Magical (Niam AU)

Por Potter_Who_1D

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I don't know how to start this. My name? Liam James Payne. Where I am? Geez, stalker thoughts much? But, Engl... Más

Magical (Niam AU)
Chapter 2: Lads, Lady and Liam (Niall's POV)
Chapter 3: Oh Hot Daym, Look at That Wizard Body Move (Niall and Zayn's POV)
Chapter 4: The Voice of an Angel (Liam's POV)
Chapter 5: Naughty Hazza (Louis' POV) {Larry}
Chapter 6: Fish, Fish, Fishy Fish! (Niall's POV)
Chapter 7: Yummy Naked Nialler and Backtracking (Liam's POV)
Chapter 9: Kiss Me Slowly (Niall's POV)
Chapter 10: Hunting (May's POV)
Chapter 11: The Weekend With a Kiss (Niall's POV)
Chapter 12: He Loves Me Not (Liam's POV)
Chapter 13: He Loves Me (Niall's POV)
Chapter 14: Start of Something Good (Liam's POV)
Chapter 15: Love & Compassion (Harry's POV) {Larry}
Chapter 16: If I'm Gonna Fall In Love (Liam's POV)
Chapter 17: Calm Before the Storm (Liam's POV)
Chapter 18: Name it (Niall's POV)
Chapter 19: Plan it out (Liam's POV)
Chapter 20: Draw Away the Pain (May's POV)
Chapter 21: 34 Cousins (Niall's POV)
Chapter 22: A Mating Ball (Louis' POV) {Larry}
Chapter 23
Chapter 23: A Dinner With a Threat (Liam's POV)
Chapter 24: I Love You (Part 1) (Niall's POV)
Chapter 25: Okay (Liam's POV) (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Camp (Niall's POV)
Chapter 27: Magic (Liam's POV)
Q&A and Character Asks
Yo ho bros

Chapter 8: Cleodora (Niall's POV)

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Por Potter_Who_1D

Sorry for the wait! Here's the chapter... Finally! Hope you like it! Also the stuff in Niall's history class, that's in italics isn't important. Just mermaid history. Read it if you feel like it :P Though, read what Niall says in italics... That'll be pretty important. Also, Atlantis is on the side. I freaking love that photo! 

Lucy xox


Liam's perfect.

Ok, now that we've gotten that out of the way, I was eatin- no, stuffing my face seems a little more appropriate- my lunch at the table, casually ignoring most people (as I do when there's food in front of me) when Liam mentioned me.

"We have your classes this afternoon, right Niall?" He asked.

I nodded, my mouth was too full of food to make out actual words. "So, we get to see hot, practically naked mermaids? Sweet." Said Zayn.

May glared at him, and whacked him over the head. "Arsehole."

He glared slightly back. "Oi, you don't own me woman."

May snorted, but went back to her food. "What classes do you have?" Louis asked, finally pulling away from Harry. Harry made a slightly whining noise, but made no move to pull him closer, instead just taking his hand.

"Uh..." I swallowed my food, and racked my brain. "My afternoon is built the same way as the morning, just with Merflok classes. I have... Telepathy class, Merfolk history, free- I'll show you guys around during that period- and... Weather classes."

"Wait. Telepathy and weather?" Harry asked, confused.

I nodded. "My grandpa was a Weather Worker- they can control the weather- and they think I might have gotten that trait. Also, practically all Merfolk have telepathic powers- it's much easier in water than out, but we still have to master it."

"That's pretty sick." May said, sitting back in her chair. "The only thing I can really do is see dead people, and raise them... I suppose it's pretty cool, but... Reading people's minds? Yes please!"

I shook my head. "It's not that easy. I was reading Liam's mind early, and I had to have him project his thoughts to me, and even then, it was still hard."

May snorted a laugh. "What, exactly, was hard?"

I creased my brows in confusion, well Louis, Harry, and Zayn laughed loudly, and Liam's face went pink. "I don't get it..."

May facepalmed. "Do I seriously have to explain this?"

I thought about it for a minute. What was so funny-oh. My cheeks heated up. That's what was so funny. "Now you get it?" Zayn laughed.

I nodded, letting my face heat up some more. Why was I friends with these people?

"You love us." May said. Crap. Must've said that last bit aloud. "Yes, yes you did. That too."

"Shut up..." I muttered, looking down.

Louis cooed. "Awh, wittle NIaller's mad at us."

I glared at him. "'Wittle Nialler's about to go all ape shit on your face."

Harry growled loudly, and pulled Louis closer. Well I hadn't been serious, I was ready to pee myself in terror. "Do not touch what's mine."

Louis huffed. "I am not an object, Harold."

Harry's face immediately soften. "I'm sorry Boo..." He nuzzled his face into Louis' neck.

"Awh! That's just so damn cute!" May commented.

Louis' glared. "And thank you May, for ruining the moment."

She put her hands up in surrender, and pouted. "Sorry, sorry."

"Mates," said Liam, "As entertaining as this is, shouldn't we head to class?"

I nodded, "Let's go mates."

The six of walked to the lake in a loud chatter. Well, when I say six of us walked, I mean May was being piggybacked by Zayn, and the rest of us walked. "Zaaaaayn," May whined. "Hurry up!"

Zayn let out an annoyed sound. "Get off of me then!"

May rolled her eyes and snorted. "Don't be ridiculous."

"You've got to be kidding me." He muttered, but continued carrying her.

Liam laughed, and bumped shoulders with me. "So, what's it like?"

"What's what like?" I asked, confused.

"Atlantis." He smiled, a curious look in his eyes.

I laughed, and smiled back. "It's truly amazing. It's beyond beautiful." And it truly was. I couldn't even beginning to explain the beauty that it was.

The rest of the way was filled with mindless chatter, and Louis and Harry's flirting. "Oh god, Larry, stop being so damn bloody cute!" May cried. The rest of us were pretty confused. Who was Larry? "Larry's Lou's and Harry's ship name. Their name combined. Just shut up and let me have my fun, god damn it." She muttered the last bit to her self, after seeing Liam's raised eyebrow.

At the lake, I had realised we came across a little problem- and not like that. Well I wasn't worried about myself or Zayn, the other's couldn't hold their breathe for hours on end, or become a merman. "Uh, guys? How are you supposed to breathe under water?"

"Well, Liam and I can do bubble charms on ourselves and Harry." May said, finally hopping off of Zayn (that's what she said).

Liam groaned. "Bubble charms make the air all funny though!"

She shot him a look. "Do you honestly want to drowned yourself Liam James Payne?"

His shoulders slumped, and he had a look of defeat on his face. "No..."

"Then preformed the bubble charm on yourself and Harry." She said.

He walked over to Harry, and place his hand in front of Harry's face. "spirare borrire,"He spoke, his voice easily capturing the Latin accent. I had to admit. Liam was pretty hot, going all Latin.

Liam and May finished putting the spells on themselves and on Harry and Louis. The effect was immediately, a bubble going around their mouth's and nose's. "Ready?" Liam asked, his voice sounding slightly muffled from the bubble.

"Oi, give me a minute to get changed!" May called, snapping her fingers. It must've been the same spell she had used yesterday, becuase now her clothes were in her hands, and she had a very tiny bikini on. Not that I think Zayn was complaining, by the way he was checking her out. "Kay, I'm good."

In the time that it had took her to change, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn had stripped down to their boxers, so I was only on fully dressed. "Well... Let's go." I said, running and jumping into the lake. My body tensed, reminding me my heat was coming. This time, it hurt more than changing back, but that just meant I was going farther into my heat (at least the hormones hadn't kicked in yet) and my tail pushed through, and I relaxed. The rest of their body's soon joined mine under water.First things first, I called out telepathically. Their shocked faces told me they had heard me. Don't bother the Sirens. They will try to kill you.

How? Zayn mouthed.

They're more beautiful than anything else you've seen. I replied, in their minds once again.They use it to their advantage to try and kill any male that comes their way. Next. Stick close to me.

The five nodded, and we took off. I had to swim extra slow, since they weren't near as fast as me. That wasn't bragging. That was a fact.

What would have normally been a few second swim, turned into a few minute swim, but we reached Atlantis nonetheless.

Atlantis was- is- one of the most beautiful things in the world. I couldn't even begin to describe. I wouldn't know where to start.

I suppose the dome in the middle was a good one.That's the great hall down here. We have trails there, as well.I said mentally to them, as the looked around in awe. I pointed over to left of the dome, where it looked like an ocean wall, with some windows and lights.Those are the classrooms, and behind them, the building looking thing, is the dorms.

"What's below the dome?" Liam called.

Prison cells.I said.

Their five (technically ten) eyes widen. "Prison cells?!" May asked, her voice going abnormally high. I nodded.

Yeah, it's super high security. Nothing gets in or out, unless it has permission. I shrugged, and flicked my tail.Well, come on. I have telepathy class now.

The six of us swam towards the building's window door (it was really just a big hole in the wall) as a couple of Sirens swam up to us. Their beauty was, well, beautiful. But they were Sirens, and I knew better.

There were three of them. On had deep red hair, vibrant green eyes and a tail that matched, well another had blond hair, pale eyes and a even paler tail. The last one seemed to give off an aura of innocents, but her blue eyes said something completely different. She flipped her golden tail, and her brown hair followed gracefully behind her.Hello.The red haired one purred, latching onto Zayn's arm.Aren't you a handsome fella, I'm Aisling.

I'm Serea.The blond said, moving towards Louis and making flirtation eyes at her. Harry growled lowly, and pulled him closer. This only made Serea want him more.

Cleo. The last one muttered, making no move toward any of the guys.

Aisling hissed. Full name, Cleodora.

Cleo bowed her head.I'm Cleodora.She moved towards Liam, looking almost sorry and guilty.

Move along, Sirens. I said, they're with me. They're not play toys for you. Expect... Cleodora, is it? She nodded slowly. Stay.

You're not the boss of her, Merboy.Aisling hissed once more, the viciousness showing once more.

Cleo's lips moved quickly.I'll stay.

Aisling's face moved intoa sneer, and she beckoned Serea. Come along Serea.

Cleo turned to me.Merboy. What do you wish to ask?

You're a pearl weeper, aren't you?I said, looking closer at her. A pearl weeper was someone who could cry out pearls.

She nodded, a look of surprising crossing her face. How did you know?

I shrugged. Lucky guess. Now, you're different than those two. Why do you hang around them?

Aisling's my older sister. She said,I have to stay with her. Siren rules. Sister to sister, always.

I nodded. I knew all of the sea rules.Go on then.

She smiled at me.Thank you, Niall Horan.She was about to swim off when Louis spoke up.

"Wait! How do you know his name?" Lou asked. He was currently being held very closely by Harry, and Harry was glaring at the where he last saw Serea, and also slightly at Cleodora.

Cleo smiled more. There's not a fish in the sea who doesn't know Triton's grandson.She waved a goodbye, and flicked her tail a couple times, before she disappeared, swimming after her sister.

Triton's grandson?! Zayn said, eyes wide. 

I blushed slightly, and a pink tint covered my cheeks. "Why didn't you tell us?" May asked. 

I didn't want you guys to treat me any differently. I said slowly. 

"We'd never treat you differently, Ni." Liam said, placing his hand on my arm. 

I blushed and looked down. Thanks. 

"Come on." Harry said, "You said you had telepathy class next?" 


 Telepathy class was a just weird class. No spoke. At least, not aloud. 

The entire class was just the teacher talking our minds, telling us about the history, and ways to control it, and us talking back with our minds, asking questions and that stuff. 

Really not that interesting. "So... Since we couldn't, y'know, hear anything," May said, slightly bitter towards the end, "want to tell us what went down?"

I blushed softly, and turned to face them. "Unless you want to know the entire freaking history of stupid telepathy, I wouldn't say anything." 

May-Eve put her hands up in surrender. "What'd you have next then?" 

"History." I groaned. "This day already sucks." 

Liam laughed. "It'll be interesting for us, learning about Merfolk stuff." 

 "Yeah, for you." I muttered bitterly. "I hate it." 

"It can't be that  bad." Louis said. 

I looked at him. "It's worse." Sighing, I beckoned them to follow me. "I usually sleep in the class, but the few times I've been awake, it's been torture." 

Zayn laughed. Just sleep during all of them, or, better yet, skip. He mouthed. 

Liam gasped. "Zayn. That's not good. How are you suppose to pass the class then?" 

Zayn shrugged. Who cares

I laughed, but continued swimming towards the next class. "Stop being such a bad influence on him!" Liam said, also laughing. 

Zayn shurged again, but didn't mouth anything this time. Liam somehow pulled me closer, but a flicked him slightly with my tail. Liiiam! I said in his mind, Stop it! I need to swim! 

He pouted slightly. "Nialler... Wanna carry me?" I rolled my eyes, and stopped swimming, allowing him to climb on. "Thank you..."

"N'awww!" May-Eve cooed as Liam wrapped his arms around my neck. "You're just too cute!" 

I chuckled softly, and said nothing about Liam or I. Come on guys. I said, I have History.  


 The six of us filed into the class room, taking seats in the back, not bothering to start a conversation, since the teacher was already there, and was talking. 

".... As the early human civilization formed around the rivers and seas, their religion often had a great focus on the dangers and wonders that were hid in them. Because of that some of the earliest known gods were depicted as some combination of men and fish, with 7000 year old Babylonian god Ea (bringer of knowledge, arts and sciences, later known as Oannes by the Greeks) being first one. As the time went on female sea gods appeared, and the first one that had the greatest resemblance to the mermaid was Assyriangoddess Astargatis, who decided to hide herself from the mortals after she accidentally killed one of them. After diving below water to become fish, sea refused to hide her beauty and decided to not transform upper half of her body. Greeks adopted some parts of her origin, morphing her into Aphrodite. The clearest example of merfolk in Greek mythology was the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite called Triton, who is most often shown as mermen who blow the conch shell while riding the sea waves.

"As the myth about mermaids spread across the world, various cultures adopted many traits to them, sometimes creating creatures with vastly different attitudes toward the mortals. Greeks for example feared mermaids, and they called them sirens - dangerous creatures who lured the sailors to the sea with their songs and drowned them. Similar superstition was present on British Isles where sailors regarded mermaids, sirens and sea nymphs as evil spirits of the sea and bad omens (sighting the mermaid represented the coming of the storm, sinking of the ship and almost always eventual death of the person who saw them).

"Many however accepted mermaids as the good willed creatures that are extremely shy but also very curious about life above the sea. Chinese legends speak that tears of elusive sirens form the most beautiful pearls on Earth, Chinese sailors thought that sirens can grant immortality to the worthy man, and Irish held belief that mermaids are calling the sailors to the sea with their songs as the sign of love. Persian viewed mermaids not as half fish, but also as complete human beings that were able to live in the sea. In the many stories that were written about them (even in the famous collection of folk tales One Thousand and One Nights) there are depicted as beautiful men and women who can have children with ordinary people, and their children can also live in the sea if they want so." 

The teacher quoted from the book. I never seemed to remember his name, but he was an older merman, with already grey hairs. I yawned softly, and lent back. There were no clocks underwater, so I couldn't just stare at one, begging it to go quickly (we learnt to tell the time by the amount of light we got). 

"When does the class end?" Liam whispered into my ear. 

I looked out the big hole (I really never knew wither to called it a window or door, so I just went for hole) and tried to figure out the placement of the sun. I'd say... A minute? Maybe less. 

Liam nodded,  "You were right about the class being boring." He replied, sitting back into the chair. Not that he had gotten up, but he had moved over slightly to whisper to me.

When am I ever wrong? I smirked slightly, and he rolled his eyes. 

The bell (yes, we had bells under the sea.) rang, and I quickly got up. "Thank freaking god." Harry muttered, and Louis nodded in agreement. 

"You were right about the class being boring, Ni." He said. 

May pouted. "I thought it was really interesting!" 

The five of us guys gave her shocked looks. How?! Zayn mouthed, obviously confused as the rest of us. 

"It's neat, learning about other people's species and myths and such." She shrugged. "You have free now, right?" 

The six of us began swimming out as I nodded. Yeah, what do you guys wanna see first? 

"How about the dome-y thing-y?" May asked. 

I looked to the others, and they just shrugged. Kay, follow me. 


The entire free period, I just spent showing them around the dome. I said hello to a few mates, and introduced them, but other than that, nothing interesting happened. Expect if you count May hitting on practically every merman who looked her way, and Zayn getting extremely jealous. I think she was trying to piss him off about the Siren thing. Those to should just screw each other, and get it done with. Like, geez. 

I was currently swimming with them to the outskirts of Atlantis, aiming to be a little early for class, since I wanted them to met my teacher. Hurry up guys! I want you to meet someone! I called excitedly. 

May-Eve waved her hand, but hurried her speed up anyways. So did the rest of them. In the middle of the field, was a man. I smiled brightly and swam as quick as I could towards him, before hugging him tightly. Grandpa! I said, grinning. 

He turned around, a smile on his old face. Niall! How's my favourite grandson?  

I rolled my eyes. I'm your only grandson. 

Grandpa laughed softly, and picked his Triton up. Looking behind me, he frowned slightly. Are these the Land dwellers?  He fixed the crown on his head, and began swimming over. 

I swam quickly to catch up. Yes, grandpa. I'll call them over? 

Grandpa shook his head. Niall. I may be old, but I can still swim. 

Uh guys? This is my grandfather, Triton. King of the sea. I said awkwardly, scratching at the back of my neck when we reached the five others. 

He study them all for a few moments, before smiling. So, Mr. Higgins told me about you five, but I can't seem to remember your names. I blame it on old age. He laughed. 

I smiled and shook my head. You're not that old, granps. Only, what? 49 999 years? I laughed as well. 

Now, now Niall. He laughed as well, what are your names?

May was the first to answer, "May-Eve Lynn Bennett." She smiled, "Necromancer." 

Zayn Malik, vampire sir. Zayn mouthed. 

"Louis Tomlinson, shapeshifter." Louis said shyly. 

Harry placed an arm around Louis' waist in a comforting matter, and pulled him close. "Harry Styles, sir. Werewolf." 

"Liam Payne," Liam said, and offered his hand to shake. "Wizard." 

Triton smirked, and gripped his hand tightly. I like that one, Niall. He muttered into my mind only. My cheeks flushed, even though the water was slightly cold. Grandpa always had this idea, locked up into his old brain, that I was gay. 

Granps!  I groaned back, trying to focus onto his mind. 

He smirked, and laughed. It's only you today, Ni. The other 3 students are above. 

I nodded, knowing that he would go even harder on me today because I was the only one he could focus on. Let's get started then. 


It was half an hour later, and I hadn't done anything except raise a sea flower off the ground (and that was with my tail). 

It's useless, grandpa! I groaned, giving up. 

He glared slightly at me. Niall James Horan. You are a descendant of me, The King of the Sea. You have the powers within you. Use them, god damn it! 

I'm trying! I cried, running a hand roughly through my dyed hair. We both know I don't have the powers of the sea. Let's just leave it there. I muttered the last bit, bitterly, falling onto the ground. I was tired of failing.

You're not giving up, Niall. You're a sea prince. He said, a little softer this time, and came sit beside me. You wanna tell me what this really is about? You can usually come up with a little something. You seem off today buddy. He whispered into my mind only. 

I shook my head. It's nothing. I muttered back into his. 

It's the Liam boy, isn't? He said. You want to impress him. He said it so faculty, that I hadn't even realised it was true. Until he said it. I nodded, not bothering to say anything. Then, put all that determination into making something, instead of staring at the boy. 

I blushed slightly, looking down. I thought I had hid my glances pretty well. Obviously not. OK.

 I brushed my tail off, before getting up, and going into the middle of the field. I quickly looked over at Liam (he was watching me, and waved over when I looked) before closing my eyes, and trying to focus all of my energy and thoughts into creating a different current in the water. 

Keep focus Niall, you're almost there. I heard my grandfather's gleeful voice in my head. 

I smiled slightly, and focused harder, putting every thing I had into it. That's when I felt it. A tingling sensation. It ripped through my body- but in the good way. I could feel the power running through me. I opened my eyes and there it was. 

The water was whipping in every direction around me, creating a slight tornado, just around me. I laughed happily. This was the first time I had ever made something big- and this thing was huge. I smirked, and forced the water in the opposite direction- and it worked! Amazing! My grandfather laughed into my head. Now, Niall, calm the sea! 

I nodded, even though I was pretty sure he couldn't see my face, and forced the sea to go back to normal. It was much easier than forcing it into something like a tornado. "That was amazing, Nialler!" Liam yelled, swimming up to me, and hugging me tightly. "I didn't even think that was possible!" 

The four other were right behind him, patting me on the back, and congratulating me. Very good grandson. I'm proud of you. My grandfather smiled. 

It brought tears to my eyes. He had never fully aloud, admitted he was proud of me, so this was a first. I grinned, and hugged him tightly, allowing my face to half go into his white beard. Thank you

He shook his head. Up to the surface with you, boy. Dinner's soon. And make sure you tell old Higgin's about that torando. I have a right to brag to him. He's always bragging about his nephew's amazing talents. I get full rights on bragging about my grandson. 

I smiled some more, and nodded. I'll be sure to. Anyways, you've met his nephew. It's Lou. 

The one the werewolf hasn't let go of? He asked, a look of shock crossed his eyes, and I nodded again. 

Yeah. Louis. 

He shook his head, but there was a faint smile. Well, I be damned... 

I laughed, and waved goodbye to him. Guys! Come on, we've got dinner. 

They nodded. I think they were happy to get out of the water, well I was a little sad. I mean, it's understandable for them to be happy. This was probably the longest they've ever been in water, and they were probably getting prune-y. 

 As soon as the guys were out of the water, the bubbles on Harry, Louis, Liam and May's face popped. "Oh thank god." Liam muttered. "I hate those bubbles." 

I chuckled softly, still in the water. "We know, you mentioned it before, Lili."

He half smirked, half smiled. "Want some help Nini?" 

"Don't ever call me that again." I scrunched my nose up in distaste. "That's the worst nickname ever. I'm sorry Li, but you had to be told."

 He pouted slightly, but you could tell that he wasn't sad. "Fine, fine. But, I'm serious on that help. You want it?" 

I nodded, "yes please." 

He walked over to the waters edge, and I put my arms into the arm as he helped pull me out. "Heating spell, too?" 

I smiled, and nodded again. "calor," Liam muttered under his breath. A syringing pain went through my body, and I couldn't help but let out a sharp hiss. "Shit, did I hurt you?" 

I shook my head, and groaned. "I'm in full freaking heat right now." 

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