A Broken Pair - (CPD)

By KNeill006

47K 806 63

The Intelligence unit goes to a school to talk to students and ask about crimes in the area. They meet two yo... More

New house
Pet Shop
Hi, again
I'm okay
Help her
Her Blood
Help, please
What happened?
I fell
Are you deaf?
We are not sure
We can't do this
New Family
Hurtful Words
Young Love
For godsake
Late Night Walks
Paper balls
Shit is about to go down
A crazy ER
You're Safe
Different Paths
Family BBQ


627 14 0
By KNeill006

*Kat's Pov*

It was now Wednesday and I knew what that meant. Therapy. I am not going, I refuse to. I don't need to tell some old boring loner about my feelings and how well I sleep.

*Jay's Pov*

"You have a therapy session today."

"No, I don't."

"Yes. You do. With Dr Charles, we talked about this."

"No. You talked about this and I said nothing. I listened but I didn't agree."

"Kat. You need to go to therapy. Bella's going."

"I'm fine."

"You are not fine, Kat."

"Yes. I am. You don't know what I'm feeling."

"You are not fine, Kat! I'm up nearly every night because you are are having nightmares."

Her face turned to shock as she moved back slightly, pushing herself into a corner.

"Ever so sorry that me keeping you up at night, having nightmares about losing the people closest to me is such an inconvenience to you."

"Kat. That's not what I meant."

"No. I'm sorry that you aren't getting enough beauty sleep. Also, don't shout at me again."

Kat stormed off, grabbing her bag from her room and walking out of the apartment. I replayed her last sentence in my head and it all clicked.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" I shouted out in anger.

I shouted at her. I didn't mean to, I just meant it in a way of I can see that she is struggling. Oh god. What have I done?

"What was that about?" Asked Will as he came out into the kitchen, half asleep.

"I messed up, badly." I said, sitting on the floor, my back against the kitchen island.

"Jay, what happened?" Will said as he crouched in front of me.

"I...I shouted at her. I didn't mean to. I was just trying to get my point across that I could see she was struggling. I messed up, Will."

"Hey, it's okay."

"No, it's not! She moved back into a corner, I scared her."

"No, you probably shocked her. She's never heard you raise your voice besides, it was probably just a shock."

"Yeah...yeah, I guess."

"C'mon, get up. You have work to get to."

"Yeah. Okay."

*Will's Pov*

I got Jay to stand up and get dressed as I got dressed myself. I was in my normal red scrubs as he was in jeans and a brown top.

"Have you got everything?" I asked.


"Jay, you need to focus, buddy. You have work. You need to get on with your day and then you can talk to Kat."

"Okay. Yeah will do."

"I'll drop you into work."

"No, I can drive."

"Considering it took me five minutes to get you off our kitchen floor, you are not driving."

"Someone has to drive me for work."

"I'll sort it. Now let's go so we both aren't late and lose our jobs."

I drove Jay into work and walked up the steps to meet with Hank.

"What are you doing?" He asked, like his normal self now.

Jay was no longer out of it and was ready and rearing to go for work.

"Hey, Voight. Who is Jay partnered with?"

"Kim. Why?"

"Okay. Good."

"What's up?"

"Just something happened with Kat this morning."

"Okay. See you later." Said Hank and I walked out of his office, waving goodbye to the team before getting in my car to drive to work.

*Jay's Pov*

"Bella talked to Dr Charles today. How is Kat's going?" Asked Antonio.

"Don't know. She didn't go. She won't go. We had an argument."

"What happened?" Asked Hank.

"I shouted at her."

"You what!?" Shouted Antonio.

"Antonio, back off." Warned Hank.

"Everyone go to the last known location of our drug dealer. Jay, come into my office."

I walked into his office as everyone grabbed their jackets and walked down the steps to the garage.

"What happened, Jay?"

"I tried to ask her to go to therapy. She told me she was fine and we argued. What I said, made me sound like a jackass."

"What was it?" Asked Hank.

"She has nightmares most nights and I said that I'm always up dealing with her."

"Hey, you stumbled on a few words. I'll pick her up from school and talk to her. We need all hands on deck right now so I need to know if you are able to work well and not get distracted."

"Yes. I'm fine to work."

"Alright. Go on." Hank smiled.

Hank got us all to drive to the school to pick up the jocks and the mean girls that have pictures on their phones of Kat and Bella.

When we walked into the building, it was dead quiet and the halls echoed at the sound of our footsteps.

We knocked on the door for maths and waited for the sound of a teacher's voice to tell us to enter.

We walked through the door and walked to the front of the class. Almost the entire class went silent apart from Kat at the back who was laughing with Josh.

"Give it back." She giggled and I let a small smile show.

"What? I haven't got anything."

"Josh, Kat. Quiet please."

"Sorry, Miss." They both said and went quiet.

Kat was still trying to keep in her laughter as she looked up and saw us stood at the front. She went completely serious until she looked right at me. I smiled a little and she started laughing again.

"Does this concern, Miss Halstead?" Asked their teacher.

"No, it doesn't." Said Hank.

"Okay. Kat, please leave the room."

"Yep, sorry miss."

As Kat was leaving the room, Josh started laughing as well but tried to cover it up with a cough.

"You too, Josh. And Bella, please leave."

They both stumbled out of the room laughing and we could hear them in the corridor as the door shut very slowly.

"Can we please speak to Alan, Harry, Sapphire and Mindy?" Said Hank.

"What's up, old man?" Asked Sapphire in her squeaky voice.

"We would like your phones, please?"

"Why?" Asked Alan.

I went to say something but Kevin pulled me back and told me to be quiet.

"Because you have photos on there of young girls' body." Said Hank.

There was loads of gasps and 'ooos' that filled the room as Hank escorted the people out the room. We all followed behind but I stopped to talk to Kat.

"I'm sorry, kid. I shouldn't have shouted at you. It was wrong of me."

"Please don't do it again."

"I won't. I meant it in a way that I can see you are struggling, you will never be an inconvenience."

"Okay. I understand."

"Kat, please talk to me."

"I don't want to do therapy, Jay. It's not my thing. I don't want to sit down and talk to some old feller about how I feel."

"But I don't want you just to keep it all inside."

"I'm fine."

"Just please tell me what you are feeling."

"Later, Jay. I have to go." She said as the bell rang.

I watched her as she walked into the classroom and grabbed her bag. When she came back out, she was laughing with Bella, Josh and a few others. I watched as they walked to their last class of the day but before they could go round the corner, Kat turned around and smiled at me.

When Kat got home, Will and I were waiting for her to explain what was going on.

"What's happening, Kat?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why can't you sleep?"

"Because I'm scared! I'm scared that one day I will wake up and have officers in the kitchen telling me you were killed! I'm worried to lose you both."

"What? Why wouldn't you tell us before?" Asked Will.

"Because I'm always the strong one. I've always laughed with Bella and then cried in silence because I didn't want her to see me as weak. I tried to be there for her and if I cried then she would get worried and I...I just..."

"Kat, it's okay." I said and held her as she cried into my shoulder.

"Group hug." Said Will and joined in with the hug.

Kat let out a little giggle about the whole group thing before she rested her chin on my shoulder and looked out the window behind her.

"If you don't want to do therapy, then you don't have to but if you are struggling, please come to us." I said.

"I will."

"How about we go for a dog walk?" Asked Will.

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Grab your skateboard, kid." Said Will and ruffled up her hair.

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