Sweet Devil [BL]

By Vaesen

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Misha has always been petty, very, very petty. He pays back the smallest grievances tenfold, and his temper f... More

Chapter 1. Happy Christmas Eve
Chapter 2. Long Time No See
Chapter 3. Santa Claus
Chapter 4. The Golden Watch
Chapter 5. The Mother
Chapter 6. The Sister
Chapter 7. The Jerk
Chapter 8. Lost in Thought
Chapter 9. Sleeping Face
Chapter 10. Naughty Kid
Chapter 11. Tantrum
Chapter 12. La Ronde
Chapter 13. Cat and Mouse
Chapter 14. Ice Cream Cones and Game Booths
Chapter 15. Carousel Tower
Chapter 16. Do You Love Her?
Chapter 17. Fever
Chapter 18. Dereck Is a Genius
Chapter 19. Discussion
Chapter 20. Hospitalization
Chapter 21. Grumpy Nurse
Chapter 22. Apple Juice
Chapter 23. Don't Leave Me Alone
Chapter 24. Unexpected Guest
Chapter 25. The Great-Granddaughter
Chapter 26. Playground
Chapter 27. Freedom
Chapter 28. Home
Chapter 29. Dereck's House
Chapter 30. Sneaking Out
Chapter 31. Pranks
Chapter 32. Chocolate Muffin
Chapter 33. Upset Stomach
Chapter 34. On the Road
Chapter 35. Spoiled Adult
Chapter 36. Wrong Gender
Chapter 37. Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
Chapter 38. Piggyback Ride
Chapter 39. Chatting
Chapter 40. What if There's a Bear Outside?
Chapter 41. Clamato Juice Shower
Chapter 42. Raccoon
Chapter 43. Bleeding
Chapter 44. Not a Phone Prank Call
Chapter 45. Who Are You?
Chapter 46. Not the First Time
Chapter 47. The Nurse
Chapter 48. Soap Opera
Chapter 49. Strangers
Chapter 50. You're Disturbing the Patient's Rest
Chapter 51. White Tulips
Chapter 52. Let's Talk
Chapter 53. Vanishing into Thin Air
Chapter 54. Hide-and-Seek
Chapter 55. Let's Break Up
Chapter 56. Unqualified Teacher
Chapter 57. She Shouldn't Be Here
Chapter 58. More Than Enough
Chapter 59. A Ghost?
Chapter 60. Can't Get Used to This
Chapter 61. Dumb Child
Chapter 62. Not Playing with Him
Chapter 63. Birthday Gifts
Chapter 64. Promise Me
Chapter 65. The Road
Chapter 66. Why?
Chapter 67. I Love You Sis'
Chapter 68. See You Next Year, Dear Santa
Chapter 69. A New Day
Chapter 70. Buying the Groceries
Chapter 71. Gabriel's Best Friend
Chapter 72. Thank You
Chapter 73. Taking a Bath
Chapter 74. You're Such an Idiot
Chapter 75. Misunderstanding
Chapter 76. Foreboding Feeling
Chapter 77. Right Choice
Chapter 78. Taxi
Chapter 79. Meant to Be Happy
Chapter 80. Footprints
Chapter 81. WTF
Chapter 82. The Cat is Out of The Bag
Chapter 83. What She Needed
Chapter 84. Time Sure Flies
Chapter 85. Mary
Chapter 86. Let's Get my Sister a Girlfriend
Chapter 87. Happy Eighteenth Birthday
Chapter 88. A Bunch of Birthday Gifts (Part 1)
Chapter 89. A Bunch of Birthday Gifts (Part 2)
Chapter 90. Feelings
Chapter 91. Summer
Chapter 92. Nervousness
Chapter 93. Cheating
Chapter 94. Fooled
Chapter 95. Quarrel
Chapter 96. First Anniversary of Death
Chapter 97. Hi Santa
Chapter 98. Sorry, You're a Bad Liar
Chapter 99. One Year Ago
Chapter 100. We Need to Talk
Chapter 101. A Message to One's Past Self
Chapter 102. Butterfly Effect
Chapter 103. Unwrapped Gifts
Chapter 104. Welcome Back to Hell
Chapter 105. The Drunk Driver
Chapter 106. Opening Up
Chapter 107. A Different Choice
Chapter 108. Tragedies
Chapter 109. .... Big Brother?
Chapter 110. And you, are you?
Chapter 111. A Familiar Sight
Chapter 112. A Selfish Man
Chapter 113. Get Lost
Chapter 114. Postponing
Chapter 115. Babysitting
Chapter 116. See You
Chapter 117. Love Matters
Chapter 118. Unwanted Guest
Chapter 119. An Overdue Conversation
Chapter 120. Five Years Ago
Chapter 121. Am I a Jerk?
Chapter 122. Until Then, Farewell
EXTRA I: Peeping Tom
EXTRA II: Pranks
FAQ -- More like a messed-up interview but shh --
Chapter 123. A Day Like Any Other Day
Chapter 124. Jerk and Cinnamon Roll
Chapter 125. Loose Screws
Chapter 126. Food Poisoning
Chapter 127. Blackmail
Chapter 128. Kidnapping
Chapter 129. Not Like Him
Chapter 130. The Masked Man
Chapter 131. A Little Gift
Chapter 132. Give Them Back
Chapter 133. Diaries
Chapter 134. Exhausted
Chapter 135. Life Went On
Chapter 136. Bad Habit
Chapter 136.1 Little Nightmare NSFW
Chapter 137. Regrets
Chapter 138. Breakfast Time
Chapter 139. Resting
Chapter 140. About the Previous Timelines PART I
Chapter 141. About The Previous Timelines PART II
Chapter 142. Small Talk
Chapter 143. Not My Boyfriend!
Chapter 144. Hormones
Chapter 145. White Eyed-Wolf PART I
Chapter 146. White Eyed-Wolf PART II
Chapter 147. Lego Castle
Chapter 148. A Den of Vipers
Chapter 149. New Colleagues
Chapter 151. At The Hotel
Chapter 152. Not Something He Wanted To Hear
Chapter 153. A Hickey
Chapter 154. Bitten By An Ugly Bug
Chapter 155. Leaving The House
Chapter 156. Small Aquariums
Chapter 157. A Bout Of Jealousy
Chapter 158. Skeletons In The Closet

Chapter 150. Hot Pepper Chocolate

218 18 1
By Vaesen

"Stop staring!" Vanessa elbowed Misha. "It's rude!"

Misha glanced askance at Vanessa with a deadpan look, then shifted back his gaze to the teenager sitting at a table near the window bay. He narrowed his eyes, seemingly trying to drill a hole into the guy's head.

Isaac was currently reading a book, a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. His black hair was trimmed short, and his bluish-gray eyes mirrored the warm light. A melancholic atmosphere shrouded him under the twilight, giving him a mysterious and somewhat ethereal look. It was a peaceful scene that seemed to have come out of a painting, depicting a lone teenager in a café. Though Misha didn't want to admit it, the guy was one hell of a handsome lad.

But what if he was handsome? Misha didn't like Isaac one bit, and he'd love for the guy to disappear from the surface of the earth. Or better yet, drop dead by the roadside, leaving his corpse to be eaten by crows and maggots.

"Come on!" Vanessa sobbed. "You're worse than a mother hen!"

"The last guy you went out with was a perv' who loved to spy on the girls in the locker room. The one before that had wanted to see you have sex with his dog. And then, the—"

Vanessa slapped her hands on Misha's mouth, interrupting him. "Stop rubbing salt into the wound! But I swear Isaac is a good guy and not like the others. So please, give him a chance...?"

Misha pushed down his friend's hands to snort, "That's up to debate. Your taste in men is so bad I always fear the worst whenever you bring us a new boyfriend. I won't accept him until I make sure he doesn't have weird fetishes. He looks too proper not to have skeletons hidden in his closet."

"Please! You know he isn't perfect, and he has flaws! You said it: he loves to tease others a bit too much and talks a lot. Even Stephan can't compare when Isaac starts to gossip about others!"

To this, Misha let out another snort. That guy's teasing was borderline bullying, but teenagers were often like this, not knowing where the line was between the two. And as the one who had been "teased", Misha was holding a grudge. He was still as petty as ever, and he wanted to get back at Isaac however he could. Not the most mature thing to do, but bad habits were hard to break.

"Anyway, I don't trust him. Until he proves that he loves you the most, I'm not gonna stop glaring at him."


"What? If he breaks up with you for this much, it means he didn't like you just as much as you thought he did."

"But don't you think adding hot pepper to his hot chocolate is a little overboard? You're also putting the café's reputation at risk! Won't Stephan fire you?"

"Stephan?" Misha snickered. "Trust me, he's gonna be happy it's not his coffee that I tampered with. Anyway, he's the only customer left. So, no witnesses."

"You are imp—"

The sound of someone coughing their lungs out resounded, interrupting Vanessa mid-sentence. Ah, man, it was already too late.

Isaac had taken a sip of his hot chocolate, the awful taste startling him into spitting it out. His tongue was on fire, and tears welled up in his eyes. It took a few seconds for his brain to comprehend what was going on. He had to pound on his chest to catch his breath and wipe off his dripping nose with the back of his hand. The hot chocolate had gone up the wrong way, and some passed by his nose.

The previously serene sight had been shattered to pieces. A smile curved Misha's eyes; now, Isaac looked much, much better.

Before Vanessa could react, Misha patted her shoulder and walked up to her boyfriend. The table was ruined, covered in hot chocolate and maybe even snot. The white tablecloth was so wet that they could see through it, and the napkins were a mess. Thankfully, Isaac had the reflex to lift his book above his head and didn't dirty it.

"Do you need help cleaning up?" Misha politely smiled, showing off his kitchen towel. "If you need to, the toilet is over there, and I can land you a shirt. Yours is a little...."

Misha didn't finish his sentence and instead pointed to the stained, wet spot near the teenager's collar. The brown stain particularly stood out on the pale blue shirt.

"Sorry, I'd rather wear a dirty shirt than a pink outfit with little wings," Isaac cleared his throat. "Don't get me wrong: it suits you—awfully well, even. But you see, I'm a little too manly to wear that kinda thing; it honestly won't look good on me. So, really, I'll have to refuse your offer."

"You talk a lot to say nothing," Misha said, still wearing his commercial-like smile that couldn't look any more fake. "You should at least sponge it a bit. Do you need help with that?"

"Again, sorry, but I'm old enough to wipe my own shirt."

"Are you? Considering you can't even drink your hot chocolate properly...."

Isaac opened his mouth but was interrupted by the clear sound of the bell. Misha glanced over his shoulder at the door, and his eyes met with Gabriel's. He instantly forgot everything about Isaac, throwing the towel on the teenager's lap, and veered on his heels to face Gabriel. His smile then turned genuine.

"My shift is pretty much done! Wait for me at the counter, I'll go change!"

That being said, Misha disappeared into a corridor beside the counter. He pretended not to hear Vanessa's sigh of relief and quickly changed into his casual clothes. Well, he changed as fast as he could. Getting off the outfit was fastidious, and he had to be careful not to rip it, however tempting it was.

When Misha came back, Gabriel was sitting at the counter, sipping on a cup of coffee, while Vanessa and Isaac were laughing their hearts out. Whatever the man had said, it was funny enough to make the teenagers laugh until their faces turned beet red.

"What are you laughing at?" Misha asked, suspiciously sizing them up.

Isaac was sitting beside Gabriel on a stool, holding his sides. Meanwhile, Vanessa, who stood behind the counter, was bent in two, her forehead pressed against the counter as she pounded it with a fist.

"No, seriously, what are you laughing at?"

Gabriel smiled. "Nothing much. I was just telling them about how Stephan had a hard time at first and was always falling for your tricks. I can't remember how many times he drank your jalapeños juices and ended up in tears."

"You can talk," Misha maliciously grinned. "Who was it again that puked his guts out after eating a muffin? And here I specially baked it for you! My poor heart was hurt, you know?"

"Your muffin had worms in it, fat worms even," Gabriel shook his head, a shiver of disgust crawling down his spine. "Thanks to you, it took me a long time before I could eat pastries again."

"I'm truly glad I never had to go through that." Stephan's voice traveled to their ears as he climbed downstairs. "Jalapeños juices aren't that bad in retrospect."

Stephan walked to the counter and gently hit Misha's head with a small card. It had the logo of the café printed on it, and the other side contained a $50 gift. Misha pursed his lips but didn't complain, only rubbing his head slightly.

"I'm truly sorry for what Misha did," Stephan said to Isaac. "I'd like to offer you a gift card as an apology."

"Oh my, thank you! As long as Misha isn't the one baking, I'd like to buy a few pastries before going home. My sisters are going to love them."

"I'm glad to hear that," Stephan nodded before turning his attention to Misha, "And of course, I'm deducing it from your salary."

"Still worth it," Misha snorted before gripping Gabriel's arm and dragging him toward the door. "Let's go home now!"

With a helpless sigh, Gabriel followed along. He gestured to Stephan to finish drinking his coffee for him, then said to Misha, "The car is parked near the trash bin."

"Alright!" Misha laughed, veering to his left after exiting the café.

Once outside, he could not help but glance back. He could see the people inside through the window bay, and Dereck had joined the group. He was blushing up to the tip of his ears, surely because his pastries were complimented. It made Misha's smile grow brighter.

They were all working together again, but things were different from his previous life. For starters, their workplace wasn't a bar but a café. Dereck wasn't doing a job he didn't like while pretending he did, Stephan was much more present and wasn't bringing one-night stands at the café, and Vanessa... Well, Vanessa was still the same, though she came with extra luggage.

And then, there was also Gabriel. The man was punctual to the minute and always came to fetch him on time. Having someone waiting for him after work was something Misha had never thought he would get to enjoy. Now, it was something he couldn't do without. 


Edited by Clozed!! ♥

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