On the Fence

By thewitchsscribe

991 1 0

Being a female ranch hand, on a ranch where all the rest are men, Taylor begins to adjust to life but when a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 31

19 0 0
By thewitchsscribe

I heaved a sigh, taking in Aiden's darkened look. He turned back to Jeff and finished what he was saying as Tyler swung his leg over the back of Pearl and dismounted. He reached out and helped me down with a smile.

We walked over to the hitching post, where I slung Pearl's reigns over the pole. We turned back and walked across the open yard area, waiting at the bottom of the ranch house steps for Aiden and Jeff to finish talking. The two of them walked down the steps, and I smiled at Aiden and Jeff.

Turning, I introduced Tyler, "This is my friend Tyler. Tyler, this is Aiden and Jeff."

They all shook hands, and Jeff turned to Aiden, "I'll get on that right now, but they may still want you to come out and take a look."

"Sure thing, Jeff," Aiden said with a smile for Jeff. Jeff gave Tyler and me one last smile before he headed over to the hitching post and mounted up on a horse, taking off toward the far pastures. I watched him go for a moment and turned to smile at Aiden.

He smiled back at me and glanced at Tyler, "Would you both like to come in?" I nodded at him and smiled.

He turned to walk into the house, and I naturally reached for his hand, slipping mine into his. He turned to give me another smile as we ascended the steps into the ranch house, squeezing my hand. He seemed pleased that I had taken his hand. Did he think I was afraid to touch him in front of Tyler? Or maybe he had thought Tyler would be one of the guys who liked me? We walked up the steps with Tyler and entered the house, heading to the kitchen.

"What will you have, Tyler?" Aiden asked, looking at him.

"Whatever you are, Mr. Patterson," Tyler answered. Aiden laughed into the opened fridge from which he was fishing a couple of beers.

He uncapped them and handed one to Tyler, saying, "And you can call me Aiden, Tyler." Tyler smiled at him and took a drink from his bottle. "What about you, Taylor? Some cider?" Aiden asked, raising his eyebrow, teasing me. I blushed and nodded, biting my lip as our eyes met.

He turned to get me a glass, and Tyler caught my eye with a deep, teasing smirk of his own as he observed my reaction to Aiden. I usually would have goaded him back for giving me that look, but because it was about Aiden, I could do nothing but blush more and clear my throat.

Tyler's smirk deepened with devilish delight; he had found my weak spot and knew it. He chuckled a little at my growing blush, so I bit my lip and elbowed him for his teasing, digging it into his side.

This only made him chuckle more, drawing Aiden's gaze. His dark blue eyes took in my growing blush and Tyler's smirk, along with the elbowing. A slight smirk of his own crept on Aiden's face as he stepped back up to me and handed me my glass of cider. It was obvious that Tyler was teasing me about him, and I saw that twinkle in Aiden's eyes that hinted at mischief.

He stepped up close to me, looking down at me, as he handed me my cider wearing his smirk; he was clearly trying to make me blush even more with his own teasing, so I glared at him.

"So, how did you get roped up into this, Tyler?" Aiden asked, still looking at me for a second, before turning his head toward Tyler.

Tyler grinned at him, looking down at me with teasing affection, before meeting Aiden's eye again, saying, "I sorta saw your 'goodbye' last night and then twisted Taylor's arm to explain things to me." I laughed at him, blushing again.

"You're playing a dangerous game, coming over here," Aiden half-teased, still wearing his smirk. "If Zeke catches either of you, game over."

Tyler grinned, "Yeah, well, it's a good thing we're going to be double teaming then, huh? She's got to have someone helping her sneak off, covering for her, or the game will be over sooner than she wants." He shot me a wink before continuing, "Besides, she said she'd put in a good word with you for when Bailey fires me for taking her side!" Aiden looked at him and started laughing, turning an affectionate smile down on me, reaching out to cup my face with a hand.

"That so?" I laughed, smiling over at Tyler, elbowing him again, before looking back at Aiden.

Tyler and Aiden started talking amiably, much to my delight, about Tyler's background and current position at Zeke's ranch, getting to know one another. It felt good having Tyler here, getting to know Aiden; it felt right.

A knock on the front door drew our attention, and Aiden set his beer down to walk over to see who it was.

"Sorry, Mr. Patterson, but they're asking if you'd be willing to come out?"

"Sure thing, Jeff. Just give me a moment to saddle up, Samson, alright?"


Aiden walked back in, saying, "Sorry to cut this short, but I need to head out to the North pasture to the herd. You're welcome to come along if you like. You're welcome to borrow a horse, Tyler."

We nodded at him and set down our drinks to follow him out.

"Taylor, show Tyler the tack room and grab a loaner set of tack, would you? There is a gelding over in the second corral that he can use," Aiden said, coming out of the tack room with Samson's bridle and saddle.

I grabbed Tyler's hand and led him inside the tack room, heading toward the loaner tack.

Tyler stopped just inside the door, giving a low whistle under his breath at the sight, "Damn, baby girl, Aiden's got style." I started laughing, handing him a saddle and bridle, leading the way out of the tack room over to the corral Aiden had mentioned.

I opened the gate for him and shut it after he was inside. As Tyler walked the saddle over to the gelding, I held the bridle for him. The gelding sniffed at him and then just stood calmly waiting.

Tyler settled the blanket on the gelding and then hefted the saddle on his back, the gelding remaining perfectly still. Tyler cinched up the saddle and came for the bridle I was holding out to him. He walked back over to the gelding and started putting the bridle on. Tyler got a shocked expression and looked up at me when the gelding willingly lowered his head and opened his mouth to receive the bit. I knowingly smiled at Tyler.

Once his gelding was ready to go, I held the gate for Tyler to lead him out to mount up. Aiden was waiting for us on top of Samson. I closed the gate and mounted up on Pearl to join them, and the three of us took off toward the North pasture.

I rode at a safe distance from Samson, staying closer to Tyler because of it.

"What's going on, Aiden?" I asked him, looking over at him.

He smiled at me, "Don't worry, it's not serious or an emergency. Normally we don't work so late, but I have some important potential buyers coming out looking at stock in an hour. They are here only for tonight, to meet with their consultant. They are looking to buy a calf to be a future bull and a few others, perhaps. Some of my guys are rounding up the best to drive back to the ranch to corral for them to look at. It shouldn't take long." I smiled at him, and we took off at a gallop.

We came up on the herd where some of Aiden's ranch hands were roping out different cows with calves they wanted. The three of us pulled our horses up to the side, and Aiden's sharp eyes turned on his herd as he started directing his men to pull different ones from here or there. We started circling the herd so he could look more.

"Over there, Jeff!" Aiden laughed, pointing, "You're gonna lose him!" Aiden was riding around the herd, pointing at ones and roping a few himself that he wanted drug out. Jeff was riding toward us, but the calf was about to disappear into the herd.

I was trying not to giggle at the amusing sight when a rope flew out from next to me to expertly lasso the calve and drag him out, just in time. I looked over at Tyler, who secured the calf just as Jeff rode up.

"Hey, thanks, I would have lost that one, and it's one of the best!" Jeff said. Aiden came riding over with a smile for Tyler.


"Sure thing," Tyler said. Aiden finished looking over the group, pulling out a few more, and Tyler even spotted a few, receiving an approving smile from Aiden.

The group herded off the selected calves and cows, and we all helped drive them back to the ranch and into a large corral, just as several cars started pulling into the gravel drive.

Aiden rested on top of Samson until the corral gate was shut, and then he dismounted and led Samson into his corral, unsaddling him. I hitched Pearl up at the post and held the gate for Tyler.

Once he had unsaddled the gelding, I opened the gate for him, and we both walked into the tack room; I had taken Aiden's tack from him with a smile, so he could go over to greet his visitors.

"Guess you won't need a good word from me after all, Ty! Not with you showing off your roping skills and good eye!" I laughed at him.

He laughed, and we bumped shoulders on the way out of the tack room as he teased back, "Baby girl, I need all the help I can get!" I turned to shut the tack room door behind us, and when I turned around, I ran right into Tyler and almost fell, stumbling back a step.

"Ty, what?" I stepped around his frozen form and looked up to see him staring, transfixed, in the direction of the cars. I turned and saw Aiden smiling broadly, shaking the hands of several men and a woman who were the buyers he had been referring to.

But what Tyler was staring at was the beautiful dark-haired woman with deep blue eyes who had stepped out of the first car to walk around to the group; Aiden's sister, Andrea. My eyes tracked her for a moment and then turned to see Tyler's doing the same, almost mesmerized. My eyebrows shot up, and I cleared my throat, bringing him out of his tunnel vision.

His head jerked a little, and he blinked before he looked down at me; it was my turn to raise an eyebrow with a wicked smirk on my face, making him actually go a little red. I couldn't stop the evil chuckle that escaped me, making him attempt to glare at me, but a guilty look snuck through, and he shook his head from embarrassment, going red.

"Looks like I'm not the only one that's going to be crossing the boundary line anymore," I said under my breath, barely containing the laugh that wanted to erupt. Tyler bumped into me with his shoulder, smiling, still red. "Come on. I'll introduce you, Ty," I winked at him, dragging him along by the hand before he could object.

I walked up to the group smiling. Andrea stood back a bit, allowing Aiden to talk with the buyers, and she turned to us as we approached.

A big smile broke out when she saw me and exclaimed, "Taylor! How good to see you again! I didn't know you were going to be here!" She reached out to pull me into a hug and leaned back, still framing my shoulders with her slender fingers. Her smile turned on Tyler, and she asked, "Who's your friend? I mean, I assume, since I've never seen him before. Or is he now?" I looked over at Tyler and could see that he was confused.

I smiled at Andrea and said, "Andrea, this is my good friend Tyler, who I drug along with me, to come to meet your brother." I heard the tiniest sound escape Tyler, and I looked up at him with a wicked smile; he hadn't known that little detail until that moment.

She smiled at him and offered him her hand, saying, "Andrea Patterson, pleased to meet you, Tyler." He released my hand to take hers in greeting, and I watched him from the corner of my eye, doing my best not to smirk or give anything away. He was utterly enraptured with her, and his dark eyes fixed on hers. Apparently, the Patterson charm was a family trait.

I watched Tyler shake her hand and reach up to tip his hat to her, saying, "Charmed." I had to turn and walk away, not bust up laughing at the look on his face.

"Excuse me," I said, needing an escape, blushing from trying to reign in my amusement.

I walked over to where Aiden was smiling and chatting with the people. Without looking at me, he naturally slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him. The people's eyes turned to me for a moment, and as soon as there was a break in the conversation, Aiden introduced me. Hands and hat tips were offered.

"Well, let's go take a look, shall we?" Aiden offered, motioning to them. He kept his arm around my waist as he showed the way over to the large corral that held the selected cattle. I was barely paying attention to what was being exchanged between Aiden and the people. I was too distracted by his arm around my waist and, even more so, by stealing glances over at Tyler and Andrea talking.

Aiden caught my eye, and his eyes narrowed as he took in my giddy smirk, trying to figure out what was causing it. His attention was drawn back to the cattle. I slid my arm around his back and leaned into him, enjoying watching him work; his arm tightened around me in response, sending butterflies to my stomach. When they were finished, there were smiles and handshakes.

"And I'm sure your sister can make the arrangements for us," the man said with a smile, walking back toward Andrea.

Andrea looked up from her conversation with Tyler with a smile for the man, saying, "Of course, Mr. Neman. Consider it taken care of from here out!" He laughed, reaching for her hand to put a kiss on it and the woman, who appeared to be his wife, leaned her face in to exchange side kisses as a goodbye.

"We will see you later, darling! Oh, and arrange for your brother's next Friesian foal to come my way, will you?" Andrea laughed and nodded.

She walked them over to their car and waved goodbye at them. Once they were gone, she turned to Aiden and gave him a smile that showed she was proud of her brother. I appreciated the look of love and loyalty that passed between the two of them.

"You gonna head out, Andy, or do you have time to stick around for a drink? We didn't get to finish ours," he said, waving to Tyler and me.

She smiled at him and nodded, "Sure, I'd like that." I again had to hide my smirk.

I turned it into a smile for Aiden when he looked down at me, retaking my waist, to turn us toward the ranch house. I snuck a glance behind us to see Tyler and Andrea falling into step next to one another.

The three of us got our drinks out of the kitchen, and Aiden poured Andrea a glass of wine without asking; he knew her well by her casual acceptance of the glass.

We all walked into the living room, and Aiden pulled me down on the couch with him. I could see a tiny flicker of surprise on Tyler's face, but that melted into an easy acceptance as he sank into the love seat closest to us. Andrea sat on the other side of it, to my delight.

"Well, that went well, Aiden!" she smiled at him.

He smiled and nodded in agreement, "Thanks again, Andy."

"Not at all! I wouldn't recommend yours if they weren't the best, just like I wouldn't bring you a client who would try to swindle you on the prices." Aiden relaxed into the corner of the couch, angling his body so he could still look at Andrea and Tyler, pulling me willingly to him more.

"So you're a consultant?" I asked Andrea. She smiled at me and nodded.

"It's a broad term, to be sure, but basically, I help ranchers across the country locate stock for breeding, land, contracts, and more. I went to school for law but slipped into this, but it helps give me an angle on things, like handling contracts and even drawing things up as needed.

"I'm based out of the area, wanting to stay close to Aiden, but I travel all over the country and on occasion even internationally for consulting," she finished taking a sip from her wine.

I discreetly watched Tyler while she answered me; yup, still bewitched. I watched as Tyler started asking her about her work, and I was surprised to find he was quite knowledgeable about breeding and stock in both horses and cattle. The two sank deeper and deeper into conversation while I relaxed against Aiden, soaking up his warmth.

"Hey, you got a minute?" he whispered into my ear from behind.

I looked back at him and smiled, "Of course. Am I in trouble?" His deep blue eyes darkened slightly, and a smirk came to his face as I looked at him.

I got up off the couch, and he stood, saying, "Excuse us for a moment. I need to talk with Taylor for a minute." Andrea looked up, still talking with Tyler, and then turned back to him, engrossed in their discussion of reputable bloodlines. I smiled at them as I turned to be led away by Aiden.

He opened the door, and we walked out to the bench swing. Aiden sat down and waited for me to join him. I sat down, enjoying the evening air and the sunset that had just started. I loved this spot, sitting with him on his porch; I realized it had become special to me.

I turned my eyes on Aiden and saw him looking at me in that quiet, discerning way. I just looked back at him, soaking up the sight of him, wondering what was on his mind.

"I hope it's alright that I brought Tyler here?"

He gave me a quick smile and nodded, saying, "I appreciate your willingness to introduce me to your friends Taylor. It means a lot." I smiled at him, but I could tell something else was on his mind from how he was gazing down at the beer bottle he held. I saw him draw in a slow breath and let it out, thinking, as he looked down.

That uncomfortable feeling of doubt started to creep into my mind as I almost whispered, "What's wrong, Aiden?" His dark blue eye slid to meet mine, evaluating me silently for a moment. I heard the slightest sigh escape him as his eyes stayed on mine, preparing to answer.

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