Ben10 human girls x male read...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including human females from Ben 10 series. More

Female Ben 10 x male reader Bennette Tenyson(Bene for short)
Lucky girl and Gwen Tennyson x Male reader
Female Ben&Gwen x male reader
Joan Maplewood x male reader
Original&Omniverse Gwen x male reader Interdimensional date
Female Kevin Levin x male reader Karen Levin
Female Benverse & Beachday
Female Ben 10000 x Male reader
Nega Bene x male reader
Nega Bene x male reader part 2
Helen Wheels x male reader
Bad Gwen x shy male reader
Eunice(Unitrix x male reader)
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Rook
Female Omnivese Ben 10 x male reader
Female Mad Ben x Male reader
Female Ben 23 x male reader
Werewolf Gwen x Male reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Albedo
Gwenettes x Male reader
Female Ben 10000 Omiverse x male reader
Molly Gunther x Maler reader
Mazuma x male reader
Charmcaster x Male reader
Gwen's french teacher x Male reader
Female Cooper Daniels x male reader
Gwen&Gwen's clones x Male Reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Kevin
Pinky x Male Reader x Missy
Mad Gwen x Male reader
Swift x Male Reader
Helen Wheels x Male Reader x Female Manny Armstrong
Ben 10000's daughter Gwendolyn Tennyson x Male Reader
Turbine x Male Reader
Change of face Dog girl x Male Reader
Frightwig x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x Male Reader
UAF Gwen x Male Reader
Perfect day cheerleaders x Male Reader
Christmas special:Elf Gwen x Male Reader
Gwenom Tennyson x Male Reader
Omniverse Gwen x Male Reader
Omniverse Lucky Girl x Male Reader
Gwendolynn Tennyson x Male Reader
Sparksville woman x Male Reader
Female Ben 10 x Male Reader x Female Generator Rex
Ben's fouth grade teacher x Male Reader
Ben 10 female goth students x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x male reader part 2
Valentine day
Emily x Male Reader 50th story
Pierce's girlfriend x Male Reader
Mad Helen Wheels x Shy Male Reader
Tiffany x Male Reader
Ship/Julie fusion x Male Reader
Mrs Fang x Male Werewolf Reader
Dr.Borges x Male Reader
Blonde classmate x Male Reader
Mandy and Female Andy x Male Reader
Carol Smith x Male Reader
Councilwoman Liang x Male Reader
Cryptid Drew Saturday x Male Reader
Robo Rojo x Male Reader
Trina x Male Reader
Rojo's gang x Male Reader
Female Circus freaks x Male Reader
Female Bird vilians x Male Reader
Female Ben&Gwen x Male Reader Part 2
Female Forever knights x Male Reader
Female sumo x Male Reader
Female Sublimino x Male Reader
TetraGwen x Male Reader
Anniversary #1
UpGwen x Male Reader
Female Dr.Animo x Male Reader
Gwen harem x Male Reader
Perfect day pizzza workers x Male Reader
Tigris (Nyancy) Chan x Male Reader
Female Ben x Shy Male Reader
All That Glitters victims x Male Reader
Female Cops x Male Reader
Hoverboard girl x Male Reader
Ben's female classmates x Male Omnitrix Wearer Reader
Possesed Kai Green x Male Reader
Merry Christmass
Black knight x Male Reader
Elena Valadis x Male Reader
Mad Ben's female slaves x Male Reader
Female Sumo x Male Reader Part 2
Monster weather girl x Male Reader
Vigilante Lucky girl x Male Reader
Ben 10000 Policewoman x Male Reader
Hot stretch lady x Male Reader
Natalie Alvarez x Male Reader
Anniversary #2
Mrs.Jones x Male Reader
Ben's UAF classmates x Male Reader
Possessed Gwen and Charmcaster x Male Reader
Rook's fan girls x Male Reader

A change of face Prison harem x Male Reader

1.6K 18 3
By gentelmanbeast

Author:(I know the picture looks a little weird but in the show,they were covered in prison food in this scene.Ive done the best I could to clean them up.Honestly,it took me four or five seperate tries to get to this result.I also replace the girl with black hair between Missy and blue hatted girl with Pinky.Doesnt make much sense to seperate the two of them.)


Entire town,well actually not really,was gathered in the courtroom.There was a lot of commosion over their beloved member of society.The friendly and always reliable neighboor.

Judge:Order!Order in the court!

Prosecutor:Your honor,could we dispense with this sherade?Its clear that the suspect is guilty.Short of actual witnesses,we have an overwhelming ammount of evidence.

Defense attorney:Objection,all of them could be planted.

Judge:Sustained.Just as how prosecution has no witnesses to confirm he did commit the crime,there are also no witnesses who were with him at the time crime took place.

Defence attorney:But your honor,psychological profile doesnt fit my client at all.If by any chance he has something even close to a multiple personality disorder,we cant judge him by the actions somebody else undertook in his physical state.

Judge:I heard enough.The jurry will decide.Though I have a pretty good feeling about it.

The jurry left to their room to discuss the decision while the defense attorney lefts with everyone else and had a word with her client.

Defense attorney:Im sorry,Ive done the best I could.

Y/N:What am I suppose to do?Theyre eating me alive there.

Defense attorney:Look st the bright side.Majority of people in there are on your side.Theres a chance you might go away with memories of this day as a bad dream only.

Y/N:..Law wasnt your first career plan wasnt it?

Defense:Theater actually.I had to pick a more profitable career until I get financially stable.

Everyone was called back inside and the jurry was ready to read out their verdict.The lead person in the jury stood up and spoke up.

Jury foreperson:We find the defendant......guilty.

Most of the crowd was despleaded and started to boo and shout.Unitl the judge silenced them.

Judge:Order!Order!By the power invested in me by the town of Salem,Massachusetts,I sentence your to the state prison.

Stenographer:Um sir,its full.In fact,the only prison we have juristiction over that has enough space is the womens prison.

Judge:Youre kidding.Guess Im even better than I thought.

Defence attorney:You cant possibly-

Judge:I belive the final word is mine.I sentence you to the Salems prison for woman.

Author:(If theres any comfusion,thats the place from the episode Change of face.)

Y/N:No,please!Im innocent,please!

He had no chance,once the guard took him away.He didnt belong to jail.Of any kind but the worst part was the jail itself.The truck dove to the prison of a rainy and dark,actually just chilly autum day.For some reason he was left with his personal clothing rather than being issued prison wear or either orange or classic black and white.One of the female cops guided him through the hallways until they got to one specific doors and she pushed him into the cell.

Police girl1:Enjoy the rest of your life,lowlife.You guys play nice no.

She shut doors behind her as Y/N picked himself up from the floor and dusted himself off.The welcoming comitty of the cell was very cold.Arctic.The girl with glasses and a blue hat was leaning on one of the walls with folded arms when she looked at him with a desatified look on her face.Girl dressed in black with buns in her hair and glasses was armwrestling a girl with an orange sweater who lost when she lost her concentration after seeing a man in their cell.Their prison.The two blonde girls were standing behind those two,waiting for their turn,one with folded arms and the other with one hand on her hip.

???:Well,well,well.What do we have here?

Two girls were hidden away in the shadow before stepping out.One had a gray cloth around her head and wore a brown jacket while the other had a greenish gray shirt with a collar and a skull symbol on her shirt.They aproached him and started circling him.

Pinky:I didnt really belive them when they said we might be getting a man in this prison.And he just happens to be our cell.

Missy:Its just like you said.Almost as if you wished and it happened.


She started walking closer to Y/N who was backing up unitl he hit the wall behind him.

She then put her arms on the wall at each side of his head to let him know there was no escape.

Pinky:If you wish to survive here there are two rules you need to follow.Rule number one,Im in charge.So what I say,goes.Think you can handle that newbie?

She ruffled his hair for an effect as he nodded in fear.

Pinky:Good.And you know what the second rule is?

He shook his hand as of saying no in fear of what it might be.Not wanting to pass ip on the oprotunity to intimidate the new meat,the girl with the skull symbol rubbed her knuckles.

Missy:Obey rule number one,or else.Got it?


Missy:What was that?!


Missy:Good boy.

She petted the frightened cheek of Y/N with both of them giving him some space.But Pinky quickly wrapped an arm around him and started to led him across the cell,intoducing him to his new cellmates.

Pinky:Meet your new family,this is Domino.Shes a bit of a pyro so dont give her anything flammable.

She pointed at the blue hatted girl that didnt move a milimeter.

Pinky:Then over here we have Jinx.Notorius rebel that likes picking fights,especially with cops.She has a killer kick.

She pointed at the girl with almost entirely black attire who leaned back on her chair with her arms folded.

Pinky:And this is,you could say her sister in trade.Besides looks the only real difference between them is that Margaret over here prefers to use her fists.

The girl in the orange sweater cracks her knuckles for empasys that sent shievers done Y/Ns spine.Something that Pinky felt and smirked in response.

Pinky:Moving on,we have sisters Molly and Holly.Perhaps you heard of them.Theyre responsible for the most car thefts and wrecks this side of Great lakes.

Both blonde sisters made a cocky pose with the the one that had a childlike face rested her elbow and shoulder of her sister with three pigtails.

Pinky:So what are you in for newbie?Took a part in cheating?Robbed a woman blind?What got you in here?

Y/N:They said I shot a guy and sent me here because its was the only place that had space.But Im innocent,honest.

They all immedietly laughed at that and put Y/N in even more unease.

Jinx:Yeah,me too.I totaly didnt kneed that cop when I wasnt resisting arrest.

Molly:And we never used a wrench to beat up some money from someone.

Polly:Or silence from a nosy witness.

Missy:Theres no way someone ends up here without doing anything a good twoshoes wouldnt.And if by some chance that did happen,they could only leave in an ambulance.

Margaret:And thats only if they belive it.Thats how we got out last time.

Pinky:You never forget your first prison break.Or you last.Now I dont like when my underlings fight if its not for my own amusesment.So pick a corner and find something to do for the next,ten to twenty years.How much they gave you at least.

Feeling smaller than a grain of sand,he shakingly walked to the the onocuppid corner with all eyes on him.It was only when he rested his back against the wall with his eyes glued to the floor that they all returned to what they were doing before.

Y/N:(This is terrible.I wont survive a day here.Id had better chances in the solitary confinement.Thats just a solo cell right?But only way to get in is to cause trouble which could extand my sentence here.Hopefully someone will fix this injustice.Im still too fond of all twenty of my fingers.)

After a while,the prisoners were called to the feeding area.Y/N never saw so many women in one place since he was bored enough to watch sports channel whit stadium full of fans.He got in line with the other inmates and took a tray.After he got served the same unidentified goo as the others,he looked for a remote and empty table.It wasnt long before he got enveloped in the shadows.

Pinky:Refresh my memory Missy.Did I gave him a prommision to pick his won table?


Pinky:When I said I was in charge,that applied to everything.Look around.

He didnt want to turn his head and look like he was staring but he still had his peripheral vision.All eyes of the entire prison full were on him.Each raging from a different set of emotions and motived.From bad to worse.

Pinky:Im the only thing standing between them and you.And most of the girls here were here way longer than me.

All seven of his cellmates sat down at his table.Pinky right across him,Domino on his left and Jinx on his right.

Y/N:(Im dead!Im dead!Im dead!)

He grabbed a spoonfull of the food and looked at it as it dripped back onto the plate.

Jinx:Youll get used to it.Theres really no option.

To get her point acroos,she scooped up some of his food with her spoon and ate it up.

Molly:So which one did you use?


Holly:Which gun did you use before getting stuck here?

Y/N:I didnt use any gun.I didnt do it.

Margaret:Will you drop it already?Everybody knows you did it.Going on about it can only earn you a serious beatdown.Your only consolationll be choosing who does the beating.

Missy:Shes right.Men are the reason most of us are in here.Theres girl in the solitary that got dumped so many times,the last one to dump her wound up getting dump.Out the driving car in the woods.

Y/N:Did-did they found him?
Missy:How else do you think she ended up here?

Y/N:But Im telling the truth.You have to belive me.

Missy slammed her hand on the table and sat up,only for Pinky to raise her palm and stopped her in her tracks.She grabbed Y/Ns chin firmly and turned it around in few direction to get a good look.Then she nodded in Dominos direction and turned Y/Ns head her way.

After some staring at him,Domino turned back to Pinky and simply nodded,as emotionlessly as ever.

Pinky:By George,he telling the truth!We finally have a guy in this dump and hes an honest to goodness good doer.

Y/N:See?Youve gotta help me.

Molly:What do you mean gotta?

Holly:Youre the good doer,not us.

Jinx:You staying here is the best entertainment well ever have.And you think guard will belive you?

Margaret:Or that Domino can tell when somebodys lying?Face it,youre stuck with us.

Missy:So you better finish up the food,cause after this it's backyard.We wouldn't want to have to wait for you.

Y/N got the message and started eating,his eyes down and taking short breath.An he also moved the spoon very slowly when scooping up the food so he wouldn't make much noise and attract attention to himself.Even if all the other inmates kept talking.After a while and most inmates finished their meals,the guars came to escort them to the backyard.A square patch of dirt smaller then a school gym with bleachers,a small basket ball field and the classic weightlifting area.Y/N couldn escape the girlss stairs so he had to go with others to the yard.Once there,he lloked for a secluded spot where he could be in peace.

He went to thefar end of the bleachers and sat down,looking at his intervined fingers.This peace didnt last however,because he got a guest.Tohis surprise it was the seemingly mute pyro Domino.He expected her to scold him for getting away from them but then he remembered that all the brief time he known he had known her,she never said a word.She just sat down not too far from him with slopped back and her elbows on her legs.The longer the silence drew on,the more uncomfortable it was for Y/N.

Y/N:S-so um,why dont you talk?

She just shrugged without looking away from the far away spot in the distance.

Y/N:How do you know if someone is lying?

She didnt say anything and just kept staring.By now Y/N just gave up on having any form of conversation with her.

Domino:Dont know.Just can.

Y/N:So you can talk.

Domino:Never said I couldnt.Just dont have a reason to.

Y/N:I see...

After few more minutes of silence,she took out a box of matches and lit one of them before staring at the flame.

Y/N:How did you get that in here?

Once again,she remained silent.She spoke only after Y/N lost hope again.

Domino:I like watching the flames.Theres something so pure in them.Ilumination through incineration...

Y/N:Youre a regular Firefly.

She cuickly shot him a look which he couldnt recognise due to the glasses but he jumped back in fear all the same.

Domino:Firefly?I like that.

She flings the match which was about to burn her fingers away and was about to take out another one.As soon as she opened the box,another hand closed it.They both trailed the hand to its owner who turned out to be Margaret.And her so called sister wasnt far behind.She sat on the bleacher seat,right behind Y/N and trapped his body in place with a leg lock.

Margaret:Dont want guards to see you and confiscate this box too,right?

Jinx:We thought you mightve tried to run away from us and hide.But we see youve just kept Domino company.

Y/N:Yes,yes!So can you let go please.

Jinx:No way,the girls are up and Im sure theyd like to have your support.

Y/N was confused at what she meant by that when the whistel sounded of.The basketball match started and it just so happened to be between Molly,Holly,Missy and Pinky versus four other girls.The ball was through in the air and one of the girls on the other team tried to catch it when Missy rammed into her with her shoulder and Pinky caught the ball.


Jinx:What did you expect?Its a prison after all.You do what you have to,to win.And if it someone stands in your way.Too bad!

She squeezed her legs around him tighter and knocked some air out of him which made her grip on him stronger.Much like a burmese python eating a deer.The game looked more like hockey and american football.As in playing without rules and beating on each other like kids.While the two brawlers cheered and Domino stared while Y/N just looked at the display of force and sheer strenght those four girls displayed.It would be a murder if he would up on the business end of that force.At the end of the game,the other team looked ripe for the itensive care.The girls from his cell walked over to them as victors with Pinky wearing her jacket around her waist,exposing her sweaty muscled arms.

Y/N:(She didnt look that strong with her jacket on.When I get out I should join a gym.Altough it looks like its more of a question of if than when.)

Pinky:Enjoyed the show.

Y/N just sat there intimidated until he felt Jinx squeeze harder on him,prompting him to nod several time really fast.Pinky just smiled and petted his head before seating next to him as Jinx finally let go of him.

Pinky:Good boy.

She untied her jacket from her waist and tossed it on another seat as she layed on Y/Ns lap with her hands behind her back.

Pinky:Ive gotten so hot,I dont think Ill move for a while.

Missy:I like the way you think.

She followed he bosss example but instead of laying on him,she leaned on his side with her entire weight and hands of course,behind her head.With both of them finished with a agressive game of basketball and the sun shining so brightly,Y/N felt like he was being cooked alive.

Molly:Man,its hot today.

Holly:Good thing we got something for beating those losers.

After they were finished talking,they took big gulps of their bottled water.

Y/N:(Personal clothes,matches,bottled water?With all the things they can get their hands on,I wonder would it even be a prison if they didnt have to stay the night here.I think they have it too easy.You never see male criminals treated like this in the movies.)

Hearing their gulps and seeing the drops of water slide down the cold bottles due to warm air condensation made him focus all his thoughts to his thirst.Had they not started drinking,he probably wouldnt notice how thirsty he actually is.Its almost as if they wanted to make him feel terrible.Like a man lost in the desert.Seing him desperate gulps for any moisture in his mouth,girls knew that their plan was working.Two press on him like a living incubator and others make him aware of his thirst.Flawless plan.But whats the goal.

Pinky:Shame we dont have enough for the rest of you.

Missy:Next time you win the game,you get the spoils.

They both took out the water bottles they won and started drinking.Y/N remembered that the others had some water in the cafeteria so it was no wonder they werent as thirsty as him.

Molly:What about you Y/N?Thirsty?

Y/N:N-no thanks.You already drank form it.

Holly:So what?Weve been locked up in her,didnt get to catch anything.

Y/N:Still,Im fine.

Molly:Really?No need for some.Refreshing.Cold.Water?

She was waving the bottle in front of him like a hypnotist would a golden watch.His throat was getting dryer and dryer.After a while of this teasing he tries to quickly reach for the bottle only for her to yank it away.

Holly:Ah-ah-ah.First you need to do something.


Margaret:You have to join our gang.

Y/N:I thought most of you worked solo or in two at least.

Jinx:That was before we all ended up in the same cell.Unless you swear loyalty to our gang,no water or any other thing that might make your stay here berable.

Missy:Do we have a deal?

He was torn.Accept to follow a criminal gang and have a better chance of surviving in prison,or deny to avoid getting even more dirt on his new criminal record and die of dehydration.All the eyes were on him,at least of those girls,his throat was tensing up and the cold droplets were dripping off the water bottle.


Missy:I can't hear you.

Y/N:I-I...I'll join your gang!

Pinky who was still laying in his lap,looked up at him and petted his cheek.

Pinky:Good boy.

She breathed in and in one swift motion lifted her upper body of him.

Pinky:Give it to him.

Molly:OK,here you go.

She tossed him the water bottle which he hurriedly caught in both his hands.After turning the bottle cap around,he tossed it away and started gulping the water down as if he was on the death's door.

Holly:Heh,so easy to manipulate.


In her mind a thought bubble began to form.She was sitting on the throne,surounded with all the stolen goods she could ever want and the girls.

Y/N was sitting on a pillow by her side so she could easily rest her hand on his head to pet him like a obedient puppy.Dream version of her had the most evil and satisfied smirk she could muster.Until the thought bubble burst and dispersed into thing air as she shook her head.By this time,Y/N epmtied the water bottle completley with a satisfied sigh.

Y/N:Ah,so much better.

Prison guard:OK you animals,yard times over!Everybody inside!

Y/N:Guess its back to the cell.

Missy:Unless you want to go to the library.

Y/N:Theres a library here?

Margaret:Sure.Not all girls here know how to read,kind of a reason why therere here,but its still an option.

Jinx:So you wanna go?

Y/N:I-if its OK with you guys?

Pinky:Isnt he adorable?We better go them before the guards get antsy.

All of them stood up and followed the other inmates back inside.When they got to the hallway that led to the cell,they turned left which alarmed the guards who pointed their weapons at them.The issue was resolved after they told them they were going to the library which was rare and surprising,and after Y/N convinced himself that he wasnt having an heart attack from all those weapons being pointed at him.

When they got to the library,it was to no suprise mostly empty.There were about ten or so book shelves but for a place like this,it was like a public library.

Missy:So whatd you want to read?

Y/N:Im not sure.

Margaret:How about this.The cover picture looks nice.

She pulled out a book that had a heart chained to cartoonish chail and ball with a prison hat on top.The title and descripture suggested it was prison horor

Jinx:Didnt know we had something like this.Let me see.

Margaret:Hey,I saw it first.

They entered a tug of war for the book and trashed on the floor like trout to win it.

Y/N:Are they always like this?
Pinky:If they arent Id be worried.You look like youd read something mushy and soft.

She poked him in the abdomed before looking at the shelf.Then she snapped her finger in succes and took out a very old book titled The Old Man and the Seabefore tossing it to Y/N who caught it just barely.

Pinky:Here,knock yourself out.

Then she walked upto his pushed him back with both her arms so he fell backwards on the double sofa.With him now sitting,Holly and Molly sat on each side of him and rested against him.

Holly:What?It was our turn.

Y/N:Just brushed it aside since they didnt seem dangerous at the moment.He began reading and was getting really into it.Not enough to forget he was in jail but close enough.He was about to finish the page but one of the sisters turned it back.

Molly:Hey,Im not finished.

Y/N:(With their criminal history they probably didnt have a lot of oprotunities to read.Or learn.)

Y/N:How long can we stay here?

Pinky:Until the sun sets or we get too rowdy.

Missy:The second one always comes first.

She said while keeping Margaret and Jinx apart that were staring at one another.Y/N returned to reading his book.The sisters on his shoulders eventually grew bored of the book and its big words so they just closed their eyes and dozed off on the spot.The book really spoke to Y/N.The struggle for survival clashing against the mortal determination to an unkown end.If an old man can survive in the open sea with sharks,barely any essentials and high risk of heat stroke,he could survive some time with hardened criminals until he proven innocent.At least thats what her thought until he saw Margaret practicaly climbing over Missy to attack Jinx again.But there was something amiss there.

Y/N:Wheres Domino?

Jix:She doesnt go to the library.Too many temptations for a pyromaniac.

She went back to fighting while Y/N was left in deep thought.She was the only that didnt treated him like the others.He closed his book and stood up from the sofa,which made the sleeping sisters fall and hit their heads against one another and wake up.Y/N was looking for something between the bookshelves before pressing his body against one to return the book as if he was hiding.

Y/N:I think thats enough for me today.Can we go now?

Pinky:Sure,this places boring like the solitary.

She walked over to the brawling trio and pulled Margaret off of Jinx and Missy.That way each carried one girl of to the cells,with Molly and Holly rubbing their eyes.They were eventually escorted to their cell and locked up.Everyone went back to doing what they usually do and even turned on the small TV they had hanging on the wall.Eventually the night came and everyone went to their bunk beds.Y/N was under Dominos bunk since she was the only one that didnt come in a pair.Once he was sure everyone was asleep,he got out and tried to wake Domino up.

Y/N:Psst,Domino.Wake up.


She turned around to look at him and Y/N could see she still wore her sunglasses.He pulled out a book from under his shirt and gave it to her.She lifted herself enough to stand on her elbow and adjusted her glasses to see the books title.

Domino:Midsummers night dream?Why?

Y/N:Girls said that you cant go to the library because you might start burning things.So I thought youd like to read something to pass the time.

Domino:...Thanks.Good night.

She took the book and hid it under her pillow before going back to sleep.In other circumstances,Y/N would thought of that as rude,but at least shes talking so coming from her its a good thing.At least he thought so.When he went back to his bed under her,he did realise that she pulled out the book and hugged it close to her torso with a very small and faint smile.All of that went noticed by Pinky who was watching from her bunk bed.

Pinky:(Interesting.Very interesting.)


Come morning,the routine continued as before.The inmates were escorted to the cafeteria and once they got their food,they sat down at the table near a sewer drain.

Pinky:Had a good sleep last night,boy scout?

Y/N:It was fine.

Pinky:Howd you like to sleep on something softer,more roomier?

Y/N:Is that a rhetorical question?

Pinky:I was just thinking its time we get out of here.

Missy:Fine by me.

Y/N:But how?There are guard everywhere.

Pinky:Oh yee of little fate.Domino.

She nodded and secretly pulled out her box of matches.She lit one on fire and tossed it in the sewer drain.


She tackled Y/N as everybody else jumped away.The combustible gasses in the sewer reacted to the open flame and blew up a hole in the floor.After ringing in his ears stopped,Y/N looked up to see Margaret still on top of him.

Margaret:Thats our cue buddy.

She hugged him and rolled to the side until they fell in the sewers,others following soon.

Y/N:Bleh!This stinks,literally.

Molly:Dont whine.Were safe,are we not?

Y/N:But the guards?

Holly:Theyll be to busy keeping other inmates from escaping.But other guards arent too far behind so we should hurry.

Jinx helped Margaret up and Domino Y/N.They all ran in the same direction until they found a dead end,courtesy of iron bars.Margaret and Jinx looked at each other and smirk with a nod.They charched at the bars and kicked a hole in them,big enough for all of them to pass through.



They ran for what felt like hours through the city waste until they spotted sewer ladders.

Pinky:Ill go first.And Y/N,what where youre looking.

Y/N:W-what?No,I wouldnt-

Missy:Hurry up,we dont have all day.Or night.I dont know how long we were here.

She pushed him towards the ladder and he began to climb with his eyes kept close.When he couldntt find another step,he opened his eyes to see he reached the top.He then hurried up so others could leave the sewer but couldnt see Pinky anywhere.


He looked to his left and saw Pinky hiding in the alley.He ran to her before anyone could see him and she pulled him to her.Before the others got out of the sewers,she degged him further in the shadows.

Pinky:Finally some privacy.

Y/N:What do you meampgh?

He couldnt finish his question since she pulled him by the collar of his shirt and pressed her lips against his.He tried to pull away but she was stonger.He only got to breath again when she let go.

Pinky:Tastes just like I imagined.

Y/N:What was that for?!

Pinky:I was a bit peckish,so sue me.It was a long time since I saw a men,even longer since I had boyfriend.After all,youre ours.

Y/N:What?!No,I have to clear my name.

Missy:Oh really?

Y/N turned to see that all the girls made it out of te sewers and hid in the same alley,smirking.

Jinx:As soon as anybody sees you,youre going straight back behind bars.

Margaret:Thats why were skipping town and getting a nice place to stay.

Holly:But first,enough waiting.

Molly:Yeah,your next kiss is mine.

The two started to wrestle their way to Y/N but out of nowhere,Domino appeared and was already kissing him.But unlike with Pinky,it wasnt as forcefull.It was deep on a emotionall level,more loving.Instead of trying to pull away,Y/N was stunned in the moment.This kiss also lasted longer before they parted.

Missy:Well,well.Looks like our boyscouts a real ladys man.

Pinky:Just set the right bait,and one of the two will follow the plan.

While everybody else was confused,Pinky recalled what happened last night and how she used that kiss to bring the secret couple closer together.


After several weeks,not only the gang found a hideout in a new town,they also rose up the ranks to top criminal organizations.It wasnt a very criminal place before them.After a while,Y/N even gave up hope of clearing his name but...he didnt mind it as much as he used to.Since he wasnt a criminal material or even a muscle,plus too prescious to bring along,he became somewhat of a stay at home,or rather hideout husband.He took care of their abandoned hotel which they cleaned up,supplied with running water and electricity.They even smashed through several walls to make one big room for all of them.Since he accepted his new life,he eventually accepted the girls affections for him.After they mustered up the courage to ask him in the mushy way.Domino even took off her hat to reveal what color her hair was.Right now,the girls burst in through the doors with their loot.

Pinky:Back home at least.

Missy:Right on time too.

Jinx:Oh how fun that was.

Margaret:Wasnt it.

Moll&Holly:No dobut about it.

Aunthor:(In case somebody didnt got that,the first letter of the last five sentences spells out the color of her hair.)

Pinky:Hoppefully you didnt miss us too much.

Y/N:I managed.

He walked over to them with a tray of cold frink,while wearing an apron over his regular clothes.

Y/N:But Id like to discuss the matter of my uniform.

Jiny:Why?It looks cute on you,and it keeps you clean while you cook for us.

She wrapped an arm around his neck and took a glass of the tray before kissing his cheek.

Margaret:Did Domino help you out handsome?

He blushed like crazy and nodded.Domino came into the room with a bowl of snacks an a remote in hand.

Domino:Y/N,where did you go?

Molly:Having a little movie night without us.How rude.

Holly:But you could make it up to us if we sleep right next to Y/N tonight.

Margaret:Why you?We already have a schedule.

Molly:We thouth of it first.

Holly:You snooze,you lose.

Pinky:Girls,girsl,calm down.You can settle it down,aftet the movie.Y/N was hard at work keeping this place nice and clean for us,he would want his favorite girls to fight in front of him.

The girls murmed in agreenment as they all moved to the large couch.Y/N set in the middle,Missy in front of him on a pillow that was on the floor and rested on his legs,Pinky leaned against him on his left side and Domino on his right.When she was sure enough that the girls were focused enough on the movie,she kissed Y/N on the cheek as his face warmed up and a smile appeared on his face.Maybe living with a group of criminals wont be so bad.At least theyre girls with their hearts set on him.

Author:(I'm back.Did you miss me?Because I really missed this site.Every day of my break I spent checking if there were any new followers or wotes and comments.I'm proud to say that from now on,stories will be atleast or almost twice longer.)

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