Akutagawa x Reader [Nakahara...

By my_ff_r_cringe

87.6K 3.1K 1.7K

A story where Nakahara Chuuya has a younger sister, y/n. Y/n and Akutagawa have met each other when they were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Another non chapter sorryyyy
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 38

1.3K 49 75
By my_ff_r_cringe

Sorry for such a long wait, I've been lazyyyyy

- - - 

- - 4 months ago - -

"So what, you literally want me to leave Chuuya in this... this...." I started, turning to look at Higuchi for help.

"Novel." She whispered to me as I nodded.

"Right, novel. However the fuck that works." I mumbled the last bit under my breath as Mori-san didn't even glance me a look.

"That's exactly right." Mori-san said as I clenched my fists before slamming it on the table next to me.

"No! I can't just leave him in some weird alternative universe." I shouted as Mori-san held up a hand, silencing me as I pursed my lips together.

He clasped his hands together and gave me a calm yet firm look.

"I'm saying, that we will leave Chuuya there for four months at most, and if he cannot escape by then, we can go find this ability user and go into the book then." Mori-san explained as I opened my mouth to object but he gave me a small glare.

"Right now, we have other pressing matters." Mori-san said as I fought the urge to scoff as I let out a sigh.

"Okay, then." I agreed reluctantly as Mori-san slid me a file.

I grabbed it, flipping through the papers as I read through the targets.

"Another threat to the Port Mafia?" I mused out loud as Mori-san nodded.

"Nothing too serious, but it's better to silence out enemies now rather than when they get stronger, although they wouldn't be able to stop us if they do get stronger, it's too much of a hassle." Mori-san sighed out as I hummed in agreement.

"Fine." I said, closing the file and sliding it back to Mori-san.

"Two days. I'll be back by then." I said as I walked out his office as I turned to Higuchi and let out a sigh.

"Well that's disappointing. Now, I don't have a certain red-head to tease." I said as Higuchi rolled her eyes.

"Do you find it that much fun to bully everyone?" Higuchi asked as I placed a hand over my chest and gasped dramatically.

"Me? Bully people? I would never do such a thing." I said just as I nearly walked into someone.

"Hey! Look, it's my other favourite red-head. You know what, I may enjoy teasing you instead." I said as I slung my arm over Tachihara's shoulder as he smirked.

"At least I'm not as short as you." Tachihara said as I shot him a glare.

"Oi, watch what you're saying." I threatened as Tachihara grinned.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Hit my stomach?" Tachihara asked, laughing as I clicked my tongue in annoyance before scoffing.

"Yeah that's exactly what I'll do." I said just as I elbowed him really hard in the stomach.

Tachihara's laugh turned into a groan of pain as he doubled over, clutching his stomach in pain.

"Next time. think twice before mentioning my height." I said, poking a tongue out at him as Tachihara coughed.

"Jeez, it was just a joke." He said painfully as I rolled my eyes.


- - Time skip - -

Rain was slowly beginning to fall from the dark sky as I glanced up to the sky for a few seconds before looking back at the road.

I revved the motorbike as I increased speed, making my way past the houses.

I came to a stop as I came across the abandoned warehouse.

Blowing a strand hair out of my face, I kicked the brakes down as the heels of my boots clicked against the cold concrete.

I glanced around the dark room, stopping in the middle as the moon was the only source of light as I let out a sigh.

"I came quite a long way, you might as well give me a good fight." I said loudly into the dark stillness as I pulled out my knife and handkerchief.

I cleaned the knife slowly as I gazed into the darkness.

"It would be pity if you died so soon." I muttered just as the sound of bullets rang through the warehouse.

The bullets stopped a hairsbreadth away from my head as I smirked.

"That's a bit unfair, shooting from somewhere I can't see you." I said as I used my fingers to control the bullet and turned it around to face the direction it came from.

"But then again, since when was a mafia ever fair?" I asked just as people came out of their hiding places.

Around three dozen people clad in black surrounded me as I grinned.

"Now this is more like it."

- -  Time skip - -

"Done, sent them away from here." I said as I walked into Mori-san's office, wiping the blood stains off my weapons.

I had left the mafioso's to go kill them as all I did was pretty much beat the shit out of them

I clipped the throwing knife back onto my thigh strap as I chucked the bloody rag into the bin.

"Another mission-" I started but paused as I looked up to see another figure standing in the middle of the room.

"Oh." I said as Akutagawa was staring at me, looking me up and down.

"Y/n, you're back." Mori-san said as I let out a small hum.

"It would appear so." I said as I walked up towards his desk.

"Anyway, it's all done." I said as I wiped my gloves on a new handkerchief.

"That's good, because I have a new mission assigned for you." Mori-san said as I raised on eyebrow.

"Well that's fun." I said as I could feel Akutagawa staring at me.

I saw Mori-san glance at Akutagawa before clearing his throat.

"That will be all, Akutagawa-kun, we will discuss this later." Mori-san said, making me raise an eyebrow as Akutagawa nodded, turning on his heel and disappearing past the doors.

In truth, the neither of us have spoken to each other since the... uh the incident involving the cannibalism virus.

The moment we came back to the Port Mafia, we've kind of ignored each other, and when we do see each other, we just kind of have our usual feud with each other.

"New mission?" I asked as Mori-san nodded.

"This is something that I only entrust to you by yourself." Mori-san said, perking my interest as I glanced at him.

"Oh?" I asked as Mori-san nodded.

"This was originally meant to be for Chuuya-kun to take on, but considering his absence for the moment, I will entrust this to you." Mori-san said as I raised an eyebrow.

"This doesn't sound exactly promising." I said as Mori-san paused for a second.

"We've had a secret alliance with the mafia, White Fangs, as you know of." Mori-san started as I nodded.

"Yes." I said a little suspiciously as Mori-san continued.

"Well, it seems that the White Fangs wish to take us down from the inside. In three weeks, we have a renewal of contract held at their base, and that's when they'll attack." Mori-san said as I spoke up.

"So we have to strike first." I said as Mori-san nodded.

"I'll send you along with a few dozen men to go in fro the contract. The contract was signed, but the new signing is set a day after the former contract ends, which means both sides or free to do what they want before the new signing." Mori-san explained as I let out a small chuckle.

"Stupid bastards." I whispered under my breath as I nodded.

"Alright, when do I depart?" I asked as Mori-san clasped his hands together.

"They expect us tomorrow. Arrive there and you are to figure out how to take them down easily from within." Mori-san ordered as I nodded.

"Of course." I said as Mori-san nodded as I turned to leave.

"Y/n." Mori-san said as I paused, turning around.

"Boss?" I asked as Mori-san pursed his lips together before smiling.

"I hope you understand that in the mafia, attachments are a weakness." Mori-san said as my blood ran cold.

Does he know... I thought as I shook my head slightly.

"Attachments bring weakness. Even Dazai-kun knows of this." Mori-san said as I stiffened before letting out a small laugh.

"Of course I know. Attachments are a point of weakness in life." I said before turning around and exiting the office.

I ran a hand through my hair as I let out a sigh.

I hope you understand that in the mafia, attachments are a weakness.

Mori-san wasn't wrong about it though, attachments do bring weaknesses.

But some part of me couldn't help but cling onto that attachment that I had with a certain someone.

Speaking of that certain someone...

I turned a corner and someone appeared right in front of me as we both stopped, looking at each other.

"Akutagawa." I said for the first time in a few days.

Akutagawa only continued to stare at me as I popped my lips at the silence.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about what happened." I said, bringing up the thing as I opened my mouth.

"Akutagawa, I-" I started but what Akutagawa said next made me words immediately stop.

"I need you to forget everything that happened then." Akutagawa said as I blinked.

Once, twice.

"Excuse me?" I asked as I glanced up at Akutagawa.

"Forget it." Akutagawa said again as my heart clenched up.

To think that I would ever feel such pain like this was unimaginable.

"It's like you said before. It was all a game. I guess I'm, tired of it now." Akutagawa said, shrugging a little as I took a step back.

The pain in my chest seemed to ache more, tenfold.

"Wow." I said at last as Akutagawa looked at me with a bored look in his eyes.

"You know what. Fine, I'm sick of this too. Go fuck yourself." I said as I turned around, ignoring everything as I heard him cough behind me.

I refused to look back as I stared at the ground.

Breathing deeply, I steeled myself as I let a single tear stream down my face before looking back up and made my way away from Akutagawa.

- - - 

Dun dun dunnnnnnn

Plot twist lmao

Heart is in painnnnnn

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