He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

5.6K 237 17

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending

Straight Like That

53 3 0
By rainchellread

"Ok, just lay back and pull your pants down to your hips." The technician instructed. Brianna did as she was told and bit her bottom lip. The tech poured clear gel on the small instrument and then placed it on her stomach. Brianna flinched at the cold feeling. "Yeah, I know it's a bit cold, but other than that you shouldn't feel any discomfort." Bri nodded her head and looked up at the ceiling as the instrument was pressed against her lower stomach. She wondered what was being displayed on the monitor. She'd seen other get ultrasound before, but never had one done on herself. She turned her head to face the technician who seemed to be focused moving the instrument back and forth. She would stop and apply a little more pressure in certain areas with one hand and click buttons with other. Brianna knew that meant she was taking pictures of the images she saw, like the size and placement of her uterus, her ovaries, and of course the baby. "Can I see?" She finally got the courage to ask. The monitor was turned away from her, because of the procedure she was scheduled for. The woman's eyebrows raised and she frowned a but. "I mean...normally we try not show it to clients in your situation, but it's not really against the rules. If you're sure...." Brianna nodded her head. Tears filled her eyes when she saw the image of the heartbeat fluttering. "Oh God" She whispered as the baby's form came into view.

"I can't do this!" She whispered as she sprung up from the table. The technicians mouth dropped open as she watched Brianna pull up her pants and grab her coat and purse off the hooks on the back of the door. "Umm....ok." was her only response as Bri threw the door open and raced down the halls. She was going so fast, she almost knocked over a nurse flying through the front doors of the clinic.


"Yo..real talk sis, that little girl got me all the way fucked up." Bryson vented as he watched Jean wipe down her station and set up for her first client. "I know it seems that way, but you gotta be patient with her. She was still closing out the relationship when y'all started messing around. Then to have to deal with Dutchess dying and finding out she was pregnant with his child and then he gets murdered." She blew out a breath and shook her head. "The girls been through a lot these past couple months and she's hormonal. I think she just still needs some time to process everything and grieve. I can tell she cares deeply for you brother, and I know it's killing her that she's hurt you in the process of trying to sort her chaotic life out." Jean said as she sprayed the vinegar/water mixture on the large mirror. She crumpled up some paper towels and started scrubbing the mirror in circular motions, so it wouldn't leave streaks. "Nah...I been patient. I've been understanding, I've given her room and haven't judged her at all through any of it. At every chance she makes selfish decisions without regards to how it affects me or my happiness. I tried taking it slowly cause I knew the situation, but she pushed until I gave in." He explained, leaning back in the seat and adjusting his pants. "Bryson, it's me you talking to." Jean started as she pulled perm, shampoo, conditioner and dye out of her oversized duffle bag. "She told you what it was and never hid her feelings for him. YOU were ready for her to move on, and knew it would be easier on her if she had you to motivate her. You are not without fault in this scenario sir." She informed him while placing the bottles neatly on the shelves next to her station. "That's some bogus shut and you know it. Every move she made it was done willing, I communicated the whole time to make sure we were on the same page." He said disagreeing with her point of view. "Bryson...I'm not saying you forced her, cause y'all were feeling each other equally. I'm just trying to say maybe her head knew you were better for her, and so she was trying to get her heart to catch up." She replied softly as she hung a few aprons on the hook. "So you saying..... you don't think she really loves me?!" Jeaned stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. "That's not what I'm saying at all! I'm saying she was still in love with Adonis, but didn't wanna lose you. So she tried pushing the feelings for him to the back to speed up the process so you would still be there. I think it was just bad timing." She said shaking her head. "I don't know what to do, babygirl got my heart, but I feel like a sucka sometimes." They both turned their heads when the bell chimed, alerting them a client had entered the shop. "Alright sis, thanks for talking to me. Imma head out and let you handle your business." He said quickly giving her a side hug. "Anytime big bro. I hope y'all figure it out, not just for y'all, but the baby as well. I love you bro." Taking a deep breath he nodded his head "Yeah, me too. I'll hit you up later."


"Slow your roll sweetie, your like 2 days pregnant." Malik laughed while Kandace showed him a picture of a crib in a baby magazine. "Oh...yeah, your right. I was just thinking about turning my bedroom into a nursery and got a little ahead of myself." Malik noticed the little spark in her eyes and smile faded after his comment. "I was just playing sweetheart. I didn't mean to damper your mood." Kandace closed the book and put it down on the coffee table. Malik shook his head and grabbed it, opening it back to the page she had shown him. "It's cool, seriously." He said handing it to her. "What are you gonna do for bedroom, if you turn yours into a nursery?" He had been to Kandace apartment many times. She had a one bedroom loft, and although it was a nice apartment there wouldn't be enough room for all the child's belongings. It was meant for a single person. "I guess saying it would be a nursery was a bit of a stretch. I was thinking more along the lines of moving furniture around and painting the wall the crib will be against. It'll be a little cramp for a minute, but it'll have to do. I gotta see where my name is on the 2bedroom waitlist. There weren't any available when I moved in." She folded the corner if one of the pages for a marker. "Why not just move into a house? I mean there won't be much space for all y'all things together." He was channel surfing and couldn't find anything to watch on the TV so he turned it off. "I don't know, maybe. That wasn't really in the budget right now." She shrugged her shoulders as she noted the prices of all the baby things she would need. "You could always move in here, I gotta plenty of room." He commented nonchalantly. "Oh no, that's not what this is. I'm far from ready to love the married life." She chuckled as she grabbed her glass of cranberry juice off the side table. "Who said anything about marriage? I was just saying it would be better financially and more comfortable for you and the baby." After gulping down her drink, she stood up to take the glass into the kitchen along with the empty saucer she had her sub on. "You say that, but the minute we move in together it's gonna be a whole new ball game. Where you going, where you been, who you talking to or texting, when is dinner gone be ready, did you finish the laundry?!" Ha she laughed "I can hear it now. Thanks, but no thanks. It'll be a little cramped till I get that 2bedroom, but I'll manage." Malik had followed her into the kitchen and stood at the doorway, watching her as she stacked the dishes, poured chlorox and dish detergent into the dish pan and ran the water. "I don't get you, you claim you hadn't considered keeping the baby because of how expensive it is and how they take over your whole life. I'm offering a solution, I'm willing to work with you by giving up my space to show you I'm not gonna be a "drop by father" and you laughing like this is a joke." He folded his arms and continued to watch her wash the dishes. "I don't wanna do this myself, financially or any other way, but I don't wanna make the mistake of turning this into an instant "family". Like add baby and stir. That's not how it works." She grabbed a towel out of the top drawer and started drying off the glasses putting them in the cabinet. "You gotta be so difficult with everything! Why can't you just go with the flow and whatever happens, happens?" He stood straight and was moving his hands as he talked. "I don't believe in that crap. If me and you agreed to be a family unit that would be one thing, but you specifically said you would be there every step of the way for this journey. Let's not kid ourselves here and act like this is a love child. We got careless and this is the outcome, I'm willing to work with you and make the best of this "co-parenting" situation." She put the last of the dishes up and dried her hands on the towel before hanging it on the towel bar. "So that's how you want it?" Malik asked looking straight into her eyes. "Straight like that." She responded returning his stare.


Johanna sat took a long pull on the blunt before handing it off. "I love her and all, but I'm seriously gonna have to fall back. She on some oh other shit. She too damn smart to be dickmatized." Laina grabbed the blunt and pulled hard. "I feel you baby, but that's your sister. You can't expect her to live her life to please you. If it's not bothering her then let it go, stress kills." Johanna rolled her eyes and reached for the blunt. "I'm sick and tired of everyone trying to make it seem like I bring the drama to y'all. I'm just real enough to speak on it and people can't handle when you telling them the truth." She screwed her lips up before putting the blunt to her lips. Liana got up and sat on Johanna lap facing her. She placed her hands on her shoulders and started kissing all over her face. "I don't know about anyone else, but I'm addicted to the peace I feel when I'm around you. You allow me to be myself and that makes me comfortable. And this drama they say you bring I haven't seen. All I know is you keep me smiling and laughing. I'm happiest right here in your arms. Nothing else matters baby." Liana licked a trail from her neck to her ear and began nibbling on it while she grind her hips into her. Johanna grabbed her ass and pulled her closer as she kissed her passionately. "Yeah, I'm good right here" Jojo said smiling when she broke thier kiss.


Hey guys hope your enjoying so far. The story is coming at me faster than I can write so stay tuned. You know I got some juicy things coming up for you.

Brianna just can't seem to catch a break huh? Poor tink tink.

Bryson finally seem like he tired of putting up with Rain and her continuous Adonis drama. Even in death it doesn't seem like she gonna let him go.

Kandace really not feeling the relationship life with Malik, but he seems eager for it.

Johanna finally got someone in her corner. Is she really gonna stop dealing with Rain?

The only way to find out is to keep reading.

Thanks for reading and as always don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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