The Archer (A Tale Of Heroes...

By TheSorceress96

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When the land is in peril only one group stands in the way of the demon that would raze their home to the gro... More

Author's Note (Please Read) - Updated May 11th, 2018
Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Part 3
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 12

64 4 0
By TheSorceress96


Declan was impressed. For once Katherine was silent. She must really be getting the hang of things. It didn't even sound like she was stumbling around anymore, which rang as a little odd. He twisted his head around to check on her.

He stopped. Three men stood on the path a way behind him and they were slowly walking towards him. Different heights, they were clad in thick leather clothing in shades of brown with green undergarments. They were dressed to blend in with the forest.

The man holding Katherine was six feet tall and towered over his companions. He had dark coloured skin and a large scar ran from his left ear to his chin, crossing his left eye as well. Black curly hair topped his head and there were leather bracers around his wrists.

The man to Declan's right was the smallest of the three and was pale with long red hair pulled back in a ponytail. He stood at about four and a half feet, shorter than the third man that stood at just over five feet tall. The third man had chestnut hair and olive skin.

Quickly assessing the garb and demeanour, Declan came to the conclusion that he was facing Forest Bandits, the most ruthless of their kind. The scars they were all wearing was proof of this.

The man in the centre of the small group was holding Katherine tightly with one arm wrapped around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides. The other hand held a blade against her throat. The bandit's beady black eyes were fixated on Declan and his movements.

Holding his hands up, Declan took a small step towards them. "Now, now, I'm sure we can work this through. If it is gold you want, I can assure you that we have none."

"Stay back!" growled the man to the left. "We don't want none of your wealth. We heard you have something more precious to trade." He trailed a hand slowly up Katherine's arm. She shivered and tried to pull away but the grip around her waist was too strong.

"Now, come on gentlemen that is no way to treat a lady. She is not something to be traded."

"We know who you are, archer." The man on the right spoke now. His voice was raspy, like he was forcing the words out.

The bandit's words sent an alarm off in Declan's head. Demonica? He still had the blades wrapped tightly in his hands. He moved closer to the group, but that only made them more agitated. Declan took a step back to calm them down.

He eyed the three closely. There was something off about more than just their actions. He looked each of them up and down. Their eyes...they're all black. He started to back up further. He needed a plan if both Katherine and he were to escape unharmed.


Katherine gasped as the bandit's grip on her tightened. The blade was pressed tighter against her throat and a thin trail of blood trailed down her neck. "Declan, please just go." She whispered the words, but she knew he heard her. She hoped he understood her meaning. She knew he wouldn't just abandon her but he couldn't be stupid about it.

She tried to urge him to go with her expression, silently pleading with her eyes. Katherine could see the mental battle he was fighting but he finally relented.

"Fine," he said, "you can leave with her. I will not follow. Just treat her well."

The bandits on either side of Katherine glanced at each other, clearly confused. They had obviously been expecting some kind of resistance from the renowned archer. Grudgingly they backed away from him, slowly disappearing in the bushes on the side of the path.

"I'm sorry, mistress!" the bandit on the left said.

"Shut up you miscreant! I have no time for your groveling." The bandit that had captured Katherine snapped. He...or she...seemed to be the leader of the small troop. He was sure it was a man that held her but the words the others spoke confused her.

"What about the archer, mistress?"

Katherine snapped out of her attempt to reach the blade in her boot. The way the bandit was speaking reminded her of something, or someone.

"He will be no doubt following us to rescue his precious companion." Nails dug into Katherine's arms until she cried out. More blood began to trail down her arms from the small cuts. The bandit leaned forward to speak in Katherine's ear. "Or are you more than a companion to our dear hero?"

Katherine coughed loudly as she tripped over a stone, causing the others to laugh loudly. The bandit spoke quieter this time. "Have you figured things out yet, girl? You're little hero friend is going to come save the damsel in distress. It's because of you that you're both going to die today."

The words he spoke sent more shivers down Katherine's spine. She tried to place the words he said into a larger context. What is he talking about? It is almost like he knows what Declan has been doing. The blood rushing through her ears prevented her from thinking much more about it, though.

Walking quickly through the trees, they were doubling back on the path Katherine and Declan had been walking on the last couple days. While they talked Katherine tried to think of a way to escape from her captors.

She couldn't reach the blade in her boot and she was positive that none of the pouches on her belt would help her. Except maybe...She thought of the one pouch Netta had told her not to open. Mentally she shook her head at the idea. This is not the right time. She wasn't sure how she knew this, but she did.

Thinking quickly, Katherine sifted through her options. Unfortunately, there weren't many but she was not going to let Declan save her again. One save was enough in her books for a very long time. She didn't like being the damsel in distress. She much rather be the one doing the saving. And if that meant using her feminine charms, she scoffed, then that was how she was going to save herself.


Declan watched them disappear and fought the urge to go after them. Facing them head on was not a wise plan of action. He decided to backtrack quickly down the path before cutting into the woods in the same direction that they had taken. Before he left he grabbed Katherine's sword. He travelled quickly in a parallel direction with them.

He cut back through the trees until he was in front of the path they were taking. He hid behind a tree and waited for them to show up. A couple minutes passed until he could hear the shuffling of feet on the dirt floor.

The group was quiet and travelling slowly since the one bandit still had Katherine wrapped tightly in his arms. Watching closely, Declan could see a determined look on Katherine's face.

A few moments later she collapsed, leaving the bandit to catch all of her weight. She slipped from his arms, landing on the ground heavily. Instead of being surprised, the bandit simply bent over and laughed.

"Looks like this damsel is really distressed. Poor girl fainted! What a brave one she is, then, is she not? I am surprised that archer did not go for a stronger type, one to match his...prowess."

The words the bandit spoke sounded eerily similar to something Demonica would say. Declan was not sure how Demonica would be here without him seeing her, unless she had decided to possess the bandit. But she wouldn't do that. She likes her other body too much right now to give it up. The entire situation as confusing.

He crept closer to one of the bandits on the side closest to him, the one with the red hair. Once behind him Declan lifted the butt of the sword and knocked him in the head.

The bandit collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Declan didn't want to kill them unless he had no choice. The loud thump attracted the attention of the other two, who swivelled around to see what happened.

The leader smiled wickedly. "Oh, I see you've come back to play. It's about time."


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