Akutagawa x Reader [Nakahara...

By my_ff_r_cringe

87.6K 3.1K 1.7K

A story where Nakahara Chuuya has a younger sister, y/n. Y/n and Akutagawa have met each other when they were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Another non chapter sorryyyy
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 32

1.5K 56 13
By my_ff_r_cringe

I just realised that this is going to be ending soon... or until the next season comes out anyway :((

- - -

I watched from the side, yawning a little as Atsushi was on the phone was his little hacker friend on the line.

"Do you think you can open it, Katai-san?" The weretiger asked, speaking into the phone while hooking the device onto the wire box at the huge door.

"This is an isolated network. It could be hard to pull off with my connection speed." The hacker, Katai-san, said as Akutagawa sighed.

"Then prioritise finding the enemy over opening the door." Akutagawa started as the two people beside me perked up a little.

"If we don't take down the virus controlling the gifted, the boss will die in a moments." Akutagawa said, glancing back at me briefly as I refused to break the stare.

"Gotcha. Just a sec, bro." Katai-san replied, making me snort as I chuckled, watching Akutagawa's reaction.

"Who are you calling, "bro"? I'll kill you." Akutagawa said as the guy with the brown hair frowned from beside me.

"Who is this enemy you're looking for?" He asked in a confused tone as I gave him a confused look.

"Why should I tell-" I started but it seems the idiotic weretiger had other thoughts.

"There's a deadly ability user who has an ability that inflicts a virus on its victims, leading them to die in a certain period of time." Atsushi explained as I snapped my head up to glare at him.

"Wow, well done. Just tell the world of it, won't you?" I said in a deadpanned tone as Atsushi frowned.

"What? So someones been affected?" The same guy, number forty-nine, spoke up as I turned my glare at him.

"We're not answering-" I started as Atsushi once again interrupted me.

"She has." Atsushi said as I grit my teeth, clenching my fists and taking a very deep breathe.

"Would you just shut up?" I asked, glaring at the weretiger who had a look of a bit a fear as he snapped his head away, avoiding my deadly gaze.

"Oh? So you're affected?" Forty-eight spoke up as I groaned, turning to him.

"Keep your mouth shut or else I'll fucking rip out your-" I started but Katai-san spoke up.

"I got it! I know where the virus controller, Pushkin, is!" He shouted as we all perked up.

I was about to stand back up but suddenly a sharp pain in my head made me stumble back as something cold pressed against the back of my head.

"Really?" The weretiger asked, his voice nothing but a muffled blur as I tried to shake away the dizziness.

However, a hand suddenly was placed over my mouth, keeping me silent as my brain was too sluggish to react.

"He's very close. He's behind you, two meters away." Katai-san said just as Akutagawa spun around.

"Y/n-" Akutagawa started but froze halfway through as I could barely look straight ahead.

A laugh echoed from behind me as I glanced to the side, looking at number forty-eight.

"Well, well, looks like your friend figured it out." Forty-eight, or Pushkin, said as I struggled in someone else's grip.

"Stay still, unless you want a bullet straight through your head." Forty-nine said in a harsh tone as I didn't listen, struggling even more.

It only resulted in a sickening tug in my stomach, making me feel sick to the bones as my legs trembled.

The barrel of the gun pushed against my head even harder.

"I'm not joking here. Keep struggling and you won't be breathing." Forty-nine said as I winced.

Who the hell is he? I thought to myself as I stopped moving, limbs too heavy as Akutagawa stared at me with a look of... fear.

My eyes widened slightly in shock, seeing the display of emotion over his face as Pushkin only laughed.

"I told you the girl was the one we wanted to capture." Pushkin said as forty-nine smirked.

"Yeah, I see why." He said as Atsushi spoke up.

"Who are you?" Atsushi asked as forty-nine grinned, not taking the gun away from my head.

"Matsura Tadao." Forty-nine, Tadao, said from behind me as frowned, the name unfamiliar to me.

"What do you want?" Akutagawa asked in a cold voice as the grip on my arm tightened.

"Nothing." Pushkin said as Akutagawa frowned.

"If you don't want anything, give me back the girl." Akutagawa said, making me raise an eyebrow, or I would've if the world wasn't rapidly spinning.

Pushkin scoffed, "You think it would be that easy? When we say nothing, we mean we want you to leave." Pushkin explained as Akutagawa only kept his stare on me.

Years of being around each other let me understand what he was trying to say to me.

Hurry up and kill them. Akutagawa's grey eyes read, almost making me roll my eyes.

"Oh? Wondering why you're girl isn't doing anything?" Pushkin asked making me frown.

"His girl?" I emphasised with a confused look on my face before Tadao glared at me, somehow resulting in a headache worse than before.

I dropped to my knees, unable to keep myself upright as Akutagawa's eyes narrowed on Pushkin.

"What the hell are you doing to her?" Akutagawa seethed out, fists tightly clenched as Tadao chuckled.

"Oh, this?" He asked as he pulled me back and glared down at me.

Searing pain like I've never felt before exploded through my body, but I refused to scream, biting down on my tongue and dug my fingers into my palms hard enough to draw blood.

"Welcome to my ability: Manipulation of pain." Tadao's muffled voice said as I breathed heavily.

"My ability allows me to make someone fell ten times more than the pain they should feel." Tadao explained as Akutagawa glared at the two of them.

"Let her go... and I'll let you go." Akutagawa said making my eyes widen in shock as the two of them smirked at each other.

Fucking dumbass... you do realise that I still have a fucking virus affecting me? I thought through the haze of pain.

"On second thought... I think I'd rather see you beg." Pushkin said as he turned to me and loaded his gun with a click.

"Stop!" Akutagawa shouted, taking a step forward but Tadao shot his gun towards his feet.

"Next time, I won't miss." Tadao said as Akutagawa froze, tensing up as he watched Pushkin aim the barrel of the gun towards me.

"Beg. Come on, beg like a dog." Pushkin said to Akutagawa as I scoffed.

"Fuck... you." I seethed out as Pushkin scoffed.

"Hurry up, get on your knees and-" Pushkin started but I saw something, or rather, someone drop from above as the barrel of the gun was forced away.

I felt like I was kicked in the stomach as suddenly, the ringing in my ear stopped and the pain dulled down.

Atsushi grabbed me shoved me out the way as I scowled, stumbling a little.

"Hey! I had it under-" I started as Akutagawa came beside me before I could drop down on the floor.

"Control?" He asked, giving me a look as I blinked, realising I was literally leaning onto Akutagawa.

"The weretiger's going to get killed." I said as I pushed myself out of his arms, turning away before he could see the red climb up onto my face.

I heard bullets being shot as I used my ability to stop them midair before it could hit the weretiger.

"Why don't you pay attention to your surrounding, weretiger? I can't believe you're not dead yet." I mumbled the last part out as Pushkin and Tadao glared at us.

Tadao was glaring at me as I tensed up, expecting the pain, but nothing came, making me frown a little.

However, I watched as Tadao pulled out a small device, pressing the button on it.

There was a large explosion from above us as I dove out of the way, rolling and landing on my feet as the dust surrounded us.

It seems the explosion had also caused the lights to turn off as I was cast in darkness, unable to see anything.

"Shit..." I mumbled, covering my mouth and nose to not inhale the dust and dirt.

"If your an idiot, reply back." I called out just as I felt something wrap around my waist.

I whirled around, already kicking at whatever was touching me when someone grabbed my leg, stopping me before I could kick them in the head.

I knew there would only be one person who would know that my instant reaction was to kick someone in the head as I scowled.

"Fucking hell, don't do that, Akutagawa." I said as withdrew my foot as I could feel Akutagawa roll his eyes.

"Where's the weretiger?" Akutagawa asked as I shrugged.

"Somewhere. Hopefully dead." I mused out loud when there was a loud cough.

"Hello? Y/n? Akutagawa?" Atsushi asked warily as I walked over to the silhouette I could barely make out in the darkness.

"Right here, weretiger." I said next to him, making him yelp before blinking.

"What happened?" Atsushi asked as I glanced back at Akutagawa, despite not being able to see him.

"Is the weretiger really this dumb, or did he hit his head?" I asked as I heard Akutagawa chuckle softly, making me blink in shock.

I turned away, glad that it was dark so he couldn't see my face.

Why are you blushing? I asked myself as I shook my head.

"So, anyone have any source of light?" I asked as I could hear Atsushi patting down his clothes.

"I lost my phone." He mumbled as I sighed.

"Course you did." I muttered under my breath, turning around in the darkness.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Atsushi called from behind as I rolled my eyes, just walking on ahead.

"Trying to actually find a way too leave, we can't be sitting ducks here." I said as my foot slammed into a rock making me curse and yelp in pain.

I walked around the rock, stretching out my hand as it came in contact with more rocks.

"We can't move these." I mused out loud as I could feel the idiot weretiger frown.

"Why not?" He asked as I sighed.

"Because, the explosions were in the caves, which means these rocks are part of what's holding this tunnel up right now, since they blew up the support beams. Bastards." I added in the end as I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Oh." Atsushi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Should we go around?" Atsushi offered as I gave him a deadpanned look despite him not being able to see me.

"No, we should so go through these rocks that are supporting the caves up. Because we won't totally make the entire cave collapse and fall on us." I said in a fake cheery voice.

Atsushi was silent for a second.

"Is... is that sarcasm?" Atsushi asked as I groaned, turning around.

"I give up." I said, squinting through the dark to look for Akutagawa.

"Akutagawa." I called out as I whirled around, trying to find him.

"I'm right here." Akutagawa said from behind me as I heard his footsteps came closer towards me, making me turn around.

"We should find-" I started but when I turned around, I came in contact with Akutagawa's body as I felt something lightly brush agains my nose, making my eyes widen in shock as the two of us took steps back.

"I-I didn't realise you were that close." Akutagawa stammered, which I would've laughed about if I wasn't too worried about how hot my face was.

"Just... Whatever." I replied back, unsure what to say as I cleared my throat.

"Uh, we should head back, try find another route." I said, hands pressing against my cheeks.

"...Yeah." Akutagawa replied as I felt someone brush my arm from behind.

"Fuck! Personal space, weretiger!" I snapped at Atsushi as he mumbled a few apologies.

I pursed my lips together before turning the other way to head back.

"Uh, I can't see a thing." Atsushi said as we hastily made our way through the corners, as I pictured the map, that I had memorised, in my head.

"Well, it doesn't matter." I said as turned right when I could hear Atsushi fiddling.

"I was wondering, this Tadao... What is his ability?" Atsushi asked as I continued walking.

"It's just like he said, he can make anyone feel ten times more pain then they should be feeling." I said as I could feel Akutagawa's aura go a little dark from behind me.

"Except I think there's a catch." I said as Atsushi frowned.

"What?" He asked.

"He needs to be in direct contact with someone he wants to use his ability on, that's why I'm fine right now." I said just as Atsushi let out a yelp as I heard him fall to the ground.

I scoffed, not even stopping for him as I kept making my way.

"Maybe, maybe we should like hold something so we don't get lost-" Atsushi started but I turned to the side, walking towards the wall.

"If you're offering for us to hold hands and skip in a field of sunflowers, I'll skip." I said as I placed my hand on the wall, sliding it across.

"What are you doing?" Atsushi asked in curiosity as I narrowed my eyes.

"I know it's here somewhere..." I mumbled when Akutagawa took a step forward, grabbing my hand.

"Here." Akutagawa said as he guided my hand to the metal box I was trying to find in the wall as I nodded my head.

"Great." I said as I slid my hand to the handle and pulled it open.

I dragged my fingers over the panels, switching flips and pressing buttons.

"There we go." I said triumphantly just as the lights flickered back on.

"Okay, now let's go find Pushkin and Tadao."

- - - 


It's so close to finishing (until 4th season) :((

Also sorry, this was quite a boring chapter. ;-;

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