Ben10 human girls x male read...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including human females from Ben 10 series. More

Female Ben 10 x male reader Bennette Tenyson(Bene for short)
Lucky girl and Gwen Tennyson x Male reader
Female Ben&Gwen x male reader
Joan Maplewood x male reader
Original&Omniverse Gwen x male reader Interdimensional date
Female Kevin Levin x male reader Karen Levin
Female Benverse & Beachday
Female Ben 10000 x Male reader
Nega Bene x male reader
Nega Bene x male reader part 2
Helen Wheels x male reader
Bad Gwen x shy male reader
Eunice(Unitrix x male reader)
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Rook
Female Omnivese Ben 10 x male reader
Female Mad Ben x Male reader
Female Ben 23 x male reader
Werewolf Gwen x Male reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Albedo
Gwenettes x Male reader
Female Ben 10000 Omiverse x male reader
Molly Gunther x Maler reader
Mazuma x male reader
Charmcaster x Male reader
Gwen's french teacher x Male reader
Female Cooper Daniels x male reader
Gwen&Gwen's clones x Male Reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Kevin
Pinky x Male Reader x Missy
Mad Gwen x Male reader
Swift x Male Reader
Helen Wheels x Male Reader x Female Manny Armstrong
Ben 10000's daughter Gwendolyn Tennyson x Male Reader
Turbine x Male Reader
Change of face Dog girl x Male Reader
Frightwig x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x Male Reader
UAF Gwen x Male Reader
Perfect day cheerleaders x Male Reader
Christmas special:Elf Gwen x Male Reader
Gwenom Tennyson x Male Reader
Omniverse Gwen x Male Reader
Omniverse Lucky Girl x Male Reader
Gwendolynn Tennyson x Male Reader
Sparksville woman x Male Reader
Female Ben 10 x Male Reader x Female Generator Rex
Ben's fouth grade teacher x Male Reader
Ben 10 female goth students x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x male reader part 2
Valentine day
Emily x Male Reader 50th story
Pierce's girlfriend x Male Reader
Mad Helen Wheels x Shy Male Reader
Tiffany x Male Reader
Ship/Julie fusion x Male Reader
Mrs Fang x Male Werewolf Reader
Dr.Borges x Male Reader
Blonde classmate x Male Reader
Mandy and Female Andy x Male Reader
Carol Smith x Male Reader
Councilwoman Liang x Male Reader
Cryptid Drew Saturday x Male Reader
Robo Rojo x Male Reader
Trina x Male Reader
Rojo's gang x Male Reader
Female Circus freaks x Male Reader
Female Bird vilians x Male Reader
Female Ben&Gwen x Male Reader Part 2
Female Forever knights x Male Reader
Female sumo x Male Reader
Female Sublimino x Male Reader
Anniversary #1
UpGwen x Male Reader
Female Dr.Animo x Male Reader
Gwen harem x Male Reader
Perfect day pizzza workers x Male Reader
Tigris (Nyancy) Chan x Male Reader
Female Ben x Shy Male Reader
All That Glitters victims x Male Reader
Female Cops x Male Reader
Hoverboard girl x Male Reader
A change of face Prison harem x Male Reader
Ben's female classmates x Male Omnitrix Wearer Reader
Possesed Kai Green x Male Reader
Merry Christmass
Black knight x Male Reader
Elena Valadis x Male Reader
Mad Ben's female slaves x Male Reader
Female Sumo x Male Reader Part 2
Monster weather girl x Male Reader
Vigilante Lucky girl x Male Reader
Ben 10000 Policewoman x Male Reader
Hot stretch lady x Male Reader
Natalie Alvarez x Male Reader
Anniversary #2
Mrs.Jones x Male Reader
Ben's UAF classmates x Male Reader
Possessed Gwen and Charmcaster x Male Reader
Rook's fan girls x Male Reader
Ben's fangirls Duped x Male Reader
Vengers Mexican mother x Male Reader
A change of face blonde woman x Male Reader

TetraGwen x Male Reader

1.8K 13 8
By gentelmanbeast

Author:(First to get few things straight,I wont make multiple stories where Gwen is an alien human hybrid.She is Anodite from her grandmothers side but she qualifies as a human female.Several years ago,a little less than a decade I saw a picture of Gwen tetramand hybrid which gave me inspiration for this story.But I thought Id make my own picture,as they say-practice makes perfect.Eventually my pictures are gonna get a lot better.Only other hybrid Gwen story is next one with Upgrade,also inspired by old picture.)

Team is hiding behind a truck in front of a science institute.Several masked men are carrying laser looking devices that take both hands to operate.

Max:We finally found them.

Gwen:This was the only technologically advanced establishment left that they havent hit.It was an obvious choice.

Ben:Enough of this boring science talk,its time for a beat down.A four armed beatdown.

Y/N:Dont you think youre using Fourarms too much lately.Maybe you could use XLR8 or maybe Upgrade to solve this.

Ben:Yeah but where is fun in that.

He smiled and started dialing the Omnitirx.Y/N tried to grab his arm but Ben already slammed the watch and bathed the scene in bright green light.

Criminal1:What was that

Criminal2:I dont know but it came from there.

Four armed red mini giant stepped out from his hiding place,cracking his knuckles.

Fourarms:Four arms,four bad guys.Christmas came early this year.

He began to charge at them but the charged their lasers and fired all at the same time.The concentrated laser blastsforced Fourarms back until he hit through the wall.

Fourarms:Ow.Im gonna feel that tomorrow.

Criminal3:Its down.Quick,in the van!


Last criminal reloads his shotgun and ran to the front seat.

Criminal1:Its still not funny.

The got into the van and started to drive away.Just as Fourarms managed to clumsily get to his feet,Gwen ran up to him.

Gwen:Theyre getting away,you need to hurry!

Fourarms:Dont you think I know that!

He yelled at her,completly out of character and started to jump after the van.After some time of jumping he saw Gwen flying beside him with blue glow around her feet.

Gwen:Whats with you today?

Fourarms:Its nothing,Im perfectly fine!

Gwen:Well you obviously need help so we came.

On the other side of the road appeared Grandpa Max driving the Rust busket with Y/N.

Fourarms:Go away!

He jumped higher and upon landing sent a sonic clap at the van.They saw it coming and turned left to avoid it.Fourarms was growling and so blinded by rage that he didnt see the traffic light in which he smacked into.They decided to go back tfor Ben after they took care of the thieves.

Y/N peered out of the window and took our a silver disk.After pressing a button,green circutry symbols spread over it and he tossed it at the van.With a sharp sound it slashed a tire in half,effectivley slowing down the van.Gwen then cast a spell from Charmcasters spell book and the van was getting covered with more and more rust.

Pretty soon they were apprehanded and after police came to arrest them,the team went back pick up Ben.They found him sitting on a bench looking exhausted.Gwen was the first one to get out of the vehicle and ran to him in worry.

Gwen:Ben,is everything alright?

She tried to grab a hold of his arms but got zapped by the Omnitrix.


Ben:Im fine.Just a little(yaaawn)tired.I feel like I went up against Vilgax again.Only without the kicking butt part.

Gwen:Can you stand up?
Ben:I-I think so.

Ben was slowly standing up but before he could take the first steo,Gwen put his arm around her shoulder and her arm around his shoulder,then led him to the Rust bucket.

Max:Set him on bed.Gently.

They entered the Rust bucket and Gwen led him to his bed.Once on it he fall asleep almost at once.

Y/N:Is he going to be OK?

Max:I think he exhausted too much energy as Fourarm.Some Tetramands take even days before physically getting tired.Their mental state is a different story.But Ben is still essentially human,so overusing Fourarms built up too much stress and muscle strain.He should be better after a rest from Fourarms for a while and some sleep.

Gwen:Can we do something to help him.

Max:For now just keep it quiet and let him be.I'll try to find some place to spend the nigh.Hopefully we won't drive into traffic.

After grandpa Max went to take the wheel,Gwen's stomach began to sound off.


She went over to the fridge and carried out everything that could fit in both her arms.She set everything at the table where Y/N was sitting and began to eat.

Y/N:I never saw you this hungry.

Gwen:Me neither.Everything tastes better too.

She even ate food of a,more aquired taste that would their grandpa eat,like pickled harring.

Gwen:Want some?
Y/N:No thank you.I think I just need a glass of water.

Even after Y/N came back with his glass,Gwen was still eating and showed no sign of stopping.

Y/N:Did you eat today?At all?

Gwen:Yes.We all ate breakfast and lunch together.

Y/N:Youre probably just due for another growth spurt.

Gwen:I guess so.Its nice to have you around for this summer trip.If it were only me and Ben Id probably lose it.If he was awake right now and saw me eating like this I would never hear the end of it.

Y/N:Well you always eat healthy and excercise so this shouldnt make much of a difference.Maybe a shock to the body in a form of stomachache but thats all.

Gwen:Hey,you want,we can practice some jiu jitsu moves tommorow.

Y/N:Sounds great.

After few more hours of talking and driving,grandpa Max parked the Rust bucket by a nice,little,clean park.

Max:OK,this looks as good of a spot as any.Its time to turn off the lights and get some rest you two.(Yaaaawn)You can talk more tomorrow.

Grandpa Max then went to the bathroom to quickly change into his blue payamas with lightning bolts as in the Krakken episode.

Gwen:You want to go first?

Y/N:Ladies first.

Gwen:OK then,mr.gentleman.

After Gwen changed into her purple payamas with a blue crescent moon,Y/N changed into his pair and they all went to sleep.Through the night,Gwen tossed and turned with her forehead sweating.She eventually turned to her side,her hand both under her head as another scratched her head.

Timeskip morning

Once the Appolo drove his chariot over the night sky new day had began.Or if you prefer,Ra finished his journey through twelve doors and defeated Appep once again.Sun bathed the insides of the Rust bucket,prompting everyone to wake up.Ben and Y/N were the first ones to leave their bed and head for the fridge to grab some breakfast.

Gwen could be heard yawning which was followed by a loud thund,as if someone fropped a heavy object on the vehicles floor.In comfusion they turned to see ehat was happening only to be met with a sight that made Ben spit out the milk and cereal in surprise.It was Gwen,at least it looked like her.

She was red,about two heads taller at least,with four eyes,second pair of smaller arms poking throught her payama top which now reached only slightly above her belly button.Her payama bottom was only reaching to her shoulder as she rubbed the evidence of sleep of her eyes.

Gwen:Morning guys.Is there any cereal left?

They havent said anything,only stared with wide opne eyes and mouth.


Y/N:Um,remember when I said that you were due for a growt spurt?I wasnt entirely wrong.

Gwen:What do you mean?

Y/N opened up her laptop to show her the reflective surfice of the black screen and reveal her current state.

Gwen:Aaaaaaah!What happend?!Why do I look like Fourarms?!You.

She grabbed Ben by the collar of his shirt and lifted him enough to face her.He wasnt sure whuch pairs of eyes to focus on.

Gwen:You did this to me!I dont know how but you did!

Y/N:Hey,easy Gwen.Lets not do something youll regret.

Gwen:Oh belive me,I wont regret a second of it.

Max:(Yawn)Whats all that noise this early?

He got up from his bed and saw the situation.

Max:Oh-oh-đ.What happend?
Gwen:He happened!If he wasnt oversuing Fourarms I would still wearing child size!

She wasa bout to hit Ben but Y/N got in between them,though he could only look at her collarbone without moving his head upwards.

Y/N:Stop!Gwen this isnt you,please calm down.

Gwen just stood there taking loud deep breath,her four eyes narrowed at Y/N as she began to calm down.With one last deep exhale,she regained control and let go of Ben so he fell on his behind.

Y/N:There,isnt that better?

Her lower set of eyes began to water and she grabbed Y/N in a tight hug.

Gwen:Im scared!

He returned the hug and patted her back,albeit lower than usually.

Gwen:Shhh,everything is going to be OK.Well find a way,like we always do.

Max.I dont know,I never seen anything like this.Outside of marriage hybrids are very rare.There was one incident where one race started kidnapping humans and turning them into their working class subspecies.It eventually resulted in civil wars and whole planet was in chaos.

Y/N:Kind of reminds me of a Danian parasite.

Gwen:How did they turned them back?
Max:They,um...lets just say theres a reason the flag doesnt have 51 state.

Ben:The entire state was transformed?

Max:Even pets.I never saw a bigger chihuahua in my life.

Ben:Sounds like the kind of aliens dr.Animo would like.Hey,maybe we can you his transmo thingy to reverse her.

Y/N:Transmodulator works on a different genetic frequency than that of a human.The only reason he manged to mutate Max is probably because of the Omnitrix lans.

Max:He did what?

Gwen:Is there any solution at all!?

Ben:Maybe if I turn into Fourarms it can cancel out whatever happened to Gwen.

Max:Too risky.You used him too much and results can be catastrophic.If you need strenght just use Diamondhead.

Ben:What else can we do?Im going for it.

Ben slammed his hand down on Omnitrix and in a flash of light transformed.He forgot just one thing.He was still in Rust bucket,rendering him stuck.Just like in the Kevin 11 episode.

Fourarms.I hate when this happens.At least I feel like me again.No anger or anything.

Gwen:Well that makes one of us.

Fourarms looked down to see Gwen with crossed arms,looking at him and tapping her foot.


Gwen:Gah!Youre such a pain in the back sometimes!

She punched his knee but accidnetly sent him back a little,his body and elbow spikes scraping the inner walls of the Rust bucket and leaving scars.


Max:Female Tetramands are traditionally stronger then their male counterparts.

Gwen:Reaaaally?Fancy that.

Max:Males have to defeat the female in combat to win their hand in marriage.They can prove themself to the females and earn their affection.


Fourarms:Um,get someone help me move,Im stuck.

Y/N:(Sigh)Hang on.

Y/N walked over to Fourarms and started climbing him.He eventually got to his left shoulder and pressed the Omnitirx symbol,reverting him back to Ben.

Gwen:Hey Y/N,were supposed to practice some jiu jitsu moves today right?

Y/N:Um,I don't have any recolation of that.

Gwen:What do you mean?We said it yesterday and you agreed!

Gwen started to get quickly annoyed and even angry at this little problem.

Y/N:You know what?Now that think about it,it's starting to come back to me now.Yeah,you,me,jiu jitsu.Of course.

Max:We shouldnt be far from a nationl park.There shouldnt be manny people so Gwen wont have to stay the entire day inside.

After grandpa Max went behind the wheel.he drove out of town and found a dirt path leading deep into the forest.After Ben and grandpa Max began to set things ready for camping,Y/N grabbed a picnic blanket of which he and Gwen could practice.They each got on one said and got ready.

Gwen:OK,just charge at me.

Y/N:Do I have to?
Gwen began to glare at him which Y/N could only returned with a fearfull gulp.He started to run at her on for her to grab him with her left arms and toss his across her.Her new added strenght made him land at the base of a tree after which Gwen ran to him in worry.

Gwen:Y/N,are you OK?Please talk to me.

Y/N:Im-Im fine.I just wasnt ready.If you could land me one of your hands so I can stand up.

Gwen used all four of her hands to pick him up and he was surprised from the sudden rush.

Gwen:Maybe we should switch.Now Ill charge and you try flipping me.


They went back on the blanet and Y/N prepered.Gwen began to run at him and Y/N felt the ground beneath him shake.Before she got close he closed his eyes and braced his arms for impact.After he felt nothing hitting he opened his eyes to see Gwen waiting with her upper hand into a fist aimed at him with her lower arms disapointingly resting on her hips.

Gwen:Well,are you gonna do it or not?
Y/N:Of course,Ill do it right now

He grabbed her extended arm and and turned his body to lift her by his shoulders.With her new added height and muscle mass he couldnt hold on for much longer and colapsed with Gwen atop of him.

Gwen:Oof.On second though,maybe we should take a break.

Y/N:Good idea.Better one would be if you get off me,your new body temperature makes me feel like Im sunbathing in desert.

Gwen:Sorry,apart from a shift in balance I feel pretty much the same.

Gwen got of Y/N and saw she left him in a dent of a blanket shaped like her.After she pull Y/N up and unsticked him,she was sure she heard a sound of vacum being relased.Y/N shook his head as he got back to his senses.

Y/N:How about we go for a walk?

Gwen:Yeah,walk sounds good.

They put away the picnic blanket and told grandpa that they were gonna go for a walk in the woods.After walking aimlessly around in the woods,they found a river and decided to just walk along it.

Y/N:So Gwen,are feeling completely like yourself?

Gwen:Why are you asking that?

Y/N:It's just that you've been a little angry today.Maybe a tad bit overly sensitive.

He looked at Gwen for an answer but he saw her shaking a little with her arms pressed firmly against her sides.She almost looked like she was holding her breath instead of her anger.



Y/N:If you have a problem,feel free to let it out.Ben,grandpa Max and me are always there for you.You can tell us everything.

Gwen:It's nothing.Just a little tense,nothing concerning.

Y/N:It clearly is.If there's something I can do,please tell me.

Gwen:Im just angry,thats all!...Maybe-maybe there something else.

She lloked to her side but Y/N wasnt there.Instead he sat on a log and petter the spot near him.She walked over to him,her head hanging low and sat down,lifting the log on his side a little.

Y/N:Theres no one here but us.Just say whats on your mind.

Gwen:...Im worried I dont look like a girl anymore.

Y/N:Of course you do.You just got taller,grew two new eyes and arm and turned red.All over.

Gwen:Do-do you still like me?
Y/N:Of course I do.And no matter what you look like,no even if Ben overused Ripjaws,Im still gonna like you.

Y/N hugged her from her side and closed her eyes to kiss her.


He opened his eyes to see that instead of her cheek,he kissed her shoulder.

Y/N:Oh,sorry.Heh,Ill aim better this time.

He stood up and got in front of her before leaning in to hug her shoulders and kissed her cheek.This time,her cheeks were a whole different shade of red.


She stood up and grabbed him into a bone crunching bear hug.

Gwen:You know what Im in a mood for?

She turned sharpy and tossed Y/N into the forest,several meters away from her.

Y/N:Oof!Do you think this is really necesary?


This time when she yelled,she wasnt angry but had a big smile on her face.

She ran at his and pulled her left arms back and short them forwards when she got close enough to Y/N.Fortunetly for him,he menaged to dodge.


Y/N:What if I hurt you?
Gwen:I dont think thats goona happen anytime soon.

She slammeed her upper fists on the ground which Y/N avoided as well but jumped over her.Once behind her,he pulled her by her lower arms and effectivly flipped her on her back.

Gwen:Thats what Im talking about!

As soon as she got up and turned,Y/N ran at her and jumped to push her back with his antecubital fossa,or the body part opposite of the elbow.Unfortunetly for him she just bent backwards but still remained on her feet.She straightend her back and grabbed him by him in a chokehold.

Gwen:Isnt this exciting?

Y/N:If I was sure that Ill survive this than maybe yes.

He shifted his weight and pushed her back on her back,escaping when she lost focus.She jumped to her feet and started puching at him while he dodged and deflected.He got on his hand and span his legs to kicked away away by hitting her shoulder.

Gwen:Now youre getting into this.

She jumped and span in the air before slamming her foot down for Y/N to catch it and toss her back,almost falling himself.He decided to go on the ofensive and and ran at her,his shoulder ready for inpact.He hit her just as she got to her feet but couldnt push her away.

She tried to swat him away but Y/N ducked under her arms and hit her below her armpit.When she gripped that spot in pain with her right arms,it gave Y/N an opening to start punching away at her.He was doing well until she gripped his right dominant arm with her upper left arms and his body on the side of his dominant arm with her lower left arm.

Gwen:What now,Y/N?


He leaned in and kissed her on the lips for a few seconds.She got so flusterd and nervous that she was practically frozen and loosed her grip.Y/N used this and pushed her away with his legs as she let go and was sent into a nearby tree.After hitting it she fell on her back,not moving.


He ran to her and kneeled by her side with her upper right hand in his arms.

Y/N:Gwen,please talk to me.

He saw her moving her lips but he couldnt hear anything.


Y/N:Yes,what is it.

He got close to her lips to hear her better when she grabbed her with both her lower arms and pressed her lips firmly against his.

Y/N:W-what was that for?

Gwen:Congradulations.You bested me in combat.

Timeskip five years later

Forever knights were firing their blasters at truck behind which Swampfire,iron Kevin and Plumber Y/N were hiding.

Swampfire:Dont these guys ever learn.

He scoffed after shooting a ball of fire at the knight.

Kevin:Where is she?Ill rust at this point.

Y/N:Not that I have a problem with it,but stop whining.She went shopping with her mom and Sandra.
Swampfire:My mom?And you let them?!You know how I feel about involving my parents.

Y/N:Shes perfectly safe.Besides,I cant control her.She was ten when I beat her,shes stronger that your Humangosaur.And thats when shes in a good mood.

Suddenly,ground begins to shake and tremble.

Y/N:Here she comes.

Out of nowhere a red mass of muscles lands between Forever knights and the truck.

Gwen:Can't believe you started the party without me.

It was a teenage fifteen year old Gwen Tetramand hybrid Tennyson.She had longer orange hair that had black tips,bigger body,pink sweatpants and a blue sweater with the same symbol she had as a child.Now the Forever knights were shaking in their armors.

Gwen:Sorry I was late babe.

Y/N:Better late than never.

She cracked her knuckles and turned towards the Forever knights.

Gwen:OK,who wants to go first?

Author:(Hello my friends,it's great to be back.I really missed this,even if I was absent for just three weeks.I would like to add that I prepared something for the last day of this month in spirit on my one year anniversary.Yes,it was on the very last day of August that I joined Wattpad.I hope all my followers will be able to read it.)

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