Who Am I (A Jai Courtney Fanf...

By Osara-chan

3.8K 390 35

Book 2 of 'Who You Say I Am.' Jai and Meg met at chance encounter on a mission trip and fell in love. Jai en... More

Chapter 1-Jai
Chapter 2-Meg
Chapter 3-Meg
Chapter 4-Meg
Chapter 5-Jai
Chapter 6-Meg
Chapter 7-Meg
Chapter 8-Meg
Chapter 9-Meg
Chapter 10-Jai
Chapter 11-Jai
Chapter 12-Meg
Chapter 13-Jai
Chapter 14-Meg
Chapter 15-Jai
Chapter 16-Meg
Chapter 17-Meg
Chapter 18-Jai
Chapter 19-Jai
Chapter 20-Meg
Chapter 21-Meg
Chapter 22-Jai
Chapter 23-Meg
Chapter 24-Meg
Chapter 25-Jai
Chapter 26-Meg
Chapter 27-Jai
Chapter 28-Jai
Chapter 29-Meg
Chapter 30-Jai
Chapter 31-Jai
Chapter 32-Meg
Chapter 33-Jai
Chapter 34-Meg
Chapter 35-Meg
Chapter 36-Meg
Chapter 37-Jai
Chapter 38-Meg
Chapter 39-Meg
Chapter 40-Jai
Chapter 41-Meg
Chapter 42-Jai
Chapter 43-Jai
Chapter 44-Meg
Chapter 45-Meg
Chapter 46-Meg
Chapter 47-Jai
Chapter 48-Meg
Chapter 49-Meg
Chapter 50-Jai
Chapter 51-Jai
Chapter 52-Meg
Chapter 53-Meg
Chapter 54-Jai
Chapter 55-Meg
Chapter 56-Jai
Chapter 57-Meg
Chapter 58-Meg
Chapter 59-Meg
Chapter 60-Jai
Chapter 61-Meg
Chapter 62-Meg
Chapter 63-Meg
Chapter 64-Meg
Chapter 65-Jai
Chapter 66-Meg
Chapter 67-Meg
Chapter 68-Meg
Chapter 69-Jai
Chapter 70-Meg
Chapter 71-Jai
Chapter 72-Meg
Chapter 73-Meg
Chapter 75-Meg
Chapter 76-Meg
Chapter 77-Meg
Chapter 78-Jai
Chapter 79-Meg
Chapter 80-Jai
Chapter 81-Jai
Chapter 82-Jai
Chapter 83-Meg
Chapter 84-Meg
Chapter 85-Meg
Chapter 86-Meg
Chapter 87-Jai
Chapter 88-Meg
Chapter 89-Meg
Chapter 90-Jai
Chapter 91-Jai
Chapter 92-Meg
Chapter 93-Meg
Chapter 94-Jai
Chapter 95-Meg
Chapter 96-Meg
Chapter 97-Meg
Chapter 98-Meg
Chapter 99-Jai
Chapter 100-Meg
Chapter 101-Meg
Chapter 102-Meg
Chapter 103-Jai
Chapter 104-Meg
Chapter 105-Meg
Chapter 106-Jai
Chapter 107-Meg
Chapter 108-Meg
Chapter 109-Jai
Chapter 110-Meg
Chapter 111-Meg
Chapter 112-Meg
Chapter 113-Meg
Chapter 114-Jai
Chapter 115-Meg
Chapter 116-Jai
Chapter 117-Meg
Chapter 118-Jai
Chapter 119-Jai
Chapter 120-Jai
Chapter 121-Meg
Chapter 122-Jai
Chapter 123-Jai
Chapter 124-Meg
Chapter 125-Meg
Chapter 126-Jai
Chapter 127-Meg
Chapter 128-Meg
Chapter 129-Jai
Chapter 130-Meg
Chapter 131-Jai
Chapter 132-Meg
Chapter 133-Jai
Chapter 134-Meg

Chapter 74-Jai

25 3 0
By Osara-chan


I probably should've been paying more attention since he got a couple good hits in on me. It was distracting having her there. At first I was looking at her and he got me. Then, that bloke at the gym was flirting with her. I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. I won but I'm glad about what she told me—that she'll never flirt with anyone but me.
We sit side by side at lunch. She's leaning her head against my shoulder. I feel bad, though. I'm all messed up for my interviews this week. Oh well, they know I'm the size I am for a reason. I guess they'll see why. I'll have to set up my photo shoots for later on, though.
I feel a gentle caress against my cheek. She kisses me softly and I sigh shakily.
"Pastor Ben asked if we'd go to counseling before the wedding with him," she tells me.
I look at her confused.
"It's something my church usually offers for people they perform marriages for," she explains. "He'll just advise us on how to live a Godly marriage."
"You said something about this before," I mention.
She looks to me confused.
"About Spencer," I clarify.
She nods.
"We went once. He apparently didn't listen," she replies.
"What did you talk about with Pastor Gill?" I inquire so I have an idea about what to expect.
"He talked about not being alone in a room with someone of the opposite sex. He said that it's not a good idea to just hang out with a friend of the opposite sex without others present. He advised us not to complain to others about our problems but to take them directly to each other," she explains. It looks like she's thinking still. "Um... he mentioned to... um... always provide the physical act of love when the other wants it. Things like that," she finishes quickly.
I laugh that the pastor was giving sexual advice.
"I'm looking forward to this," I grin.
She laughs, too.
I kiss her gently and realize she really is taking everything seriously.
"What about situations like today?" I ask.
"Well, we weren't alone but I was uncomfortable with him asking me questions. Once he realized we were together, he seemed to be understanding and respectful. He wasn't rude before, per se, more of an interest in me. He asked me out and I said you wouldn't like that," she explains.
I chuckle at that. "Is he scared of me?" I question.
"I don't know but as soon as we were kissing, I think he bolted," she grins.
I smile. "Mine," I tell her pulling her closer.
She grins but nods. "Only yours," she whispers kissing me.
We finish our tucker and I take her to the studio for the interview. This one is just me but there should be some with several of us together. She looks around as we drive into the studio. I'm let in and I park by the building the first interview is in. I open her door for her and she's admiring the buildings. I think it's pretty boring here actually and they all look the same on the outside except for the numbers. I take her inside and it's set up with a backdrop and lighting. We're a little early and I don't see that my interviewer has arrived yet. Someone approaches me and asks if I want anything to drink. I usually ask for something unusual and make as much noise as possible with it jokingly but I reject the offer this time. I should probably take the interview seriously and only joke around if they do. 
The interviewer comes out and he looks familiar but I can't remember his name.  I walk over to the set and a mic is pinned on me.  Of course they put a little makeup on me and I just wait for them to finish.  We do a few tests and the bloke shakes my hand.  He tells me it's an honor to interview me again.  I grin and tell him I'm happy to be here. 
The interview starts and he asks me some standard questions, nothing too entertaining.  I've had some weird ones before, where they're just playing games.  This bloke's pretty serious and I'm kind of wishing I had a cup to clank around and joke with him.  He actually asks about Megan and I grin at that. 
"So, it's true?  You're engaged?" he smiles. 
"I am," I nod.  I look over to her to see she's smiling at me. 
"Oh.  Is she here?" he questions. 
"She is," I reply. 
He has her join us and she's given a mic.  There's no other seat so I pull her onto my lap.  She laughs in surprise but situates herself.  The interview actually gets interesting and we spend most of the time talking about our relationship. 
He actually asks us to kiss. 
I laugh at that, "Are you ready to end it, mate?  Once we get going, we're not stopping."
Megan laughs, too.  He agrees to ask us a few more and time is up, so I plant one on my girl.  I kiss her and she responds sweetly.  They cut and we're still going. 
There's a little laughing in the background but she pulls away eventually. 
She sighs and smiles at me.   "That was fun," she says putting her arms around my shoulders. 
Our mics are unhooked but we continue to sit here for a minute. 
"How many days?" I ask again. 
"It's only been hours since you last asked this question.  We really need a countdown," she grins and kisses me again. 
"So... are you staying for the next interview?" I ask. 
"Would you be mad if I painted?" she asks me kissing my cheek. 
"Not if you ask like that," I respond closing my eyes. 
"When's your next one?" she inquires.
"A couple hours," I tell her. 
"Do you want me to get a taxi?" she questions. 
"Are you really leaving me?" I frown. 
"I can stay if you want," she offers. 
"No, it's fine.  I'll just daydream about you while you're gone," I tell her. 
She laughs lightly but frowns, too. 
"I don't mind staying to keep you company," she insists. 
I kiss her again and the set is picked up around us as we sit in the chair together.  We eventually get up and I call her a cab.  I see her out and pay in advance.  I kiss her at the door promising to bring her tea.  She smiles at me and kisses me again before getting in.  I watch her drive off and I sigh.  I already miss her.

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