The Dragon Witch (The Owl Hou...

By WordsByNico

214K 5.5K 4.7K

Y/N Najera always was an outsider. He was obsessed with fantasy, writing and especially videogames and he had... More

Welcome to the boiling Isles
Prison Riot and Important Decisions
There's Work To Be Done
A Fake Quest
A Weird Dream
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #1
Abominations seem fun
Well, that was a mistake.
Boiling Storm
What the curse?!
You did what now?
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #2
Getting a House to move.
Demon Hunters are annoying
"What am I?"
Let's go to the library!
Nightly Bonding Over Danger
The Owl House Shorts#3: The Last Apple Blood
A Completely Normal Day
Yn's totally fun day
Helping Out A Friend
Lies and Detention
Let's go watch some Sports!
The Bat Queen's Trials
A short hang out with the Blights
A conversation with Nhil
A book fair!
King the Author
Luz needs a new spell.
New Spells
New Life, New School
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes#3
Getting Luz Out of Detention...Again.
A Carnival
Being shrunk sucks
Burning Memories
Memory Deepdiving
It's time for prom!
School Dance of Horrors
It's Sports Season!
Oh, wow. Sports.
A field trip to the Emperor
Things just got worse
We need to get them back
The Emperor
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #4
Getting used to the new Life
Selkidomus and a new acquaintance
We're getting expelled?!
We're getting back into school.
Let's learn something about the past.
New informations
Sparring Match
Meeting Momma Clawthorne
Two Cursed Beasts
Let's Go to the library!...The second.
Ruins and Diaries
Nightly Training
Palisman Adoption Day
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #5
Allies for a moment
Almost Alone Day
Meeting an Old Friend
Owl Mama adopts weird demon
Hooty's helping out
New Relationships
Luz is sick, let's get some Titan's Blood
My First QnA! So ask away, my friends!
The Lake is a Lie
QnA Answers!
Two Dragons
The Owl House Shorts: Incorrect Quotes #6
Getting Back Home...Well kinda
Helping Out some new Friends
Coven Parade!
A Failed Plan
you know what time it is? A little QnA!
QnA Answers the Second!
His own little Training Arc
Time Travel is real!
Dragons and Betrayal
Owl Mama's Advice
A step into the right direction
New Friends
How to wake him up
The Ashen Hollow
Little Questions for y'all
Authors Note - About the state of my Stories
You know what time it is? QNA! QNA!
You know what time it is? QNA! QNA! (answers)
Facts about the Characters

The Common Mold Is No Joke.

2.2K 75 123
By WordsByNico


"Aaah! A triangle shaped demon has come to take over the world!"

Eda and Luz flinched when Yns yell rang through the house. With a worried expression Luz looked out of the kitchen.

"Yn! Calm down! It's just one of my toys!" King was heared from upstairs.

"Man, I know that I had weird halluzinations, but his are wild." Eda said with a perplexed expression.

Luz hummed in response before she continued to chop up vegetables as Eda stirred a pot with a delicious smelling broth.

"Are you sure this Soup will help Yn?" Luz asked as she handed Eda the cut vegetables.

"I'm sure." Eda nodded confidently. "This Soup hepled me, when I had the Common mold." She dumped the vegetables into the pot. "We'll let it simmer for a while. For now we can focus on making some sweets."

"Great idea!" Luz exclaimed with a smile. "But what...?"

But before Eda could answer they heard a crash upstairs and then rapid foosteps approaching the kitchen.

King slid into the room, panting. "Yn somehow managed to get onto the roof!"

"What?!" Luz exclaimed and immediatly rushed outside with Eda right behind her.

Outside, they immediatly looked up to see Yn standing there barefoot and in his pajamas. His hair was even more messy than usual and his cheeks had a faint pink color, while the tip of his nose was a deep red. He laughed loudly as he held a stick into the air.

"Hahaha! I am Yn Najera! The one and only Lord of this Island!" Exclaimed putting his other hand on his hip. "I will cover this place in ash and kindle an all devouring flame of life!"

"Yn!" Luz yelled up to him, cupping her mouth with her hands. "It's dangerous! Please come down from there!" But the Boy ignored her and just continued to hold his monologue.

"You can't reason with a sick person, who doesn't acknowledge, they're sick." Eda sighed, rubbing her forehead. She knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Hahahaha! I slay every beast in my way!" Yn slashed with his stick, causing him to slip on something. "Oh Boy." He fell from the roof and Luz gasped, covering her eyes.

Eda quickly stepped forward and drew a spell circle, creating a giant fluffy cushion, that caught Yn.

He fell face first onto it and lifted his head. "Hah! I knew the clouds would catch me!"

Eda sighed and walked over to Yn. "Oh Boy." She said with a grimace as she picked the boy up. "Let's get you back to bed."

"Noooo!" Yn squirmed as Eda picked him up. "Don't wanna Go to bed, Owl Mama! I wanna claim a throne!"

"You can still do that, when you are healthy again." Eda said borely and carried Yn back up to his room. She placed him back onto his sleeping bag and tief him down. "You stay here, like a responsible Person. Your food will be ready soon."

Yn glared at her before blowing a raspberry.

Edas eye twitched. "...I'll Excuse this behaviour this time because your are sick." She walked out the door, but not without turning back and blowing a raspberry back at the boy. She left the room and closed the door behind her. "Seriously. For someone like Yn to act this way... I mean, yeah he is always a little childish, but normally he is atleast a little bit responsible..."

"You're Telling me." King said beside her. "Who thought that he could be such a handful?"

"He is always a little weird when he's sick. Overly loving to everyone, childish and irresponsible and such... But this is a whole new Level!" Luz exclaimed worriedly before sighing. "I hope he get's better soon..."

"Don't worry too much. He just needs to Rest. I bet he'll get back to his usual self in No time!" Eda reassured Luz and put a hand in her shoulder.

The three went downstairs.

"So Luz. You need to do something."

Luz looked at Eda with a confused expression.

The older witch handed her a bag of snails. "I need you to go to Morton and get some special medicine for Yn. I would get the stuff and mix it myself, but I have the feeling that I won't have the time for that."

Luz took the Money and nodded determined. "Got it!" She then grabbed her own Wallet. "And if I'm out anyways I can look for a get well present for Yn!" And with that she bolted out the door.

King looked after Luz and then glanced upstairs. "You know what... I'm gonna head out too!"

"Wait, Ki-" Before Eda could properly say something, the small demon already bolted out the door. She blinked for a moment. "Looks like I'm alone with a sick Kid now..."


Luz and King walked through the market, talking about what to get Yn.

"How about we get him a lifesize statue of me, so that he knows that his favourite King of Demon's is always looking out for him." King bragged.

"And where would we get that statue?" Luz questioned him with a raised eyebrow.

"Nyeh!" King stomped his foot and climbed onto Luz' shoulder. "Darn it! I thought I finally found something good."

"Oh, don't worry, King. I'm sure we'll find something great for Yn." Luz Said encouragingly as she pat the small demons head.

"I Hope..." King muttered.

That's when they heard a voice call out to them.

"Hey Luz! King!"

Luz turned around to see Willow and Gus, waving at her.

"Friends!" Luz exclaimed smiling and walked over to them. "How are you?" She asked after giving Willow a quick hug.

"We're doing good." Willow answered "What about you?"

"And Yn?" Gus added.

"I'm doing fine. Yn on the other hand..."

"Not really." King said.

"Oh no, what happened?" Willow asked worriedly.

"Eda said he got the Common mold. Me and King are in the market to her some medicine for him... And maybe a small get well present."

"Poor Yn..." Willow said with a slight frown. "Oh, I know! How about we come with you? We can get the medicine together and all decide on a present." She suggested.

"Yes! We're his friends too." Gus said eagerly.

Luz smiled brightly. "That Sounds awesome! Alright Gang! We have a Mission. Get Yns medicine and decide on a get well present!" Luz pumped a fist into the air. King who sat on her head did the same. Together all four of them cheered and ran deeper into the market.


"Yn! Don't do that!" Eda groaned as she walked into the room with a bowl in her hands.

The boy was currently chewing on one of Kings toys, growling while he did. He looked up to Eda and spit out the toys, hissing at her.

Eda pointed a finger at the sick Boy. "Don't you dare hiss at me, kiddo." She kneeled down to him and put the bowl aside. "I'm now going to untie you, so you can eat. This Soup will help you get better. I even have some appleblood-pie you can have later."

The scent of the soup filled Yns nose as he eyed the bowl. It was a deliciously sweet but still kinda spicy smell. His mouth got watery.

After Eda untied him, Yn immediatly grabbed the bowl and began eagerly eating the soup.

Eda sighed with a soft smile and ruffled his hair. "You eat up. I'll be downstairs if you need anything, alright?"

Eda stood back up and walked to the door.

"Wait!" Yn called out. Eda turned to him with a confused expression. "I love you!" He exclaimed and gave her a big, overly cute, toothy grin.

Eda was taken aback by this and stared at him for a Moment... "Yeah, yeah. Eat your soup and go to sleep." She closed the door and made her way down to the living room and sat down on the couch, next to Owlbert who sat on the armchair.

"I swear that kid is so mushy when he's sick." She said, looking over to Owlbert.

The little Palisman hooted at Eda.

"Yeah, I know, but I don't do mushy. I have a reputation for crying out loud...besides. I'm pretty sure he knows."

"Uhm Eda!" Hooty yelled, startling both Eda and Owlbert. "I have a question!"

Eda sighed and glared at Hooty. "Can it wait? I am not in the mood for any of your stories."

"But it's really importan," Hooty sais as he got closer to Eda, pressing his face against hers. "It's something I need to ask!"

Eda groaned annoyed. "Ugh, fine. What is it?"

"Is YN allowed to go outside yet?"

Eda raised an eyebrow. "No, he's not allowed outside. If he moves to much, he sickness could get worse...Why?"

"Oh, I was just wondering because YN just climbed out of his Windows, Blabbering something about kindling a fire and taking over the isles or something. He's delusional. But that's what makes it funny."

Eda shot off the couch. "HE WHAT?!" She rushed to the door and threw it open, to see YN rushing away from the house. "YN!"


Luz, Wilow and Gus roamed the market place, browsing through stands that held various objects and trinkets. Luz put a hand to her chin and eyed all of the objects.

Willow picked up a vase with White, glowing flowers. "I'm sure YN would like this! He mentioned once, that he likes flowers."

"Ooh, that's a great gift, Willow." Gus said before holding up a plush dragon. "But I think he would like this more! "

"Both of them are good presents guys. Maybe all of us could get a different gift for YN." Luz said as she walked up to her two friends.

"What about you Luz?" What do you plan on getting him?" Willow asked, tilting her head to the side.

Luz sighed softly. "I'm not sure. It was way easier to get presents for him back home..."

"Aww, don't worry Luz. You are Yns best friend. He'll love the gift, no matter what it is." Willow reasured her friend with a smile.

"Hey Luz!" King called out, gaining the three witches attention. "Look what I got!" He held up a painting of himself.

"Where did you even-" But before Luz could end her question, King spoke up again.

"Isn't this the most thoughtful gift for YN?"


"YN! Kiddo, where are you going?!" Eda yelled as she followed YN quickly, as the boy stumbled into the forest. Once she got into the woods though, the sick boy was already completely out of sight for her. "Where did you go now?" She muttered before yelling again. "Come on now kid! If you stay out here you'll just get sicker...Especially since you only wear your pajama!" But Edas call was only met with silence. "Luz will kill us both if anything happens to you!" Still no answer.

"Owlbert. I need your help. I'll go into one driection and you in the other. If either of us finds him, we'll notify eachother, alright?"

Owlbert hooted with a nod, before taking of into the forest, hooting loudly as he looked around.

After several minutes of searching and hastically flying around, Owlbert landed on a branch to take a break. He wabbled sadly, before ruffling his feathers.

"What is the matter, Little Owl?" A voice asked him from behind.

Surprised Owlbert hooted and turned around to see, the Bat Queen. He hooted again and his and the Bat Queens eyes began to glow.

"I see.." The Bat Queen hummed. "Little Halfling has caught a bad case of the mold sickness and now he is running away from the Owl Lady." She nodded. "We must find little halfling immediatly. If we are to late the mold could swallow her whole."

Owlbert hooted with a panicked expression, worry for the h/c haired halfling stirred up inside of him.

All the while, YN stumbled through the forest with a stick in his hands, not really havin a destination. He giggled wildly while swinging around the Stick, not noticing the patch of mold and mushrooms that began to grow from his head.


Luz, Willow, King and Gus still walked around the market, searching for something Luz could gift Yn.

Luz groaned, slowly growing impatient by her endless search. "This sucks! We've been walking around for like an hour and I still haven't found anything!"

"Don't worry Luz, I know you'll find something." Willow reassured her. "Like I said. He will Love everything you give him."

"I know but..." Luz stopped for a Seconds and sighed. "I want to get something special for him. Something that really shows that I truly care about him." She frowned and walked ahead. "Maybe I just should get the medicine and give up on the present Thing..."

"Luz, No." King said, quickly walking after her. Gus and Willow looked at eachother before following her.

At Mortons stand Luz had to wait several moments, because it was rather full.

"Seems like a lot of people need potions today." Willow statedy tilting her head.

Luz hummed in agreement and sighed, when it was finally her turn. "Hey Morton."

The potionseller looked at Luz for a Moment, confusion in his eyes. "Oh, you are one of Eda's Kids right?" He the asked after realizing, that her face seemed familiar.

Luz nodded. "Eda sent me. Yn got the Common Mold and Eda wanted to to get a "Special" medicine from you."

Morton nodded, he seemed to know exactly what she wanted. "Wait for a seconds." He quickly ducked under his counter, rummaging through some stuff.

The witches and King looked at eachother, until Morton came back up... With nothing in his hands.

"Well, good News and Bad News." He said. "Bad: I don't have the medicine anymore."

"What?" Luz exclaimed worriedly, slamming her hands on hmrhe counter, making Morton flinch for a second. "But we need it! If I can't get a good gift for Yn, I atleast need that medicine!"

"Luz calm down for a second... I don't think that He was finished." Willow calmy said, putting a hand in her friends back.

"She is right." Morton nodded. "I don't have the medicine, but I have almost every ingredient I need. There's only one thing that is missing"

"What is it? We can go get it!" Luz Said hastically

"It's a flower called Lunar Tear." Morton said, pulling out a map, which opened one the counter and pointed at a specific point. "It's a light blue, glowing flower that grows at high places, Like the knee. It hast strong healing properties...and it's perfect as a gift to show a person that they are important to you."

"Yes. We'll get that flower." Luz said determined.

"Are you sure? I don't want to get Eda mad because you got into trouble." Morton said, voicing his concerns.

"Yes, I have my friends." She pulled Gus and Willow closer. "And they'll help my. Right guys?"

Willow nodded. "Of course, we'll help. We want Yn to get well soon as well."

Gus nodded in agreement.

"Alright..." Morton rolled the map up and handed it to Luz. "But be careful. Rumors have it that a beast called "The Snow Drake" lives up there. And it can be highly aggressive.."

Luz nodded. "Thanks for the warning." She then turned around with a determined look. "Let's get this flower. For Yn!"

"Yeah for Yn!" Gus and Willow exclaimed. King on the other hand jumped from Luz's shoulder.

"I'm honest. I'd rather get home."

"Alright. Then you'll go home and take Gus' and Willows presents with you." Luz smiled as the two witches handed their gifts to the small demon, who just grumbled as he walked away.

"Let's go!" Luz exclaimed, pumping her fist into the air.


Owlbert hooted frantically as he and the Bat Queen soared through the thicket of the forest, still looking for Yn.

The two came to a stop and landed on a large branch. Owlbert warbled sadly, closing his eyes as he lowered his head.

"Do not fred little one. We will find your little halfling." Bat Queen reassured. "We just need to keep looking."

Owlbert looked up at Bat Queen then hooted as he felt a strong confidence boosting through him before taking off into the woods again.

The Bat Queen quickly followed after Owlbert.

Owlbert hooted when he caught sight of a familiar figure rushing past a broken down tree and some rocks

He quickly took action and flew towards the tree. Owlbert and Bat Queen stopped in front of Yn

The two held surprised and worryingly expressions as Yn's head and shoulders were already covered in mold and large mushrooms.

"Oooh, a giant floating head." Yn said excitedly, pointing at the Bat Queen. He stumbled a few steps back, but was able to catch him self, before falling. He giggled. "Whoops. That almost went Bad, hehe"

Yn suddenly feel forward, and landed facefirst onto the ground. He raised his head and tiredly smiled. "I'm okay!"

The Bat Queen picked up the boy and looked at him with a worried expression. "Oh dear, we must quickly find Owl Lady!" Bat Queen said urgently.

Owlbert hooted worryingly before the two quickly flew into the air to find Eda.


Eda still wandered the forest, searching for her sick apprentice. And she was getting tired. "Yn! Where are you?" She yelled tiredly while cupping her mouth. She stopped and leaned against a tree with a sigh. "It's getting annoying..." She rubbed her head.

That's when she heard Owlberts hoot and turned around, to see her Palisman flying towards her.

"Owlbert! Did you find Yn?"

"Yes we have." The But Queen said, landing in front of Eda with Yn in one of her claws. "But he must get back home. Little Halfling needs rest."

Eda gasped when she saw Yn in the Bat Queen's hold. His head and neck were now covered with mold and mushrooms and his breathing was shallow. He seemed to have fallen asleep.

She quickly took Yn from the Bat Queen. "Come one. Let's get back to the House... Quick."


Together and armed with the map and wintergear Luz, Willow and Gus arrived at the ruins that Luz and Yn were, when they came to the knee for the first time.

Luz stretched her arms over her head and sighed with a smile before opening the map. "Alright. Now where do we have to go?" She asked, while looking at the map. Gus and Willow stepped closely next to her.

"Okay. The map says that the Luna Tears are located in a cave on top of the knee..." Luz said, nodding to herself, rolling up the map again. She looked over to her friends. "Thanks die lending me some wintergear, Willow."

"Aww, don't mention it." Willow said with a slight blush, but her expression quickly changed to one of determination. "We should get going. Does the map say how long the walk will take?"

"It said that it'll take about twenty minutes to get up there."

"Well then let's Go!" Gus exclaimed and ran ahead. Luz and Willow rolled their eyes as they followed him.

The walk to the top was a treacherous task. They had to be careful not to trigger an avalanche and had to sneak past Slitherbeasts, luckily they had Gus' and his illusions for that.

But it also was one of the most breath taking experiences Luz had. The more they climbed up, the more they could see the isles in their full Beauty. Luz was mesmerized by the beauty of the life an vegetation around her.

Willow seemed to share Luz's faszination, since she began to happily squeel at every new plant she saw.

And Gus... Was just Gus. He ran around and Sometimes played little pranks on the two with his illusion magic.

The trio shared some good laughs, until Luz had some kind of sad smiled in her face.

"Yn, would've loved this." She said out loud.

"Is that so?" Willow asked as Gus stepped between the Girls.

"Oh! I have an Idea. Tell us Stories about you and Yn!" He said smiling, earning a agreeing nod from Willow.

Luz thought for a moment before shrugging. "Sure, why Not" She nodded before telling them her one of the most prominent memorie of her and Yn.



"Come on Luz!" A Younger Yn exclaimed, pulling a younger Luz with him. He had found a stream in the forest he and Luz played around in a lot. He had a big, courages smile on his lips and band-aids plastered on his face and arms.

"I'm walking as fast as I can!" Luz conplained, following her friend as fast as possible. They pushed through some bushes, while following the stream until they arrived at pond that was in the middle of a small clearing. Luz looked around in wonder, while Yn let go of her.

"Welcome to my new favourite spot!" The boy exclaimed as he turned around to his best friend with outstretched arms.

They could hear water splashing in the pond behind him. With a smiled Yn walked closer to the water and Luz stepped next to him. In the water were a bunch of tadpoles. Some still small, while others already started to sprout legs.

Yn looked over to Luz, who was smiling at the tadpoles... And this made Yn blush slightly, causing him to quickly look away. He quickly looked around until he saw a tree, that was relatively close to the pond. One of it's branches hung directly over the water. With a bright smile he immediatly ran over to the tree and began climbing it.

"Yn wait!" Luz exclaimed, rushing to the tree as well she quickly followed him up. Once she got up there she saw him standing there with his back turned to her. The branch luckily was big enough so the two kids could stand there.

He smirked and carefully turned around to her with a stick in hands. "So you finally arrived, Luzura." At first Luz looked at him with a surprise expression, but quickly and broke a stick of the tree as well.

"Your evilness will end right here, Bringer of Darkness!" Luz exclaimed, pointing her stick at him.

"I would like to see you try." He lifted his stick and the two friend rushed at eachother, well more like carefully walked. They began two play fight.

Yn slashed with his stick, which Luz blocked and quickly made as stab motion, pushing Yn backwards a few steps.

"Not bad. But not enough-" He took a step forward and slipped, falling from the branch. The only thing that was bringt heard was the loud splash of water.

"Yn!" Luz exclaimed and quickly climbed down the tree and rushed to the pond. There she found Yn sitting up. He was fully drenched in water and coughed a bit. He had some tadpoles laying in his head.

The two friends looked eachother for a moment until Yn burst out in laughter. Luz quickly joined him.


"We got into trouble that day... Well mostly Yn" Luz giggled. "But it was completely worth it."

"Sounds like you two had a lot of fun back then." Willow said with a smile, as the three continued walking on.

"We sure had." Luz said with a fond smile.

"I hope we all will make a lot of great memories here!" Gus suddenly said, pumping his fists into the air.

Luz laughed softly. "Yeah. Same."

The three of them stayed in a comfortable silence for a while. The only sound was the crunching snow and the rustling of the plants as the wind blew through them.


"I think this is it." Luz said as she looked up from the map.

The trio stood in front of a large cave, large Ice Crystals at the entrance glistened in the sun light.

Luz pulled out a light glyph and activated it. A small ball of light, havered closely over her Hand. She looked at Gus and Willow.

"You Guys ready?"

The two witchlings nodded in a determined Fashion.

"Good, let's stay close together." Luz went ahead and Willow and Gus followed closely behind.

Inside they looked around to see, that the cave was way more spacious than it seemed from the outside. The ice crystals in the wall softly reflected the light from Luz spell.

"Let's keep moving." Willow urged. "I don't know much about Luna Tears, but I know that they mostly grow in Dark places. Especially when a lot of magic flows near it."

Luz nodded and followed Willow, who quickly took the lead.

Gus felt a shiver go down his spine. It felt like someone, or something, was watching. "Hey, so you guys think that something lives here?" He asked, fidgeting with his fingers as he followed his two friends.

"I'm sure the map would've Said anything about something living here." Luz reassured him.

"But it feels like something is watching us..." Gus muttered, walking closely behind Luz and Willow.

Luz looked around until something caught her eyes. She gasped as she sees large patches bright, blue luminescent flowers, clinging to the wall of the cave and spreading as a big patch on the floor.. "Guys! I founf the Lunar Tears! A whole bunch of them." She exclaimed and pointed at the flowers.

Willow gasped with shining eyes. "They are beautiful." She said before grabbing a vase from her bag.

The Trio stepped closer to the flowers and picked out a few and placed them in the vase.

They stopped when a loud growl rang out behind them.

The two turns around to see a giant scaly beast. It crawled towards them with light blue dagger like claws and its black eyes glares at its intruders with animalistic malicious.

It roared loudly, causing the Trio Scream in fright.


After a very tiring hour, King finally arrived back home with a bag in his paws, in which the gifts for Yn resided.

He looked confused when he saw Hootys extended Body peaking to Yn's and Luz's bedroom Window.

"Eda! Yn! We're baAACCK!" King screams as he entered into the living room where he legt the bag. He then quickly ran up to the bedroom, to find the Bat Queen, Eda, Hooty, and Yn, who's now nearly covered in mold and mushrooms from her head, neck, and shoulders. And now it was steadily growing down his arms.

King ran over to the sick halfling, "Yn! Eda, what happened?!"

Eda had a panic and worried expression. "Little bit after you and Luz left, I had turned my back for a minute, the thing I knew, Yn ran out of the house! And now the mold has gotten worse."

"Eda had given him more of the little medicine she had left and soup. But it didn't work." Hooty said before curling up against Yn.

"Wait, where's Luz?" Asked quickly after noticing the humans absence.

"She, Willow and Gus went to the knee. Morton said he needed Luna Tears for tue medicine." King replied.

"I know the flower." The Bat Queen stated. "It has strong medical properties." She quickly frowned. "But it is not save to seek the flower."

"Wait, what does that mean?" King asked in worry.

"Years ago a very distant descendant of the true dragons made it's home in the cave, the flower grows in." Bat Queen explained.

"Oh no!" Eda quickly stood up and grabbed Owlbert. "I'm going after Luz. King, Hooty you stay with Yn. Don't let him out of your sight... And Bat Queen... I would appreciate it if you'd do the same."

"I will look after little halfling." The Bat Queen reassured and Eda quickly ran out of the house.

King grabbed Yns hand. "Oh please, get better..."


Luz, Willow and Gus hid behind a pillar of rock and ice as Gus' invisibility spell wore of.

They held their breath and held their mouths shut, as they heared the Scaly Beast stomp past them. It growled and clawed at the ground, while it's tail twitched around.

Luz peeked out from behind the pillar, watching after the beast. She waited until the coast was clear. The three quickly stepped out of the hiding place.

Unfortunately, they stepped out to soon. The beast quickly turned around, destroying a stone pillar with it's tail.

It roared and breathed out an icy white cloud before rushing at them.

Out of instinct Luz slapped an ice glyph on the beast. In an instant a huge part of it's body got incased by ice, only it's tail and head was left out. It roared and thrashed around.

"You are awesome Luz!" Willow and Gus exclaimed as the boy pumped his fists into the air.

Luz chuckles back, "I'll say. That was a close one."

Luz looks at the creature, getting a better look at it. It was resembled a Komodo Dragon only completely White and a little more bizarre. "The Snow Drake... Yn would've Loved to see you..." She muttered

Luz then noticed scars and other wounds across its head and back. There was a large arrow like spear sticking out right near the back of it's Neck..

Hesitantly, Luz slowly makes her way towards the creature.

"Luz! What are you doing?!" Willow says in shock and panic.

"Don't worry, I got this. I think it's in pain," Luz says as the creature eyes her warily.

Willow watched as Luz got closer to the creature and grabbef the spear.

The creature whimpers and writhes in pain as Luz tried to pull out the spear.

"Hey, Willow, Gus. Help me Here please..." Luz grunted. Her two friend quickly walked over to her and helped her to pull out the spear.

The drake roared in pain as the spear was pulled out.

The three friends took some steps back as the Drake calmed down. It stared at the trio as it's expression got calm.

Luz softly put a hand on it's head. "We don't want to harm you. We just need some of the Luna Tears." She said smiling. "But now, Let's get you Out here."

Luz smiles, "let's get you out of there." She nodded at Willow who used her plant magic to Break away the ice around the beast.

"I don't think so." A voice said ominously behind Luz.

Luz, Willow and Gus turned around to see a familiar face of the demon hunter and his team.

"Did you do this?" Luz asked as he glares at the demon hunter.

"It's only business. Snow Drakes are a pretty rare catch and sell the emperor pays alot for them," the demon hunter muses.

"What does the emperor plan with it?" Luz asked with a frown.

"Don't know, don't care. As long as we're paid, I don't care what he does." The demon hunter said with a bored shrug. "And I bet he will pay us extra for capturing a human."

"I don't think so!" Willow exclaimed. They all looked over to her to see the Drake standing up behind her, whith Gus on it's back.

The Young witch laughed, stretching his arms into the air. "Haha! I Always wanted to ride a beast!"

The Leader of the demon hunter group growled before barking orders, for his team to attack

But before any of them could, Luz blinded them with a light glyph and hit one on the face with an ice pillar. Willow let some vines grow that wrapped around two of the Hunters and Gus used his illusions to confused them.

The Snow Drake growled and blue lightning shot out from the side of it's mouth. A second later it shot out a light blue beam at the Hunters. They all dodged as soon as the beast Shot it's attack.

However one was unfortunate enough to get hit and almosz immediatly got encased in ice. Only their head was free.

"Oof, that's unfortunate for you." She smiled before blinding a Hunter with a light glyph..

"Argh! My eyes!" The Hunter, who was Tom, screamed before he was also encased in ice.

"Better next time Tom," Luz says before running beside Willow.

"What now?" The Plant witch asked.

Before Luz could answer, an ice beam hit a pillar.

The pillar cracked before breaking apart, along with a breaking a part of the ceiling.

"We need to get out of here," Luz exclaimed before another support pillar was destroyed. A large
chunk of the ceiling fell, it was about to land on the two but the Snow Drakes tail pushed them to the side.

A war cry escapes the demon hunter before running at the Mountain Ark with a large hammer. He swung it, but the drake was able to jumped out of the way, so he hit a larger pillar.

They all watched as loud cracks crept around the pillar as the cave started to shake.

"RUN!" Luz yelled as the ceiling started to crumble around them.
They quickly scattered as some of the demon hunters helped their teammates that were still trapped in ice to the exit.

They all made it out just in time, before the whole cave collapsed.

"....We made it!" Gus exclaimed, still sitting in the Drakes Back.

The demon hunter looks at Luz and and the two witchlings, "You may have saved our skins, but that doesn't change the fact that we're still claiming that bounty"

"I think not," a voice declared as Eda lands in front of the demon hunters.

"Eda!" Luz said happily and ran over to her mentor to hug her.

"Our Savior." Willow sighed

"Um, excuse me?! We're trying to capture a Snow Drake right now!" The demon hunter yelled.

Eda threw an unamused scowl at them, "What on earth would you want with a Snow Drake? They aren't even a danger to anyone..."

"It's actually for the emperor, he ordered the capture." Tom sais as his teammates started to melt him and the others from the ice.

"Well, if this was an order from the emperor, I have every right to meddle with it." Eda said before casting a spell with a smirk, "sleeping spell!"

The demon hunters sways as they are hit. "Nighty night" the demon hunter says drowsily before face planting into the ground.

"No that these chuckle heads are out for the count, we need to get you home. Yn's getting worse," Eda says with a serious expression.

"Yn's what?!" Luz asked in concern as Willow and Gus stepped beside her.

"Atleast we can go back and get the medicine." Willow said as she held up her backpack in which three vases with Luna Tears resided.

"Oh my gosh Willow! You are an Angel!" Luz exclaimed as she gave her friend a tight hug.

"Ah, shucks..." Willow smiled as a Blush creeped in her face.

"Well then. Let's go." Eda said as she sat down on her staff. "Come on you three." Quickly the trio sat down as well.

As they flew away, they looked back at the Drake, which sat there and watched them fly away.


Yn groaned as he groggily sat up. "Whoo! It's been a long time since I last had a headache this strong." He looked around to see himself surrounded by mold and mushrooms. "That's... Not normal is it?"

Yn jumped and screamed when the door suddenly was slammed open.

"Yn!" Luz exclaimed as she, Gus, Willow and King rushed over to him. Everyone sat down around him.

"Oh thank Titan that you're okay!" Gus weeps as he hugged Yns head.

"You are punished by hugs for scaring the king of demons!" King cries out as he snuggles into Yn's side. "...Again!"

"I'm so glad you're feeling better!" Willow said happily as she held onto His hands.

"l'm so sorry that I took too long to get back!" Luz said as she buried her head into Yn shoulder.

Yn was beyond baffled, "uuh... What happened?" Yn said as he looked around for answers. "Did I almost die again or something?"

"Actually yes. You got sick and were beyond irresponsible." Eda said as she entered the room.

Upon entering, Owlbert detached from the staff a flew over to the messy haired boy. Warbling happily as he rubbed against Yn necks, causing him to Smile.

"You were worried too, huh Buddy?"

"You ended up running around outside and gotten worse. Luckily, Luz was able to find the flower for your medicine." Eda said as she places a vase with a light blue flower near on the desk. "Originally, there
were four, but we needed two of them to make the potion." Eda smiles before ruffling Yn's hair, "I'm
glad you're okay."

"Wow, I'm sorry that I made all you guys worried." YN apologized. "...Again."

"It's okay, we're just happy to see you're better" Luz smiled.

Suddenly Hooty came through window with a slam, breaking the glass. "Y-Yn! You're alive!"

Hooty cried as tears streams down his eyes before wrapping his neck around everybody into a hug and nuzzled Yn hair.

"Hooty.. Can't... Breathe!" Everyone yelped imultaneously as they gasped for air.

Hooty immediately let go to everyone's relief.


Well... That was that. A little fun shenanigan before we get to the First school day! I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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