
By StrangerFR

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Basil begged his parents to let him move out of Faraway after his bullying got worse when the truth came out... More

Cut my palms, and make me put white gloves on.
I'm not "that guy" anymore, and I made damn well sure he's dead.
I'm gripping the grass, and I'm pulling up daisies
Tomorrow's too late, Amen.
While I tied my boots like a tightrope noose
Thank matter for mass and the comfort of gravity
Shields himself from reason with a kevlar baby blue tuxedo
I am the shadows cast aside by the gallows and you, the red-hot sky
Here comes the sun, am I falling up?
Auf wiedersehen, au revoir, he gripped his wits right by their ends
Can you heal me? Have I gained too much?
The atmosphere changing colours by sheer force of will
It's better to be laughed at than wrong.
Cry my name, remind my brain of my identity
I'm still picking up my molars, and putting them back in my face
You're trying to replace yourself
Am I really that bad?
And if I change can I still stay me
Will you lead me straight to paradise?
Well, if winter comes and takes my life
Good times on Front Street
Glass half full, I'd probably just drink that too
I'm the Main Character, and you have to like me.
Well this is my lysergide daydream
Sober, but still so much hangs over
I'm not a flower, not a solar-powered calculator
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but something will eventually
Everyone will see it. Everything's connected.
Don't you make me waste my breath
Colour makes us hungry, hunger makes us human
It's awful out here, Socrates.
A place you've seen before you were born.
Cry a hymn out in Hungarian harmonic
I'll turn up the heat if it's too much
To love one from too far to call
Bite your tongue and smile, stick around a while
Transcript C71096I5a
I'm done pounding my head against the kitchen floor
One more or one less, nobody's worried
Under a Monochrome Sky
Woke up smiling like I blacked out in Glasgow
Life is just okay out here, anyone can see
The overwhelming harmony, consuming the colony
This is a triumph
Delta Echo Alpha Delta
I'm only passing through (that was fun, goodbye!)
The one you could not have killed.
Damn that oxymoron...
This suit doesn't fit me, I made it myself counterfeit-ly
No I don't believe, there's a place I can call.
By your side
The circle rules your mind
How bad can I possibly be? Let's see.
And god damn it, we liked it.
Mortem Obire
Right by my side
I got Anubis on my back, and something in my shoe
Transcript B29070067SI1a
Well isn't it funny? But not "haha" funny, but, y'know, "funny"
Culture's not your friend.
Praying you might die before I fall in love with you.
I just like you a little more than me
Could you airbrush my scars?
Something glowing
To see how the fire side of us burns.
It might be heaven & it might be hell
Lost in my reverie
Tell me where I came from, what I will always be.
Live long and prosper while the winter melts away
Business as usual
Two's company, tea's a crowd
Don't mean to bug, but I thought I'd tell you that your shoes are untied
A picture of you, killing me, with deja vu
Neither of us will be missed
Now my body's on land but my heart will reside
Shame on a martyr claiming friends
Gone fission
Come back again to make things stand
I can tell it's there by the way it's not quite there
The limits of your mind
So don't apologize when you turn blue and cold
When you become untouchable you're unable to touch
Pianissimo, più Pianissimo

I lack ambition from the side, monsters eaten me

979 35 132
By StrangerFR

Basil began to watch the news for a while. Unlike Sunny, Basil preferred being well-informed about the world. They just finished covering the deaths of some children in Palestine, thankfully without showing any pictures, before moving on to "News Guangdong," a segment in which news local to the province would be discussed.

"Local mining CEO claims to be running for mayor of Guangzhou. Today we have two experts on to debate."

"Thank you Mrs. Ming." the man on the left began to speak, below him was an info card edited in. It said his name was Calvin Li, and that he was a Environmental Scientist, and student of Zhou Enlai, impressively (a famous figure in China).

He began speaking about environmental impact of the various strategies of mining. This all went completely over Basil's head, he understood nothing. The man on the right spoke next, named Hunter Porter, apparently an executive of a steel processing plant.

"You see, the issue with your phrase on impact, is that what you're telling me is that the issue is it's killing plants. My question for you, is, why shouldn't we? Plants are nothing more than decorative. We've done our part in animal relocation as the law demands, and that's all we need to do! No real living beings are being hurt!" The man laughed a bit as he spoke.

Basil felt a rage boiling up. Who was this "person" to say that plants aren't living. That they aren't feeling pain from the poison that they admitted they pump into the ground. He let out an exasperated yell, which apparently worried Polly.

"What's wrong Basil, did something happen?" she asked from upstairs.

"It's nothing, Polly. Some idiot on the news." Basil replied, still slightly mad.

"You see, just because some tree-huggers might hate her, I still think that Mrs. Charron will be able to win this election."

Basil felt his blood run cold. Charron was his last name. His mother lived in Guangzhou, and ran a mining company. It couldn't be.

"Michelle Charron's questionable amount of pollution may not stop her from getting elected, but she apparently had a history of involvement in corruption in Australia. Mr. Porter, how can you defend someone like her?" Calvin Li questioned.

"Bah! Poppycock, it's called lobbying and it's legal in Australia. She was just participating in the Australian political system! She's got a gay son, I heard, so she's gonna be winning some votes with that development!" Hunter Porter laughed some more, before continuing, "If I had a mentally ill freak like that, I'd at least hope I'd get some votes out of it too! Otherwise, right off to conversion therapy! Bahahaha!" His laugh grated on Basil's ears.

Basil covered his face. Well, at least they hadn't used his name. Otherwise he could never leave the house again.

The phone rang, and was immediately picked up by Polly upstairs.

"Uh-huh, I see miss. Right away." Polly came downstairs, and handed the phone to Basil. "It's your mother."

"Hey mom, I-"

"Only call me that in public, Basil, I'm Michelle, remember?"

Looks like his mom was doing that too. Great.

"So, anyway Basil, how are you?"

Basil looked down, "Well, I've been-"

"That's great hon, so I'm going to be bringing you to Guangzhou, I think it'd be great for my campaign!" Michelle interrupted.

Basil felt angry, but tried to bargain. His parents wouldn't take no for an answer. "Um, ok but... how long do I have to stay there?"

"Around a week. Just be around me in public, and things will go fine!"

"W-Well, can I bring my friend?"

"Sure, as long as she doesn't ruin anyth-"

"Actually, he's a boy." Basil interrupted this time.

For some reason, his mother seemed unusually pleased by this information, "Oh! Really? That's great, bring him along! If his mom and dad don't want him to go along, I can send them money for it!"

"Uh... thanks?"

"If you need to get money, call me back in a half hour, I'm going to be on a call with my campaign manager! Thank you, Basil!" She then hung up. At least she pretended to care...

Basil realized something. He'd be taking them from his house for his birthday. Basil felt guilty, but his mom apparently now really wanted Sunny to be there, for whatever stupid reason.

At least I can give him his present in person...

Basil made his way over to Sunny's house, looking at the growth of his seeds on his way over. Some of the tulips had already sprouted into little green shoots. Basil smiled at them before continuing towards the road.

The street was surprisingly quiet, but Basil wasn't about to complain. He walked across the road, along the curb of the street between their houses, then across the road once more, arriving on the sidewalk in front of Sunny's house.

After making his way up to the door of Sunny's house, he thought for a second. Would the mother of the person he nearly stabbed the eye out of even let him come with him to Guangzhou? His mom would get mad if he didn't even ask, so, he still had to try.

He knocked on the door, and the door was opened by Sunny's Mother. Both of Sunny's parents weren't originally from China. His mother was apparently born to two asian-americans, and his father German. Basil never knew much about Sunny's dad, other than that he didn't like Basil.

"Oh, hello Basil! Sunny's in his room right now, I'll call him."

"Well, actually I-"

"SUNNY! SUUNNNNYYY!!!!" Her screaming interrupted him.

"WHAT IS IT MOM?!" He heard Sunny scream back.


Sunny rushed downstairs and stood beside his mother.

"Hey Basil." He said, putting his hand up in greeting.

"Um, I was invited to Guangzhouby my mom... and um... she said you could come with me, Sunny."

Sunny looked surprised, but Basil quickly continued before he answered. "Well, not could, she was going to pay you two money if necessary to bring you... so..."

"For how long?" His mother asked.

"Like... a week at most..." Basil said through his teeth, scared at her response.

"I don't think we-"

Sunny cut her off "Sure, just make sure she pays mom a couple thousand, he said smiling at Basil, "I wanted to spend time with you for my birthday, but this is surprising, ha!"

Basil smiled back at Sunny. He was so glad to know someone like him. 

His smile is so pretty...

Snap out of it Basil. Sunny is your friend, not your boyfriend.

"W-Well, when would he be leaving?" His mother asked.

Basil checked the time. "An hour..."

His mother looked on in surprise, and Sunny rushed back inside. "Be right there!"

Getting to Guangzhou City was an hour and a half of driving. Basil dreaded the worst part, that only 10 minutes away was Faraway. He was glad Hero was still there though, because the college he goes to was in Guangzhou too. 10 minutes away is better than being in the same city as them, where they could wander around and see you any second. Looking at you like the monster you are.

Sunny came back downstairs. He was wearing a cute slight smile on his face. "I'm ready now, Basil."

His voice would seem pretty monotone to the average listener, but Basil could hear it on his voice. He was super excited. 

"Alright! C'mon, I gotta go to my house and pack before they get here too!" Basil ran to his house with Sunny. He remembered to call his mom when he got to the door.

"Hey mo- Michelle, they said they needed..." Basil thought for a moment. Sunny's family deserved more than a lousy 2 thousand. "20 thousand, alright?" 

"That's all? Fine, I'll have the butler write up a check." she answered, then immediately hung up. So much for pretending she cared.

Basil opened the door hurriedly, but waiting for him was Polly. "Don't worry, Michelle already told me what's going on. Here's your bags, Basil! Have a good time you two." She smiled at them. Basil smiled back.

A limousine pulled up next to Sunny's house, then quickly came over to them. "沙儿洛恩" was etched into the side of it in golden paint. Of course they'd use the least subtle car to pick him up. Displaying his last name on the side of it, for everyone to see. Basil and Sunny got into the car, embarrassed. The driver said from all the way at the front of the limousine "Hello young master Basil, I will leave you and your boyfriend privacy!" closing 3 different walls between them before he could answer.


Yes, apparently that hit Basil so hard, he stuttered in his thoughts too. Basil was hitting the realization that his mother could've misinterpreted what he said. (In Chinese, the word for friend, pengyou, can also mean partner, and boyfriend. Nan means boy, and when Basil corrected his mother, she may have mixed it up. Teehee Chinese joke I'm so funny)

"S-Sorry Sunny, I think my mom thinks we're dating." Both of them promptly turned pink, and averted each others' gaze for a few minutes. They would've the whole ride if it was only a 13 minute ride instead of an hour long one.

This is going to be a loooooong trip.

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