A Broken Pair - (CPD)

By KNeill006

47K 806 63

The Intelligence unit goes to a school to talk to students and ask about crimes in the area. They meet two yo... More

New house
Pet Shop
Hi, again
I'm okay
Help her
Her Blood
Help, please
What happened?
I fell
Are you deaf?
We are not sure
We can't do this
New Family
Hurtful Words
Young Love
For godsake
Paper balls
Shit is about to go down
A crazy ER
You're Safe
Different Paths
Family BBQ

Late Night Walks

622 12 9
By KNeill006

*Will's Pov*

"Can I at least speak to Bella before I go?" Asked Kat.

"No." Said Jay and I.

"But Jay." She said.

"But Kat." Responded Jay.

"Jay, please."

"No." He said.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"I just want to apologise."

"She's currently being treated by Ethan."

"Jay. I just want to say two words. That's it."



Hank opened his door to see that Bella was sat on Antonio's chair. Ethan was looking at her nose that had now stopped bleeding and Bella was shooting daggers at Kat.

"I'll tell them about this." Said Bella.

"Who? The jocks? They are suspended."

"No, Amelia and Claire. They will come for you."

"Amelia wouldn't hurt a fly." Said Kat.

"Move along." I said and lightly pushed Kat's back to keep her moving.

We had just walked down the steps and were about to exit through the gate when Jay walked up to us.

"I'll see you in the morning." He said to Kat and kissed her forehead.

"What? You're not coming home tonight?"

"No. I'm sorry. We have a busy case and Hank is sending Antonio home with Bella so we have less people."

"Okay. Be safe." Said Kat and hugged Jay.

"I will be." He said back and kissed her head before jogging back up the steps.

"You want to walk Archie and Pepper?" I asked Kat as soon as we walked through the door to the apartment.

"Yeah." She said and went to get their leads.

"You asked me where I got Archie but I never asked you where you got Pepper from?"

"A heart attack patient came in and didn't make it. I met the animal control lady outside and said I would take her."

"Aw. That's sweet."

"Yeah. So, you ready to go?"

"Yep." She said and handed me Pepper's lead.

"Does Archie pull?"

"No, not really. Only when he sees a squirrel."

"Okay. Go careful. I don't want you hurting your ribs."

"I'll be fine, Will. You don't normally see squirrels late at night."

"It's only 20:00."

"Exactly, night."

"Fair enough." I said.

When we got to the park, we let the dogs off their leads but kept a close eye on them.

"So, what happened at school?" I asked her.

"Nothing much. I walked to school with Josh and then we spent lunch together and we sat next to each other in math."

"Hmm. Josh?"

"Yeah. What about him?"

"Nothing, he seems nice. It's just wasn't he the one who used to bully you."

"Yeah but then he stuck up for me at the party and I saw a different side to him. I told him that it didn't make us friends but there's just something about him. Something that always makes me smile."

"You should ask him out."

"Me? No."

"Why not?"

"I don't want him to reject me and then ruin our friendship."

"From what you've told me, it sounds like you two are falling for each other."

"Yeah. I guess."

"What would you want to do for a date?"

"He once suggested that if I wanted to ever talk to him, we could or we could dance in front of the sunset."

"Now, that. That would be a great idea."

"What? Dancing."

"Yeah. Make a thing out of it. Go out for a meal or grab pizzas from Joe's and sit in the park or by the pier. Then, invite him to dance by that little sandy spot."

"Yeah. I think I might do that."

"Yeah. You should."

"Thanks for the idea."

"No problem."

"Oh and thanks for putting me to bed last night. I know I sound like a child but-"

"I know what you mean. I do have to say though, you are one mean sleeper."


"You hit me last night."

"I hit you?"

"Yeah, I had to pry you off of Jay. I think it may have been because he was warm. And then trying to get you changed into joggers was a nightmare. I was pulling them up your legs and you kicked me in the face and then you picked up your pillow and hit me with it."

"Oh wow. I'm sorry." She said through laughter.

"It's okay. I'll get back at you at some point."

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do?"

"Why would I tell you that? It's a suprise."

"Okay. Fine."

We walked back to the apartment and I made her a hot chocolate and myself a coffee.

"Did Jay talk to you about therapy?" I asked and sat down next to her, placing the cups on the table.

"Yep. How was work?" She asked and changed the subject.

"It was good, well, busy. A lot of people came in from the crash but only really had minor injuries. Broken leg, broken arm."

"Oh that's good then. Well, not for the people."

"It's just a broken bone."

"I have broken ribs. It's not just a broken bone, it's a flipping killer."

"They should be healed soon. Maybe a couple more weeks."

"Thank god."

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Why? You wanna hang?"

"No, I'm busy at a bbq with med lot."

"Nice, I am planning on going to the skatepark."

"And do what? Slide on your ass?"

"Oh shoot. I forgot that I needed to buy a board."

"What happened to your old one?"

"Car ran over it."


"Well, the car was in the road and the wheel went over the board, snapping it in half."

"Haha, hilarious. If you skate at the skatepark, why was the board in the road?" I said, trying to get the main point out of her.

"I went skating down the road in front of the skatepark at a high speed and I hit a small ditch. I came off and rolled in the road and my board was ran over."

"Wow. You will not be doing that anymore."

"Doing what?"

"Skating in the road."

"Why not? It's quiet down the hill by the pier."

"Nope. Not happening, Kat."


"It's getting late, we should head to bed."

"It's literally ten."

"How are you not tired?"

"Because I'm not. Maybe it is the adrenaline from punching Bella."

"Adrenaline, yeah? Your hand was shaking."

"I've never punched anyone before."

"Go to bed."

"Yep, see you in the morning."

"See you then."

It was around midnight when I finally heard Kat's phone being placed on her nightstand and her phone charger being plugged in. I had just dropped off to sleep for about an hour before I heard screaming. Quickly, I got out of bed and ran towards Kat's room. I didn't even knock, let alone think, I just ran in there. She was sat up, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah...I'm fine, just a bad dream."

"What was it about?"

"Just demon things. Shouldn't watch shadow hunters at night, I guess."

"You sure?"


Kat finally got back to sleep, or so I thought. I could see a small glow coming from her room which I guessed was her on her phone.

Jay came home at around three in the morning. When I heard the door shut and him lock it, I woke up and got out of bed to meet him.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yep, we caught the right guy this time."

"That's good."

"I'm just going to check on Kat and then head to bed."

"I checked on her two minutes ago. She's still awake."

"What? Why?"

"She had a nightmare around twelve. I thought she went back to sleep but she didn't."

"How long did she sleep for?"

"An hour."

"Wow. I know she's been having nightmares but she at least goes back to sleep."

Jay walked into the room and switched on the lamp before sitting on the edge of the bed. She turned around in bed, hugged his waist and closed her eyes.

"Why are you still up?"

"I was worried about you."

"About me? Why?"

"You are always home before ten and never out to till the early morning hours. I had a bad dream that you got hurt."

"This was just a one off. I'll be back sooner next time."


"Get some sleep. You shouldn't be up this late. I don't mind one or two but not three."

"Okay. Night love you."

"Night, love you."

I got back into bed and so did Jay. He checked on Kat twenty minutes later and she was asleep so he got back into bed and finally went to sleep. I wasn't tired or so I thought because I crashed out after watching a couple episodes of Teen Wolf.


A/N: I can't remember or find the name of Will's dog so I renamed her Pepper.

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