The Dragon Witch (The Owl Hou...

Af WordsByNico

214K 5.5K 4.7K

Y/N Najera always was an outsider. He was obsessed with fantasy, writing and especially videogames and he had... Mere

Welcome to the boiling Isles
Prison Riot and Important Decisions
There's Work To Be Done
A Fake Quest
A Weird Dream
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #1
Abominations seem fun
Well, that was a mistake.
Boiling Storm
What the curse?!
You did what now?
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #2
Getting a House to move.
Demon Hunters are annoying
"What am I?"
Let's go to the library!
Nightly Bonding Over Danger
The Owl House Shorts#3: The Last Apple Blood
A Completely Normal Day
Yn's totally fun day
Helping Out A Friend
Lies and Detention
Let's go watch some Sports!
The Bat Queen's Trials
A short hang out with the Blights
A conversation with Nhil
A book fair!
King the Author
Luz needs a new spell.
New Spells
The Common Mold Is No Joke.
New Life, New School
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes#3
A Carnival
Being shrunk sucks
Burning Memories
Memory Deepdiving
It's time for prom!
School Dance of Horrors
It's Sports Season!
Oh, wow. Sports.
A field trip to the Emperor
Things just got worse
We need to get them back
The Emperor
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #4
Getting used to the new Life
Selkidomus and a new acquaintance
We're getting expelled?!
We're getting back into school.
Let's learn something about the past.
New informations
Sparring Match
Meeting Momma Clawthorne
Two Cursed Beasts
Let's Go to the library!...The second.
Ruins and Diaries
Nightly Training
Palisman Adoption Day
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #5
Allies for a moment
Almost Alone Day
Meeting an Old Friend
Owl Mama adopts weird demon
Hooty's helping out
New Relationships
Luz is sick, let's get some Titan's Blood
My First QnA! So ask away, my friends!
The Lake is a Lie
QnA Answers!
Two Dragons
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #6
Getting Back Home...Well kinda
Helping Out some new Friends
Coven Parade!
A Failed Plan
you know what time it is? A little QnA!
QnA Answers the Second!
His own little Training Arc
Time Travel is real!
Dragons and Betrayal
Owl Mama's Advice
A step into the right direction
New Friends
How to wake him up
The Ashen Hollow
Little Questions for y'all
Authors Note - About the state of my Stories
You know what time it is? QNA! QNA!
You know what time it is? QNA! QNA! (answers)
Facts about the Characters

Getting Luz Out of Detention...Again.

2K 66 47
Af WordsByNico

The First Day Pt2.


Luz left her classroom and grunted as she rotated her shoulder to release tension that pricked her. "Oh Boy. Stirring is the pits. What else is on the schedule for today?" She pulled out a list that read: 'Potions for beginners, Potions in Motion, Potions(Again), Still Potions, Potions 'till you die, Potions after death'

Luz sighed, looking at her Arms. "Oh man, I'm sorry elbows..." She looked up to see the Oracle Track student from earlier, placing her crystal ball into a locker before walking away.

Luz looked at the Crystal Balls with a look of longing. "A Crystal ball! Maybe it can show me of I'm on the right track!" She quickly shock her head. "No, don't be tempted. It's your first day make a good Impression." Determined she walked away from the locker, but popped up in front of it a second later and grabbed one of the Crystal Balls. "Whoa!"

As soon as she touched it a ghost appeared from the ball. "You will be in trouble soon."

"Woooow!" Luz Said. "Wait what did you say?" She raised her eyebrow quizically.

"Ahem." A voice said behind her.

Luz looked over her shoulder to see Principal Bump with a serious expression. She laughed nervously before Bump started to drag her through the halls.

"But I wasn't studying other subjects! I, uh... Fog Brew!" Luz smashed a potion on the ground, which didn't work. "...Yeah, I figured that wouldnt Work..."

King climbed out of a Trash can the two passed by. "Nyah!"

"King! Vouch for my Character!" Luz said desperately.

King blinked for a Moment before throwing a thumbs up. "Uh, right! I don't know you!"

Luz glared at King as Principal Bump continued to drag her away.

The two arrived at a classroom with bars on the door and windows, which Principal Bump shoves Luz into.

The Detention Teacher looked up from his scroll, and three other students  looked over to the door.

Luz looked around, "what is this place?"

"This is the place where all troublemakers go," Principal Bump explained before he turns Luz's
sleeves and leggings dark gray. "The detention track."

Luz gasps in horror, "Nooooo! Detention track? But this can't be possible, I-I thought I--"

"Yes. Actual detention still needs... repairs. In the meantime, I am keeping all troublemakers far away from the eyes of the inspector. You may try for a new track next year." Principal Bump informed.

Luz frowned at that, "But I'll be back in the human world by then."

Principal Bump shrugs, "maybe you'll do better in human school. Speaking of humans, I'll inform Mr.
Najera that you are here," he said as Luz watched him leave.

She felt dread at that last statement. "Oh no..."

Luz smiled awkwardly at everyone in the room, then sat down at the desk. "Hello, fellow detentioners. Room for one more? I like the little spikeys in your hair"

The Detention Teacher looked at Luz sternly, "Hey! You all better be quiet, unless you want to scrub the classroom again."

"Hey, don't blame any of them. I'm the one that started talking," Luz said, defending her detention

"Oh hurray. A hero," The teacher said sarcastically while drawing a spell circle.

A mop and bucket appear in Luz's hands. Luz glared as she walks off, "Aw, farts."

Viney watched Luz walk off with a Smile.


Yn walked through the halls of Hexside with his eyes almost glued to the ground. He still felt... Nervous, even though he knew that he didn't have any reason to. No one showed any trace of hostility towards him. Most of the students didn't even notice him, and those who did just normally greeted him. But he still felt like all of this could change any second... And he stood corrected, because the moment he looked up, Bosha and her group came around a corner.

'Great. The one Person I don't need today...' He thought as he just walked forward, trying to get past them without getting noticed. But of course that didn't work.

"Oh, if it isn't that humans weird halfling friend." Bosha said with an evil smirk.

The words of him being a half witch seemed to have spread around... Unsurprisingly if he was completely honest. Gus and Willow probably spoke about this a little to loud and Bosha heard this

"I didn't know they let Freaks into this school." She said, emphasizing the word freak. This made the rest of the group, except for Amity, giggle as Yn tensed up at the statement.

But he didn't say anything. He kept a blank expression, but clutched his bag. 'Ignore it.' He said to himself in thoughts. And with that he just walked away, which confused the others. Mostly Bosha and Amity. Bosha threw some more small insults at him, but he just on his hood and continued walking.

Amity looked after Yn for a few seconds before walking away from her group, which no one noticed because everyone was busy with Bosha.

The greenete followed Yn for a few Moments until she saw him walking into an empty room. She tilted her head in confusion and followed him inside, though she didn't see him there.

"Yn...?" She carefully asked, walking deeper in to room before seeing him sit next to a closet with his head resting on his knees. She slowly walked up to him.

"Hey..." He said, not looking up to her.

"Are you - uh - okay?" She asked before sitting down next to him. "You seem a bit off today. You didn't even fight Bosha.  The last time she insulted you, you hit back without hesitation."

Yn let out a sigh. "It's because we're in school." This Made Amity confused.

"But...weren't you and Luz motivated and happy to go to Hexside?" She asked tilting her head in confusion.

"Yea, I still am... It's just.. It's kinda hard for me, because as soon as I enter a school as a student, I feel weak, because back home I was being bullied or just straight up ignored because of my ears. Because I looked weird." He sighed again. "That's why I just ignored Bosha. I learned that the best reaction I can show is no reaction. Everything else would just get me in trouble. The fact that I didn't really have friends until Luz came around didn't help." He leaned back against the wall. "I only ever showed any other reaction if Luz was the one being bullied..." He didn't really know why he told her all of this, but it felt good to get this off his chest. The only people who really knew about this feelings were his dad, Camilla and Luz.

Amity just looked at him for a few seconds before pulling him into a hug without saying anything.

Yn blinked in confusion for a Moment before chuckling. "Wow, never expected a Comfort hug from you, Blight."

"Shut Up or I will punch you."


Amity pulled back again. "You shouldn't beat yourself up to hard. You are at Hexside and you won't get into trouble for fighting back... The teachers even encourage it. Despite, you have a real friend group with Luz, Willow and that illusion Boy. And even Edric and Emira. All of them will help you when you get into too much Trouble." She stood back up and dusted herself off before sighing, when she noticed Yns confused expression. "I'm sorry. I'm not really good at motivational speeches."

Yn chuckled as he stood up and stretched himself. "It's okay. Strangely it helped. But I should look for Luz, Gus and Willow now. They probably are looking for me right now."

"And I should get back to Bosha. It's annoying to explain to her why I was gone for so long." They both walked out of the room and then walked into opposite directions.


King was walking towards a trash can while rubbing his paws together. "Time to scrounge through the trash!" He said before jumping headfirst into the trash. There he found an empty box of donuts, the only thing left in it were rings of frosting. He grabbed the box and began to lick the frosting.

"That's it! I'm tired of someone eating all the Donuts in the teachers lounge! I quit!" A teacher yelled out and tossed his tied into the trash can. And unfortunately for the small demon it landed on Kings head.

"Nyeh!" He tried to get the tie off and knocked over trash can in the process, causing him to roll into the nearby classroom. The students stared at him.

"Are you our substitute" One of the students asked.

"Substitute?" King asked with a raised eyebrow. "I ain't no desk jokey!"

"Look at his professional looking tie! He must be." Another student said.

"Nyah!" King jumped onto their kids table and pointed a claw at their face. "Can it, Fangs! You don't know Diddly dang about squiddly Squad!"

The student backed Off a little. "Uh yes Sir. Sorry Sir!" The student said and bowed for King.

"Obedience?" The small demon asked "Well what is a teacher if not  an authority figure. A king of children if you will!" That's when he got one of his brilliant ideas. He ran to the front of the class and jumped onto the desk. "Yes! I am your teacher! You may call me Mister King!"

He looked at the students in annoyance before he mimiced clapping. Immediatly the class started to applause, making King beam.


With a frown, Luz was polishing the Bars of the detention room's window, while the teacher was sleeping behind her.

A spider teacher walked past the window with a bunch of Younger students following her. "Alright Kids. Who wants to go on a field trip to the Astral Plains?"

The children shouted Out their agreement in joys.

"I do...." Luz said quietly, when Willow and Gus came towards her.

"Luz!" The plant witch exclaimed.

Luz gasped and smiled. "Oh my gosh! I missed you so much. Let me squeeze your face." She then grabbed Willows face and proceeded to squeeze her face.

"What's going on? We didn't see you in any classes." Gus said.

"Principal Bump put me into the detention track for mixing Magic..." Luz sighed sadly.

"Detention track? You can't do anything in there!" Willow exclaimed.

"What's that about detention?" A voice called out from behind Willow and Gus. The two witchlings quickly turned around to see Yn, walking towards them. "Hey, I looked for you Guys.. But where's Luz?" Without saying a word, Willow and Gus took a step to the side to reveal Luz behind the Bars. "....So that's what you were talking about."

"Hey..." Luz nervously waved at Yn before looking at him in confusion. "But wait... Weren't you like almost having a panic attack because of school? Why are you suddenly in a good mood again?"

"I got help." He stepped closer to the bars and looked at Luz with a glare, making her yelp. "Now, why are you in detention now?"

"...I was mixing Magic..."

"And now she'll learn less than before!" Gus said with a concerned frown.

Luz shook her head. "No, I'm better than this. You gotta help me break out."

"Don't worry. We'll get you out, dead or alive!" Gus said triumphantly

Willow and Yn glanced at Gus, shaking their heads.

"Okay... Alive." Gus corrected himself.

Luz smiled at them. "Aawww, Guys."

"And when you get out, you are in a lot of trouble." Yn said, making Luz gulp and chuckle nervously.

"Noted..." She heard a chair squeak behind her. "It's the teacher. Gotta go!" She turned around to see Viney standing very close to her, causing Luz to gasp. "It's you!"

Viney put a finger in her mouth. "shhh." She pointed a finger to the snoring detention teacher and then gestured Luz to follow her. Viney drew a square on the chalkboard, it had a keyhole in the middle, and turned the chalk around in the middle like a key. The square glowed and swung Open, revealing a passageway.

Luz looked at the secret entrance with awe, "Whoa."

Viney climbed through the hole, then helped Luz through. The square closed behind her.

Luz looked around the tunnel, "What is this place?"

Viney looks at Luz with a serious expression, "This is the last room you'll ever see alive..." Her expression quickly changed to a bright Smile. "Nah, just messing with ya. I'm Viney."

Luz smiled nervously and replied, "I'm terrified! Um, mean... I'm Luz."

"Thanks for standing up for us back there. Not many people would do that. Follow me! I wanna show you something. You're one of us troublemakers now, so you'll get special access to the Secret Room of Shortcuts!" Viney opens a
door, revealing a tower-like room with a spiraling ramp. The walls, floor, and ceiling are covered in doors and windows.

"Whoa," Luz said, looking around in awe.

"Hey Jerbo! Barcus! You can stop hiding now!" Viney called out.

The boy known as Jerbo opens a door. "How do we know she's cool, man? How do we know she won't turn us in? What do you think?"

A dog like demon in the Hexside uniform barked.

"Barcus says your aura is strong and silly, like a baby's laughter. Welcome!" Jerbo welcomed Luz with a smile.

"Aah! I love secret rooms! Where do the doors go?" Luz opened one into a hallway where Amity was pacing.

"So, you go to the same school now, that doesn't change anything." Amity said to herself before sighing.

Amity looked around as the door clicked when Luz closed it. "Huh?"

"This place connects the different parts of the school. We found it after being thrown in the detention track. The witch who made it is known as..." Viney then gestured to a defaced portrait and wall of signatures. "Lord Calamity"

"They started this troublemaker wall and we added our names in their honor," Jerbo explained.

"This place is amazing. I bet you guys can get into so much trouble in here," Luz said as Viney chuckles.

"Sure, we can, but we can also do so much more." She points to where Barcus was listening in on an
Oracle class. Luz walked up and watched with him.

"Remember, seeing the end of a life is the beginning of reading a fortune. We have to work backwards from it to see the truth." The teacher
folded a fortune teller. Barcus also folded one.

"We aren't allowed to study any kind of magic, so we study every kind of magic in secret." Viney explained.

Luz looked at Viney with curious eyes, "you actually like school?"

Viney nods, "yeah, we might have liked it too much." She said before  they explained why they were sent into the Detention Track in the first place.

Like Luz, they got in trouble for mixing magic.

"We all want to be in more than one coven track! But Bump just says we need to focus," Viney said

Luz frowned sympathetically at the three. "Sounds like Bump's priorities are out of whack."

Viney smiles at Luz gratefully before holding out a marker, "I'm glad you're one of us. You've made a great first impression. Would you like to add your name to the troublemaker wall?"

"Aw!" Luz cooed as she reached for the marker.

"Luz? We're here to get you out of that horrible class," Willow called out.

Everyone looks at Luz, "Eh, they're probably looking for some other Luz."

Viney went to peek through the main entrance. Willow and Gus were looking around the detention classroom. Yn walked around the room with a bored expression.

"Maybe she already booked it," Gus says as Willow whistled like she's calling a dog. "She did say she
was better than this place."

Viney felt betrayed as she closed door, "Oh. You think you're better than us?"

Luz became nervous as everyone in the room looked at her with distrust. "No, no, it's not like that. I just didn't think I deserved--I mean, none of us deserve-"

Jerbo pointed at Luz with a frown, "J'accuse! should've known you'd look down on us. Everyone else does."

Barcus sneezes, and for the reader's sake, captions appeared, reading: "You have an aura of lies."

"It's fine, I just... I thought someone finally understood us. But, maybe you should just leave" Viney said as she points to the door.

Luz looks down sadly, "I understand."
'I did it again. Great job Luz'

Back to the classroom, where Gus played with the Detention Teacher's mustache. "Man, this guy can
sleep through anything."

Yn raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that so?"  He then smirked and grabbed a mop. "Then there's nly one way to test that theory."

Willows lips formed a thin line, "Guys, no. We have to find Luz. If only these walls could talk." After Willow finished that sentence, Luz pushed
the wall door open.

"Hey, guys," Luz then slumps onto the floor face first.

Willow rushed over and helped Luz up, "Thank you, walls! We found a way to get you out to talk to
Principal Bump."

"We have an expert disguise!" Gus says before grabbing a trashcan. "Hop in! It's got holes for your gangly teenage legs. This way the inspector won't see you either"

Luz looked at the wall as Viney closed the door. "Yeah. That's right where l belong" Luz climbed into the trashcan. Gus put the lid on Luz's head. She stood and walks off. Willow and Gus followed her.

Yn looked between the wall and his friends with a raised eyebrow, "Did we interrupt something?"

Before he left, Yn popped up next to the snoring detention teacher and put the mop onto his face. He continued snoring.

"Incredible..." Yn muttered before walking away with a snicker.


Outside of Hexside, a swirl of blue energy appeared. It dissipated, revealing the inspector.

She walked up the front steps as Principal Bump greeted her, "Welcome to Hexside, inspector."

The Inspector bows her head, "Greetings, Principal Bump. If everything's in order, the Emperor's Coven will be happy to cover your repairs."

"Excellent," Principal Bump beamed "Please come this way. We've prepared a show with some of our finest students."

On the stage inside Hexside, an abomination stomping on stage. It growled and held Amity up like an figure skater as they posed.

The abomination put Amity down, "And that concludes the presentation from the Abomination track," Amity concluded and her abomination bowed.

Principal Bump politely applauded with a smile. "That was some real Hexside magic, huh?"

Inspector smiled, "Yes, this is.. good! But let's see if your student can put up more of a fight!"

"Yes, yes-- wait what?" Principal Bump stumbled as he gawked at the inspector with confused shock.

The inspector slammed her hands down on the stage. Her face started to  deform, revealing that she was actually a basilisk in disguise.

"Is, uh, this part of the inspection?" Principal Bump asled with an uneased feeling.

Amity was quick to come for the defense, "Abomination, fight!"

Amity's abomination ran forward and grabbe the inspector.
The inspector fully transformed into a basilisk and flinged the abomination into the air. It growled and
swallows the abomination, before slithering towards Amity, who backed away, "The magic at Glandus
High was tasty. But l hope yours will be more filling"

Principal Bump quickly rab between Amity and the inspector. "Amity, stay back. She's an impostor!"

Principal Bump drew out a spell circle. The inspector inhaled, swallowing the spell circle and
draining his magic. His skin turned gray and he collapsed.

Amity tried to cast a spell, but her magic is also quickly drained, and she fell unconscious next to Principal Bump.


Luz sighed as she and her three friends walked down the halls.

"Don't worry, Luz! Once we talk to Bump, we'll get everything sorted out," Willow reasured her.

"I know, but what's the point if people get hurt on the way?" Luz said doubtfully.

"That is a fair question," Gus said.

Yn walked behind them with his hands behind his head. Suddenly heelt a familiar hot sensation in his chest as a shiver went down his spine. The scales under his eyes turned purple and the orange hue in his eyes got more prominent as he looked towards the end of the hall. "What the fuck is that?" He pointed at the sight in front of them.

An Oracle Teacher was running away from the basilisk, which was taking over most of a hallway.

The teacher stopped and casted a beam of light. The basilisk slurped it up like spaghetti.

The teacher fell to the Floor, going limp as she was drained of magic.

Luz, Willow and Gus screamed in horror, causing the basilisk to laugh. "More cute morsels!"

"We may be cute, but we're nobody's morsels!" Willow rushes in front of her friends and summons a carnivorous plant.

"Time for a power-up!" Gus yelled as he gave the plant buff arms. The plant launched itself at the basilisk. It caught the plant with its tail and ate it.

Willow and Gus both fall, drained of magic.

Willow weakly tries to draw another spell circle, "I feel... so weak." Yn quickly ran in front of his friends and glared at the Basilisk as it made it's way towards them.

It stopped, when it noticed the scales on Yns face and hands and his glowing orange eyes.

"Move closer and you'll regret it." He simply growled, making the Basilisk chuckle.

"I smell Dragon Magic in you. This will be a feast!" It said, hungrily growling at the Boy.

Without saying another thing Yn charged towards the beast, while drawing a spell circle, covering his hand in lightning. The Basilisk swung it's tail at Yn, but he was able dodge it just in time. He rolled to break his fall and then leaped at the Basilisk to Punch it. However the Basilisk caught him with it's tail, before he could touch it. It raised Yn to it's face and looked him directly into the eyes.

"You can't even use that Dragon Magic of your's properly, can you?" It moved Yn closer, as he squirmed around, trying to free himself beforr smirking at the Basilisk.

"Yeahy you're right. I can't really use it properly... But I can do this." He took a deep breath and then breathed out a cloud of pure light into it's face, causing the Basilisk to drop him. He did a cool pose when he landed, that sent a wave of pain through his legs. "Oof, shouldn't have done that..." But before he could do anything, the Basilisks tail hit him and sent him flying against a nearby wall. On both impacts he could feel something crack. With a grunt he fell to the
floor and held his ribs.

"Yn!" Luz quickly ran in front of him, while the Basilisk dashed towards them.

"Eat this!" Luz grabbed her notepad and activated a light glyph on it, then threw it in the basilisk's mouth.

The spell activated, and the basilisk screamed, spewing out shredded paper, "It burns! It burns!"
Luz quickly ran up to Willow and picked her up, while Yn took a moment. But then He quickly went to pick up Gus, "We
need to get you guys somewhere safe!"

The two burst into the Secret Room of Shortcuts, "Guys! We need your help!"

Viney looked up at Luz with distain, "Oh. You're back"

Yn glared at her, his eyes were still orange and his scales still visible. "Oh cut the crap! Luz is sorry if she unintentionally hurt your feelings, but we have way more important things to do right now."

Luz grunted as she fell and dropped Willow. "Ah, Willow!"

Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus gasps, "What happened to them?"

Yn softly put Gus down and then grunted again. 'Urgh, I really hurt myself...'

"Something horrible is loose in the school" Luz explained before she opens a door to show the basilisk draining more students' magic.

Viney yelped, "Don't let it see us!" She saif as she quickly
closed the door, "I think that's a greater basilisk. I heard about them in a class. My cousin at St. Epiderm said she saw one, but those things should
be extinct."

"It probably already attacked the other schools, and now it's come for us. We have to do something," Yn
declared as his bracelet glowed softly, sending a comforting warmth through his Body, that eased his pain a little.

Jerbo frowned "But if Bump catches us mixing magic again--"

Viney looked down in defeat, "he'd kick us outta school."

"So you'd rather let Bump and the other get hurt or even die than being kicked out of school?" Yn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yn's right. Hexoleos are out there getting hurt, and we're the only ones who can save them. We're trouble makers, right? So let's go out there and make some trouble!" Luz said with a determined smile.

Viney, Jerbo and Barcus looked at shared a look, "Alright. What's the plan?"


In the hallway, the greater Basilisk finished draining Amelia of her Magic. "Hungry! Still Hungry!"

"Hey, you big Idiot!" Yn yelled and waved his arms around as the Basilisk turned around to him. He more scales than before and his fingernails already grew longer. 'I still don't understand what the trigger is for this to happen...' He thought to himself as he quickly glanced at his arm.

"Dragon Magic..." The Basilisks hissed before lunging at the boy. Lucky for him, his weird dragon powers increase his strength and reaction time and so he dodged the Attack by jumping over the Basilisk. While in the air he took a deep breath and then shot his lightning breath at it. He landed behind it, while the cloud of dust dissipated.

He breath heavily as he watched the Basilisk turned around to face him.

"Hungry." It growled before attacking Yn again, but this he didn't dodge. Instead an ice glyph landed in front of him. It activated and summoned an ice pillar that threw back the inspector.

Luz hopped in front of it, wearing a cloak, while Yn stepped next to her with a smirk that showed one of His fangs.

Luz then began her monologue."From the humblest beginnings , a hero and a warrior will rise. We've trained with a secret society to discover the Power of mixing Magic. We're-"

"Dinner!" The Basilisk roared.

Luz yelped as Yn picked her up and quickly ran away.

"Heh, more strength is pretty useful." Yn said, while the Basilisk slamed into the ice pillar.

It righted itself and chased after the two humans.

"Viney! You're up!" Yn called as he and Luz ran passed.

Puddles, Viney's griffin, flew through the halls and attacked the basilisk.

"Attagirl, Puddles! Jerbo,

Jerbo nods, "On it!"

An abomination opens a door in the floor as Jerbo summons several thorny vines. The vines latch onto a door handle in the ceiling.

The basilisk claws at Puddles and threw her, then fell through the opened door.

Yn put Luz down before the two hopped in after it, sending it through the door in the floor of the Secret Room of Shortcuts.

Back at the auditorium, where Principal Bump regained conciseness and sat up. "Must find help"

Suddenly, the basilisk falls onto the stage.

Yn and Luz also fell through the ceiling after the basilisk, landing on its stomach and flipping off
of it to land on the stage.

"It's all you, Barcus!" Luz ordered.

Barcus barks and grabs the basilisk's palm.

The basilisk groans, "Where am I?"

Barcus dumped a potion onto the basilisk's hand.

He squints at it, then his eyes glow.

The basilisk looked at Barks with worry, "What's he doing? What'd he say?"

Yn smirked, "He's reading your palm, and your future looks bleak."

Jerbo's abomination pulls at a rope that Puddles cut with her beak. The rope dropoed sandbags onto
the basilisk's stomach. All of the magic it ate is released and returned to the proper witch.

Everyone gasped as they get their magic back and woke up. Magic flew through the air as it returned to
other schools.

Viney quickly healed Puddles's scratched claw.

Puddles warbled and flew off.

"AH!" Luz screamed happily as she hugged Viney. "You did it! You were amazing! You guys--"

"Are in so much trouble," Principal Bump said as he walked towards them. "Leaving your homeroom,
mixing magic and-- is that a secret hideout?"

Willow and Gus ducked away from the open trap door.

"Yeah it is. But let's think about this, Principal Bump. Why would kids in the detention track need a secret hideout?" Yn asks as he steps in front of Principal Bump, glaring at him through His orange, glowing eyes.

Bump looked at Yn with wide eyes for a moment, a drop of sweat running down the side of his face. 'Those scales and eyes'... After a moment he cleared his throat to regain his posture. "I don't care to know the ins and outs of rascality" Eh then pulled out a rule book. "But if
the Emperor's Coven can send an actual inspector this time"

"Okay, you need coven money. But if you have too hurt your students to get it, what's the point? They saved Hexside. They should be allowed to study what they wish," Luz said as she pointed to Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus.

"B-but" Principal Bump started as he hugged the rule book.

"Do the right thing, ya dingus!" Gus yelled from the Secret Door.

Principal Bump sighed, "Alright, I'm smart enough to know when I've made a mistake. Which tracks
would you like to be in?"

Everyone gasped.

"Healing and Beast Keeping!" Viney said eagerly.

"Plants and Abomination!" Jerbo smiled.

Barcus barks happily.

"Then so be it," Principal Bump says as he changes their uniforms to reflect their new tracks.

"But if any of you cause more property damage, I'm feeding you to the choosy hat. And what about
you two?"

"Oh, I still can't choose," Luz said sadly.

"I know it's crazy but, can we study a little bit of everything?" (Y/n) asked wishfully.

To Yn's surprise, Principal Bump nodded as his and Luz's uniform changes to several colors to
reflect the different tracks.

Luz looked down in wonder, "What's going on? What is this? Whoa-ho! This is so cool. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna study everything!"

"You know, only one other student wanted to study every track." Principal Bump says as he summons Lord Calamity's picture, "Unfortunately, she was never given the opportunity"

With a wipe of his hand, the graffiti on the picture disappears, revealing a young Eda.

Luz gasped as Yn chuckled,

"Shoulda guessed" The brunette Girl said.


"What's going to happen to the basilisk?" Yn asked as he and several others watched as the basilisk was hauled onto a Emperor's Coven balloon ship. His eyes and fingernails were back to normal and most of his scales disappeared or turned into his skin color.

"Emperor Belos will decide what will become of it," A voice said behind Yn

Yn turned around to see Lilith and Tabitha, "Oh. Lilith and...that Girl. Fancy seeing you here." This made Tabitha glare at him, which Yn reciprocated.

Lilith nods, "Likewise. You're attending Hexside now, I presume"

"Yup, Luz as well." Yn said as he showed off his uniform. "And guess what? Me and her are learning all the tracks."

"Lillith." Tabitha said. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have no time for friendly talking. Especially not with with apprentices of the Owl Lady." She threw another glare at Yn.

"You are right. We should bring this Basilisk to the Emperor." Lillith nodded before walking to the Baloon Ship. Tabitha followed her but stopped directly next to Yn for a moment.

"You are lucky, that I don't have time for you today. The next time I see you I'll captured you. I won't keep dissapointing The Emperor." The raven haired girl said loud enough that only her and Yn could hear it. "So enjoy your time in freedom, Yn Najera." And with that she followed after Lillith.

Yn looked after them with a frown, when he heared a voice next to him.

"Who was that black haired girl?" Luz asked with a confused expression.

"Yeah, there was a lot tension between you two" Gus said.

Willow hummed in agreement.

"This Girl was ordered to catch me." Yn simply replied, not taking his eyes off Lillith and Tabitha as they walked towards Amity.

"What?!" Luz exclaimed and then looked at him with a sad expression "Yn! You promised me no more secrets." Willow and Gus shared the shocked expression Luz had.

Yn sighed and looked to Luz with a soft smile. "I'm sorry. I just kinda forgot..."

"How can you forget something so important?!" Luz asked as she stepped closer to him.

Yns smiled fell. "I'm sorry...I'll try to tell you everything important in the future.. okay?"

Luz crossed her arms and looked away from him. "You promise?... And hold it this time?"

"I promise." He simply said.

"Hey now, don't act like we don't exist!" Gus said.

"Yeah, we are your friends too!" Willow exclaimed.

Yn chuckled and pulled all of them into a hug. "I know... I know."

He watched with a serious expression as Lillith and Tabitha flew away with the Emperor's Coven Baloon Ship.


Well that's that Chapter.. to be honest it ended up completely different than I wanted it to be. But I think or still ended up pretty good! I Hope you Liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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