Akutagawa x Reader [Nakahara...

By my_ff_r_cringe

87.6K 3.1K 1.7K

A story where Nakahara Chuuya has a younger sister, y/n. Y/n and Akutagawa have met each other when they were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Another non chapter sorryyyy
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 44

1.1K 40 33
By my_ff_r_cringe

Guys when I asked for motivation I did not mean death threats-

- - -

"Y/n!" A loud voice called out, one that I haven't heard in a while as I let out a small sigh just as someone latched onto me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Nice to see you too, Higuchi." I sighed as Higuchi pulled back and scowled.

"I swear I disappear for a few seconds and you go end up almost dying. Seriously, I can't just leave you alone." Higuchi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on though, that happens on  a daily basis." I said as Higuchi laughed.

"Yeah like when you choke on water." Higuchi said as I flipped her off.

Akutagawa soon walked into the room as Higuchi immediately turned into a blushing, stuttering mess.

Shit. I completely forgot about that. I thought to myself as I twinge of guilt ran through my bones.

How long have a watched from the sides as Higuchi literally simped over this man.

And I've kissed him like, what?

Once? Twice?

I brushed the thoughts away as I turned to Akutagawa.

"So, what brought you here? You just can't leave me alone can you." I said as Akutagawa didn't reply, remaining emotionless, but I could see that small light of amusement flicker in his eyes.

"Whatever. I reported back to the Boss. That's all I came here to say." Akutagawa said as I smirked, leaning against the table and crossed my legs.

"You sure? Not even one round?" I asked in a teasing voice as Akutagawa blinked before replying.

"Fine." He said as both Higuchi and I both stilled at his answer.

"W-Wait, what?" I asked, blinking in shock as Akutagawa crossed his arms.

"One round. That's all." He said as I grinned.

"Bit too eager to have your ass kicked, aren't you?" I said as Higuchi's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Holy shit, I am calling everyone."

- - Time skip - -

"You really weren't kidding when you said you were calling like everyone." I said as most the executives crowded the room as Higuchi shrugged before leaning in close to whisper in my ear.

"People are also betting you know. Sorry, but my money's on my senpai." Higuchi said as I gave her a shocked and betrayed look.

"You traitor!" I shouted as Higuchi gave me an apologetic smile.

"He's my senpai!" She said as if that was any excuse.

I shook my head before looking, scanning the room before I saw the other Akutagawa.

Gin's eyes lit up slightly as she gave me a nod as I grinned.

My money's on you. I could almost hear her say as I sighed.

"I guess I'm going to have to try hard now." I said as I shrugged my coat off my shoulders, getting an excited roar from the crowd.

"Ha! As if Y/n would beat Akutagawa, right?" A specific red-head said as I fought the urge to turn around and tackle Tachihara to the ground.

"I am going to make you eat those words after." I promised as I stepped into the centre of the room and stared at Akutagawa.

"Do you honestly think you could win?" Akutagawa asked as we kept our eyes on each other, assessing the other opponent.

I cracked my fingers as I rolled my eyes.

"You should give up before you end up getting hurt." Akutagawa said as I scoffed and kept my senses high and sharp.

"Sorry giving up isn't in my vocabulary. Neither is losing." I said when a bright colour caught my attention and I glanced aside before smiling widely and waved at Kouyou.

"Hi, Nee-san!" I shouted, waving cheerfully when I sensed something from behind me.

There was a loud smash and dust blew up everywhere as the crowd grew silent.

The dust cleared and I let out a bored sigh as I sat on top of the table, legs crossed as I looked at my nails.

"Wonder what's for dinner today." I mused out loud and I could almost see Akutagawa getting annoyed, despite his face remaining as a poker face.

Rashoumon reared up from behind him again as I leapt upright, kicking off the beast easily and jumped a few feet away when a shiver ran down my spine.

My legs barely had reached the ground as I immediately split my legs, pressing myself to the ground as I spun around, leaping back to my feet as I felt Rashoumon whip past me.

I chuckled, "Aggressive much." I teased as I leapt forward, sending a strong bust of wind enough to knock down a wall towards him.

Akutagawa dodged easily as the entire crowd moved aside for a crack to form in the wall, the room shaking from the damage as I grinned.

"Oops." I said as we launched ourselves at each other again, dodging and counterattacking.

The match was only dragging out as the both of us already practically knew each other like the back of our hand.

The next attack, the feints, all that we just knew.

So, I decided to do something plain stupid as I watched Rashoumon race towards me, fangs bared.

I didn't move like the other times, didn't dodge as I breathed deeply.

Don't die. I thought to myself as I waited before a split second where Rashoumon would devour me and jumped to the side, before pivoting forward, getting past Akutagawa's defences as I wrapped my hand around a cold hilt.

I caused a wind to billow around us and dust from the ground flew up.

"Alright, that's enough." Mori-san called as Akutagawa and I both immediately paused at the sight of our Boss.

Rashoumon had wrapped around my neck while I had a knife pressed under his chin.

We both stayed there for a second, daring the other to relent first as Mori-san had to physically step in between us so we would step back.

I sheathed my knife, sighing in shame.

"Nice match between you, you've most definitely improved." Mori-san said before walking off as I rolled my eyes.

"All right, now I'm bored again. Whose down for drinks?"

- - Time skip - -

I downed my nth glass of wine for the night, watching as Tachihara was already drunk and screaming at everyone.

I rolled my eyes, swivelling around in my chair to grab a shot.

However a hand wrapped over mine as I glanced to the side to see Akutagawa staring down at me with those cool grey eyes.

"Oh, fuck off." I mumbled as slapped his hand away, grabbing a shot glass and poured the liquid.

Bringing the glass to my lips, I tilted my head back, swallowing the liquid in one gulp as my throat tingled at the burning sensation.

"I wonder if Chuuya's all right." I muttered as Akutagawa didn't move, his eyes on me.

"Want one?" I asked, offering a glass to him as Akutagawa shook his head as I shrugged.

"Suit yourself." I said, disregarding the shot glass and just grabbed the entire bottle.

"Oi, Y/n! Don't steal all the drinks!" A drunk Tachihara called out as I rolled my eyes.

"As if you're lightweight ass would need more drinks!" I shouted back as Tachihara grumbled something, which I ignored.

Higuchi had already passed out at the side, snoring away peacefully.

However, my thoughts kept trailing back to Chuuya, unable to stop but worry whether he was okay or not.

Considering it's Chuuya, there shouldn't be anything wrong but I still couldn't help it.

I was 11 when Chuuya let me join the Sheep and I stuck with him ever since.

He taught the basics to fighting, and even more than that, he taught me how to take on men twice my size by the time I was 12.

That was when he met Dazai-san and all that occurred and now here we were at the Port Mafia after Sheep decided to betray Chuuya.

But that wasn't it, I've seen how Chuuya's always there for me.

And Akutagawa, might I add.

He may not be a mentor, but I always wondered how things would've turned out if Chuuya did become my mentor.

Chuuya looks like someone who wouldn't give two shits about anyone, but he truly cares.

More than anything.

I let out a sigh as I turned to stare at Akutagawa.

"Do you think it would've been better if Chuuya was my mentor?" I slurred out, the effects of the alcohol finally kicking in.

I saw Akutagawa's eyes widen in shock as I let out another sigh.

"It's weird drinking without him." I said as I took another sip of the alcohol.

"He's not here to go mumbling off about how Dazai-san has a new partner and he doesn't care." I mumbled, not even know what I was saying.

I scoffed.

"Some bullshit there. As if." I mumbled taking another swig of the bottle as I lay my head on top of my arms on the table.

"You know... If there's one thing I won't forgive Dazai-san for... It's him leaving Chuuya."

My vision was getting darker by the second.

"So... don't you... think about leaving... me."

- - -

idk i felt like making a kinda fun chapter but obviously it needed to have some sort of angst wowwwww

also can you think about the amount of times akutagawa must have heard when chuuya was drunk and rambling on about Dazai and how he doesn't care?

yeah that's canon and imma go cry myself to sleep :'))

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