The Rescue

By Nerdyyyyy1

55.2K 2.2K 208

With conviction, Kara slams her now empty glass to the table and decides to take action. She wanders over to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 37

885 30 3
By Nerdyyyyy1

Sam swings her long leg over the bike to let Alex pop the kickstand and climb off. When Sam takes off the helmet, she shakes her hair loose. She smirks when she catches Alex staring at her.

"You going to take off yours?" Sam teases.

Alex awkwardly clears her throat and fumbles with the buckle. She starts leading them to the front of her building. Her hands shake in trepidation. She's lost in thought about what Sam might be expecting. She's trying to remember what states she left her place. God, she hopes that she didn't leave her vibrator out. Sam would have a field day. Alex's thoughts grind to a halt when she feels a soft hand slip into hers.

"Hey, babygirl. Nothing has to happen tonight. And I'm sure I'll love your place. No need to feel nervous."

Alex looks into those warm, honey eyes. She gives a tight smile. "I know. I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so nervous. You've already said it can be my pace. I think it- it's just... I never bring anyone home..."

"Oh, honey," Sam says softly. She halts them both in the hallway. "You don't have to let me in. There is absolutely no pressure. Lee and I just agreed that we would give each other some space tonight. If you want, I'm sure we could just crash at Kara's again."

"No, no." Alex squeezes Sam's hand tighter. "I want you to see my home. Come on. It's just down here."

"Are you sure, Ally?"

Alex sends her a reassuring smile. "I'm sure. It's just nerves."

Sam smiles back and lets herself be led down to the end of the hall. She waits patiently for Alex to take a deep breath and steady her hands to unlock the door. Alex rushes in and clearly scans the area to make sure it's acceptable. Sam delays just a couple seconds to give her whatever time she needs to straighten up or put anything away. She steps in and her eyes light up. The place feels like Alex.

Alex takes the helmet out of Sam's hand and hangs it next to the door. She puts her keys in the basket and tosses her wallet on the table. She makes sure she locks the door before she watches her girlfriend take in her surroundings. She bites her lip as she moves over to the fridge.

"Can I grab you anything to drink?"

Sam moves to the wall to look at the photos on display. "What do you have?"
"Water. Beer. Umm... Well, that's about it..."

Sam smirks and side eyes her girlfriend. "Beer it is then."

Alex pops a couple caps off and takes a healthy swig before joining Sam. They clink their bottles and take a sip. Sam points to the photo of Kara and Alex when they were kids. "This is cute."

The older Danvers smiles softly at the photo. "Thanks. This was from the first family vacation mom and dad took us on when Kara was adopted. We didn't get along, and mom made us sit next to each other and smile."

Sam's brows furrow. "You chose to hang a photo of when you didn't even like your sister?"

"Yeah. Reminds me how far we've come. How lucky I am that Kara is in my life. I was so angry back then. It's a good reminder not to be that person again."

"You? Angry? I have a hard time imagining that, babygirl."

"Regardless of what secrets Kara spills, I am a badass. I always have been. That will never change."

"Awww. Cuuute," Sam teases.

Alex huffs and faux annoyance. She moves over to the couch and plops down. She watches Sam move about the space, taking everything in.

"This is great, Alex. It's very you."

Alex smiles genuinely. "Thank you."

Sam rounds the couch and sits right next to her girlfriend. She pulls her feet up under her as she rests her head against Alex's shoulder. She tilts her head to kiss just above the collar of Alex's shirt before resting her head again. "Thank you, babygirl. Thank you for letting me in here."

Alex rests her head on top of Sam's. She lets out a deep sigh of contentment and melts into the couch. She wraps her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders, and her fingers thread into brown hair. She smiles to herself in complete bliss. She doesn't know why she was so anxious in the first place. "I know that you were mostly here for Lena, but thank you for being so supportive of my sister. And I know that today was a bit heavy, but do you want to talk about any of it?"

Sam lets out a long, steady breath. "I think I should be asking you that question. So much was sprung on you today with virtually no time to process it. You've been taking care of everyone, and I feel like I need to get a grasp on what's going on in your head."

"Not true. You helped me process last night."

"I know, but a lot more was revealed today, Ally. And one night for everything that has happened? That isn't enough, honey. You deserve to be looked after, too."

Alex takes a deep pull from her bottle. Sam props herself up a bit to look at her. Brows furrow in concern. Alex looks absolutely tense. Sam sits up fully and positions herself at the opposite end of the couch, leaning against the armrest. Her girlfriend looks confused at the move, so she just taps her lap with her legs slightly parted. "Come here."

"Just because Kara-"

"Nuh uh. Come here. I know she was telling the truth. Believe it or not, I want to take care of you too, babygirl. I'd appreciate it if you would let me." Sam says it softly but firmly with a cocked eyebrow.

Alex's eyes flit from Sam's lap to her eyes. She looks hesitant, but her shoulders slump when she decides she's going to do as Sam asked. She already let the woman into her apartment; it isn't a stretch to let her comfort her. Alex puts the beer down on the coffee table before positioning herself to lay down on her back between Sam's long legs. Her head rests on Sam's thighs, and she practically melts when Sam's long fingers slip in her hair to massage and scratch her scalp.

"Good girl," Sam says with a smirk. "Now, do you want to talk about everything today?"

Alex lets out a huff, partially because of how she reacts to the praise, partially because of the question. She can tell that Sam notices her tenseness returning, so those fingers wander to try new spots. She becomes boneless when Sam stumbles upon the combination of rubbing her temples and scratching the base of her skull. "I'm not even sure what I think," Alex mumbles.

"Do you not want to talk about it or should I ask questions to help?"
Alex shrugs her shoulders in response.

"Alright, how about... I ask some questions. You answer what you feel like. If it's not helpful, we can just stop and watch a movie or something. How's that sound?"

Alex moans lightly and closes her eyes at a particular scratch. "So smart."
Sam giggles lightly. Ms. Badass Danvers is just a little kitten. Acts like she doesn't want attention, but a little cajoling and promises of scratches, she's perfectly content. "Well, I'd like to believe that Lena doesn't just pay me based on my good looks."

"So pretty, too," Alex mumbles, almost in a trance-like state.

"Thank you, babygirl." Sam doubles over to kiss Alex's forehead before sitting back up. "Now, why don't we start with how you feel about the court hearing?"

Alex takes a deep breath in before she speaks. "I'm happy obviously. He can't get to her now. And they have to let her know when he is released. Hopefully, he learns his lesson about the protection order while he's locked up."

"But?" Sam prods carefully.

Alex lets out that deep breath she took. "But I'm furious that it took this long to even do anything. I'm furious that it had to take this for him to even get locked up for everything he put my sister through. And- and I know she isn't telling me everything. She's hiding things about it, and I- I'm afraid to ask. I think it'll only make me even more angry and guilty and... and sad."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because he is a classic example of an abuser... it- it doesn't just stop at verbal abuse. I- I don't know if I want to know but part of me feels like I need to know."
Sam keeps scratching and massaging away. "What would knowing change for you?"

"I- I don't know. It would be different if Kara wanted to press more charges, but I don't know how that even works. Has it been too long? What happens if Kara loses in that case? Does she even have a case? Or is it like Lena's where she thinks she doesn't even have a chance."

Alex's rambling slows Sam's fingers. Alex peeks her eyes open to see Sam worrying her lip. She reaches a hand up to grab one of Sam's and bring it down to her lips. Alex softly kisses those knuckles, pulling Sam from her thoughts.
Sam starts to ramble a bit herself, "M-maybe we can talk to Kara about talking to Lena's attorney. I'm sure the attorney would have some answers, but it would only be if Kara wants to try to take this any further."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that so callously. I know you feel the same about Lena's situation."

"No, don't apologize. You don't need to. This is about giving you space to process."

Alex kisses Sam's knuckles again. "I know, but I don't want to trigger you while I'm processing. I know that there is more to Lena's story than I'm aware of, and I'm not prying. But I also want you to feel safe with me. I don't want to cause you distress."

Sam smiles softly at the woman. Of course this woman can pull her from her spiral with minimal effort. "And that's very thoughtful, honey. I appreciate it, and I still want to provide a safe space just like you do. So, how about you and I agree that we will just tell each other when something is bothering us? We don't assume how someone is feeling. We just ask or speak up."

Alex smiles up at her. "Brilliant. You are absolutely brilliant. Come down here for a sec."

Sam tucks her hair behind her ear before she leans down again, but only a part of the way.


Sam moves down a couple more inches with a teasing smile.


Sam hovers her face just an inch or two from Alex's. Her hair spills past her ear, creating almost a curtain to protect them from the outside world. Alex surges up and kisses the woman upside down. Sam presses down when she feels Alex's tongue run the length of her bottom lip. Once Alex's head hits her thighs again, Sam parts her lips to allow in that lithe tongue. Sam only sits back when her back starts to bother her from the position.

"Again, keep kissing me like that, and I'll always be one happy woman," Sam husks out.

"I'll do anything to keep you happy," Alex says dopily.

Sam hums with a teasing glance. Her voice comes out thick and slow like molasses, "Be careful of your promises, babygirl. I'll make you keep them."

She saw the loaded flirtation coming this time based on the glint in Sam's honey eyes. Alex smirks back, finally not feeling flustered under the attention. She rolls over on her stomach without breaking eye contact. Her hands find Sam's waistband of her jean shorts, and she grips them tightly. She pulls sharply, pulling the woman further down the couch so Alex can lay fully on top of her.

Sam's breath catches at the sudden jerk. She had no idea that Alex would even have the strength to do that. Her face flushes, and she knows that she just became instantly wet. Alex looks smug and very pleased with herself. "Is there something you wanted, sugarbabe?"

Alex scoffs and rolls her eyes playfully. She doesn't hesitate to capture those soft lips with her own. Her spine tingles when she feels Sam's moans through her lips. Her hands let go of the waistband and move under the flowy shirt. Her hands spread possessively over the soft and warm skin she finds. Alex licks and nips at Sam's lips, eventually working her way into her girlfriend's mouth.

Sam's thrilled with this development. She moans and pants into Alex's waiting mouth. Her hips start grinding on their own volition. She can feel goosebumps break out from where Alex is touching her. In the back of her mind, she knows that she should slow this down. This isn't processing anything, but for now, Sam is content in letting Alex set the speed. She will follow her lead, and if Alex wants to go back to talking, she is just going to have to excuse herself to the bathroom first to... freshen up just a bit.

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