Twisted Truth

By Kay121x

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Adaline Webster to the outside world had it all wealth, power and a place in the world of business however sh... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Fourteen

306 4 0
By Kay121x


Before we get to the entrance Rocco escorts me to a side door. Hmm strange and why is there so many people coming with us at the same time. I'm led downstairs into some sort of underground garage. The aray of cars is amazing. Just how much money do these guys have.

Rocco had somewhat explained to me how the next couple of hours is going to go. We are all going in separate cars in the hopes that if anyone is following us our new location isn't compromised. I think this might be a step too far but I won't be voicing these opinions. Even though Rocco and I have spoken its still tense and well he is Rocco. I'm learning quickly to just do what he says and ask the questions.... Well never if he had his way.

I'm riding with the guy called Shane, I don't even know Shane. I think its ridiculous that I can't ride with Rocco or at least Bruno! I know him a lot better than this Shane. I'm sure he is a lovely person but if this is going to be a high stake journey I'd much rather it be with someone I at least know.

"Why can't I go with you?" Biting the bullet I voice my opinion.

"Its safer this way spitfire. I promise Shane is the best. I wouldn't place you in the hands of someone I didn't trust." Rocco tries to sooth my apparent nerves. He places a chaste kiss to my lips and guides me into the car.

"I'll see you in a bit baby." Rocco closes the car door before walking over to his own car. There is at least 10 cars lined up some plan they have going on.

We are out of the gates and on onto the highway in no time. The silence is awkward but I doubt I'll get much conversation out of the man. I don't blame him really, Rocco can be a crazy person at times. Well most of the time actually.

Just as I think that this whole plan is ludicrous 3 mysterious black sedans start tailing our cars. One for each of us, wow they were right. I don't know why I even thought they could be wrong. It's made even more clear when they take the same exit as us maintaining a 2 car distance. Hoping to keep out of sight but I know they are there.

"Erm Shane?" I try get his attention "I think we might be getting followed."

"Shit!" Shane hisses swerving the car suddenly causing me to slam into the door. Ouch, that hurt! We are now on the outskirts of the city.

"Sorry Addie! I'm gonna try loose them okay? Just hold on."

I'll be holding on alright!

Rocco said this guy was good, he did not mention that Shane drives like he's in grand theft fucking auto! He takes a sharp right and hides down an alley. The adrenaline is coursing through my veins and I can hear my heart in my ears. I'm scared, this whole situation terrifies the crap out of me.

We wait in the alley for what feels like forever. My anxiety building with every second. I could start hyperventilating if we don't start up this bloody car soon.

"What is going on? What are you waiting for!?" I exclaim feeling the need to get out this car. Its starting to get way too hot back here and I really do think I'm gonna have a panic attack.

"I'm waiting for that." I follow Shane's finger and thats when I notice the Sedan from earlier crawling down the road, looking for us.

Shane looks in the rear view mirror seeing an opening at the other end of the alley. Before the car can figure out that we are here, Shane puts our car into reverse and backs out into the adjacent road. Swerving before speeding off.

Like I said. Grand theft auto.

After a tense 20 minutes we are stopped in what I can only explain as a sketchy neighbourhood. I gotta just trust the process. I know that our typical places are not safe right now but surely this kind of place isn't that safe either?

Maybe I am just being a snob.

"The house is a couple of blocks away but I'm parking here just incase we weren't able to shake the tail." Shane explains. So maybe it's not going to be that bad.

Oh I hope it's clean.

Shut up Adaline.

Two blocks later and we are standing outside the apartment block. Yup looks just as shady as all the other blocks. Maybe its a case of hiding in plain sight.

I'm led up the stairs and into the top floor apartment. I'm surprised to find that it's new, clean and looks nothing like the outside. I also noticed the array of cameras littered through the outside and inside of the building.

Safety precaution.

"Rocco?" I call out needing the reassurance that this is infact the right place.

A grin breaks across my face as I run upto him, jumping into his arms. The gesture shocks both of us. What am I doing? Heck if I know but the feeling of being in Rocco's arms is calming. For the first time since getting into the car my anxiety is easing.

I litter light kisses across his neck breathing in his unique scent. How can one man smell that good.

"Is everything okay baby?" His tone worried and if I was to be looking at his facial features I'd find him glaring at Shane. I nod before looking at him. Yeah I was right the glare is etched into his features.

"I fine." I take a deep breath to calm my nerves before continuing "was just a stressful journey thats all. Nothing wrong with Shane though, he did a wonderful job." I smile over at Shane hoping Rocco doesn't shoot him too.

"Ginge! You made it in one piece. Thank the lord!"

"Hi Bruno. Thank the lord indeed." Always one for the dramatics. Rocco puts me down and I'm led into the livingroom and when they say don't judge a book by its cover. They mean this place.

This place is beautiful, minimalistic but gorgeous none the less.

"Do you like my humble abode!?" Bruno asks

"This is your place!? Wow" the surprise evident in my tone. I just assumed that Bruno was constantly joined to Rocco's hip.

"Well it's his 2nd apartment, Bruno wouldn't live in this part of town. For right now though it's your safe haven. We have all your things in the master. This will be our home till all this mess is delt with."

I think my heart stops a little bit. Rocco almost sounds sincere. Does he care for me? Surely he wouldn't go through all the hassle if he didn't care for me. I really don't understand this man at times. Why would he sleep with someone else if he cared for me?

"Penny for your thoughts?" I notice it's just Rocco and I that are the only ones left in the room.

"Where is the master bedroom?" I think my question shocks both of us. Maybe its the thrill from the car journey or the fact that I'm having a melt down internally. Who knows but one thing is for sure, I really want to fuck Rocco right now.

Instead of answering me, Rocco guides me into the room kicking the door shut once we are in. Without thinking I push Rocco onto the bed. Liking how in control I feel standing above a man who demands so much.

"What do you want spitfire?" A cocky smirk firmly placed on Rocco's face.

"Your trousers off. Now." If I want to get out of my head I'm gonna need to be in control of this one. It's almost like a craving. It appears that it doesn't just shock me but Rocco is slightly surprised as well.

He does what I say without another word. Once they are off he is left in nothing but a tight pair of boxers that leaves nothing to the imagination.

I stalk towards him before lowering myself onto my knees. Rocco's sharp intake of breath has me internally beaming. I run my fingers up and down his thighs paying extra attention to his clothed crotch which has his hip bucking in frustration.

"Don't tease me." He growls, fidgeting on the bed.

I grip the waist band of his boxers and pull them down to reveal Rocco's very hard member. Maybe being told what to do turns him on.

I take his thick member into my hands and start to pump my wrist up and down adding extra pressure as I get to the base. Loving the sound of Rocco sighing in pleasure.

I wrap my lips around the tip sucking slightly. His taste invades my senses. I continue to suck as my hands pumps up and down, occasionally cupping his balls.

I look up to see Rocco gripping at the sheets with his eyes closed. Even though I'm beneath him I've never felt more in control of the man.

I take his cock deeper into my mouth, gagging slightly as the tip hits the back of my throat. The montion has Rocco burrying his fingers into my hair. Taking back some control.

"Fuck spitfire!"

The sounds of Rocco unravelling has the heat between my legs intensifying. I swirl my tongue around his cock before taking him deep within my throat again. Loving the pressure of Rocco's hand in my hair. His grip almost painful but it shoots sparks of pleasure to my growing heat.

"I'm not gonna last much longer." I moan around him in response which has him pulling me from his cock. Standing upright and glistening, the sight has my mouth watering.

"Why are you not naked yet spitfire?" His question has be stripping so fast I fall as I try to get off my leggings. Causing us both to laugh and I mean belly laugh.

Laughing so hard that both of us have tears in our eyes. I think the moment has passed but it's nice to be able to laugh with him. Even if it's on the bedroom floor of a strange apartment with both of us butt naked.

Its nice.

"Did you sleep with your ex?" I didn't know six words could change the atmosphere of a room so fast but they have.

"Adaline." The tone and look on his face has me frowning.

"I need to know the truth Rocco. If this is going to go anywhere, I need to know now before i get myself in any deeper." This conversation feels very inappropriate to have naked. I feel too exposed, too bare.

Silence. I am met with silence.

Right. I see how this is. I'm supposed to give my whole self to this man and he can do whatever the fuck he wants with whoever he wants. How is that fair? It's not fair actually, fuck him.

"I couldn't sleep with her."

What did he say? Did he just say he couldn't sleep with her.

"Addie are you listening to me?" I don't respond with words but instead I crash my lips to his. Feeling too overwhelmed to use words to express my feelings. I've never really been good at using words. Rocco tries to deepen the kiss but I pull away,

"The moment is lost buddy but I'm glad you couldn't sleep with her. I dont -" do I want to finish this sentence. Take a deep breath Addie you can do this. "I don't want you sleeping with other people. I want you to just want me."

Oh God Addie why do you have to sound so needy. Rocco is gonna run a fucking mile. You have a hard time with feelings. You can't have a good time without fucking everything up and too top it all off you sound like a needy toddler.

"I won't be sleeping with other people. You are the only person I want Addie. I made a mistake bringing her to the house and I want to apologise. It was wrong of me."

Who is this person and what have they done with Rocco. This is not the man I have been staying with. This is a man I could actually start to fall for. Maybe? Is that too soon?

"Well I'm glad you have come to your senses. Now I'm starving so let's go make some food."

I stand up and stretch my hand out to help Rocco up. Laughing he pulls me into him before dragging me towards the kitchen. I really hope this side of Rocco stays. I really like this side of him.


Hello Darlings!

A bit of a filler chapter but I think it's nice to get an insight into the way Adaline's brain works especially when it comes to Rocco.

What do you think of Adaline and Rocco's building relationship?

Do you think it can last?

I hope you are enjoying their story so far!

If you have any comments it would really mean a lot.

A cheeky vote would also make my day!

Thank you so much for reading!xx

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