On the Fence

By thewitchsscribe

991 1 0

Being a female ranch hand, on a ranch where all the rest are men, Taylor begins to adjust to life but when a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 44

15 0 0
By thewitchsscribe

Getting back to Bridlewood, there had been some tension with Zeke when he saw the bruises, and he attempted to confront Brant and me about me going along with the group up into the mountains, but Zeke's words of not needing a list ahead of time came back to bite him. Brant and I had exchanged a tiny smile, trying not to laugh, when Zeke had sulked off to the ranch house, clearly still irritated but without a leg to stand on. We also knew we wouldn't be able to pull that same trick again on him.

It had been nice to get back to our hot showers and soft beds that night, followed by a couple of days off to rest before jumping back into bailing hay and preparing for the rodeo. The ranch was in full-swing busy mode the rest of that week. Bailing until work hours were over, and then all the men who were participating in rodeo would be doing any preparations they needed, including practicing, in the evening. The weekend had been much of the same and into the following week.

I had stood with my arms crossed on the top of the fence, a boot on the first rail, watching Brant and Tyler practicing their roping with some other guys working the chutes and ropes the night before. I couldn't help but admire Brant on Rembrandt; my eyes had followed him all evening. It had been a long night for the competing guys, but now we were finally loading up to head to the county fair. The rodeo was starting that evening, and there was a lot of excitement on the ranch in anticipation.

I also was a ball of nerves, anticipation of seeing Aiden mounting within me but also making me nervous. It had been weeks since I had briefly laid eyes on him, and I still hadn't had a chance to set things right. He had accepted that there was another man, but the pain of potentially riding up on us in the middle of being intimate was more than any man could withstand.

"Come on, baby girl!" Tyler called me, waving me over to the open truck door, allowing me to slide between Brant and him. Behind the truck was a fully-loaded horse trailer, carrying Rembrandt and some other horses the men owned.

We pulled out onto the main road, heading off to the fairgrounds, Brant expertly driving the truck. He would put his hand on my knee in-between, shifting, making butterflies fly in my stomach. Tyler's arm was slung around the back of me as he chatted with the guys in the back seat of the crew cab, laughing.

"No, Steve, I promised my woman I'd sit with her," Tyler said, pulling my shoulder against him obviously when he said 'my woman,' in emphasis. All the guys laughed in response because it had become known that Brant and I were almost an item in the last few weeks. There was still an undercurrent that I was seeing someone else, but he wasn't from Bridlewood, which had the men speculating but me keeping that secret close.

"Where are you guys sitting?" Steve asked.

"Baby girl has an in with the boss man, so he sported her a couple of tickets close to his VIP box, but not in it. She refused his invitation to come to join him in there, so I think he tried to get her as close as he could," Tyler laughed, making the other men join in.

"Bet it's getting to him that it's with you," Jason laughed, enjoying Zeke's jealousy.

"He doesn't know," Tyler smirked back, an evil grin showing off his teeth, and then he turned that smile on me and winked, making me laugh.

"Brant, are you feeling ready?" Steve asked.

"You know it, Steve," Brant answered, all confidence, as he pulled into the grounds. We found a space to park, and the guys jumped out of the cab, springing into action to unload the horses and start preparing. The cab emptied all except for Brant, who held me back.

"Taylor, I will be busy for a while, but I was hoping we could spend the hours I have free together enjoying the fair? I know you were hanging with Tyler, but would you mind if I tagged along?" I smiled at him and answered him by pulling him to me for a kiss with a hand behind his neck. A quick knocking on the truck's window made Brant turn to look. Tyler grimaced, jerking his head to the right, our eyes turning.

"Shit," Brant said under his breath as our eyes landed on a fancy red truck that had just pulled up to us, bumper to bumper, and Zeke sat in the driver's seat, staring right at us. Oops. I swallowed nervously and looked away from Zeke's dark look as a feeling of dread overcame me. Brant opened the door, pulling me along after him, and we went around the back of the trailer.

"He's got a group of rodeo officials around him already, but you can bet he'll be coming for a talk soon," Tyler said from behind me. Brant went into the trailer and quickly saddled up Rembrandt. It wasn't normal to ride them around instead of just leading the horses, but I wasn't going to stop Brant. He led Rembrandt out of the trailer and mounted up, reaching down for me.

"Come on, Taylor," Brant said, pulling me up behind him, "He can confront us later, but we're going to enjoy the day and the start of the rodeo. Tyler, meet us by the ticket vendor on the South side of the grounds in 30." Brant turned and urged Rembrandt to take off on a good cantor. One look behind revealed Zeke was walking around the back of the trailer.

"Sorry, Brant, I should have been more careful," I said, hugging him close, enjoying the closeness.

"That's alright, Taylor. It was going to come out sometime," Brant said.

We rode through the various trucks and trailers, and I drew in a breath, recognizing one that had just pulled up and parked, the doors opening.

"Brant!" Jeff called, a friendly smile for him. Brant waved and rode up to Jeff, talking about the upcoming competition, but my eyes were fixed on the man in the black stetson, stepping out of the driver's side. When his deep blue eyes raised to mine, my chest clenched, and my breath turned shallow. My heart was aching inside my chest, and a sharp stab of pain caused me to catch my breath when his dark blue eyes examined me sitting behind Brant, returning to mine.

"Mr. Patterson," Brant smiled cordially, tipping his hat to Aiden. Aiden met his eye and nodded respectfully back to him, his eyes sliding back to me after.

"I'm doing the Bronc, but Aiden will be doing the Bulls," Jeff smiled up at Brant, continuing their conversation. Brant's answer to him was lost on me; I was so focused on Aiden's penetrating gaze. I swallowed with overwhelming emotion, my eyes tearing up a little. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from letting the tears fall.

I wanted to run to him and explain everything but all I could do at the moment was plead with my eyes. I swallowed again and drew in a deep breath when I saw something pass over his gaze, just before his eyes softened and the tiniest smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. His attention was drawn to Jeff with a question but returned to me, and in them, I saw that calm reassurance. I knew at that moment that he would give me the chance to explain, that everything would be alright.

Silently, I smiled at him and mouthed, "I love you." A beautiful smile that restarted my aching heart spread on his handsome face, and he lowered his face to hide it with his hat. I saw him lick his lips and swallow, tucking the private smile for me away, before he raised his head to listen to Brant and Jeff.

"Well, best of luck, Jeff, and to you too, Mr. Patterson, on making your 8," Brant offered. Aiden smiled at him and nodded.

"To you as well," Aiden's rich voice said kindly. "It looks like I'll be riding right after you."

"Oh?" Brant asked, "You got the inside scoop on the draws?" Aiden gave a nod.

"Nick Jewels is first on Cowboy's Nemesis," Aiden said, getting a whistle from Brant, before he continued, "You're next on Armageddon, and I'm third on Undertaker."

"Did they plan to save any rough riders for the rest?" Brant laughed incredulously. "Damn. Guess we have our work cut out for us. Good day," Brant nodded to them both and directed Rembrandt off toward the stalls. A look behind me earned me a smile from Aiden, so I smiled back, feeling better about things already.

"You going to throw up, baby girl?" Tyler laughed at me, his laughter going up as he watched me turning three shades of green.

"I'm trying not to," I groaned, looking over at him. "I shouldn't have had that third corn dog."

"Don't forget the funnel cake, cotton candy, huckleberry lemonade, and what else? Oh, the kettle corn," he laughed again, holding his sides. "Anyone would be sick after all that and riding on the rollercoaster and scrambler, you crazy woman."

"Mmmm..." I moaned again, slowly following him back towards the arena.

Brant, Tyler, and I had spent the entire afternoon together enjoying the fair food, a little too much from my end, and playing games at the booths, and we finished with some rides. Brant had to rush off to get ready for the rodeo competitions, and Tyler and I had been watching from the stands, just to the side of the chutes. I had already had to run for the bathroom twice because I couldn't stop vomiting, much to Tyler's amusement.

"So remind me again, Ty, why you're not competing? You're one of the best ropers and riders at Bridlewood," I told him, trying to distract both of us.

"Because I don't currently own a horse, and most of the competitions I would be involved in require a dedicated horse to practice with, darlin," he laughed, still looking at me. "Maybe next year, when I can afford one, I'll be able to enter." I nodded my acceptance once again just as we made it to our seats.

The bronc riding had just finished, and I had made it through most of it, seeing all the Bridlewood guys and even some Thunderbird men that I recognized compete, including Jeff, who scored well. I had to run on the second to last guy for the bathroom. I still felt unwell and that my stomach was planning another revolt.

"Alright, alright, alright! It's that time that we've all been waiting for! We got one hell of a show with those bucking broncs, but now it's time for the big event! Tonight's rodeo has been partially sponsored by Bridlewood Ranch, Wranglers, and Smith's Mercantile....." the announcer droned on, buying time as the chutes were being loaded and the men preparing.

I was excited but extremely nervous about the upcoming bull rides, knowing Brant and Aiden were about to ride. I couldn't wait to see them both in action, but I was also nervous, as any woman is, when the man she loves was about to do something not exactly safe. For me, I had two out there. It would have been even worse if Tyler had decided to compete in this event. The nervousness added to my nausea, and I had to swallow down a gag, almost swaying in my seat.

"You ok, baby girl?" Tyler asked with concern. I nodded as best I could and focused on breathing to settle the nausea.

"Tonight's lineup is going to start with two-time champion Nick Jewels on the notorious 'Cowboy's Nemisis.' This man has won....." I again swayed in my chair as the announcer continued, "Following him we with have Brant Simmons on the berserker bull Armeggedon, a three-time champion in Montana and Wyoming.......and third in our line up before reset is our very own Aiden Patterson, owner of Thunderbird ranch, a three-time champion on the fiend Undertaker. These three bulls are some of the most difficult in the entire lineup, so we are going to start our show with one hell of a bang right out of the chutes....." The announcer continued discussing various things, interacting with the leading rodeo clown.

I looked over toward the chutes, being decently close, and I spotted a black stetson moving around where the current riders were, and my pulse jumped up, my stomach fluttering at the sight. I watched Nick walking up to the bull that had been loaded in the chute, climbing up. My eyes were drawn to another man walking out, and when he turned, my heart lept at the sight of Brant, heading toward the bull loaded in the second chute. Then I finally spotted Aiden as he turned and almost shot out of my seat, my stomach turning again, nausea taking hold.

"Again?" Tyler asked incredulously as I turned, a hand over my mouth, and started running up the steps for the women's bathroom. "You better run, Darlin, or you're going to miss them both," he yelled after me. I didn't stop to respond, running through the crowds, up the steps to the top of the arena, and then down a couple of flights of steps. People took one look and knew to move out of the way, even when there was a line at the bathroom.

I ran for the first available stall and emptied my stomach again, heaving multiple times. I sat there a moment, carefully listening to my body to see if I would need to throw up again, but after a moment, I felt much better. I used some toilet paper to wipe my mouth, flushing the last contents of my ill-advised fair foods binge down the toilet.

I walked out of the bathroom and found the nearest drinking fountain to wash my mouth out well before I turned and started trying to push my way through the crowds once again. This time the crowds didn't move for me but looked annoyed.

I heard a buzzer go off, announcing a completed ride, as I was starting to scale the first set of steps up the arena. "Let's give him a hand for an amazing score that will be tough to beat! And now, it looks like our guys are ready on that chute," the announcer said as I continued to climb the sets of steps. I was almost to the top when I heard the click of the chute gate being released, causing me to rush harder to crest the arena, just as a collective gasp of horror spread through the crowd.

Almost like time slowed down for me, I ran, and at last, the arena came into view, just as the bull's thrashing head flew up to meet the downward head of the rider on its back, knocking the dark-haired man out. The collective gasp of the crowd seemed to turn into a constant murmur as the rider's limp body was tossed about like a rag doll on the back of the bull, his hand still caught in the rope.

The bullfighters were out, trying to get to the rider stuck on the bull, and at last, one reached the hand to free it from the rope, the rider's limp body falling to the ground just as the bull bucked, leaping into the air. Another collective gasp echoed out from the crowd as time slowed even more. I watched in terror as the bull came down, one hoof landing in the center of the man's chest with a sickening sound and the other hitting the head in the back, spraying blood, as the face was in the sand of the arena.

Though the whole thing lasted only five seconds, it felt like an eternity for the bullfighters to get the bull away from the limp body lying in the arena. A group of men rushed over as the crowd reacted in shouts of concern, gasps, and above all, silence; eery silence. It was like two giant fists clenched my windpipe and heart simultaneously, stopping them from working, as a huge weight hit me. One ride had been completed already, which meant.......

"Brant!" I heard myself scream in fear as I started running down the aisle, "Brant! No!" I jumped the divide between the arena seating and the area where the riders were behind the chutes. I started running toward the arena, unable to breathe, watching the ambulance pull up. "Brant!" I screamed in panic, almost reaching my goal before a pair of arms stopped me.

I started fighting their hold on me, desperate to get to Brant. I was turned and shook, my head whipping around to come face to face with Brant, who had caught me. Relief flooded my entire being at the sight of him.

"It's not me, Taylor! Calm down. There was a problem with the chutes, and the order was switched," he shouted. I turned back to look at the lifeless body lying in the arena when my eyes landed on a black stetson not far from the fallen rider's dark hair, wet with blood.

"No...." the whispered horror fell from my lips as I extracted myself from Brant. "No...." I said louder, and then I was screaming again, "No! AIDEN!" The horror hit me afresh, and I started screaming in terror and pain as I ran toward the arena again. "AIDEN! NO! AIDEN!" the guttural scream of agony ripped out of my throat as my heart shattered, dripping such pain as I had never known. I hit the chutes and started to climb, frantic to reach him, another pair of hands reaching me and pulling me back against them.

"Taylor, no!" Zeke's voice was in my ear, just as the paramedic's voice also carried over to us.

"Time of death 21:14...."

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