The Dragon Witch (The Owl Hou...

By WordsByNico

214K 5.5K 4.7K

Y/N Najera always was an outsider. He was obsessed with fantasy, writing and especially videogames and he had... More

Welcome to the boiling Isles
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The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #1
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Well, that was a mistake.
Boiling Storm
What the curse?!
You did what now?
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #2
Getting a House to move.
Demon Hunters are annoying
"What am I?"
Let's go to the library!
Nightly Bonding Over Danger
The Owl House Shorts#3: The Last Apple Blood
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Yn's totally fun day
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Let's go watch some Sports!
The Bat Queen's Trials
A short hang out with the Blights
A conversation with Nhil
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King the Author
Luz needs a new spell.
New Spells
The Common Mold Is No Joke.
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Getting Luz Out of Detention...Again.
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Being shrunk sucks
Burning Memories
Memory Deepdiving
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School Dance of Horrors
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Selkidomus and a new acquaintance
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Sparring Match
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Two Cursed Beasts
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Nightly Training
Palisman Adoption Day
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #5
Allies for a moment
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New Relationships
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My First QnA! So ask away, my friends!
The Lake is a Lie
QnA Answers!
Two Dragons
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #6
Getting Back Home...Well kinda
Helping Out some new Friends
Coven Parade!
A Failed Plan
you know what time it is? A little QnA!
QnA Answers the Second!
His own little Training Arc
Time Travel is real!
Dragons and Betrayal
Owl Mama's Advice
A step into the right direction
New Friends
How to wake him up
The Ashen Hollow
Little Questions for y'all
Authors Note - About the state of my Stories
You know what time it is? QNA! QNA!
You know what time it is? QNA! QNA! (answers)
Facts about the Characters

It's Sports Season!

2.2K 58 66
By WordsByNico

Wing It Like Witches PT.1


Bosha sat down in front of a mirror. Her hair was down and she had a self assured smiled on her face. Her bedroom was filled with various trophies and medals.

"You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared." She said to her reflection as she made her hair into her characteristic bun and then put on her varsity jacket and hearing to the door. "Most important of all, you are a winner." She ripped off a page of her calender, revealing the whole next month labeled as 'Grudgy Season'


Bosha walked through Bonesborough, dribbling a Grudgeby ball as she passed several mesmerized onlookers.

"There she goes, Captain of the Banshees. Off to win another championship for Hexside." An elderly woman whispered to another woman.

"Why can't you be more like her?" The other Woman asked her child. The child breathed in sharply with an annoyed expression.


Bosha approached Hexside and a big banner, reading 'Go Get 'Em Banshees!' magically unfurled over the school. Skara, Amelia and Cat stepped behind Bosha. "Alright girls, you know the drill. Captain First." Bosha smirked before stepping up the stairs to the entrance and prying open the door. "Hello Hexside! Your star has arrived. Groveling line starts here." She smiled and pointed at the floor in front of her. She kept her eyes closed and waited for a few seconds. Fully expecting every student of the school to come running... But no one came.

Confused she opened her eyes and looked around. She raised and eyebrow. "Something's not right. No one's here!" She heard laughter from deeper inside the school. She went a few steps forward and peered around a corner, spotting a crowd of students gathered around Willow, who was holding a potted plant.

"Do me next! Do me next!" A student excitedly smiled as he stepped towards Willow.

Willow traced a spell circle and the plant sprouted a fruit, that looked like the potion track students face.

The student gasped and took the plant. "Welcome to the world little Buddy." He looked up at Willow. "You're the coolest Willow!"

Willow blushed a little in embarassment. "Aw, shucks."

"Yeah, Willow rules!" An oracle student cheered and the others of the gathering quickly chimed in.

Bosha and her group waltzed past them. "Wow, she has to make friends out of plants. How sad." The three eyed witch said, making her own group giggle and Willows self esteem fall.

"Weird hearing something like this from you." Yn, who was rummaging through his bag, said making Bosha and her group stop in their tracks. He walked up to them and smirked as he got to her face. "I mean, you are the loser who thinks that fame is more important than having an actual personality." That made everyone laugh at Bosha, she glared at Yn.

"Well, atleast my mother didn't walk out on me." She said, making Yns eyes grow wide in shock. The student's around them didn't know how to feel about this comment. Said "Ooooh" while others just gasped and asked themselves if Bosha went to far with that. "How about you stay in your place, Freak." Bosha pushed Yn, resulting in him grabbing her wrist. He glared at her and squeezed her wrist. "What are you gonna do? Punch me?"

But before he could do anything, Luz put her hand on his. "It's not worth it." She said, making Yn click his tongued and let go of Bosha, who Just continued to smirk.

"That's what I thought."

Yn bit his lip and just looked to the side.

Amity looked at the whole situation from afar, she immediately decided to stand up for Willow and Yn. "Oh, please!" Amity muttered as she walked over to show these bullies what for. "You know, I
used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?" Amity walked past the group who were frozen into place after what she said. The crowd of students and Willow were laughing at her,

"Oh, this is not gonna fly." Boscha grumbled under her breath as she glared at them.


Luz, Yn and Eda were flying to school in Eda's staff. Luz was overly motivated, while Yn just yawned. He was tired and on top of that absolutely not excited for anything that had to do with Grudgby. Mostly because of Bosha, who seemed way more obnoxious than usual.

Luz on the other hand... "Woo! Our First Grudgby Season! I'm so excited." She exclaimed excitedly, as they landed on the school grounds. She practically jumped from the staff, why Yn just slogishly climbed down. "I have more school spirit than the school spirits!" She pumped her hands into the air.

"Why do I even bother?" They looked over to a ghost, who tossed a pair of pom-poms onto the ground before floating away with a groan.

"You know, I don't get your enthusiasm, Luz." Yn sighed as he stepped next to her.

"Why shouldn't she be? Grudgby Season is the best." Eda said with a smirk, making the two teens turn around to her. "You know, I used to play back in my gory days."

"You mean glory days?" Luz asked.

"She doesn't." Yn simply said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Well, that too." Eda said. "I was instoppable on the field. I had the best moves and cheats." Her smirk grew wider.

"Cheating isn't anything to brag about. How do you know you were any good if all you did was cheat your way to victory?" Luz asked, shaking her
head a bit.

"Ugh. What do humans know, with your goody-goody attitude? If 'cheaters never prosper, why was I the star player?" Eda questioned, while showing a picture of her younger self in Grudgby attire.

"Well, can't reason with crazy." Luz said.

Yn yawned again and pulled King out of my hoodie. "So long, Your Highness."

"Bye King, you little snoozer." Luz said, kissing his forehead. Yn placed him next to Eda and started going to class.

King woke up and scurried into Eda's hair. "Ugh. Eda, when was the last time you cleaned up in here?" He threw a bag of onion rings and a rat out of her hair. "Get your own scalp, buddy. This one's
taken." King started snuggling into Eda's hair.

Smiling, Eda looked after Yn and Luz. "All this talk of grudgby has me feeling nostalgic. Whaddya say you and me take a little trip down memory lane?"

"Hard pass."

"That's the spirit!" Eda laughed,

"You mean me?" The Ghost from earlier was next to Eda.

"Ugh. Come on!" Eda rolled her eyes and flew away.

"Oh..." The Ghost sadly looked to the ground.


"Over fifty years ago, Emperor Belos appointed a head witch to each coven." The teacher Said.

Yn was leaning his head on his hand and was trying to listen, but Luz, Willow and Gus were constantly talking. Making it impossible for him to properly listen to the teacher.

"I am so excited for Grudgby Season to Start!" Luz said.. "T've studied up on all sorts of magical spots. Like this." She held up a DVD. "Good Witch Azura 2: The Field of Deadly Fates. A classic underdog tale."

Yn looked at them through the corner of his eyes and sighed softly.

Willow took the DVD Case and read it's Back. "Azura challenges Hecate in the smibbitch championship. But will she risk it all by taking a chance on the deadly Thorn Vault?" She opened it to show a small picture of Azura.

Guz looked at the disc and took it. "Ohh a shiny cookie!" He was about to eat it, when Yn spoke Up.

"Hey Guys, could you please Shut Up or a few minutes? And Gus, don't eat that." He took the DVD from Gus and put it back into the Case.

"What's wrong with you today?" Willow asked with a slight giggle.

"Yeah, he is extra grumpy today." Luz said.

"I'm not only extra grumpy, Luz. I'm currently running on two hours of sleep, four cups of Apple Blood an a fucking oreo." He looked at his three friends with a blank expression. "I won't take shit from anyone today."

"Oooh, it's that kinda day?" Luz asked and YN nodded.


"The council headquarters was built and paid for by? Anyone?" The teacher looked around the classroom until his eyes landed on Willow. "Willow?"

Everyone looked at her as she stood up.

"Uhm.. the pixie dust taxes?"

It was quiet for a moment, except for one student that walked by the class. "Oh yeah Go Willow!" The professor Shit the door into the students face.

"Impressive Miss Park."

Everyone in the class started smiling and applauding.

"What going on?" Luz asked smiling. "It's like all of Hexside caught Willow fever!"

Willow started blushing. "Ever
since I patched things up with Amity, I've been feeling more confident." She put her hand on a clip in her hair. "I guess it shows." but then the hairclip started to float, and of course Boscha caught it.

"Aww.Willow thinks she's popular now! How cute."

Willow looked down, Yn looked at her with a murderous glare, Luz stood up, shortly followed by Yn "Hey, I agree, my friend is very cute."

"But do your fatass a favour and give that clip Back." Yn growled.

Luz tried to snatch the pin away
from her but Bosha pulled it back.

"It's weird that Amity hangs out with you and the Freak now."

Yns anger started to grow, but instead of acting on it he just glared at her.

"Ever since Grom she's gone
soft...but don't worry! I'm still here to show you who's boss." She Said as she put Willows clip into her own hair.

Luz grabbed Yns arm and pulled him away a little, and out of nowhere Gus sneaked up and grabs the hairpin back.

"Here Willow." He placed it back in her hair.

Luz pulled Yn back to his chair, but was was still glaring at Bosha.

"Ohoho.. the friends want to get in on this too huh?" Boscha used her magic to grab Willow bag and dump all of her stuff on top of them, she immediately starts laughing.

That was it. Yn stood back up and turned to Bosha grabbing the collar of her cowl. "Stop this Shit." He growled, but Bosha just smirked. She stood up and got into his face. If he didn't hate her, he would've gotten nervous right about now.

"Or what?"

"I'll break every bone it your pretty little face."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"No. A promise." And with that he shoved her back onto her chair. Luz and Gus giggled a little.

"Is that laughter?" The professor turned around to look at them "Hey, Hey! Learnings not supposed to be fun!'" He yelled at them,

"The only person that's having fun is this dumb bitch." Yn growled, earning a slight punch from Luz..

"We're having zero fun I swear! Boscha is picking on us!" Luz corrected him. Yn looked Back at Bosha, who was smirking.

"My apologies sir, I was practicing my aim for grudgby." She grabbed the eraser and tried throwing it at Willow, but Yn grabbed the eraser

"Boscha, how could you throw things at them..." The teacher drew a circle on his chest. "When you could throw things at me? Am l over here? Or am l over here? Anything for the captain of the Banshees!" He laughed as he moved from side to side. Yn was thoroughly confused.

"Oh, thanks, but I already have the perfect targets." She threws gum into Willow's hair.

Yn drew a spell circle and the eyes on his bracelet began to glow purple. Another spell circle appeared above Bosha and dropped some abomination goo on her, which caused her to scream and ein out the room.

Luz put her hand on Willow's
shoulder. "Don't worry, it's not like she can follow us around all day, right?"


"She followed us around all day." Luz grabbed Yns shoulder and shook him back and worth. "She literally followed us around all day!"

"Yes Luz, I know." Yn sighed and took her hands from his shoulders. She, Gus and Willow were covered with drawings all over their body, bad foods on their head and notes sticking all over them. Bosha didn't get Yn though. He was always in edge and saw their stuff coming. He shook his head and traced a spell circle, summoning a napkin he used to clean Luz's face up. Bosha really pissed him off. He didn't care if he got in trouble, he wanted to break that girls face.

"You know, this would be way easier if you would just let me punch her." He grumbled after he finished cleaning up Luz and went up to Willow to clean up her face, she softly blushed, when he came close. But he didn't care. "I'm honestly tired of her bullshit." He turned Willows face to the side and cleaned up the last drawings before moving in to Gus.

"Yn, relax." Luz said calmly and walked down to him. And took his hand. Tiredly he looked over to her. "I know you want to kick her butt." She cupped his cheeks and looked at him sternly. "But I now you would kill her. So I won't allow it."

Yn softly blushed at her and grabbed her hands, pushing them away. "If you say so." He sighed and immediatly looked over to Willow, when she spoke up.

"I'm sorry, I pulled you guys into this." She sighed. "We should've kept a low profile. Bosha could get away with murder if she wanted to!"

"What's this?" Principal Bump walked past the group. "Bosha got away with murder? I can't say I approve, but atleast she is trying new things."

Yn tiredly smiled. "Alright, that's it. I've got something to do." He was about to leave, but Luz grabbed his wrist and stopped him in his tracks.

"We will find a way out of this... Without harming any other students." She glanced at Yn, who just rolled his eyes and saw Amity walking by. A smirk appeared on his face. He promised Amity He would keep His mouth shut... But pushing them into the right direction wouldn't hurt... Right?

"Hey Luz. Why don't you ask Amity for help." He pointed at the greenete walking by. "She was friends with Bosha. Maybe she knows how to deal with her."

Luz gasped. "You're right!" She quickly ran over to Amity, but since she still held onto Yns wrist she pulled him with her, making him yelp in surprise.

"Amity wait!" She yelled after her, making her turn around.

"Oh, Luz, Yn. You're here! I mean, obviously you're here, this is school and you go here now with, uh, me..." Amity hugged her books tightly and Yn smiled at her sudden nervousness. "I've been talking for too long..." Amity whispered.

"No, you should talk more. It's funny." Yn chuckled.

"Amity we need your help." Luz said.

"Yes! I can help." Amity immediatly replied eagerly. "With, uh, what exactly?" She then asked.

"Boscha won't stop picking on Willow, and No one will do anything about it, All because she's 'Star Captain of the Grudgby Team." Luz did the last part with air quotes.

"Lies. I want to do something." Yn grumbled.

Amity sighed it looked like she herself was annoyed with this Boshas
antics. "Yeah, this time of year, she's extra unbearable."

"Your friends with her, can you help us? Please?" Luz begged, getting on her knees.

Amity blushed a little bit, she averted her eyes from the two. "Uh, the hard part is, there's no reasoning with Boscha. She only speaks in grudgby terms."

Luz stood on her two feet, so she only speaks in sports terms all right. "Okay, okay. I'm picking up what you're putting down." Amity looked at Luz in
confusion and then she looked at her books then to the ground.

"Im... not putting anything down."

"It's a figure of speech, Ames." Yn said.


They heard a scream and quickly turned to see willow being covered in trash. They ran over to her.

"Willow! What happened?" Luz asked.

"Boscha happened." Gus helped her up, Yn looked up and spotted the three eyed witch.

"Hey Willow! I just thought all
trash should stay in one spot." Bosha yelled down with a smirk.

"Then why isn't your family here?" Yn yelled up. She grew angry with his remark.

"SHUT UP FREAK!" She threw something at YN but Luz stepped in front of him and took the Hit.

"Luz! Are you alright?" He looked up at Bosha again and pointed at her. "Take one step down here, I dare you..

Luz put a hand on his and softly pushed his hand down, shaking her head in the process. "THAT'S IT! BOSCHA! WILLOW CHALLENGES YOU TO A GRUDGBY MATCH!" She yelled up.

Yn looked at her in shock.

"She what?" Wow, even Boscha is shocked. She let the trash can drop.

"I what?" Willow asked.

"She what??" The Trash can landed on Gus. "Seriously, What's going on?" Of course Gus is the only one not caught up.


Eda was sitting in the living room, wearing her old Grudgby jscket. She started reading her old yearbook. "And here's when we took Epiderm High in the semi-finals." She puts down the book and pointed at the photo, "Oh I was the youngest in the team! But I had what some call 'star power. AKA, this." She pulled a small box from her hair labeled 'Eda's Rad Cheatz "This is my cheat box. I have all my best weapons in here. Smoke bombs, sock-worms." Eda kissed her box. "Mwah! You name it. Oh, I never lost a game with this bad boy"

"Hoot-Hoot! Guess who found a special friend in the forest! It was me, hoot!" Hooty yelled as he brought in Lilith.

"Lilith." Eda put the box behind her.


"Hooty!" "Ugh. Scram, Hooty." Eda walks up to her sister

"Okay!" The Owl tube responded, shutting the door.

"Huh." Eda looked around. "I expected your little black haired lapdog to be here too."

"Tabitha is getting stuff for the emperor." Lilith simply said as she scanned Eda, "But Why are you in your old uniform?" She pointed out.

Eda looked down and crossed
crossed her arms "No reason. It's laundry day.. What are YOU doing here?"

Lilith used her magic to summon a list of Eda's crimes.. "Edalyn Clawthorne, you are hereby under arrest by the order of the emperor of the boiling isles"

Eda used her magic to make the words on her paper disappear, Lilith got hit by the paper while it was still disappearing. "You were saying?"

"Come on!" Lilith started stomping her feet. "I have to
bring you in! It's time for you to join the coven. The emperor has big plans for the Isles, and he wants you to be part of it all-"

"Ooh. Ahh.. What an
incredible opportunity for me." Eda said in disinterest as she continued reading her book.

"What are you even looking at?"
Lilith snatched the book, and started flipping through the pages.

"Grudgby pictures? Feeling sentimental?" She closed the book and Eda laughed.

"Ha! Me? Never. I was just telling King here how good I was." King nodded to everything she said, obviously not paying attention.

"Oh, Edalyn. Not only is the curse
affecting your hair, but your memory as well." She pulled outa photo where Eda was holding a trophy, she unfolded it and showed the ful picture, Eda groans and then looked at her grudgby ball before smirking.

"Tell you what, I'll go with you
peacefully to the emperor."

Really!?" Lilith smiled in excitement.

"Sure, if you beat me at a game of grudgby. My two kids are always challenging people to things, why not me?"

Lilith started to think about this, but she smiles again. "Game on." The two sisters looked at each other competitively.


Yn grabbed Luz's wrist and pulled her away from the group of people and then grabbed her shoulders, making her face him. "What in god's Name are you doing?!" He hissed at her. But Luz just smiled.

"I'm just following Amitys advice! You heard what she said; Bosha only speaks in Grudgby terms."

Yn rubbed his forehead and sighed. He knew where this was going. "I..." He actually was at a loss of words. He knew that arguing wouldnt help, since Luz wouldnt listen anyway.

"Trust me, Yn. I have a plan." Luz reassured, making Yn roll his eyes and cross his arms.

"Yeah, because your plans always work out soooooo well."

But Luz put a finger on his lips. "Shhhh" She walked back to Willow and Gus. Yn sighed and followed her.

Boscha walked up to them, spinning a Grudgby ball in her finger.  "Okay, maybe it's the Altitude of the second floor, but I thoughtI heard you say that Leaf Girl wanted to challenge me to a grudgby match."

Luz walked up to Boscha. "That's right! We'll settle this once and for all on the field!"

Willow popped up in between the two. "Or! We could just talk about our issues?"

Yn applauded Willow's attempt but in the real world that usually
didn't work. And it seems that Boscha Loved the Grudgby ides.

"Let's do this!" She Said with a smirk.

"Oh no..." Willow looked
down in disappointment. She was one of those girls that didn't like facing confrontation.

Luz pulled Willow to her and put an arm around her shoulder. "If Willows team wins, you dont get to pick on her anymore.

"Fine. And when we win Willow and your team will be our water gofers" Boscha said as her team stepped up.

"Ha! That's not even a punishment. I love water!" Luz smiled proudly.

"And! We get to use you as a target practice." Boscha kicked the ball so hard it made a hole in a tree nearby. "See ya after school, losers." Her and
her team started walking away. Luz, Willow and Gus were shocked by what happened, while Yn had a blank stare.

"Whoo-hoo! Willow vs Boscha!" A Student yelled.

The group sat back down on tje  staircases.

walked towards us. "Guys, this isn't a good idea." Amity hugged her books.

"Yeah I've never even
played grudgby before! How am I supposed to beat boscha!" Willow screamed.

"But you're the better witch! I don't know much about sports but I know about sports movies." Luz pulled out her witch DVD. She started making her way up the stairs. "We, too, are a ragtag team of lovable misfits join together to defeat a powerful enemy. With a little team spirit and a training
montage we can win."

Yn punched the bridge of his nose. As much as he admired Luz, she seriously needs to know the difference between reality and fantasy.

"Well, if you think that'll work, then l'm in." Willow smiled.

"How about you, Gus?" "In seasons past, these flags have waved in support of grudgby greats," Gus started waving his flags around. "Now
they will wave for the greatest... me!" Gus smirked, he looked at them with a smile.

"What do you say Yn"

He sighed and then smiled tiredly. "Well, I gotta make sure everything doesn't go wayy out of control....I'm Not playing though."

"What about you Amity?"  Luz looked at Amity, who started to cuckle nervously.

"Me? On a team with you..?" She looked everywhere but at Luz. "Heh... Running around in cute... uniforms? HEH.. SWEATING?!?" Yn smirked at that. Amity noticed that and her blushing got even worse. "I gotta go!" She Said before running away.

"Well, I guess she's out. In any case," she jumped down the stairs. "Let's get training!"


Aaaand with that this chapter is done. Like always I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next one!

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