Twisted Truth

By Kay121x

13.2K 221 59

Adaline Webster to the outside world had it all wealth, power and a place in the world of business however sh... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Six

362 6 0
By Kay121x


The droning voice of Detective Harry Bennett filling my ears is beginning to test my patience. There wasn't much there to begin with, considering I'm sat in an interview room at 3am staring at the ugly fat bastard.

"Tell me who it was Rodriguez!" The question has been thrown at me for over an hour.

"For the last time Harry, I don't have any information to give you." I scoff, growing tired of this incessant questioning.

"You're fucking lying!" Harry's temper finally snapping as he punches me across the face.

Laughing I spit out the blood coming from my lip as Harry is escorted out of the room by two police officers. When will the man ever learn? Do not try and cross the Rodriguez family. He would have never dared bring in my father, but it was his mistake to think I am any different.


"I am so sorry Mr. Rodriguez for Bennett's actions. We have no idea why he brought you in here. You are free to go." The chief inspector of the precedent informs me looking just as angry as I feel. Nodding and without another word I collect my belongings and head to my house.

The drive to the house takes me around 30 minutes from the police station in Manhattan. The period property is the home I grew up in as a child. It was handed down to my mother from her family when they passed away when she was just 20. It's something we seemed to have in common with this property. It too being handed down to me when I was of similar age at the passing of my parents.

It's a place that holds many memories for me, mostly fond memories however, I do not like to visit often. The only reason I'm making the short journey out of the city is because Bruno, my 2nd in command and brother is recovering there.

It's safe, unknown and heavily guarded.

Bruno and I have been best mates since we were infants. Our fathers were friends as kids roaming the streets of Spain before they both emigrated to the States to find a better life.

Even though our fathers would have liked us to become equal partners within the business. Bruno has no patience or interest in the legal side of things. He loves the darker side to what we deal in and can't stand to be couped up in a stuffy corporate office. The man is a genius when it comes to computes though, which is very beneficial.

I on the other hand love the power and control both aspects of the game provide. Being the face of one of the most powerful companies in New York while excelling in the underworld provides me with a sense of power and place.

Some may call me a power-hungry asshole, but I just call myself driven. Others view me as some spoiled rich boy who just gets what he wants whenever he wants it. Yes, I come from money and power but where I am today is down to hard work and perseverance. I've had a lot of obstacles to overcome, one was to prove to my father that I could do it.

Hugo Rodriguez died before I was able to fully prove to him that I was ready. I like to think he would be proud of the man I've become and how I've shaped the business that he started all those years ago.

Coming up the driveway I'm let in from security and I drive up to the front of the house. Turning off the car I walk up to the double doors before entering. The entrance hall is very extravagant, but my mother did always have expensive taste.

Knowing the ground floor is vacant I make my way up to the 2nd floor I walk towards Brunos room, nodding at my men as I pass.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" I exclaim taking in the appearance of Bruno laying on the bed. Damn he looks worse than what I thought. Getting shot in 3 places will do that to you though.

"Took your fucking time! I was shot you know, SHOT! And it's taken you a week to come visit me. You've also come empty handed, where are my grapes?" Bruno croaks out. Fucking drama queen.

"I got you the best doctor in New York and you're not dead. You are being treated like a fucking King. Quit moaning like a pussy." I grumble starting to feel exhausted.

"So where have you been for the last 7 days? I don't have to remind you that your brother was shot 3 times."

"I've been trying to figure out who the fuck shot you and why they decided to keep you alive." I retort, rolling my eyes at Brunos expression.

"You don't need to put it like that! I was barely hanging on when Shane and Marco brought me here! I think it was that fucking rat Webster!"

"Stop being so dramatic your alive, sadly, and that's all that matters. Nah Webster would have just put a bullet between your eyes if he wanted to send me a message. I'm not even convinced he was one responsible for the dodgy drugs."

Something just isn't adding up. First the deaths at my club and then Bennett being so hard on my ass. Two things I could just put down to piss poor luck but never three. Bruno being shot and kept alive is a message but from who? I have no idea.

What I said about Webster is true. He would've just killed him to send a clear message to me, but this isn't his style and when I think about it, neither is the drugs. Yes, he sells drugs but to the high and mighty of the city not a bunch of college girls.

Something is going on and I will get to the bottom of it.

"Earth to dickhead!" Brunos annoying voice evades my ears. Annoyed I kick his bed making him grunt.

"Oi fuck whit! I'm precious right now!" Ignoring my laugh he continues, "heard anything from the ginge?"

His question brings a small smirk to my face. Finally, being able to fuck Addie was definitely worth the wait. Lived up to any expectation I had of her.

Addie Jones is another anomaly that I just can't quite work out. Why is she lying about who she is? She is definitely hiding something huge that's for sure, but I just don't know what it is. I tried to find any hints as to who she is when she was passed out in her apartment but nothing.

"You've fucked her haven't you! Damn the broad is lying straight to your face and you still went there! Fuck me I thought I was supposed to be the irresponsible one."

"What I do with my time and who I do is none of your business Bruno. Watch your mouth, don't need you getting shot a fourth time. Do we?" I threaten feeling my anger rising. I know fine well Bruno is right but it's like all my control goes out the window when I'm around her. Fuck I sound like a right pussy.

Standing from my chair I bid Bruno a goodnight and I head to my own room for some much-needed sleep.


With being no further forward in finding out who shot Bruno and being in such close proximity to the 'dying man'- his words not mine I feel like I'm about to pop off. After a much need sleep and shower I spent 24hours with the big baby before calling quits. I pay people to put up with that shit, brother or not.

Informing Shane that I was leaving, and he was to keep an eye on Bruno I leave the estate and head back to the city. Business is booming and I much prefer to be kept busy then to lounge around.

My thoughts quickly turn to Addie and how I've not really gotten the chance to talk to her since sleeping with her. I don't usually keep in contact with who I have sex with afterwards, but I have this urge to get to know her.

Probably because she is in fact lying to me and I do love a game of cat and mouse. Her being sexy as sin helps a lot too.

Before I can think I'm calling the woman in question.

"Rocco? Are you okay?" Addie's voice fills the car her confusion is evident. Thats right because I fucked her then dropped off the face of the earth.

"What are you doing tonight?" I think on my feet with the question because I don't really have a reason to be phoning her.

"Erm hold on." I hear someone shouting at her on the other end of the phone before there isn't any background noise.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, just my manager Dave, I'm not supposed to be on my phone on the floor. I finish up at 1." She sounds off. Kind of like the night I was at her apartment.

"I'll pick you up at 1. I'll see you then spitfire." I hang up before she has time to reply. When I find out what she is hiding then I'll be able to stop talking to her but until then time to wait for 1am to arrive.

It's been a few hours but now it's 1am and I'm waiting outside the club Addie works at. It's a decent establishment, not as good as mine but maybe I am bias.

A sea of red hair piques my interest as Addie gets into the car. Wearing a long black overcoat, covering up her very sexy uniform the shortest shorts and a very tight crop top that doesn't leave much for the imagination. Not that I care, she looks hot as fuck!

"Thank you so much for picking me up, I don't think I could've faced the walk home." Addie speaks up, settling into the car.

"What do you mean you walk home? Your apartment is 20 minutes away on foot and it's 1 o'clock in the morning." I think it's insane that she thinks walking home alone is acceptable.

"Yeah so? It allows me to clear my head." She looks over at me shrugging her shoulders. "Don't look at me like that! I've been fine every time I've walked."

"Addie it just takes one time! These streets aren't safe, especially at night!" God this woman doesn't have a fucking clue. Sighing I continue to drive until we reach her apartment.

Without another word we head up to her flat and she lets us both in. I walk into the living room and Addie heads to the bathroom, presumably to get washed and into more comfortable clothes. When I hear the shower going, I take my jacket off and answer some work emails on my phone.

"I am not having sex with you." Addie startles me slightly and I look up to see her dressed in pajama shorts and oversized tee, her face free of any make up. The woman really is a natural beauty.

Shut up Rocco.

"Who said anything about us having sex?" An amused smile graces my face.

"Well, you are still here and well you know." Addie mumbles, all of a sudden looking embarrassed.

"Addie I'm not just here to have sex with you. If it's any consolation I actually want to spend time with you. " Who is this person and what have they done with Rocco Rodriguez. I sound like a fucking sap.

"Oh right. Well, I want to spend time with you too. Do you... do you want to head through. Its late and we both look like we could do with some sleep." We both chuckle before heading through to her bedroom.

We both settle into bed with me curling up behind her to become the big spoon almost. Sighing I drift off to sleep cuddled up one of the most confusing woman I've ever met.

A few hours later I am awoken by a piercing scream.


Hello Darlings!

I hope you are all well!

We delve deeper into the inner workings of Rocco Rodriguez.

The real drama is right around the corner.

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Thank you so much for ready!xx

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