My Love For You |Naruto Vario...

By DatChild13

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Kaiya Ryu isn't a normal girl. She is the secret Jinchuriki of the No tails. She has strong jutsu and chakra... More

The Beginning -1
Secrets -2
Training -3
Anbu -4
Attack -5
Him -6
The Sand -7
A Day with Him -8
New mission -9
Why is it always Gaara-10
Why is it always Gaara pt2 -11
Close to death -12
Another one gone -13
Preparing for Pain -14
Attack on the Leaf -15
Pain vs Naruto -16
Shikamaru -18
A nightmare -19
5 kage summit -20
Danzo/Sasuke -21
Captured -22
Itachi -23
The hokage -24
The Beginning of the war -25
Teamwork -26
Infinite Tsukuyomi -27
Kaguya -28
Almost Over -29
I'm sorry -30
Goodbye...for now -31
Exploding Humans Pt 1 -32
Exploding Humans Pt 2 -33
Exploding Humans Pt 3 -34
Exploding Humans Pt 4 -35
A new mission -36
Found Him -37
Gone -38
A new plan -39
Safe -40

Rebuilding -17

102 2 0
By DatChild13

Shikamaru had explained it all to me. I had apparently died and come back to life. As well as other's who had died had also returned. We had no idea how but he was surprisingly really happy I had come back. 

I slowly began trying to stand up. I stumbled a bit and fell. 

"Here, let me." Shikamaru said with a smile as he caught me when I fell. 

"Isn't your leg still broken?" I question looking down at his splintered leg. He follows my gaze. 

"Guess I forgot about that." He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. I laughed at him. 

"So how are we going to get down there?" I say, pointing at the crowd gathering waiting for Naruto to return. He thought for a moment. I looked at my wounds from before. They seemed healed, as if they were never there. Only light scars could be seen. I decided to try walking another try. 

"Hey, what're you-" 

I stumbled for a moment before regaining my balance. After making sure I was strong enough to walk I helped Shikamaru up. He had one arm around me. I was like his makeshift crutch. We slowly began to make our way to the large crowd that had gathered. 

"So you as well, huh?" Shikaku said when we reach the crowd. Everyone had gathered to thank Naruto for saving us. 

"I'm sure what really happened but I'm glad I'm back." I say with a smile looking around at my comrades who had died and were perfectly fine now. Naruto then appeared on Kakashi's back. Everyone began clapping and giving him a standing ovation. 

"I'm glad they finally recognize him as Naruto and not at the Kyubi." I say quietly, so quietly that I didn't think anyone heard. But Shikamaru did. 

"Is that why you didn't tell anyone, because of how Naruto was treated?" He asked looking at me. I slowly nodded my head. 

"I thought they would hate me like him. I saw how lonely he was as a kid, and my brother didn't want that for me." I say looking at how happy Naruto was. "Only one other person knows about my tailed beast, I'm glad I told you though." I say smiling at Shikamaru. After they stayed together in comfortable silence leaving Shikamaru wondering who else knew. 


"Alright set up a row of tents here!" I say instructing citizens. Immediately after the battle and the celebration everyone began setting up a makeshift camp. It would be a while before the village was completely rebuilt and everyone needed a place to stay. Lady Tsunade had been gravely injured during the battle. She had used all her chakra healing everyone. Sakura was with her now. Who knew when she was going to wake up, if ever. 

My home had surprisingly survived the attack. Only a few knocked down trees and scratches. My clan was located pretty far outside of main Konoha. It seemed Pain's attack barely missed it. Shikamaru's leg had been healed mostly by medical ninja. He was now on a crutch for a few weeks till it was completely healed. 

As there was no hokage the village's leadership had been scattered. No one had officially taken over for Lady Tsunade yet. I was put in charge of all anbu missions and approving missions for regular ninja' as well. Most missions had been out on hold but the village needed money for repairs. 

"Hey Sakura, how's she doing?" I say taking a seat next to Sakura. I had completed another housing situation and decided to take a breather and visit Lady Tsunade. Sakura looked down sadly at her sensi. 

"She's in a coma, she's extremely weak. And may never wake up." She said her voice trailing at the end. I put a hand on her shoulder. 

"She'll wake up, I know it," Sakura looked up at me, "She's the legendary Sannin Lady Tsunade she won't let something like this keep her from going on." Sakura gave me a small smile. 

"You're right," 

"Lady Kaiya!" A voice said behind me. I looked behind me getting up. Shizune was carrying a large stack of paper work. "I've got your paper work." She said handing the large pile to me. I looked at it confused. 

"Have you not heard? You've been appointed to take over the paper work with me." I looked down at the large stack giving a nervous laugh. 


"Now, we need to fill this all out before the end of the day Lady Kaiya." She started telling. 

"Please, Kaiya is just fine. I don't need such formalities!" I say waving my hands in front of my face. Shizune gave me a small smile before picking up the paper work. 

"Let's go!" I sighed and followed her to the makeshift hokage office. I took a seat and began the paper work. Now I understood why Tsunade was always complaining. The only fun part was assigning new missions to some genin. 

My eyes started closing and my head began to droop. Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt, I had been working all day. Plus I was almost done with the paperwork. 

"Kai?" A voice suddenly said. My head shot up. 

"I wasn't sleeping!" I say quickly acting like I was doing paper work. That's when I heard a familiar laugh. 

"You're the new hokage now?" I look up and see Shikamaru in front of me. He was on one crutch due to his still injured leg. 

"What!?" I say surprised someone would think that. "I'm just filling in on doing paperwork and assigning missions and stuff." I say denying it. 

"That's literally what a hokage does." 

"Well I'm not hokage," I say crossing my arms. "Plus who would make me hokage! I'm not suited for the job at all!" 

"You seem to be doing fine right now." He said looking at how I had a small stack of paper work left. "And the village rebuilding as been going pretty smoothly." 

"Yea, but it's a drag..." I say resting my head in my hands. He stops for a second, before placing his hand on my hand and ruffling my hair. 

"Keep up the good work Lady Kaiya," I turn red at those words. 

"Why do people keep calling me that." I complain covering my face with my hands to hide my embarrassment. He laughed. 

"Come on, you need a break you've been working all afternoon." Shikamaru said, turning around to leave. I look at him and back at my work before deciding to follow him. 

We began to walk around the makeshift village. Many people waved at us and Shikamaru forced me to wave back. 

"Wow, the village is being rebuilt so fast!" I say awed at the progress. Almost all the remains of battle and rumble had been removed and frames for buildings has been put up. 

"Heard you're clan's residence survived." Shikamaru said as we started walking into a small forest. That had survived the destruction. I nodded my head. 

"Yeah, it was a bit surprising. But I guess it was far enough to avoid the blast." I say, 

"You think the Akatsuki will attack again?" I say after a while of silence. He doesn't say anything. "W-What if they come back and—"

"Then I'll protect you." I look up at him, unsure of what I was feeling. What was this warm feeling in my chest. Shikamaru had stopped and sat down. I took a seat next to him unsure of what we were doing. 

"I used to come here when I was younger and watch the clouds." He said. "I find it relaxing," he added. I nodded and laid down on my back next to him. He began pointing out different shapes and animals in the clouds. It was actually very relaxing. 

"Look, that one looks like Naruto." I say pointing up with a laugh. 

"Yeah, it does." He says with a small chuckle as well. I don't know how but I must've drifted off because my memory after that ended. 


"It's getting late. We should probably head back." I said, looking over at Kaiya. She had been oddly quiet for a while. I sit up and look over at her. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing evenly. I smiled and out a strand of her hair behind her ear. She must've fallen asleep a while ago. It was already pretty dark outside and she had been working all day. She must've been worn out. 

I get up and grab my singular crutch before gently picking her up and putting her over my shoulder. I would've normally carried her bridal style back but with my leg it would've been really hard. I walked back to the makeshift village. Almost everyone was inside aside from the shinobi on night watch. 

I had decided to take her back to her own house, since it would be more comfortable than my small tent. Her clan's residence wasn't to far from the camp but still took a bit to walk to. When I arrived there, I thought I was in the wrong place. There was broken houses and rumble everywhere. It was all pushed to either side of a path leading forward. Moss and vines had grown  over the rumble meaning that it wasn't fresh. 

I followed the path straight toward a singular house. This must be where she lived. I opened the door and walked in. The rumble must've of been from what she told me about. I guess she never got around to cleaning it up. I head upstairs to a room that I assume is hers. I lay her down on her bed and take off her shoes before putting the blanket over her. 

I look a her for a moment brushing her face as she sleeps soundly. I finally look away and turn to leave. I see a photo on her nightstand by her bed. Curious about it I pick it up and look at it. It was of her and a older teen boy. They had close to the same eyes so I assumed it was the brother she had talked about. She was all alone this entire time and no one ever noticed. 

"Shikamaru.. is that you?" A quiet, sleepy voice  said. I put the picture frame back down and turn around. Kaiya was still in the same spot with her eyes closed. She must've of been half asleep. 

"I'll see you in the morning." I say before turning to leave. I'm suddenly stopped by a small tug on my shirt. Kaiya had grabbed the edge of my sleeve.

"No, stay.." she said groggily still mostly asleep. After a while of try to leave and her stopping me. I was afraid I would fully wake her up so I decided to stay. I took my shoes off and laid of the opposite side of the bed. 

I stayed on my side making sure there was space in between us. As I began to doze off I felt a head lay on my chest. Kaiya was using me as her personal pillow, wrapping her arms around my waist. I felt myself turn a bright shade of red when she did this. I felt my eyes get heavy. I started to drift off into sleep.

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