The Slytherin Princess

By aestheticcc_ly

182K 3.8K 386

Cassiopeia Evelyn Ambers descends from a wealthy, pureblood family. With the advantages of such a lifestyle... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 53

1.8K 41 4
By aestheticcc_ly

ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ⁵³⁻ "ᵂᵉᵃˢˡᵉʸ ⁱˢ ᵒᵘʳ ᴷⁱⁿᵍ"

The first game after Yule was Slytherin versus Gryffindor. The team was more than ready for the upcoming game and had been preparing for a long time.

Since there were quite a few changes that year, we needed more practice and I made sure we got it. In addition to that, it also took our minds off of everything for a couple of hours. A break we needed and deserved.

Thankfully, Slytherin versus Gryffindor wasn't our first game of the year. We had played as a team before against Ravenclaw and knew our strengths and weaknesses. We corrected our mistakes and were more than ready to face the Gryffindors.

"Alright, listen up," I announced before going to the field. "We know this game is important. But we also know it will not be as difficult to win as it used to be. Slytherins do not lose simply because we are not capable of such pathetic things"

I thrust my hand forward and everyone followed. "We will win under any circumstances!" all of us cried out as we threw our forwarded hands in the air.

No matter how many times it happened, I just couldn't imagine I was the one saying this and not my former captain. I just couldn't ever get used to people following me and not him. The pre-game inspiration speech was especially difficult.

We mounted our brooms and flew out to the field. We were welcomed with cheers and claps. Merlin, this was the part I loved most.

While everyone took their positions, I went down to the ground. Potter and Madam Hooch awaited my arrival.

Potter and I had spoken a few times ever since Professor Slughorn's Christmas Party. We would exchange some information and devise new plans. Of course, apart from Theo, nobody else knew about this.

"Good luck, Cassie," Potter smiled and forwarded his hand.

I gave him a nod in acknowledgement and shook his hand. I crushed his hand making him pull his hand away and seethe.

"Sorry," I gave him an unapologetic shrug. "Tradition"

I heard him let out a laugh and get on his broom.

"The quaffle is released and the game begins"

I went into my decided positions as Blaise dived for the quaffle. I could see him elbow Ginny Weasley as he flew towards Crabbe. He successfully passed the quaffle to Crabbe who began flying towards Millie.

"Blaise Zabini passes the quaffle to Vincent Crabbe, who also elbowed Ginny Weasley. It looks like we're about to see Millicent Bulstrode play because Crabbe seems to be heading towards her"

"You may remember Bulstrode who played magnificently in the past match. She alone scored thirteen goals for her team in her very first match. What a brilliant player!"

Millie smirked on hearing the commentary as she flew away from Katie Bell. She turned around and flew in the opposite direction- towards the Slytherin side of the ground- as we discussed.

Unaware of what was happening- and as expected- Bell followed Millie thinking she could score. When she was in the decided position, Millie dived towards the ground, catching her off-guard and I released a bludger.

"Ooh, that had to hurt"

I smirked at the Gryffindor who was groaning in pain. Millie quickly flew towards Blaise passing him the quaffle. "Bulstrode passes the quaffle to Zabini as he elbows Dean Thomas in the process"

I could see Ginny Weasley try to elbow Blaise and make him drop the quaffle. Goyle passed me a bludger and I aimed it for the redhead. It hit her directly in the stomach, making her lose her balance.

"That seemed personal!" the announcer said. It was extremely personal. "Nobody messes with Captain Ambers' team!"

Millie flew past Thomas and Bell and dodge a bludger in the process. "Bulstrode passes the quaffle to Crabbe. Back to Bulstrode, who passes it to Zabini back to Bulstrode and score!"

The crowd roars when they hear the commentary. I could swear out of all those cheers, Pansy's were the loudest.

"Crabbe passes the quaffle to Zabini but Ginny Weasley intervenes. Weasley passes it to Bell who passes it to Thomas. Thomas to Weasley to Bell again"

I could calculate where Katie Bell was about to go and instantly warned Goyle and Millie. She quickly flew to where- I calculated- Bell would drop the quaffle and I saw Crabbe and Blaise follow Millie's lead.

"Is Bell about to score? Ooh! Goyle sends a rather nasty bludger toward Bell. Bulstrode is quick to catch the quaffle and fly toward her teammates. Bulstrode passes the quaffle to Zabini but is hit by a bludger"

Millie was hit by Ritchie Coote right in her ribs. She was quick to shake off the pain and resume playing. But I caught the bludger before anyone else did and threw it at the Coote boy, right in his ribs.

Nobody hits my star player and gets away with it.

"Zabini passes the quaffle to Crabbe who passes it back to him"

The two were making Weasley dance between themselves and were enjoying it a lot. I eyed Goyle who instantly got my message. On my mark, he launched a bludger towards Weasley, who did indeed get hit and got off their tail.

"And Vincent Crabbe scores for Slytherin!"

The game went on very smoothly. The entire team was well acquainted with the looks I gave them and knew exactly what to do and when to do it. While the Gryffindor chasers groaned in pain, Crabbe, Blaise and Millie scored one after the other as our keeper- Tracey Davies- worked her magic and did not let the Gryffindors score.

"And that is the tenth goal for Mister Vincent Crabbe. Millicent Bulstrode has scored eleven goals so far and Zabini has scored nine. What a team! Give it up for the Slytherin team!"

I could hear the crowd roar loudly. Theo, Daphne and Pansy were going berserk in the stands. Not only them but we ourselves cheered quite loudly. The game against Gryffindor was always an important one and winning against them had some sort of excitement in itself.

Just then, I realised the Slytherins had been singing a certain song the boys had devised for our favourite Gryffindor keeper entitled Weasley is our King.

Weasley cannot save a thing,
He cannot block a single ring,
That's why Slytherins all sing:
Weasley is our King.

Weasley was born in a bin
He always lets the Quaffle in
Weasley will make sure we win
Weasley is our King.

That had made my day, but it seemed to have upset the Gryffindors. Someone threw a bludger directly aimed at my face but I swiftly flew up, but not quick enough. The bludger hit my ankle and I was sure I heard a crack. I shook it off yet again and dived for the bludger.

I was about to break someone's face when I heard the announcement. "Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch. Slytherin wins!"

The crowd went crazy and so did we. Everyone had huge smiles spread across their faces. As I said, winning against Gryffindor made us feel a different type of pride.

We flew down to celebrate and exchange hugs. I realised I did indeed break a bone when I climbed off my broom.

I limped towards Malfoy who seemed very happy- after a few long days. I saw him celebrating with Blaise but his smile was wiped off his face when he saw me limp. Before I could blink, I was dragged to the hospital wing by him as everyone followed.


"It's not even that bad." I tried to calm Malfoy and my godfather who was scolding me for not taking better care of myself.

Madam Pomfrey scoffed as she walked to my bed and kept a glass of water and some medicine next to me. "Drink up, dear," she instructed and I followed. The liquid in the glass was not water, it was something much, much worse.

She'd already shooed everyone else away but was unsuccessful in shooing these two men away. I knew she'd have a headache every time I came to the Hospital Wing.

Both of them eventually left because they had their missions to complete. Malfoy was more stubborn and unwilling to leave but knew he had to. I think it upset him to leave more than it did me.

It took me some time to recover but I refused to stay in the Hospital Wing. I was a Prefect, the Slytherin Captain and I needed to help Malfoy with his task.

In those days, Bellatrix and a few other death eaters had burned down the Burrow. I hardly talked to my aunt and thus had no clue this was going to happen.

It wasn't a surprise since the Ministry had burned down the Greengrass's mansion and the Nott Mansion. They had raided my house and the Zabini Manor quite a few times too. They tried to raid the Malfoy Manor but everyone included in that mission went missing just a couple of hours later.

I had already talked to Potter and explained all of that to him. He didn't seem to believe the Ministry had bad people but he believed me when I said I had no idea about the attack.

I hadn't healed completely so I was told to rest at all times and visit the Hospital Wing once every day. Before making my daily visit, I was at the Black Lake reading my Yule gift from Severus. It was about ancient Dark Magic and some dark spells which were allowed to be used.

I was alone since Daphne and Pansy were been scolded for hexing Fay Dunbar for wearing the same jacket for nine days in a row. It was hideous and I did not blame them.

Theo and Millie were in the library, picking out books to read with me. Blaise and Draco were in detention for dunking a Gryffindor's head in the toilet and then flushing it. Crabbe and Goyle were with Severus, trying to get a potion right.

Suddenly, my book was knocked out of my hands. I deduced someone used a spell since I would've noticed someone walking near me and therefore had plenty of time to get on guard. After picking up the book, I took out my wand, ready for whoever dared to disturb my peace.

Ginny Weasley walked up to me, redder than ever. I laughed at my opponent. "Almost didn't see you there Weasley. I thought the colour red was walking towards me"

I saw she was not alone and that Granger followed close behind. "Merlin," I continued to mock the redhead. "That sweater is awfully ugly. Mum make it for you?"

"Why? Do you want one? It'd suit you," the girl attempted to fire back.

"No, I just assumed. You are too poor to buy new clothes and charities for distasteful clothing don't exist. I'll start one, darling, don't worry," I laughed. "Besides, no shopkeeper in their right mind would sell such a disgrace"

The girl grew even redder. She raised her wand as she walked closer. "Expelliarmus!"

I dodged the spell with ease. "Rude. Didn't mummy ever teach you any manners, Ginevra?" I gasped dramatically.

"No, but I am about to do you a favour and teach you some," she shot back. "Since mummy Ambers is dead, someone has to"

"Was that supposed to hurt?"

"No, but this is" she raised her wand yet again. "Stupefy!"


"Expelliarmus!" I heard someone shout from the back. Granger. Before I could do anything, my wand was out of my hand and in the brunette's.

"Stupefy!" the redhead took advantage of my confusion. I could feel myself being thrown behind. In a blink of an eye, I was shot with another stupefy. "This is for burning my home"

Another spell hit me. "This is for that ridiculous song about my brother"

And another spell was shot at me. "This is for Harry"

"Ginny!" I heard Granger's voice. I saw the brunette stand next to the redhead. "That's enough. She's down. You said just one spell"

Weasley was about to hit me with another spell, but Theo and Millie finally caught up to me. The sight of two infuriated Slytherins was enough to make the two Gryffindors run away.

Like a true gentleman, Theo helped me up. Millie was still shooting spells towards the Gryffindors that were long gone.

"That's enough," I told my friend. "We're the ones that would get in trouble. Let's deal with this later"

She nodded and walked up to me. "Cassie," Millie mumbled. "Your nose is bleeding"

My hand flew up to my nose. I felt liquid gushing down from my nose. "Just a scratch" I chuckled.

"Shut up and let us take you to the Hospital Wing"


Really long chapter today. Sorry 

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