The Slytherin Princess

By aestheticcc_ly

224K 4.6K 536

Cassiopeia Evelyn Ambers descends from a wealthy, pureblood family. With the advantages of such a lifestyle... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 23

2.9K 67 2
By aestheticcc_ly

ʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ²³⁻ "ᵀʰᵉ ᵇᵒᵗʰ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵖˡᵃʸ qᵘⁱᵈᵈⁱᵗᶜʰ, ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ⁿᵒᵗ?"

I was sitting at one of the benches near the quidditch field, waiting for Malfoy. Merlin knows why he'd asked me to wait.

"I don't care how many bludgers hit you, you morons! All I care about is me, Montague or Pucey not getting hit so we can score, got it?" Marcus Flint's voice boomed through the entire field. He was screaming at the beaters who looked scared out of their wits.

He then turned towards Malfoy. "And Malfoy, I need you working on speed. Any child can score against Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. We need to win against Gryffindor." Malfoy nodded and everyone dispersed.

"I need these dimwits to learn to take one for the team!" Flint hollered loudly. "What can we do?" he asked the two boys walking with him to the locker room.

As I kept my things in my bag, getting ready to leave, I heard footsteps nearing. I assumed it was Malfoy and got up to leave.

I looked up and to my surprise, it was Adrian Pucey.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Oh, uh, hello," I greeted in a polite but confused tone.

"Hi," he flashed me a smile that could floor dozens and dozens of men and women.

"Can I help you?" I furrowed my brows when the boy said nothing after 'hi'

Realisation seemed to hit him and he laughed it off. "Right. I was just wondering if you had any plans for the Hogsmeade visit tomorrow"

"Uh," I thought. "Just going to the Three Broomsticks maybe," I answered unsurely since we hadn't decided anything yet.

"Great," Pucey smirked. "I'll see you there," is all he said and began to walk away.

I wasn't just puzzled but amused. "Uh, excuse me," I followed him. "What part of that did you think was an invitation? Or that I even want to see you?"

"Who doesn't want to see me?" he smirked, his tone reeking of superiority and ego.

I scoffed and crossed my hands in front of my chest. "Are you so delusional to think every girl swoons over a pretty smile and a pompous arse?"

"You think I have a pretty smile?"

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe the nerve of this idiot. But more than that, I was irritated since I walked right into his trap.

So now, while I stood there, looking like a tiny, flustered midget, he was towering over me, smirking like a bloody Greek God. A pretty one, too. And one that had the upper hand.

Thankfully, Malfoy walked out and saved me from any further embarrassment.

While I pulled Malfoy away from the tall boy, I saw him give me a wink making me scoff but smile nonetheless.

"What was that about?" he questioned suspiciously. I chose not to reply and just walk with Malfoy.


All of us- my friends and I- were overdressed for the simple occasion of visiting a village.

For instance, while all the boys were wearing clothes worse than our house elves, Theo, Malfoy and Blaise were wearing crisp black suits.

And while all the girls were wearing Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini's worst nightmare, Daphne, Pansy and I were in classy dresses and skirts with large coats on and heels.

We all decided to go to The Three Broomsticks first and it seemed like many other students decided to do the same thing.

The tiny yet comfortable shop was swarming with students from Hogwarts. We wouldn't have found a table if it weren't for Malfoy and the fear people felt for him.

"I want to go to Honeyduke's after this. I've run out of my chocolate frogs," I informed the group after we'd gotten comfortable in our chairs.

"Oh, Cassie" Daphne made a face that had regret written all over it. "Theo and I wanted to go to Madam Puddifoot's after this"

I nodded at her reply and gave her a smile informing her it was completely alright.

I saw Pansy get up and go to an older girls' table to sit with them. Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise also seemed preoccupied with some girls.

"No special someone for you Malfoy?" I asked the blond who was sitting beside me. He rolled his eyes and gave me a mocking smile as a reply. "I will take that as a no. I'm going to get some butterbeer," I said getting up.

The blond got up too and insisted he bring it and denied the money I gave him as well.

Theo and Daphne were too busy being all lovey-dovey with each other so I was looking out the window, admiring the view.

My attention snapped back into reality when I heard something being placed on the table.

Thinking it was Malfoy coming back with the butterbeer, I turned to the person responsible for the sound.

To my surprise, it was not butterbeer brought by Malfoy, but boxes of chocolate frogs brought by Adrian Pucey.

"I heard your stock was out," the boy smirked as he sat in the chair Malfoy sat in. "Just thought I'd save you the trouble"

I scoffed in disbelief. This boy just does not give up, does he?

Before I could answer him with the reply I had thought of, Malfoy came back with our butterbeers. He set the tray on the table and gave Pucey a disgusted look.

When the Pucey boy saw the drinks, he had the audacity to take one of the glasses from the table and turn to Malfoy and thank him. He then proceeded to chug the drink, right in front of a fuming Malfoy.

I had to admit I was shocked and impressed by his little stunt. It took a lot of guts and a whole lot of arrogance to mess with Draco Malfoy.

"That wasn't for you, Pucey," the blond gritted through his teeth.

I cleared my throat informing the boys they were causing a scene, but they did not get the memo.

"Quidditch!" Theo shouted from the other end of the table, grabbing everyone's attention. "The both of you play quidditch, do you not?"

I realised instantly he was trying to lighten the tension that was building up.

The Pucey boy nodded. "Yeah, we do. But I can play quite well, whereas Malfoy could work on his form," he answered smugly.

I cursed under my breath and decided it was time to leave and take one of the boys along with me.

Before Mount Malfoy could erupt, I got up and laughed awkwardly. "Malfoy, care to join me at Honeyduke's?" I walked towards the infuriated blond and gripped his hand.

"Thank you for the chocolate frogs, Pucey. We'll meet you back in school, Daph," I said dragging the blond out of the comfortable store.

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