The Living Arrangement [A BTS...

By ladyknj

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Jimin from BTS meets Y/n, a young lady who seems down on her luck. An incident with her boyfriend left her st... More

Getting to Know Each Other
Sexual Tension
Who Goes First?
Jimin and Y/n πŸ†
The Morning After
Yoongi and Y/n πŸ†
Hobi and Y/n πŸ†
Jin and Y/n πŸ†
Namjoon and Y/n πŸ†
Jungkook and Y/n πŸ†
The Invitation
Taehyung and Y/n πŸ†
Not an Update...Just Yet LOL
Nice, Rare Outing
Van Ride Home πŸ†
4-Way Anyone? πŸ†
When Life Throws You a Curveball
Just a Little Role Play πŸ†
Why Did He Do This?
The Truth Revealed
The Cure for Boredom πŸ†
A Little Relief Plotting πŸ†
Apology Sex πŸ†
Been a Minute Hasn't It? πŸ†
Tough Decision
Does That Really Solve Anything?
Upcoming Update
OT7 (Pt. 1) πŸ†
OT7 (Pt. 2) πŸ†
Back To Reality
Attempted Kidnapping!

Canceling Plans

542 14 12
By ladyknj

When Y/n had woken up in Jin's bed, she saw him sleeping soundly beside her. She smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before getting up quietly as to not wake him up. She found her shirt and put it on. Her panties were by his closet door, so she picked them up and slowly opened his door. As she was walking out, she bumped into Tae and Jungkook. They both gave her knowing looks as she just blushed then rolled her eyes.

"Good morning," she greeted them as they laughed.

"More like good afternoon. You and Jin been up in there asleep for a few hours. Y'all must've had a lot of fun," Taehyung teased while wiggling his eyebrows. Y/n just rolled her eyes once more.

"As a matter of fact, we did," Y/n smirked and walked off to her room to shower and change. Both of the youngest maknaes just stared as she walked away shaking their heads and biting their bottom lips.

"I can't wait for my turn!" they both stated in unison before laughing at themselves.

Once Y/n stepped out of her shower, she dried off then wrapped her towel around her body. She went to her closet and pulled out a white floor length sundress then placed it on the bed. She went to the dresser and pulled out a matching black bra and thong. Y/n, who dropped the towel, sat on her bed and started putting baby oil all over her body.

After she was satisfied with the oil, she put on her underwear followed by the sundress. She then put mousse on her hair then pulled it up into a curly ponytail. Once she was satisfied with her look, she headed back up the stairs to the main floor. Hobi was sitting on the sofa busy typing away on his phone.

"Hey sunshine; what you doing?" she questioned as she plopped down on the sofa beside him. He looked up at her and smiled.

"Hey there beautiful. I'm just chatting with some of ARMY through Weverse," he replied as he went back to commenting on fans responses.

"That's really sweet how you all interact with your fans in that way," Y/n replied with a dimpled smile as Hobi gave his own in return.

"Yeah, we know without the fans, we would be nothing. What have you got planned for today?" he questioned, continuing what he was doing.

"Nothing. Seems like I slept half of the day away," she laughed as Hobi dropped his phone from laughter as well. He heard the maknaes joking about hearing her and Jin earlier.

"Stop laughing," Y/n pouted as Hobi started calming down.

"Yeah, Jungkookie and Taehyungie were laughing and telling us how loud you guys were," he laughed.

"They just nosey," Y/n replied rolling her eyes as she pulled out her own phone after receiving a text message. She read it.

"Aww, Jackson wants to take me out for dinner tonight," she smiled (I just had to do it lol). Hobi gave her a look she couldn't quite figure out.

"You're cool with Jackson?" he questioned as she smiled.

"Yeah. You know I did that choreography for them. We had exchanged numbers then. Every now and then he'll text me and we chat for a little bit. Sometimes he may even call," she replied as she sent a text back in response to Jackson's message.

Hobi was still replying to ARMY as Y/n continued texting Jackson. Every now and then, Hobi would look over at Y/n as she smiled at something Jackson had text. He was a little jealous.

"Excuse me," Hobi stated as he got up after she nodded at him. He headed to Jimin's room. All of the maknae line was there.

"Hey guys, guess what?" Hobi started as they all looked up at their hyung.

"What is it hyung?" questioned Jimin as he turned back to the game the three of them were playing on his TV.

"Guess who's in there texting a guy?" he questioned as they all said nothing, too into their game.

"Hello? Did y'all hear me?" he stated back in frustration at them ignoring him.

"Yoongi?" guessed Taehyung who kept playing as well.

"Why would Yoongi-hyung be texting a guy?" Hobi asked in confusion.

"I don't know; go ask him," replied Tae once more.

"Since y'all aren't listening, I'll go and tell Joonie that one of his friends is out there texting and asking Y/n out for dinner tonight," stated Hobi before turning around to leave with a smirk after seeing all of them look up quickly at that.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" questioned Jungkook after dropping his controller and running up to stop Hobi from walking out of Jimin's room.

"Did I say that out loud?" Hobi replied playing dumb.

"Yes, you did. Now say it again," stated Tae who had now put his own controller down.

"Noona is out there texting Jackson. She said he wants to take her out to dinner tonight," Hobi said in response to the three sets of eyes eyeing him.

"When did they become so close?" Jungkook questioned. Hobi didn't miss the slight hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Let her tell it, they text all the time. They exchanged numbers when she did the choreography for Got7 back when we first met her," stated Hobi.

"What if they start dating? Where will that leave us and our arrangement?" Jimin asked as the three maknaes all looked at each other.

Hobi could tell the three mischievous boys' wheels were spinning with a plot to separate Y/n from Jackson before they even have a chance of getting together.

"Well, we just have to make sure she never makes it to that dinner," spoke Jungkook as they all agreed.

"Guys, we can't interfere in her personal life like this," Hobi tried to intervene, but they all just looked at him.

"Weren't you the one who ran in here to us to tell us what she said? Now you want to act like you don't mind if she starts dating Jackson. I don't like to share unless it's with you guys, so Jackson has got to go. Besides, me and Tae hyung haven't had our turns yet and neither has Namjoon hyung. Even if we had, I still wouldn't want to share her," pouted Jungkook. They all knew what the maknae wanted, the maknae got. If he wanted Jackson out of the way, he'd get him out of the way.

"Ok, I did purposefully come in here to let you guys know, so how do you plan to do it?" Hobi questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Between the three of us, I'm sure we'll think of something," smiled Jungkook evilly. Jimin and Taehyung just laughed at him, but agreed, nonetheless. The trio's game was long forgotten. Hobi laughed and turned away to leave.

"Guys, we can't share noona. What are we going to do? Jackson is a charmer, so if he likes her, he has a chance," confessed Jimin as the other two agreed.

"He's our friend and all, but noona is like BTS's friend with benefits...I've got an idea," started Jungkook. He proceeded to tell them his plan.

Jimin walked into the living room area. Y/n was watching something on TV. He went and sat down by her.

"Hey Chim," she smiled up at him. "Where you been?" she asked.

"Playing video games with Tae and Kookie. But Kookie all of a sudden wasn't feeling too good. He said he was a little nauseous," lied Jimin.

"Really, is he ok now?" Y/n questioned sitting up in concern.

"Not sure, he went to his room about 15 minutes ago," Jimin stated a lie once more.

"Maybe I should go and check on him," Y/n said getting up. When her back was to him, Jimin smirked behind his hand.

"Thanks, noona," Jimin replied as he started watching the K-drama that was currently showing on the TV. Y/n knocked on Kook's door.

"Hey it's me. Can I come in? Chim-Chim told me you weren't feeling well. What's wrong?" she called through the door.

"You can come in noona," he called back to her with a smile. She opened the door and walked over to him. He was "sweating" and looked horrible.

"Aww, poor baby, you look terrible. What's going on?" she questioned, sitting next to him on his bed.

"I'm not sure. I was playing the game with Tae and Jimin hyung, but then I just started feeling bad. Like I wanted to throw up," Jungkook lied, giving her the most innocent pout, he could muster up. Y/n was falling for it hook, line, and sinker.

"Did you take something for it at least?" she questioned as she took the towel he had conveniently placed on his nightstand to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. (It was only water, but she didn't need to know that, lol)

"Tae gave me some of the pink stuff," he lied yet again.

"You might just have food poisoning. Just lay here. Maybe it'll come up as puke or the other end eventually. If not, I'll take you to the ER. What did you eat?" she questioned, concerned etched all over her beautiful face.

Jungkook almost felt bad for lying to her, but he had to keep her away from Jackson for the sake of the band. If she got into a relationship with him, she would definitely end the little sex arrangement with them. Also, they all really like her, and don't want to lose her presence in their lives the way it is.

"I don't really remember. I've been snacking all day," he stated as she rubbed his hair out of his handsome face.

"Well look, just call or text me if you need anything..." Y/n started but Jungkook moaned, cutting her off.

"Noona, please stay with me. I don't want to be alone," he pouted and just couldn't resist his big, brown doe eyes.

"Okay. Let me just cancel some plans I had made for tonight, and I'll be right back, ok?" she replied as she walked out of the room to get her phone off of the sofa.

Y/n opened up her cell phone messages to text Jackson.

Y/n: Sorry, I have to cancel our dinner plans. Jungkook isn't feeling well. I think he may have food poisoning. I was trying to leave him, but he begged me to stay.

Jackson: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope he feels better. Maybe we can reschedule for some other time. We're going to be busy for a minute, but I'll definitely get back at you as soon as we're free again.

Y/n: Again, sorry Jackson, but thanks for being understanding.

Jackson; Np. Guess I'll go eat with Jay B and Mark lol. Let him know I hope he feels better.

Y/n: Will do. Have fun! Lol

Jackson: They're no you, but I guess I'll try to have fun lol

Y/n: You are so silly. Bye

Jackson: Bye beautiful

Y/n then put her lock screen on.

"Hey Chim, I'm going lay down with Jungkook. He wants me to stay with him, and I didn't have the heart to tell him no with the look he gave me. If anyone needs me, that's where I'll be, ok," she stated as he smiled.

"Ok; thanks for looking out for him. You look like you had plans," Jimin replied.

"Yeah, but they could be rescheduled, so it's all right," she responded before heading back into Jungkook's room.

He had just finished texting Taehyung that his planned work, and Y/n canceled her dinner plans with Jackson for the time being at least. He quickly closed his phone when he heard her knock on the door.

"It's just me," she said before coming back inside. She crawled into the bed beside Jungkook. He smiled weakly up at her.

"You really didn't have to cancel your plans for me," he stated.

"It's okay. You're not feeling good and asked me to stay, so I did. I can reschedule those plans for another time. Right now, it's about getting you to feel better," she smiled.

Y/n laid down and Jungkook hurriedly placed his head on her chest. Once he was comfortable, she began gently running her fingertips through his hair and rubbing his head. It felt so nice to him that it was actually lulling him to sleep, and he wasn't complaining at all.

"Thank you noona," he whispered as she smiled. "I would look up at those beautiful dimples that I know you're showing, but this feels too nice for me to move," he stated as she laughed.

"And how did you know I was smiling?" she questioned, continuing her motions in his head.

"I just knew," he said before she soon heard soft snoring from him. Shortly after, she too fell asleep.

~In the living room~

"Can you believe it actually worked?" Taehyung said to Jimin as the two sat on the sofa watching the television.

"You know all he has to do is show them big doe eyes, and it's over. That's how he gets away with everything. Especially from Jin and Yoongi hyungs" laughed Jimin as Tae shook his head in agreeance.

"Yeah, you're right, but you know she just rescheduled. That means sooner or later, Jackson is going to want his dinner date whenever him and the guys aren't busy. I happen to know they are going to be on tour for a minute, so that buys us time to make her forget about anything with Jackson and keep her to ourselves. Is that selfish?" questioned Tae.

"No, it's not selfish. We care about her and don't want her getting romantically involved with anybody else," said Jimin. "She only needs us, and we only need her," he added.

"Well, since you put it that way, we did a good thing," joked Taehyung as they both started back watching the television.

~A Few Hours Later~

Jungkook woke up next to the most beautiful sight ever. Y/n was still asleep. Only now, she was laying on his chest with his arms protectively wrapped around her. He could have sworn it was the other way around when they fell asleep, but he's not complaining. His mission to stop Y/n's dinner date with Jackson was a complete success. He was really enjoying having her lay in his arms. It was a strange feeling that he couldn't really explain. All he knows is that when he thought about her going on a "date" with someone not in the group, it made him jealous for some reason. He tightened his grip on her and for the next several minutes just stared at her beautiful sleeping figure. He smiled and closed his eyes again when he felt her start to move. Y/n stopped moving and went back to sleep, so he did the same.

About an hour later, Y/n fully woke up. She tried to move when she realized she was being held down by some pretty muscular arms. That's when she realized that she was laying on Jungkook's chest. He looked a lot better than we she first came into his room. She tried to get up again, but his grip only tightened. Y/n smiled then tapped his arm.

"Kookie I need to get up sweetie," she replied.

"But I'm so comfortable with you on my chest like this," he pouted rubbing her arm.

"Well, I'm sorry to disrupt your comfortability, but I really need to get up. I'm a little hungry right now. I promise, after I eat, I'll come back and stay the rest of the night," she stated as he sighed and let her go. "You look much better by the way," she added as she sat up in his bed.

"I feel a little better, too," he replied back as he laid on his stomach. He was hungry, but he couldn't blow his cover. "Do you mind bringing me some crackers when you come back so I can keep my stomach settled?" he added.

"Sure, and I'll bring you a Gatorade as well," Y/n replied as she headed out the door.

No one was in the living room, but there was food on the stove, so she helped herself to a plate of it. It was so delicious. She washed her plate and the put the remaining food in containers and into the fridge. She got some crackers and a Gatorade for Jungkook and put it on the table. She decided to go and put on her pajamas before heading back to Kook's room. He was still up when she came back.

"Here you go," she stated handing him the items she had brought for him.

"Thank you noona," he stated as he ate a few crackers and drank some of the Gatorade she handed him.

"Are you good now?" she questioned as he nodded yes. He was feeling a little guilty about lying to her.

"Noona, if you want, you can go back to your room. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. I'm feeling a lot better now," he stated. In the back of his mind, he wanted her to say no and that she'd stay, but he was also was prepared for her to go.

"No, I promised you I would stay with you, and I'm going to keep that promise," she stated, not knowing just how happy she had made him.

"Can I lay on your chest again?" he questioned.

"Yes," she smiled shaking her head.

"Can you play in my hair again like you did earlier. It really helped me get to sleep quicker," he added as she just chuckled.

"Yes Kookie, I'll play in your hair while you lay on my chest," she stated as he smiled and got in his new favorite position. He doesn't think he wants to be in this spot with any other woman besides the one there right now. Her hands instantly found his hair, and he felt sleep coming back on slowly.

Author's Note: I didn't really proofread this one for errors, so please excuse me if there are any. I wanted to take a break from the smut, but trust me, it's coming back real soon, lol. Enjoy and please feel free to comment!!

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