Lara (Long-Fic Levihan | Armi...

By NathaliaCroft

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Follow Lara's journey, an orphan girl of just ten years old, who joins the Survey Corps. Having Levi Ackerman... More

Important Notes (Please Read)
Chapter 1 - Seven Days Before
Chapter 2 - A Child?!
Chapter 3 - Lara's Story
Chapter 4 - Tears
Chapter 5 - Responsibility
Chapter 6 - Nightmares
Chapter 07 - Experience
Chapter 8 - Affection
Chapter 9 - Lara's Plan That (Almost) Worked Out Well
Chapter 10 - Count on Me!
Chapter 11 - Return
Chapter 12 - New Life
Chapter 13 - Progress
Chapter 14 - Coward
Chapter 15 - Mother, Daughter
Chapter 16 - Denial
Chapter 17 - Rejection
Chapter 18 - Father, Daughter
Chapter 19 - No!
Chapter 20 - Pain
Chapter 21 - Shock
Chapter 22 - Recovery
Chapter 23 - Lara's Song
Chapter 24 - The Festival
Chapter 25 - "Where Does it Hurt?"
Chapter 26 - I'm Back!
Chapter 27 - Year 850
Chapter 28 - You Guys?!
Chapter 29 - The Court
Chapter 30 - Fear
Chapter 31 - Invitation
Chapter 32 - In The Castle
Chapter 33 - Bad News
Chapter 34 - Levi, the Master of Investments
Chapter 35 - Female Titan
Chapter 36 - Losses
Chapter 37 - Trauma
Chapter 38 - Growing Up
Chapter 39 - Torture
Chapter 40 - Judgment
Chapter 41 - Mercy
Chapter 42 - Rescue
Chapter 43 - Family Name
Chapter 44 - Wait
Chapter 45 - Jealousy
Chapter 46 - Promoted
Chapter 47 - Counter Attack
Chapter 48 - Suture
Chapter 49 - Thunder Spear
Chapter 50 - Hero
Chapter 51 - Atomic Bomb
Chapter 52 - Memories
Chapter 53 - Panic
Chapter 54 - Bombardment
Chapter 55 - Improvisation
Chapter 56 - Massacre
Chapter 57 - Fury
Chapter 58 - Look Back
Chapter 59 - A True Friend
Chapter 60 - Torn
Chapter 61 - Levi's Decision
Chapter 62 - Grief
Chapter 63 - No More Waiting
Chapter 64 - Honeymoon
Chapter 65 - Vacation
Chapter 66 - Changes
Chapter 67 - The Ocean
Chapter 68 - Stay
Chapter 69 - Sorrows
Chapter 70 - Year 854
Chapter 71 - Accident
Chapter 72 - Care
Chapter 73 - New Chance
Chapter 74 - No Regrets
Chapter 76 - Drawings
Chapter 77 - Engagement
Chapter 78 - Date
Chapter 79 - Family
Chapter 80 - Dedication
Chapter 81 - Attack
Chapter 82 - Meeting
Chapter 83 - Wine
Chapter 84 - Jaรซgerists
Chapter 85 - Dying
Chapter 86 - Blood
Chapter 87 - Rumbling
Chapter 88 - Repayment
Chapter 89 - Armin's Plan to Defeat Eren
Chapter 90 - A Different Proposal
Chapter 91 - Mikasa
Chapter 92 - Italy
Chapter 93 - Tiny-Human-Bean
Chapter 94 - Lots of News
Chapter 95 - Preparations and an Unexpected Proposal
Chapter 96 - Joined
Chapter 97 - Tuscany
Chapter 98 - Feeling
Chapter 99 - Love
Epilogue, by Levi Ackerman
Thank You

Chapter 75 - Gabi and Falco

295 13 15
By NathaliaCroft

The lobby was completely silent. Not even the soldiers' breathing could be heard.

Sasha looked up. There was a big hole in the ceiling, right above her head.

She ran her hands over her body. Sasha was alive.

Ahead of her, she saw Lara still thrown on top of that little girl.

Somehow, Lara had managed to shove the rifle barrel upwards and the shot hit the ceiling of the lobby.

Lara then quickly snatched the girl's rifle and threw it towards the soldiers ahead. Jean caught it in the air, mouth agape.

Lara and the little girl stared deeply at each other, eyes wide.

The silence was broken by a shout.

"LARA!!!" It was Armin. He pulled her, who still looked a little flustered. Just as Hange used to do, Armin began to inspect every inch of her, looking for any injuries.

"Baby!" he exclaimed, desperate, "Are you okay?! You got hurt?!"

"I-I am okay, yeah..." she replied, blinking her eyes in confusion, "W-What are these kids doing here?"

That was the question on everyone's mind in the lobby.

Lara turned to Sasha, who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Sasha... How are you? Did you get hurt?"

She was unable to answer at first. Gradually, Sasha shook her head.

"I didn't... I'm fine..." tears came out of her eyes, "Lara... You've saved my life..."

Then, everyone looked up at the hole in the ceiling above her head, and as if they were connected, they all thought the same thing. If Lara hadn't shoved the rifle barrel, the shot would have hit right in the middle of Sasha's chest, killing her right away.

Instinctively, Connie and Jean stepped in front of Sasha, as if to protect her from any other shots that could come from any other imaginary direction.

Then, chaos took over the lobby. Shouts of hate, questions, and exclamations came from all soldiers. The two children were leaning against the wall, looking scared and cringed, especially the little blond boy.

"Lara..." Armin took her head with both hands, amidst all that fuss, with tears coming out of his eyes, "When I heard that shot, I-I thought... For a second, I thought... That I had lost you..." he kissed her forehead, embracing her tightly. Lara hugged him back with the same intensity.

"I'm fine, babe, I swear," she replied, still panting. Her heart was racing very fast. Just like Armin's.

Levi's words echoed in his head, said only the day before: "Don't wait until you see her passed out in your arms, to take some action. Don't leave it to the last minute, because of the fear that I know that also lies inside you."

Armin felt affliction take over his heart, for having come so close to this scenario worthy of a nightmare, and then, he pulled Lara and pressed his lips against hers, with an expression of pain, still holding her face. He didn't care if people were looking or not. What mattered was that Lara was there with him, alive. Her lips were warm, not cold, like a corpse's.

She gently stroked his face and they touched their foreheads. None of them noticed, but the little blond boy watched them the entire time.

"We need to sort this situation out," said Lara. She turned to the soldiers, asking for silence.

Her tone of voice didn't come out that loud, because she was still a little shaken by what had just happened, then, she got startled to hear Armin shout at the top of his lungs:


Immediately, everyone looked at him, astonished. Armin never raised his voice.

Lara gave him a little smile of thanks.

"Is anyone hurt?" she asked.

Gradually, everyone shook their head negatively.

"Good," replied Lara, and she got down on her knees to stay at the same eye level as the children.

The little blond boy stared at her with lots of fear and seemed like he was about to cry at any moment. The little girl, however, had the look of the most extreme and purest fury. As calmly as possible, Lara looked from one to the other and said:

"Hi... My name's Lara and I'm a Squad Leader of the Survey Corps from Paradis island. Are you two okay? Could you please tell me what you're doing here?"

"DON'T SPEAK A WORD TO ME, DEVIL!!!" shouted the little girl, her eyes bloodshot.

Lara got so startled that she almost fell backward. When she understood what the girl had said, her expression changed to that of someone who got deeply offended.

Everyone in the lobby widened their eyes and held their breath. Of all people they knew, the one who was most completely repulsed by this vicious name-calling that the Eldians received, was Lara.

She sensed that Armin wanted to come closer, but she signaled with her hand for him to stay where he was. Lara took a deep breath and ran her hand over her face, then looked at the little blond boy.

"Let's try it with you then," she did her best to give him a kind smile, "Could you please tell me your name?"

The little boy looked from Lara to his friend, who was shaking her head negatively, asking him to be quiet. However, he answered, almost in a whisper:

"My name's Falco... She's Gabi..."

Lara finally managed to give a genuine smile.

"Nice to meet you, Falco. Could you tell me what you're doing here?"

When he was about to answer, he was interrupted.

"She killed my friend!!!" Gabi pointed to Sasha. "That devil must die!!!"

Sasha widened her eyes.

"Gabi!" Falco grabbed his friend's jacket, desperate. "Keep quiet! Can't you see we're surrounded?!"

"Look what you all did down there!" shouted Gabi, pointing to the airship door, with tears in her eyes. "Because of you, my friends are dead!"

Lara felt great sorrow get into her heart and she lowered her head, covering her face. She had a lump in her throat, and when she faced them again, her eyes were red and teary. For a moment, the children were startled by the unexpected reaction of their "enemy".

"I..." began Lara, with a very downcast voice, "I simply... Don't know what to say to you. I really don't. This whole situation is just... Horrible. I'm very, very sorry."

"Being sorry won't bring them back..." Gabi also had a lump in her throat.

"I know..." replied Lara, with a choked-up voice, "I know, Gabi... And that's what hurts the most..."

They looked at each other for a few seconds, in silence. Then, they heard Floch shout from among the soldiers:

"We must kill them right now!"

Some colleagues followed him. Lara felt her blood boil and glared at him.

"Are you crazy?!" she exclaimed, standing up in a jump, even forgetting her injured foot pain, "They're just children!"

"Very well trained, apparently!" replied Floch, angry. "What are you gonna do? Adopt them too?!"

Lara opened her mouth, indignant. Some soldiers looked from one to the other, perplexed. Armin had an angry look in his eyes and if Jean hadn't intervened, he couldn't tell what he would have done.

"Hey, idiot!" exclaimed Jean, who was beside Floch, "Is that way to talk to a Squad Leader?! Wanna be punished for contempt? Keep your mouth shut, you moron!"

Before Floch could answer, they heard a voice from behind the soldiers across the lobby.

"What the hell is going on?! What's all this fuss?!"

It was Levi, and he looked furious.

Everyone held their breath, even Floch. The soldiers yielded the way and Levi went to Lara and the children.

"What are these brats doing here?" Levi tried to keep calm when talking to his daughter.

"I'll explain later," replied Lara, also trying to keep the same tone. "Please, ask Onyankopon to stop the airship, I'll lower them to the ground."

Levi looked from the children to Lara, and then to Armin, who nodded in agreement with her.

"Right. You got two minutes, we are almost leaving Liberio."

A short time later, Jean, Connie, and Armin were helping the children down with the help of the ODM gear. Before they were out of sight of the edge of the airship door, Lara looked at Falco and Gabi.

"I hope from the bottom of my heart that this ends soon. I wish you to be well and safe. Goodbye."

Gabi didn't say anything, just lowered her head. Falco, however, gave her a simple sad smile and blinked slowly. Without his friend noticing, he mouthed a "thank you". Lara smiled back and also mouthed an "I'm sorry". After seeing that they landed safely on the ground and got rid of the ODM gear, they pulled the wire back and closed the door.

Sasha quickly came to Lara and hugged her tightly, crying into her shoulder in gratitude for saving her life. She hugged her friend back, letting a few tears fall, too.

When they let go, then it was Connie and Jean's turn to hug Sasha as well, who was still in tears. The other soldiers got back to doing their racket, sometimes complaining that they hadn't arrested the children, sometimes celebrating that they were going home, sometimes talking about the rescue operation, etc.

Seeing that everyone was too distracted to pay attention to Armin and Lara, they both went to a corner of the lobby, next to the room door where they had reconciled, and gave a big hug.

Armin embraced Lara as if she were the most precious treasure in the world, kissing the top of her head. They rocked back and forth, trying to calm down from all the stress they had just gone through. Armin once more held her face.

"Are you really alright, my love?" he asked in affliction. "Are you sure you didn't get hurt?"

"Don't worry," Lara closed her eyes, while he gave her a kiss on her forehead, "I didn't. I'm just feeling a little pain in my foot, I think I need another dose of medication."

"Sure, sure..." he said, stroking her face with his thumbs, "As soon as we get home, I'll take you to the infirmary, okay?"

Lara gave him a sad smile in thanks. Even though she was calmer, she was still feeling a little shaken by the whole situation they were going through.

"Let's go to the cockpit. I wanna see how my mother's doing. This environment will not do her or the baby any good..."

"Yes," replied Armin, looking deeply at her, trying to give her a kind smile. "Let's get home as quickly as possible, 'cause I want everyone to know soon that now, I'm all yours."

Phew! Good thing no one got hurt, right? 😊I hope you've enjoyed this chapter 🥰 But I'm curious to know, how you guys think Lara and Armin's relationship will be from now on? I'll love to hear your thoughts! ♥

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