Ninjago Oneshots

By ImaginationsPortal

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Just a bunch of Ninjago one-shots. The first seven-ish chapters suck, I apologize for that. This is my first... More

A/N -Request Page
Lloyd's Nightmares
Dark Secrets
"Those who smile brightest are the saddest"
How can I help?
Past Pains
Possesed Memories
Not your fault
Morro's Pain
The Lloyd sandwich
Two sides of me
Movie Night
King and Queen
Comfort Cuddles
Can I have a Hug?
Bedtime Stories
Windows and Fights
Pillow Fort
Tickle Fight!
What goes up, doesn't always come down
Cooking Days
Out of the Closet
Help me!
One Happy Family
English Lesson
Opposite of Feeling Fine
Power Outage
RGB Sibling Short
Snowball Fights
It's Okay to Cry Sometimes
Best Brother Ever!
What is love?
"I pissed him off,"
Comfortable Crushing
Screams and Shouts
Do they even care?
Troublesome Lad
Five More Minutes
Family First
Zane x Dareth Prompt
What's 'Cuddling?'
My Body Hurts
Will You Read Me a Bedtime Story?
I Miss My Mom
Rainy Day Reading
Please... Take My Hand
Feral Kai
Forehead Kisses
Just A Nightmare
I don't like it
Fucked up coding

Robotic Anatomy

626 4 3
By ImaginationsPortal

Lol, I'm tired. This one will probably suck. Good luck to all of you, readers!

Zane's P.o.v.

I sat calmly in my room, reading a book. My door was wide open, so I could hear the conversations of the others better. You never know when you might have to break up a fight. Just the other day, I had to stop Nya from ending Kai when he ate the last cookie. And we're supposed to be the saviors of Ninjago. Jay walks by my room, his head bowed.

"Jay?" His head shoots up, looking around wildly for me. When he sees me, he relaxes.

"Hmm?" His eyes shine with moisture.

"Come here." He walks into my room, shutting the door behind him. "What's up?" I ask.

"N-Nothing." He stutters. I nod.

"Can you help me? I'm trying to draw out a design plan for myself, but I'm not sure where everything is." He looks at my book, titled "Robots of Ninjago", and then at the design plan that my father made.

"Why? You have the design right there." He says. I shrug.

"I'm bored and have nothing else to do." His eyes twinkle like they do when he's happy.

"Well then, why not? We've nothing to lose." He says, plopping down next to me. I grab my sketchbook and flip to a page where I sketched out a rough outline of myself from two different perspectives. One of my front, and one of my back.

"Okay, first, we should open my back panel." He opens it using a tool from my toolbox that I keep in my closet. We work hard for a few hours, and I have a completed design plan when we're done. He helps me transfer it to a stronger, more durable, paper. Finally, he flops back on my bed while I put the stuff away. I turn back and look at the time.

"So, now will you tell me what was wrong earlier?" I ask him. He looks at me.

"It's not important." He tries to tell me. He starts messing with his hands. I sit next to him and take his hand, tapping on his knuckles. He turns his head away.

"Go on," I say gently. He sighs.

"I dunno, it's just, sometimes I get homesick. I know I can go visit them, but we're just always so busy and I never have time!" Jay says suddenly. I pull him into a hug. Jay hugs me back. After a few minutes, I pull away.

"Better now?" He nods.

"Yeah. I think I'm going to take a nap." He says. I nod. It's time for me to start cooking supper anyways. I watch him head to his room. I make my way to the kitchen. I  pull out the menu for the week and start figuring out what to make. Lloyd joins me at my side. He points to the fettuccine alfredo.

"How about that for supper?" He asks. I shrug.

"Why not?" We set about making supper. A couple of times I almost mess up, and I know Lloyd noticed. He didn't say anything, though, bless his heart. He knows when something is wrong, but he also knows when to ask. When we finish, Lloyd goes to round everyone up to eat while I go get Jay. 

Jay's P.o.v.

Did I really just do that? Did I really just say that? He's going to think I'm crazy! I curl up on my bed. Maybe if I sleep, it will turn out to just be a bad dream. I fall into an uncomfortable nap.

I'm falling. I see the sky above me. The wind whistles in my ears. I twist around and see the ground coming up to meet me. I pass the tallest of the trees. Strangely, I don't panic. I want to, but It's like my body has already accepted my doom. Suddenly, a fist made of the earth reaches up and catches me. I stand on its palm, and watch in silent horror as a body forms from the earth, almost like watching it melt in reverse. A face forms, the eyes open and look at me as a mouth and long hair form. I stumble back, shaking. The thing laughs. Her voice sounds like honey, smooth and sweet.

"Oh, silly mortal. You have no need to fear me." I stare into the eyes and realize with a start that the eyes are made of gold.

"W-Who are you?" I manage. She smiles, tilting her head. her long wavy blue hair flows to the side. They remind me of the calm waves in the ocean. 

"I am Arimillus, the Warden of Dreams." My eyes widen. "I can see you're still confused. I will give you some time to get your bearings." She waits patiently turning her head to the bright sun and humming a song. I study her. She has a simple green dress that flows at the end. Her hair is pulled back so that half of it is in a ponytail. She's wearing simple sandals made of woven leather. She doesn't have a drop of makeup on her face. Her lips are curled up slightly at the ends. Her hair moves like there is a gentle breeze despite there being no wind. Her skin is slightly tinted pink. Her face reminds me of an angel. 

"Ma'am, um, how did I get here?" I ask finally. She turns to me again.

"You wished for a dream, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah, but-"  She cuts me off.

"Then you got your wish." 

"How long will I be here?" A cloud passes under the sun.

"Until you wake up." She says. She moves her hand and puts me on a tall jagged rock.

"Um, how come you look like that? You're very pretty," I add quickly. "But, you would think the Warden of Dreams would look like, well, like a goddess of space, ya know?" She laughs again.

"Don't worry. I'm not offended. Most people don't have the courage to talk to me so freely. Usually, I have to do the talking. It gets so boring. But, back to your question. I don't have a true form. I take on whatever form you want me to be. I can shift my appearance just as easily as dreams can turn into a nightmare." I nod slowly. It makes sense.

"Here. Imagine me as a demon."


"Just trust me."

I close my eyes and focus. When I open them, the sunny day is gone, replaced with a dark evening. The beautiful angel had been replaced with a demon. They looked as if they were made with shadows. The only color was their eyes. They burned bright with fire. I stumble back, desperately wishing for the angel to come back. As soon as I think about it, she transforms back.

"That... was... So cool!" I shout excitedly. She laughs.

"Not many people would say that. You clearly trust me." I go to say something when a beeping sound echoes off the trees. 

"What's that?"

"My call. I must go. I have another appointment. I have spared you from your real dream as long as possible." She says sadly. The dream starts to fade.

"Wait! Will I see you again?" She looks at me.

"Only if you call." She fades completely, and I'm forced into a different dream. My parents are standing over a casket. They're both crying.

"Mom? Dad? What's wrong?" I try to ask. They ignore me. I walk forward, reaching out for them. My hand passes right through them. "What the?" I see who's in the casket for the first time. My jaw drops.

"No!" I stumble backward. The person laying in the casket was me. I feel tears fall. "This can't be true! I'm not dead!" I turn and run with my eyes closed. When I stop, I open my eyes and freeze. I"m surrounded by my team, but they're all laying on the ground, dead. Blood pools from under them. My body starts to shake.




I jerk awake. My eyes settle on Zane.

Zane's P.o.v.

When I enter Jay's room, I know immediately something was wrong. He had tears streaming down his face. I swiftly walk over to him and start to gently shake him awake.

"Jay." No response.

"Jay!" Still nothing.

"JAY!" He jerks awake. His eyes dart around the room before settling on me.

"Zane?" His voice shakes. I nod. He launches himself at me, wrapping me in a tight hug. I hug him back. What is going on? Before I can ask, he starts talking.

"Oh, Zane, it was terrible! You guys were all dead, and so was I!" He sobs out. I gently take his hand again and start tapping his knuckles. He slowly stops crying. 

"You're okay now. See? I'm here." He nods, his head still resting underneath mine. He doesn't pull away from the hug, and I don't make a move to.  His hugs are honestly kinda nice.

"Hey, guys? The others have started eating okay? I just wanted to- Oh." Lloyd's voice says. I turn and see him standing in the doorway. "I'll go eat. Just wanted you guys to know we were eating." He turns, then glances back over his shoulder. "Oh, and, I didn't see anything." He disappears back done the hall. Jay shifts and pulls away from the hug.

"Thank you." He tells me.

"No problem," I say, standing. "Come join us when you're ready. Oh, and, wait five minutes after you're done crying so your face isn't red." He nods and I leave.

Lloyd's P.o.v.

I feel bad. I walked in on something I wasn't supposed to see. I hope Jay's okay, though. He seemed pretty upset. Nya drapes her arm around my shoulders, bringing me back to reality.

"Lloyd and I are gonna go to town tomorrow. Right?" She asks, looking at me.

"Yup," I assure her. 

"Good." She takes her arm away and keeps eating. I train my eyes on my food. A conversation soon starts up. Zane comes in after a bit and sits down. About five minutes later Jay joins us. No one pays him any attention.

"So, Jay, what are you gonna do tomorrow?" Kai asks. I look up from my food. Jay shrugs 

"Nothing, I guess." He says dully. Zane looks deep in thought.

"Would you like to go with me to your parent's house? I have a design idea that II need your dad's help with." Zane asks him.

"Sure!" Jay says. It can't just be me that thinks Jay looks a lot happier now, can it? I notice Zane's smile. Maybe I'm not.

Welp, this was fun. I'm not gonna lie, when I got to the point that Jay takes a nap, I paused halfway through and I was like, 'This escalated quickly.' Hehe. Oh well. Bye Bye!

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