A Broken Pair - (CPD)

By KNeill006

46.9K 806 63

The Intelligence unit goes to a school to talk to students and ask about crimes in the area. They meet two yo... More

New house
Pet Shop
Hi, again
I'm okay
Help her
Her Blood
Help, please
What happened?
Are you deaf?
We are not sure
We can't do this
New Family
Hurtful Words
Young Love
For godsake
Late Night Walks
Paper balls
Shit is about to go down
A crazy ER
You're Safe
Different Paths
Family BBQ

I fell

1.1K 18 0
By KNeill006

When I woke up in the morning, no one else was up. Well I assumed Kat wasn't up otherwise she would probably be looking around the apartment wondering where she was.

"Morning." Said Jay as he stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning. You ready for work today?"

"No." He groaned and walked towards Kat's bedroom.

I was waiting to hear the two saying morning to each other or Jay to walk out quickly after realising she was still asleep.

"Where's Kat?" He asked.

"Hilarious, Jay." I laughed.

"I'm not joking." He said.

I walked into the room to see Jay crouched by the bedside with a note in his hand.

"What's it say?"

"She said she had to get back home before Noah got back. If Andy showed up at the hospital and she wasn't there, then he would tell Noah and she would get in trouble."

"Does it say when she left?"

"No. Why would she say that?"

"I don't know."

"What tike did you wake up?"


"So, she must have been up before that."

"Yeah, hopefully not too early though because Chicago isn't that great in the early hours."

"I'd say it's worse at night."

"I'm the cop who has dealt with many things."

"And I'm a doctor who has dealt with a whole bunch of drunk fights and other things late at night."

"Oh whatever." Laughed Jay.

"I don't have a shift till later but Crockett messaged me and said that Bella is awake. I'll probably drive down to see her, I can drop you into work after the hospital, if you want?"

"Yeah sure. I'll ride with Antonio all day anyway."

"Okay. Let's go."

*Kat's Pov*

When I woke up, I knew where I was. I could remember Jay carrying me last night. I grabbed my phone and put my shoes on quickly as not to wake anyone up. I looked at the time seeing it was 2am and decided that it wouldn't be safe to walk home so I called a taxi.

After the taxi dropped me off, I paid him and then snuck into my house. The place was pitch black so I figured Noah was asleep upstairs or hadn't come home yet.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"You scared the shit out of me. Why would you sit in the dark?" I nervously laughed.

"I'm not going to ask again, where were you?"

"I was at the hospital and then I met up with a friend at the skatepark."


"I got kicked out of the hospital because visiting hours were up and a friend texted me and asked if I wanted to chill."

"What friend?"

"His name is Josh."

"Josh Reeds?"

"Yeah. You know him?"

"I know of him. There is a party tomorrow night, you are going."

"I'd rather not."

"Considering you fucked up last time and didn't even sell drugs, you are going."

"I'm not really a fan of parties."

"Sell these." He said, holding up a bag.

"When is it?" I asked, not realising he had already told me.


"Okay. Well I'm going to head to bed now. I'm visiting Bella in the late morning considering it is way too early now."

He just nodded his head so I took that as my cue to go. I started walking up the stairs when he cleared his throat and said something again.

"Was it you?"

"Was what me?"

"The cops. Did you call them?"

"No. The neighbour must have."

"Hmm. The neighbour."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's just that cop guy said last time that it was the neighbour who called when Mikey and Pope beat you. I talked to the neighbours, no one was in."

"Oh. Well I can't remember much from that night."

"Yeah right." He said as he stood up from his chair and walked over to me.

"I'm serious."

He shoved me off the fourth step that I was stood on and I smacked my face on the floor as well as twisting my ankle.

"Get up." He said.

I got to my feet and then followed behind him before passing him to get to my room. Archie was sat on the bed asleep but stood up to greet me. He still had blood on his back so before I went to bed, I gave him a bath.

"Archie. Shh." I said as he splashed me with water.

*Jay's Pov*

When we got to the hospital, everyone else was just arriving too. I walked in, expecting to see Kat already here but she wasn't.

"Hey guys. So, we stopped the bleeding and stiched her all up. She might be a little drowsy because she lost a lot of blood but we are currently giving her some more."

"Can we see her?" Asked Will.

"Yeah. Two at a time though and we'll let family see her first."

I looked around, spotting Andy sat on a chair. He slowly stood up and shook Crockett's hand to thank him before follow him to the room.

"Where's Kat?" I asked Hank.

"Kelly said you took her back to yours last night." Replied Hank.

"We did and she left really early in the morning."


"I needed to get back home." She said as limped through the door.

"Woah. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

She took a seat and let out a heavy breath after getting pressure off of her foot. She looked up at the clock, moving some of her hair out the way. I spotted a small bruise above her eye and she knew I saw it because she moved her hair again.

"What happened?" Asked Hank.

We all turned to look at Kat who was staring at the floor and playing with her hands.

"Kat?" Asked Antonio.

"What do you mean?" She said as she gave us a smile.

"Your eye. The limp."

"I fell."

"How did you get home?" I asked.

"Called a taxi."

"Now tell us the truth about your injuries."

"Listen, I can't tell you anything about that but I can tell you that there is party tonight and I have to sell."

"You're not going." Said Kim.

"Listen, I'm not going to sell any. Just go undercover again and I will tell my dad that there were cops."

"Kat. No."

"Kat, if you go and see Bella. I'll drop you home afterwards." Said Andy as we all stopped our conversation so he wouldn't hear anything.

"Okay. Thanks."

*Kat's Pov*

I walked towards the room and saw Bella led in bed with wires attached to her body and an IV in her arm.

"Hey, Bella." I said and sat down on the chair next to her bed.

"Heyyy." She slurred.

"She's high on meds." Said Crockett.

"Oh. You sound drunk." I laughed.

"Yeah I know. Buttt have you seen this docctorr."

"Yeah, I have."

"He's hot!"

"Is he hotter than Will? You said you liked his ginger hair."

"Wayyy hotter."

"On a serious note, you need to talk. Tell them what happened."

"She doesn't remember." Said Crockett.

"Can you like back off for two minutes?" I said.

"Hey, I'm trying to stop you from wasting your time."

"Bella. Please. If you know something-"

"I don't."

"Please, Bella."

"I can't remember anything apart from you saving me in that bathroom. I heard it was a break in. Do you think they were looking for drugs?"

"Shit." I muttered under my breath as I stood up.

"I'll see you later. It's great to see you and I'm so glad you are okay."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll see you tonight."

"Kat? Where are you going?"

"To end this." I whispered back.

"Kat, don't!" She shouted, which caught the unit's attention.

Hank came round the corner with Antonio who looked worried.

"Everything okay?" Hank asked.

"It's fine. I'll see you later."

"Kat. Be safe, please."

"I will but in return if you remember what actually happened, you tell them." I said.

I walked passed the two detectives and up to Andy. He led me to his car and then drove us home.

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