
By SPenBooks

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(Book 3) *complete* The first being Alberta, the second being Willa. Harper Jameson is nearly finished colle... More

Chapter One: A Fateful Decision
Chapter Two: Max *
Chapter Three: Morning after
Chapter Four: Safe
Chapter Five: The test
Chapter Six: A little Songbird
Chapter Seven: Summer visitors
Chapter Eight: First kicks
Chapter Nine: That kiss *
Chapter Ten: Halfway to Wren
Chapter Eleven: Theo?
Chapter Twelve: Hormones *
Chapter Thirteen: Booty call? *
Chapter Fourteen: Is that a gun?
Chapter Fifteen: Unavailable *
Chapter Sixteen: Dinner
Chapter Seventeen: Utah calling
Chapter Eighteen: Lamaze
Chapter Nineteen: We have a problem
Chapter Twenty: Thanksgiving baby shower
Chapter Twenty One: Ethan
Chapter Twenty Two: Christmas miracle
Chapter Twenty Three: Wren
Chapter Twenty Four: Welcoming committee
Chapter Twenty Five: Home
Chapter Twenty Six: Three month update
Chapter Twenty Seven: New York New York (part one)
Chapter Twenty Eight: New York New York (part two) *
Chapter Twenty Nine: Wakey Wakey
Chapter Thirty: Month 4-5
Chapter Thirty Two: Lunch dates
Chapter Thirty Three: Stop
Chapter Thirty Four: Taking it all on
Chapter Thirty Five: Utah
Chapter Thirty Six: Teddy
Chapter Thirty Seven: Harper
Future Works

Chapter Thirty One: Month 6-7 *

991 70 28
By SPenBooks


- putting everything in her mouth (everything)
- Colourful displays of personality, she is happy, mad, sad, excited, her eyebrows wiggle (Teddy's fault), her lip wobbles, but she is mostly happy.
-trying solids, loves broccoli, hates peas. Greek dishes are a favourite to smoosh against her entire high chair and head. Moussaka in her hair, every time.
- favourite person ever is still a toss between me and Ted.

-playing the season now and doing great.
- going between Connecticut and home through the week between games.
- still hot as F ( I guess this is a given and I don't need mention it again) but I fucking will... because she ... is ...mine!
- joining us for a week of our Utah trip with the Anderson's, after a trip to Oregon to see the Nomikos clan, our first vacation.

- Happy
- content
- Extremely satisfied on a nightly basis
- excited for our summer trip to the west coast , Oregon for a few days with the Nomikos clan, and then Utah... two weeks with the Anderson's and two weeks with the Jamesons, and I can't wait to introduce them all to Wren.

"Hey" mama greets as I walk into the store pushing Wren in her stroller.

"Hey mama" I reply and I walk up to the counter as she comes out and bends down to talk to Wren.

"What are my two gorgeous girls doing here?" She asks lovingly pulling Wren out and into her arms. "This outfit is adorable" mama observes looking at Wrens little baby blue playsuit with frilled sleeves and a summer hat that matched, her chubby legs and arms on display looking perfectly scrumptious.

"We came by to drop your lunch, you left it on the side" I say handing it to her and she places it down on the counter with a smile.

Wrens hand rose up and I rolled my eyes as she yanked the hat from her head for the hundredth time that morning and threw it to the floor.

"Ah...has she been doing that a lot" mama says with a little laugh.

I nod exasperated "she doesn't quite understand how fair she is, she can't be sunning it like Teddy with her glorious Mediterranean skin tone"

"You've got the, both cursed and beautiful fair skin my little sweetheart... you must wear your hat" mama says bending down and placing it back on. Wrens chubby little hand goes straight for it again.

"Harper" Ethan greets appearing from the back enthusiastic to see us"I thought I heard your voice and our little dancer is here too....hey Wren" he acknowledges reaching out his arms and he takes her and bumps her up and down in his arms, she isn't quite sure, she didn't see a lot of men and so the deep voice and stubble was throwing her off.

She looks at him curiously, almost annoyed with a frown and it makes us all laugh. "You need to spend more time with me so we can be friends" he says smiling at her and she reaches out to inspect his facial hair.

"So" Ethan says looking over to me "I haven't seen you in weeks... you usually come in every other week. I wanted to ask next time you were in if you fancied going out some time before I leave town" he asks.

I stand there unsure how to answer because I'm pretty sure Ethan still wants to date and for all he knew I was single, this is exactly why I was leaning towards a label so I could finally tell him I had a girlfriend.

I had seen Ethan regularly when I came in to see mama, sometimes we had lunch together out the back on the grass, but as friends, he was a good friend to me, and we had alot in common, so it was easy to talk to him but I didn't want to progress that relationship to anything more, especially now that I had Teddy.

"Im not sure" I begin.

Mama spots her cue to leave so I can let him down gently and grabs Wren "I will just show Wren the fishies out back and give you a moment" she suggests as she disappears with her, leaving Ethan to walk over to my side with a look of affection

"I really would like to take you out before I go back to Utah" he says softly "it would honestly be a dream to court you Harper and I know you weren't ready before but how do you feel now?" He asks.

I look to him frowning a little and he must sense it's going to be a no because he jumps back in first "I'm sorry it's too soon... isn't it... let's go as friends, a nice night out before I leave. I go on Saturday, would you come out Friday night? We can go out for a bite to eat... just friends I promise" he asks.

I am pained by the way he puts it like that because now I feel I would hurt his feelings to say no.

"And then I will be the other side of the country... so I won't even see you week to week and I will miss you both... please" he asks.

I finally give in as he pretends to wobble his lip "okay"

He beams "yes... thank you" he says softly."it means a lot "

I instantly regret it because I realise he said Friday night, not day, and to me night was a date and would most certainly look like it to Teddy. I fucked up, because if she went out like that with someone, one on one, for a bite to eat in the evening...I know it wouldn't make me too happy.

"Wait" I say as Ethan leans in to hug me and he stops halfway and leans back withdrawing his arms. "Friday night won't be any good" I say "I'm so sorry... lunch though, I can do lunch" I say again.

He nods, slightly disappointed, but he smiles because at least it's not a flat no. "Lunch will be just perfect"

I quickly head out back to retrieve Wren before he goes to hug me again.

"Hi" I say placing my book down on my chest.

I was lying in bed when Teddy came in, it was Tuesday night and she was home from Connecticut overnight as she didn't have a game until Thursday, or training in the morning.

"Hi" she greets quietly looking over to me affectionately and closing the door, it was late, perhaps eleven.

"Are you wet" I ask, noting the wet ends of her hair, the tips slowly marking her white t shirt.

"What a question to start with!...No how was your day... no can I kiss you first..."she teases.

"You know what I meant" I return jovially.

I reach out my hand as she crosses the room and sits down beside me, she draws my hand up to her mouth and kisses the back of my knuckles "I missed you" she confesses and she leans in, her wet hair pressing to my cheek as she kisses me softly before sitting back up and reaching for the towel beside the bed to dry off her hair further with both hands. She shakes her hair sideways and tousles it through. "I had to take a shower after that drive... my air con kicked the bucket halfway home and I literally almost died in that final hour. My life flashed before my eyes" she says as dramatically as only Teddy can and I smile.

"I missed you too" I say letting my hand fall to her bare thigh, only just noticing she was literally only wearing an oversized t shirt.

My finger tips ran up the warmth of her flesh, the smell of coconut from her shower making her smell like a luxurious holiday I was more than prepared to go on, right this minute...

"Come here" I demand throwing off the sheet and pulling her by the fabric of her t shirt down on top of me, her damp hair once again pressed to my cheeks as her lips slowly and seductively move over mine.

My hands slip up her ribs, feeling every curve of her, running my hands over her breasts, my palms softly covering them and squeezing gently just at the moment her tongue pushes against mine. It was a gentle and familiar dance against one another as she lowered herself onto me further, her hand caressing my cheek, the kisses are loving and slow, taking their time, and this is the beginning once again, as a flush of warmth and love floods my entire body under her touch, that it becomes obvious that this is love. It was a gentle and overwhelming love making that made every inch of me feel beyond loved and adored.

Teddy presses my hand down gently onto the sheet beside my cheek, her fingers threading through mine as she moves her lips to my neck, my head rolls sideways to allow her to move freely upon the sensitive flesh there. Before she moves lower, her lips gently place kisses down my clavicle, my breathing becoming more laboured as her soft kisses roam over my breasts, her tongue running over my nipples with a little pressure applied before she reappears, removing her hand from mine and cupping my cheek once again, turning me back to face her.

Her thumb rolls over my chin softly, her warm chocolate eyes looking deeply into mine "Harper... I love you" she whispers.

I feel a tear prick my eyes because it's the first time she has said it intimately "you know that don't you" she whispers.

I nod as her lips slip back over mine, my tongue slowly running over her plump bottom lip and against hers, but it is gentle and not hungry, it is attentive. Her fingers release my cheek, and move purposefully down my chest, past my navel, slipping tenderly between my legs, her hand pulling my thigh up and resting it against her waist as her fingers slip through my wetness, and there's no rush as she looks back into my eyes.

I cup her cheeks and look a little longingly back, "Teddy I love you too... so much" I confess a little breathlessly at the pressure of her fingers pressing softly through my centre. 

She paused, taking a moment before she committed to pushing herself inside of me, and my mouth falls open a little to have her there, right on the cusp of me, and my nostrils flare a little as her eyes darken and she watches every inch of my features, seeing the urgency, the wanting, the love, the need for her to push through and make love to me. If I could have reached out and pushed her hand down onto myself, I would have, because I was practically whimpering.

"mmhmm" falls from my open mouth and she leans down and captures the whimper in hers, her fingers finally pushing inside of me, purposefully slow. Every movement was one that shook my soul down until all that was left was the essence of me, seeping into the essence of her, and the act she was performing was like a sacred ritual as she took parts of me into her and I took parts of her into me. Never would we be the same again, whether this was labelled or not... the love had already been felt and had already been declared.

We were bound to each other.

I wake up and hear laughter and a lot of Greek words flying around animatedly.

I slip from the bed and pull on a robe. I walk into the nursery, it's seven a.m and Teddy is sat cross legged on the nursery floor in the white t shirt. Wren was sat opposite her, with Maria and Calliope both chatting away in Greek to Wren on the face time.

Wren is throwing a little toy ball back and forth.

"Se agapó" Teddy says reaching down and kissing Wrens forehead.

"agapó to engóni mou" Maria says lovingly.

I stand and observe, leaning against the door, a silly smile on my lips.

"Ómorfo moró" Calliope says smiling and clapping at Wren.

"moiázei sti mamá tis" Maria says.

Teddy nods and smiles as she strokes Wrens chubby cheek and passes the ball back to her with a look of pride "just like her mama yes... so much" she says and she looks up and spots me, smiling "Little bit is having her morning Nomikos visitation" she says.

I lean down and wave to the phone and they wave back eagerly "Kaliméra Harper" they call out.

"Kaliméra Callie and Maria, how are you" I ask.

They pan around at the restaurant "just setting up for the day" Callie says.

"We can't wait to see you all soon" I return.

They smile and start talking excitedly in Greek again before they remember I don't know a word "I can't wait to get my two little grand babies together" Maria says clasping her hands together. "Thea is going out of her mind with dear little Matthias he never stops crying that boy... Matthias and Wren xaderfia...anypomonó na se do"

"We can't wait to see you either momma" Teddy says "see you in a few weeks" she  promises and she clicks off before looking back to Wren and reaching out her hands for her.

Wren smiles and her chubby little hands reach for Teddy's as she lifts her up with them, her body wobbling as Teddy holds most of her weight.

"Little bit you are practically ready to come to work with me... two feet on the ground and your passing is much better... you clever girl" she says.

Wren smiles up at her as Teddy's brings her into her arms "ma ma" she says.

Teddy freezes and looks sideways "did she just..."

My eyes widen and I drop down beside her and pull Wren into my lap "what did you say baby" I ask her excitedly.

She reaches out one hand on each of my cheeks "bababababa" she says as drool runs down her chin, a sure sign she was teething.

She turns back to Teddy "ma ma ma ma" she says again and my squeals make her jump.

"Teddy she's saying mama.... to you" I say lovingly.

Teddy looks stunned as she runs her hand lovingly over Wrens hair and she looks back to me and sighs "I don't think il ever forget the way that just made me feel" she says "and I know she doesn't mean I'm her mama... she's like six months old but I will take it as a compliment" she says and she smiles and runs her thumb across my cheek

Wren leans up and grabs her hand and places hers there "mama mama mama" Wren begins to repeat and with the reaction she was getting I wasn't surprised as we lifted her up above us on the nursery floor, and lie back, as we encouraged her with ridiculous baby voices and big smiles, to continue her "mama" as long as she would appease us. It wouldn't be long before she dramatically kicked us back to the curb for more important and pressing matters to a six month old, food and toys, toys that made obnoxiously loud and cheery sounds.

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