 31 - On The Lam
Chapter 32 - Risky Business
Chapter 33 - Trusting the Enemy
Chapter 34 - The Upper Hand
Chapter 35 - Working Overtime
Chapter 36 - Watching the Battle
Chapter 37 - Turn of Events
Chapter 38 - The Fight
Chapter 39 - Let's Get Dangerous
Chapter 40 - Taking a Trip
Chapter 41 - Gossip
Chapter 42 - Work
Chapter 43 - What to do?
Chapter 44 - New Ashbury
Chapter 45 - Enigma
Chapter 46 - A Royal Tea Party
Chapter 47 -A Grim Situation
Chapter 48 - Guilt
Chapter 49 - Goals
Chapter 50 - Battle
Chapter 51 - Partnership
Chapter 52 - Overworked
Chapter 53 - Inspection
Chapter 54 - Being Domestic
Chapter 55 - Revealing The Truth
Chapter 56 - Andrew
Chapter 57 - Desperate Measures
Chapter 58 - I Expected A Fight
Chapter 59 - Pathetic Little Man
Chapter 60 - How Convenient
Chapter 61 - Invading the Palace
Chapter 62 - Peace Talks and Ceremonies
Chapter 63 - Wedding Jitters
Author's Notes/Upcoming Stories

Chapter 23 - Getting the Mail

3.1K 302 54
By DarkSparx

Progress on his new mansion was coming along perfectly. So, Cain decided to also hire some gardeners to start working on the surrounding yard. Though with the number of people he'd been sending to finish the build, he knew he'd have to show up in person soon to make sure the dryad didn't get too uncomfortable with so many 'visitors'. 

When the demon returned from her mission, Cain immediately set her to work on his distraction plan. Andrew was constantly in his father's ear, and recently he noticed suspicious glances cast his way more often. Luckily he had the servants on his side this time in case anything unsubstantial was brought up against him. He also made sure to stay in his room so his whereabouts could be tracked for the time being.

Today was different though. Catalina had spent less than two days investigating Dodson before reporting she had information, though insisted they meet in the capital. So he made his way downstairs, intent on leaving for the day when he was stopped by the very same mustached investigator as before.

This man wore a brown checkerboard coat and black pants. His boots were dark leather and he had a very sleek mustache. His father was practically attached to the man's hip whenever this particular detective came by. Cain learned that it was because this man had a reputation and went by the title Detective Karl Earl.

"And where are you going?" William asked, noticing Cain's departure.

The Marquess turned and offered a courteous acknowledgment to the investigator. "I thought I'd get some fresh air since I'd been confined to my room for so long." He left out the part where his father stopped being so strict about it and hoped the man didn't backtrack in front of company.

"You're still being confined?" The detective asked, turning to the Duke.

William rubbed his eyes and sighed, frustrated that such an unimportant topic had come up. "My...Son...Has developed a gambling habit. I restricted him to his room to make sure he didn't pawn off any more of his clothes to feed his addiction."

"But none of the gambling places are open right now." Cain gestured towards the window, where the morning sun was high in the sky. "I just want to go into town for a bit and walk around. Maybe eat something fresh for once."

"What does that mean?"

"Never mind!" William suddenly interjected the investigator and started steering him away. "Go on and do whatever you want, but make sure to be back before evening. Do you understand me?"

"Crystal clear father." Cain nodded, then nearly skipped out of the house and for once, used one of the family coaches. It'd be best if he did not disappear while so many people were looking into him.

Once he was dropped off, he wandered towards the western district, where the more religious folks lived. He avoided this area due to his unpleasant disposition for temples after to his untimely demise in his past life.

These temples weren't nearly as big as the ones in the Valley of Peace, but they were of the same style, with tall stone pillars, robed statues, stained glass, and expansive walkways. As he approached, a group of monks passed, single file, into the blue stone temple, and he found himself freezing on the spot.

The fires of the pit were still fresh in his mind. So fresh in fact that he could remember his skin bubbling from the heat...

"Having nightmares?" Asked a platinum-haired commoner in a simple yellow dress.

Cain scowled at Catalina, who had insisted he come out to greet her. Quickly the Marquess glanced around, making sure no one saw him speaking to the woman.

"Why did you want me to come here?" He hissed, annoyed.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't want to be seen with me."

"You'd be correct." Cain replied.

She tilted her head, then suddenly looped her arm through Cain's and held him in place with a goofy grin. Cain struggled for a minute, but was no match for her demonic strength and gave in.

It wasn't that he hated being seen with her, it was more the fact that he had so many bad rumors of him being a womanizer that he became paranoid about being seen with any sort of girl. In the back of his mind, he always feared someone would see him and assume the worst.

The last thing he needed was some false second hand assault accusation on top of everything else he was putting up with.

"Now come this way." Catalina led the Marquess along the outside of the blue temple, around the large robed statue out front, and between the trimmed bushes. They stood before the front entrance which stood open like a large gaping maw, and inside the light shined through the stained glass like rainbow spears.

"There's a basement in there." She whispered in Cains's ear as a few monks wandered the interior, praying to smaller statues and holding beads. "Below our very feet are cells full of young children being sold nightly to those who prefer unripe fruit."

Cain's eyes narrowed as he eyed the monks. She noticed and jabbed him in the side. "They don't know."

"How do they not know?" He wondered. "They practically live here!"

"Yes, but they are forbidden from going downstairs. This whole temple is funded by Lord Emil Dodson Killington. And while they don't know what's downstairs, they are paid a hefty sum to keep quiet about the sorts of people who come and go from here."

In other words, there's no way these monks wouldn't know something sketchy was going on. But to remain 'pure' they were intentionally feigning ignorance. Probably under the impression that so long as they didn't know exactly what was happening, they could still claim innocence without losing their profits. 

"Is there a way to get the girls out?" He asked.

She quirked an eyebrow at that. "Oh? Wanting to play the hero?"

"Not really. I just need witnesses for what I'm about to do."

"Another job?"

"Indeed." He turned and led the demon away from the temple. "I need to know the next time someone comes to this temple for the girls."

"In two nights' time, it'll reopen. It's a 'weekend only' situation." She quickly relayed. "I think this Dodson fellow tries to cover his tracks by hosting big meetings in the building over there every time his 'customers' arrive here at the temple. That way he's always accounted for, separately from the girls business." She pointed out one of the taller brown buildings just in the distance with truss roofing.

"Perfect." Cain already had a whole plan formulated in his head as he surveyed the layout. Then he grabbed a sack of money from his pocket and discreetly handed it off. "I need you to buy some explosives and maybe hire some help if need be. I'll need enough carriages to get the girls out of here, and enough gunpowder to at least make a dent in that temple."

"Getting rather bold aren't we?" She asked.

"That's just your part of the job. Wait until I get to mine." He winked at her and started heading back towards his carriage.

Along the way, he raised his hood and picked up Wolf Brooks' mail from his anonymous mailbox. It'd been hard to retrieve his mail lately, what with the investigation. But now that he was here, he thought he might as well go over what letters he may have missed.

Surprisingly, at the very top of the pile, was a letter from Maddox.

Something along the lines of excitement seemed to have him nearly ripping it open, but just as he was about to read it, he notice someone heading his way and quickly folded the paper back down and hid the small batch of envelopes under his cloak.

Out of the blue came Andrew, fully dressed in a black and gold suit and cloak, with his blond hair combed back and his eyes staring accusingly at Cain. The man did not slow down until he was right in front of Cain.

"Father mentioned you left the house. I wonder what my dear brother has been up to all by himself at such a grievous time?"

Cain frowned back, wishing he'd gone another route but knowing it would have made him look more suspicious. But now he had that bulk of envelopes in his hand, all addressed to Wolf Brooks, and if Andrew bothered to check his cloak then his secret identity would be discovered.

He stood, trying to think of a good reason to be in the city. When he couldn't think of any that would stop his brother from being suspicious, he just decided to do what he usually did.

"Getting away from my prison, that's what." He snapped. Causing Andrew to laugh sarcastically.

"Prison? That room of yours? With the bed and heater and maids waiting on you? Oh, you do not know what prison is like. But be sure, if I so much as find a single spec of evidence to prove that you've had anything to do with mother's disappearance, you will become well acquainted."

"You know what's funny?" Cain changed tactics. "You keep accusing me when there could be nothing wrong at all. For all we know she got lost in another town. Or worse, with all your attention on me, you're letting the real culprit get away."

"Don't jest with me," Andrew growled, getting very close to his face.

Cain remained as calm as he could with nearby pedestrians casting glances. This was the kind of suspicion he didn't need. And while he wasn't sure if his upcoming plan would stop his half-brother from looking his way, the investigation would certainly be shaken if not split apart once they had a new bone to chew on.

It was obvious that Andrew was very close to his mother Lena. So naturally, he'd have all his hackles raised after her disappearance. Yet there wasn't a thing the man could do about it. Cain could only imagine how much more frustrated he'd be once the investigation got delayed.

Oh, he really couldn't wait!

Andrew suddenly pointed towards their family carriage, which had pulled up behind him. "Get in and go home. You are not to leave the house without an escort from here on out." He ordered.

"You're not in charge of me!" Cain rebuffed, offended.

But Andrew just snatched his arm and tried to shove him into the coach. Thanks to his superhuman strength, Cain didn't budge and remained rooted as he scowled back toward his half-brother. "I said, you can't tell me what to do!"

Andrew was perplexed by the amount of strength his brother was exhibiting, but didn't let it stop him from running his mouth. "Then shall I tell father that you've been out cavorting with women? Oh yes, don't think I missed that commoner girl talking with you earlier." He accused.

Cain clenched the envelopes hidden under his cloak. He knew being seen with Catalina would cause problems.

"See? I'm right! You are womanizing the peasants!" Andrew shook his head as though disappointed. "You are quite a piece of work, aren't you?"

Cain lowered his head and climbed into the carriage, ignoring the man's remarks and doing his best not to punch him out right then and there.

Slow and painful was how he planned to kill his brother. So painful in fact, that he wanted the man to beg for his death when the time came. Or maybe he'd do something poetic to drive home the fact that Andrew's existence was meaningless?

But god, was it tempting to just get things over with sometimes. 


This story is Copyrighted ©Darksparx via Wattpad. Do not translate, post, or publish on any other platforms without the author's express permission.

Please consider tipping the author at if you enjoy this story! Coffee link is also on my profile. 

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