Sweet Devil [BL]

By Vaesen

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Misha has always been petty, very, very petty. He pays back the smallest grievances tenfold, and his temper f... More

Chapter 1. Happy Christmas Eve
Chapter 2. Long Time No See
Chapter 3. Santa Claus
Chapter 4. The Golden Watch
Chapter 5. The Mother
Chapter 6. The Sister
Chapter 7. The Jerk
Chapter 8. Lost in Thought
Chapter 9. Sleeping Face
Chapter 10. Naughty Kid
Chapter 11. Tantrum
Chapter 12. La Ronde
Chapter 13. Cat and Mouse
Chapter 14. Ice Cream Cones and Game Booths
Chapter 15. Carousel Tower
Chapter 16. Do You Love Her?
Chapter 17. Fever
Chapter 18. Dereck Is a Genius
Chapter 19. Discussion
Chapter 20. Hospitalization
Chapter 21. Grumpy Nurse
Chapter 22. Apple Juice
Chapter 23. Don't Leave Me Alone
Chapter 24. Unexpected Guest
Chapter 25. The Great-Granddaughter
Chapter 26. Playground
Chapter 27. Freedom
Chapter 28. Home
Chapter 29. Dereck's House
Chapter 30. Sneaking Out
Chapter 31. Pranks
Chapter 32. Chocolate Muffin
Chapter 33. Upset Stomach
Chapter 34. On the Road
Chapter 35. Spoiled Adult
Chapter 36. Wrong Gender
Chapter 37. Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
Chapter 38. Piggyback Ride
Chapter 39. Chatting
Chapter 40. What if There's a Bear Outside?
Chapter 41. Clamato Juice Shower
Chapter 42. Raccoon
Chapter 43. Bleeding
Chapter 44. Not a Phone Prank Call
Chapter 45. Who Are You?
Chapter 46. Not the First Time
Chapter 47. The Nurse
Chapter 48. Soap Opera
Chapter 49. Strangers
Chapter 50. You're Disturbing the Patient's Rest
Chapter 51. White Tulips
Chapter 52. Let's Talk
Chapter 53. Vanishing into Thin Air
Chapter 54. Hide-and-Seek
Chapter 55. Let's Break Up
Chapter 56. Unqualified Teacher
Chapter 57. She Shouldn't Be Here
Chapter 58. More Than Enough
Chapter 59. A Ghost?
Chapter 60. Can't Get Used to This
Chapter 61. Dumb Child
Chapter 62. Not Playing with Him
Chapter 63. Birthday Gifts
Chapter 64. Promise Me
Chapter 65. The Road
Chapter 66. Why?
Chapter 67. I Love You Sis'
Chapter 68. See You Next Year, Dear Santa
Chapter 69. A New Day
Chapter 70. Buying the Groceries
Chapter 71. Gabriel's Best Friend
Chapter 72. Thank You
Chapter 73. Taking a Bath
Chapter 74. You're Such an Idiot
Chapter 75. Misunderstanding
Chapter 76. Foreboding Feeling
Chapter 77. Right Choice
Chapter 78. Taxi
Chapter 79. Meant to Be Happy
Chapter 80. Footprints
Chapter 81. WTF
Chapter 82. The Cat is Out of The Bag
Chapter 83. What She Needed
Chapter 84. Time Sure Flies
Chapter 85. Mary
Chapter 86. Let's Get my Sister a Girlfriend
Chapter 87. Happy Eighteenth Birthday
Chapter 88. A Bunch of Birthday Gifts (Part 1)
Chapter 89. A Bunch of Birthday Gifts (Part 2)
Chapter 90. Feelings
Chapter 91. Summer
Chapter 92. Nervousness
Chapter 93. Cheating
Chapter 94. Fooled
Chapter 95. Quarrel
Chapter 96. First Anniversary of Death
Chapter 97. Hi Santa
Chapter 98. Sorry, You're a Bad Liar
Chapter 99. One Year Ago
Chapter 100. We Need to Talk
Chapter 101. A Message to One's Past Self
Chapter 102. Butterfly Effect
Chapter 103. Unwrapped Gifts
Chapter 104. Welcome Back to Hell
Chapter 105. The Drunk Driver
Chapter 106. Opening Up
Chapter 107. A Different Choice
Chapter 108. Tragedies
Chapter 109. .... Big Brother?
Chapter 110. And you, are you?
Chapter 111. A Familiar Sight
Chapter 112. A Selfish Man
Chapter 113. Get Lost
Chapter 114. Postponing
Chapter 115. Babysitting
Chapter 116. See You
Chapter 117. Love Matters
Chapter 118. Unwanted Guest
Chapter 119. An Overdue Conversation
Chapter 120. Five Years Ago
Chapter 121. Am I a Jerk?
Chapter 122. Until Then, Farewell
EXTRA I: Peeping Tom
EXTRA II: Pranks
FAQ -- More like a messed-up interview but shh --
Chapter 123. A Day Like Any Other Day
Chapter 124. Jerk and Cinnamon Roll
Chapter 125. Loose Screws
Chapter 126. Food Poisoning
Chapter 127. Blackmail
Chapter 128. Kidnapping
Chapter 129. Not Like Him
Chapter 130. The Masked Man
Chapter 131. A Little Gift
Chapter 132. Give Them Back
Chapter 133. Diaries
Chapter 134. Exhausted
Chapter 135. Life Went On
Chapter 136. Bad Habit
Chapter 136.1 Little Nightmare NSFW
Chapter 137. Regrets
Chapter 138. Breakfast Time
Chapter 139. Resting
Chapter 140. About the Previous Timelines PART I
Chapter 141. About The Previous Timelines PART II
Chapter 142. Small Talk
Chapter 143. Not My Boyfriend!
Chapter 144. Hormones
Chapter 145. White Eyed-Wolf PART I
Chapter 146. White Eyed-Wolf PART II
Chapter 147. Lego Castle
Chapter 148. A Den of Vipers
Chapter 149. New Colleagues
Chapter 150. Hot Pepper Chocolate
Chapter 151. At The Hotel
Chapter 152. Not Something He Wanted To Hear
Chapter 154. Bitten By An Ugly Bug
Chapter 155. Leaving The House
Chapter 156. Small Aquariums
Chapter 157. A Bout Of Jealousy
Chapter 158. Skeletons In The Closet

Chapter 153. A Hickey

393 15 2
By Vaesen

The moment the door closed, Jake's smug smile vanished, and a cold light replaced the greed in his eye. He put down his foot and straightened his back, sitting more comfortably. Misha was still behind him, hugging him like a mama bear, and his head thus leaned a bit more into his chest. The teenager didn't complain, and Jake didn't point it out, letting Misha's warmth envelop him. He wouldn't say it aloud, but he needed it right now. Whenever he talked with his mother, it brought back memories he'd rather forget, agitating him more than he wanted to admit. Unfortunately, his old heart wasn't made of stone, and it'd clench in pain from time to time.

"Honestly," Stephan chuckled, bringing back Jake to the present, "it's amazing how you and Gabriel can switch between your personas and real personalities in a snap. It's like a magic trick."

"I have to second that," Misha sighed. "It makes me doubt my eyes and ears every time."

"Right?" Stephan winked, sitting in the chair before Jake. "So, how did it go?"

"Rather well, I'd say."


Jake answered with silence. He stared at Stephan, then snorted. Angela's request popped into his mind whenever his eye landed on him, and Jake was almost angered into laughing. He had nothing against same-gender relationships, but it didn't mean he was ok with being bedded by a man. Thanks to his mother, he was quite dispassionate about sex. Still, the idea of getting his ass pounded didn't settle well with him; if anything, he'd rather be on top, but that wasn't what Angela was expecting of him.

"Why are you giving me the death glare?" Stephan half-laughed, half-cried. "I'm fairly sure I haven't done anything to anger you today."

If looks could kill, Stephan had a hunch he'd be dead by now. It made him silently shed a few tears; he truly hadn't done anything—yet—to anger Jake! So, why was he shooting daggers at him?!

"Does it have something to do with the conversation you just had with Angela?" Gabriel asked, ignoring Stephan's antics. He appeared on the verge of committing murder, startling Misha into holding his breath. "What did she ask of you this time?"

"Just the usual."

Gabriel's eyes seemed to darken, the green of his irises growing deeper. After reading the diaries, he found out about Angela using Jake to strike a few deals, and he knew what the "usual" referred to.

Before, he thought that his brother was simply the sort of wicked man who would use whatever method he could to get what he wanted, including sleeping with clients. Gabriel had never once imagined that he could have been acting under his mother's order.

Should he be grateful she had waited until he was of age before sending him to "entertain" their guests...? Like hell he was! It happened under his eyes, yet he didn't even notice it. Just how much of an idiot was he? He had been too self-confident, unable to see through Jake's facade. He had deemed him a jerk and never gave him the time of the day. There must have been signs, but he ignored them, refusing to see Jake as something other than an imbecile. However, the idiot had been him, not his brother.

Gabriel had always thought of himself as a rational man, but the more he learned about Jake's past, the harder it was to keep his emotions under control. Sometimes, he wondered if he shouldn't just kill Angela in the most painful way he knew. Now, sending her to jail seemed like a show of mercy. What if Angela rotted away in prison? She would never suffer just as much as Jake had, and that was giving him nightmares.

"The usual?" Stephan said, snapping Gabriel out of his thoughts. "With me?"

"Who else? Thanks to you sticking to me like a leech, she has decided to use me to hold you down," Jake spat out. "But well, I'll be able to use you as an excuse to refuse a few things for a while, so all is good in the end."

"What are the three of you talking about?" Misha asked, puzzled. "I don't follow at all!"

"It's nothing very important," Jake smiled. "Don't worry."

"Dude, I'm dense but not stupid. That's clearly a white lie!"


"Let's just say that I'm gonna be even more clingy now," Stephan winked, and a drawn-out sigh escaped Jake's lips. "What? She wants you to sleep with me, doesn't she? I swear this woman is twisted down to the core. Anyway, we just have to make her believe you're doing as told, and voilà!"

"And here I thought you'd take the opportunity to bed me for real. You won't have that many chances to, you know?"

"I'll admit wanting to sleep with you, but not under coercion. If you're not willing, then no thank you."

"So, you do have some common sense in the end."

"Oh, please! I don't screw around with people who aren't up to it, never. And, honestly, why the heck would I drag you to bed and risk losing what I really want with you? A mere moment of pleasure is not what I seek! I told you I'm serious about you, didn't I?"

"Really? I thought—" Jake was interrupted mid-sentence by a cough, and his whole body seemed to stiffen. He awkwardly cleared his throat before glancing at Gabriel and apologizing, "Sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away."

"Yes, I know," Gabriel smiled, tilting his head toward Stephan. "It's that idiot's fault."

To this, Stephan shrugged his shoulders, but the pouty look on his face seemed to ask: "How is it my fault that Jake got caught up in my pace? I'm perfectly innocent here!"

Misha had to stifle a laugh, whereas Gabriel shook his head slightly, a little exasperated. But deep down, he also felt a little jealous; Jake only opened up like this to Stephan, saying whatever was on his mind without hesitation. Yes, his brother would get caught up in his pace, but he'd also speak freely. Gabriel couldn't help but hope that one day, Jake would feel enough at ease to do the same with him.



"Stay over tonight," Jake said to Stephan as he was about to leave with Gabriel and Misha. "The sooner we start to mislead Angela, the better."

"Alright," Stephan smiled, waving at Gabriel and Misha before closing the door. "I refuse to sleep on the floor, though."

"Fine. I will sleep on the floor."

"Can you read between the lines? Your bed is big enough for two adult men to share it! Stop behind a drama queen, will you?"


"Don't give me that look! I won't jump on you, so stop worrying and get on the side. It's late, and I have to wake up early tomorrow."

Jake eyed the man a while longer before scurrying to the left side of the bed. Meanwhile, Stephan changed into the pajamas that Jake had kindly lent to him, though he only put on the pants. He then casually braided his hair, which he had left untied today; the long silvery braid fell on his back, the tip almost reaching his hips.

"You know," Stephan chuckled as he climbed on the bed, slipping underneath the blanket, "we can put a pillow barrier between us if sleeping with me stresses you too much."

"Since when have you been so accommodating? You would usually cling to me like an octopus and refuse to let go."

"Hm, since today?"

A half-scoff, half-laugh escaped Jake's lips, and silence filled the room for a short instant. Then, Jake rolled over on his side and looked into Stephan's heterochromatic eyes. The man had been staring at his back, almost purring like a contented cat.

'He looks a little too pleased with the current situation,' Jake thought, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. But, really, Stephan was always the same, never changing. The sky could be crashing down, and he'd laugh it off. No matter what Jake said or did, Stephan would accept it with a smile. Whether it was a good thing or not, Jake couldn't tell. But he at least knew the man was wearing down his defense little by little; still, he did nothing to prevent it.

"Put a hickey here," Jake finally said, pointing to his neck. "A big, purple one."

"Only one?"

"Only one."

Stephan chuckled lightly, then crawled closer. He tilted his head, and his lips brushed against Jake's skin. The next instant, a butterfly kiss—so brief Jake thought he had imagined it—was placed upon his neck, near his Adam's apple. After that, Stephan gently sucked and pulled on his skin. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to leave a mark behind.

Seconds passed by, then Stephan let go and lifted his head to peek at his work of art. Though only a few rays of moonlight passed through the window, it was enough. The hickey stood out on Jake's pale skin, drawing the eye.

"Here, all done!" Stephan smiled as he let his head fall on his pillow. "Good night now."

"Yeah, good night."

Jake closed his eye, the warmth left by Stephan's lips lingering on his neck. It felt strangely pleasant—reassuring, even. 'Maybe playing pretend with Stephan won't be so bad, after all.' The fleeting thought crossed his mind as Jake fell asleep, lulled by Stephan's regular breathing. For once, his night wasn't plagued by nightmares.


Edited by Clozed!! ♥

R.S. Discord: https://discord.gg/QhWkRY28tF

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/rs_vaesen

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