My Love For You |Naruto Vario...

By DatChild13

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Kaiya Ryu isn't a normal girl. She is the secret Jinchuriki of the No tails. She has strong jutsu and chakra... More

The Beginning -1
Secrets -2
Training -3
Anbu -4
Attack -5
Him -6
The Sand -7
A Day with Him -8
New mission -9
Why is it always Gaara-10
Close to death -12
Another one gone -13
Preparing for Pain -14
Attack on the Leaf -15
Pain vs Naruto -16
Rebuilding -17
Shikamaru -18
A nightmare -19
5 kage summit -20
Danzo/Sasuke -21
Captured -22
Itachi -23
The hokage -24
The Beginning of the war -25
Teamwork -26
Infinite Tsukuyomi -27
Kaguya -28
Almost Over -29
I'm sorry -30
Goodbye...for now -31
Exploding Humans Pt 1 -32
Exploding Humans Pt 2 -33
Exploding Humans Pt 3 -34
Exploding Humans Pt 4 -35
A new mission -36
Found Him -37
Gone -38
A new plan -39
Safe -40

Why is it always Gaara pt2 -11

130 5 0
By DatChild13

"Summon the council immediately!" 

"Yes sir!"

"You! Take two squads and secure the reservoir, now!" 


"Seal the rows in sector A!"

 "Yes, Sir!" Baki told the ninjas, sending orders there and there. "There may be more than one enemy" Baki said. "Now I don't care what happens I want all of you posed and ready!" 

"Medical Call, start getting all barriers ready, I do not want to hear of any single causality, you got that clear!" Baki yelled. Ninjas came running, with the orders they were told. Prepared for if something happens to their Kazekage. 

"I'm here for you, Gaara." Baki told himself. 

"Yes, We are here for our lord Kazekage!" Kankuro looked at Baki, and added on to Baki's words "Hang on there"

Ninjas were jumping, with their weapons prepared.

 "I think your friends are about to butt in here," Deidara said, seeing how all shinobi were forming. "Besides.." Deidara went on, looking at Gaara. "I am tired of that expressionless face of yours." The blond said, taking out one of his clay birds, at first all dust was forming in the air, but as the dust cleared, a huge clay explosive appeared. 

That was when Gaara's face finally changed, his emotionless expression disappeared, his eyes were now widened. The large clay explosive went falling into the ground, where all the houses of the village were. Gaara looked down, shocked."Haha, that was doll molded by designated clay, chewed up by my palm, and loaded with Chakra. It's a speciality of mine, full of C3 Chakra I posses. It's destructive power is my masterpiece." 

"What is that?!" A Ninja said underground, looking at the doll that is falling fast. "It's big! We better move." 

"Everyone! Get back!" Baki yelled.Deidara smirked wildly. "You're too late!" putting his pointer and middle finger up, he made the explosive doll explode. People were screaming, yelling. Deidara simply laughed. Gaara was unsteady. Until all the smoke cleared up. Sand was revealed covering the village from being destroyed. "Huh?! What is that?"

 "Is that Lord Kazekage's sand?!" 

"Amazing! Look at the size of that shield he created!"

"I expected nothing less from the Kazekage." Baki said. Deidara looked at Gaara who was gasping. "Now, you are looking for rage." Gaara looked to his right, seeing an explosive pass by him.

1.. 2... 3 

"Gaara!" I screamed out of fear for what I thought was about to happened. Luckily the sand once again, protected the redhead from any danger. The ninjas on ground once again praised their Kazekage. 

"Our leader is astonishing" Baki smirked "Gaara's Ultimate Defense can withstand much more, than that detonation." A ninja behind then came up to him.

 "Lord Baki our attack preparations are now complete" Baki looked back to the ninja and said 

"Very well! You will launch the assault on my signal!" And all the attacks were prepared. Ninjas behind the huge weapons, ready to launch. They were trying to get the best aim to hit Deidara.

"I expected as much.. That special sand of his makes quite the tight defense, hm." Deidara said out loud. Meanwhile in Gaara's tiny little sand ball the redhead was gasping, sweating. Deidara smirked. "However that is exactly what I was counting on." Seeing how even if little, scratches on the Kazekage's sand. 

Inside Gaara's defense his eyes were wide, sand slowly falling, and small, tiny, white explosives were crawling inside his small defense. 

 "Hah! Well, my left hand may have been crushed... I used the opportunity to eat your sand, and mixed some of it with my detonating clay." Deidara explained "You doomed yourself the moment you used that sand to try and form a defense, hmm... And the best part is, I planned it that way all along." Gaara looked sternly at the small explosives crawling inside his sand defense. "True art is-"

 "No!" Gaara gasped. 

"An explosion!"

Sand was falling from Gaara's Ultimate defense. "That blast, what happened inside the sphere?" Baki said, recalling what happened seconds ago. 

"I-is he?" Kankuro shuttered. Deidara kept his eyes on the sphere. Kankuro walked up, and started shouting his youngest and only brother's name. Concern in his voice. "Gaara!!" I was frozen in place staring at the falling sand. He couldn't.... There was no way... I felt my eyes fill with tears as Gaara didn't move. 

"Lord Kazekage!" the many ninjas said in unison. "It can't be.." Baki said behind Kankuro "He broke Gaara's Ultimate defense?"

"How on earth did he do that?" Kankuro asked. Seeing the destroyed defense, slowly breaking down. Deidara smirked at the sight 

"I had to detonate at point blank range, so I needed to get you to defend yourself using the same sand armor that crushed my hand.... Expect,I only had one attack left" By now huge chunks of sand were falling off Gaara's shield. 

Now Gaara's shield was only holding his upper body, the rest completely worn off. His Armor of Sand started cracking as well. 

"Time to get the prize, hm!" Deidara said his clay bird flying to where the Kazekage was. Gaara started opening his eyes, slowly. Deidara noticed and flew back as fast as he could. Gaara clenched his fist moving the sand covering the Sand Village. "Uh, yes of course."

"What now?" Baki asked "He's using every last bit of power to transport the sand safely outside the village." Kankuro explained "he's trying to save his people."

 "Such a noble Kazekage, fighting when it would be so much easier to drop it on their heads" The blond Akatsuki member said. 

"Gaara..." I whispered. Baki turned back seeing how the ninjas he sent to do something were just watching the scene. "What do you men think you're doing? We must rescue our Kazekage! Commence the attack!"

"Yes, Sir!!" As the Shinobi were starting the attacks. One ninja shouted,"Fire!"

Deidara smirked, dodging all the arrows being shot at him "Why do you even bother?"


"Don't you get it? Your arrows won't work." All the arrows had seals within them. Exploding once fired. 

"They're getting a bit more creative, aren't they?" The blond said, dodging the arrows once again. "I guess I better wrap this up. Sasori might get ticked off , if I'm not there soon." Gaara on the other hand was still trying all his power he had left to control his sand. 

"Lord Kazekage, you can do it!" Some ninjas cheered him on. 

"Gaara! C'mon don't give up just yet!" Kankuro said. Gaara did it. He put his sand outside the village, safely. But he couldn't hold in anymore. His enemy took the best of him and the redhead was completely worn out. Deidara smirked, eying Gaara.

 The Kazekage was slowly falling.

 Gaara was falling.

 His sand defense that Deidara manage to break failed to save the redhead.

 "Gaara!" Kankuro and I yelled. 

"Hurry help the Kazekage!" Baki ordered. Firing more arrows. Deidara flew his way to were Gaara was falling. 

"Taking him down without killing him, was much harder than I thought." Kankuro noticed the blond flying towards Gaara's direction. "No!" 

Deidara caught  him. "Well, my mission his cleared, hm.."


— —————- 

The sand was a mess after Gaara was taken. The council held an emergency meeting while I helped dispatch an emergency message to the leaf. I knew Tsunade would send help as soon possible. We had learned about a possible inside man that let Deidara in the village. The sand had been trying to come up with a strategy and squad to go after Gaara. But Kankuro had gotten impatient and had decided to head out himself. 

I ran as fast as I could to the village entrance. I ran past the multitude of sand nin who had been taken out by the Akatsuki. 

"Kankuro!" I shouted, Kankuro had just entered the desert to head after Gaara. He turned around and looked at me. "Please take me with you!" He seemed to think for a moment before nodding his head and proceeding forward. 


"You move as fast as Crow." Kankuro said "I'm impressed." We had finally caught up with the Akatsuki members. They were quite skilled as expected. I hadn't been able to land a blow on either of them or get near Gaara yet. 

"The spider needs to be as fast as the fly." Sasori replied back. "I remember now. Hmm. This Jinchuriki is supposed to have a couple of siblings. And one of them's some kind of... puppet master."

 Deidara said. "That must be you, I guess. Your name's, uh, Kanturo, right, or Kampachi." The blonde chuckled. "Or something?!" 

"It's Kankuro!" Kankuro yelled, making his puppet release from Sasori's trap. Kankuro used his chakra strings and made the puppet jump up towards Deidara's clay bird. Sasori's was quick to act, his scorpion-like tail snatched the puppet to the ground. Kankuro clenched his teeth. 

"I don't like the look of that tail of his," I mumble to Kankuro who nods in agreement. 

"But I don't remember hearing about this beautiful lady." The blonde said looking at me up and down. 

"You must be the girlfriend," he said mockingly. I clenched my teeth and tried attacking again. I aimed a kick his way but missed dodging the tail of his. Instead hitting the ground and crushing the sand dune next to them

"What strength you have!" Deidara says amused.

"Forget about him, I'm your opponent." Sasori said. "Deidara, quit gawking, and get out of here. You're in the way." 

"Fine! I'll leave you to it then. Hmm." The blonde said, flying away on his clay bird, along with the Kazekage. 

"Where are you going?!" Kankuro yelled. Sasori quickly acted, lashing the scorpion-like tail at Kankuro. The puppet master jumped fast, preventing himself from getting hurt.

"Didn't you hear me? I'm your opponent."

"We'll have to take care of this one first. Then go after the other." Kankuro said. 

"No need, you handle him. I'll go after Deidara." I quickly did hands signs and bit my thumb for a summoning jutsu. I summoned Hima, the queen of the dragons and my former teacher.  I summoned her and she was quite larger almost half the size of the Reibi or any tailed beast. I jumped on her back and flew after Deidara. I explained to her the situation as we flew. 

"Did it ever occur to you they might try and take your tailed beast as well?" She said flying as fast as she could. 

"If they wanted to they would've tried harder to take me back there instead of taking Gaara and running. I'm pretty sure the only one who knew that the No tails was in me was the Uchiha." 

"How do those three feel about this?" She asked as we began gaining on them. 

"Honestly, I haven't talked to them in almost two years." I say feeling a bit ashamed I had closed my mind off after Aikio had died and neither of us made and attempt to talk after that. I guess I somewhat held his death against them blaming them that he died because of what they made me. 

"I see," she didn't mention anything after that. I drew my sword out and lit it my fire chakra slashing the air sending a line of cutting fire straight at him. He barely managed to dodge surprised by the attack. 

"You're pretty good," he commented. "If this wasn't a battle I would consider taking you out." I ignored what he was saying and punched the air sending a giant shocked wave of air at him throwing him and his clay bird off balance and spinning in the air. I took my chance and jumped off Hima's back and over to his clay bird. 

"Wow, you're quite fast." He says, as I swing my sword at him. At the same time he throws clay at me landing on my arm and sword. I couldn't move it. 

"The hell!" I shout frustrated. 

"Say goodbye," My eyes widen realizing what was going to happen. "Boom." The clay explodes on my and my sword blasting me off the bird and following threw the air. I land on something mid air. 

"Come on get up Ryu!" Hima yells at me as I lay on her back. "I taught you better than to let your emotions get the better of you and attack with no plan." I had a numb pain in my arm, I look over and see blood everywhere. He had blown my right arm off and had shatter my blade as well. I scream in pain as I force myself back up my hand holding onto where my arm used to be. 

I look up and see Gaara still unconscious. I had to save him even if it meant dying. I had one remaining blade left before I had to rely of chakra. It would be extremely difficult to fight in the air with only one arm for hands signs. I cursed inside my head. If I didn't act soon he would get away. I look behind me, I couldn't see Kankuro anymore but I had a feeling that it wasn't going well for him. 

I had two options, I could try and fight in the state I was in or I could use my last resort to heal my arm leaving me with no trump card. I needed to make a decision quickly. 

"Kaiya we're running out of time they're gaining speed." 

"I know!" I shout back her. I clench my teeth in frustration and decide to use my last resort healing. I make the release symbol with my remaining hand and concentrate on releasing the chakra I had been storing in the mark on my forehead for the past few years. I felt it release and four lines appeared in a star shape around it. I didn't need the full thing, trying to save the rest for a truly desperate measure. I regenerated my arm and made hands signs quickly. 

I sent dragon chain jutsu toward him attaching to his bird stopping him mid air allowing my self to get close to him. I grab my remaining sword and take a swing at his neck. He was fast enough to dodge a killer spot but I managed to cut his face. He was a bit shocked that I managed a scratch on him, so I took the opening and punched him in the face sending him flying. He landed on the ground below us creating a crater. The bird began to descent quickly. I grabbed Gaara and jumped off before crashing to the ground. 

Hima landed next to me. I laid Gaara in my arms. He was pale and pretty beat up and ultimate defense gone. I put my hand on his face, he was still pretty warm indicating he was still alive. I looked over and didn't see the blonde moving. I smirked thinking I got the better of him. I started to stand up and carry Gaara over to Hima when I felt something stab me in the stomach. 

I fell to me knees dropping Gaara to the ground. 

"Seems like you got he best of my partner, but your little friend couldn't get me." A deep voice said behind me. I wrapped my arms around my stomach as blood soak my clothes and the ground. I fell over on the side my vision going blurry.

"What, is..." I tried saying. 

"Lethal poison I made myself, you'll die a slow and painful death with your little friend in three days time. Only I know the cure, I doubt even those little marks on you can help you now." I saw him pick Gaara up and his teammate and begin walking away. Hima began running toward me speaking words to me I couldn't hear. I could feel the byagkou seal release fully ing wrapping around my arms and face. 

I had used a lot of chakra from it to create a new arm not leaving much left and me extremely weaken. The best I could do before the mark receded was stop the bleeding and remove a little poison before the dark took me.

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