The Good Demon [KNY]

By Carmelizedunipn

501K 14.1K 5.8K

Akai Suisei was one of the first people Muzan changed. The young boy wanted to grow strong and proud like his... More

Part 1: The Night Everything Changed
Part 2: The Start of a Thousand Year Journey
Part 3: Cut short
Part 4: F@ck, This is Boring
Part 5: Freedom
Part 6: The Demon Slayers
Part 7: Friends or Enemies?
Part 8: Another Life
Part 9: Training
Part 10: The First Hunt (1/2)
Part 11: The First Hunt (2/2)
Part 12: We Aren't
Part 13: Advice from the Flame Pillar
The Red Comet's Bio
Part 14: Mount Natagumo
Part 15: Spider Fight
Part 16: The Boar and Sun
Part 17: Bad Memories
Valentines Day
Part 18: Mental and Physical Pain
Part 19: The Sun Breather
Part 20: Target Practice
Part 21: The Infinity Train
Part 22: What Do I Have to do Again?
Part 23: Strike Back
Part 24: How Do You Fight a Train?
Part 25: Fight Fire With Fire
Part 26: It's Cold
Part 27: Morning Training With an Unlikely Opponent
Part 27.5:
Part 28: Lions and Toys
Part 28.5: Misfortune
Part 29: The Flambouyant Jackass
Part 30: Rest and Preparation
Part 31: Improv and Infiltration
Art: Akai Drinking Angrily
Part 32: Search and Sanitation
Part 33: Attraction and Deception
Bonus Part: Apologies
Part 34: Tied Up
Part 35: Not all There
Part 36: The Rage of The Sun
Part 37: Rage of The Red Comet
Bonus Part: Roommates
Imma Be Real With You...
Update/new OC?
Part 38: The Siblings (1/3)
Part 39: The Siblings (2/3)
Part 40: The Siblings (3/3)
Part 41: Breakdown
Part 41.5: Good Morning
Part 42: Self Harm
Part 43: Self Improvement
Bonus Part: Life After Dark
Pat 44: End of Training
Part 45: A New Makeover
Imma Just Ask it Now:
Bio of The Twin Comets
Part 46: An Invitation
Part 47: Hanging Out
Part 48: Tokito Muichiro Doesn't Give a Shit
Part 49: Tokito Muichiro Still Doesn't Give a Shit
Part 50: Fighting the Mist Pillar
Part 50.5: The Girl in The Hot spring (14+?)
Part 51: A Revelation
Part 52: A Letter From Your Father
Part 53: Battle With The Multiplying Demon
Part 54: Burning Resolve (1/4)
CLOSED! Halloween Event Voting
Halloween Vote Results: Pretty Dissapointed TBH
Special Part: Halloween Night (Modern AU)
Part 55: Burning Resolve (2/4)
Part 56: Burning Reasolve (3/4)
Part 57: Burning Resolve (4/4)
Part 58: The Coward's Bitter End
Part 59: Everything is Okay
Part 60: One More Mission
Part 61: Clashing Demons
Part 62: The Battle on The Mountain Continues
Voting: Vote For a Lemon
Shinobu X Giyu Lemon
Part 63: Raging Soul
Part 64: Burning Body
I Am Still Alive.
Part 65: The Demonized Slayer
The Art
Part 66: His Return...
Part 67: The Truth
Part 68: Regrouping
Part 69: Warm-Up
Part 70: Tenacity
Part 71: The Festival
Part 72: You Promised, Uncle...
Part 73: Change of Plans
Part 74: Come on, then.
Part 75: Surprises
Part 76: Power
Part 77: Hunger
Part 78: A Promise
Part 79: The Origin (1/2)
Part 80: The Origin (2/2)
Part 80.5: You Never Asked
Akai Suisei: Full Bio
Alternate History: Fear The Red Comet
Part 81.5: Medicine
Part 82: Poison
Part 83: Whooping
84: Tension
Part 85: Heat
Part 86: Tantrum
Part 87: Steam
Part 88: All I Want
Part 87.5: Squeaky Clean
Part 89: Regrets
Part 90: Warmth
Part 91: Embrace

Part 81: Hamon

493 7 3
By Carmelizedunipn

"So, how do you guys feel?" Akai asked the recruits, who were all currently laid out on the ground, clutching their chests. "...Okay, good." He chuckled. "Rest for a bit, I've got stuff to do..."

Before they could make themselves known, Akai turned to Aoi and Genya, who had just walked out of the treeline. 

"Hey, stuff." Akai waved to the two. Aoi looked away with a slight blush on her face, while Genya narrowed his eyes out of confusion.

"Wait, so am I stuff as well or-" Genya was cut off when Akai planted a fist into his and Aoi's diaphragms.

"Yes, yes you are." He dusted off his hands and sighed.

"Why..." Aoi wheezed.

"Oh, I never told you what this is..." Akai muttered. "Well, if I did it right, then you guys'll become much more powerful." Akai turned to the rest of the recruits and broadcasted his explanation.

"What kind of power...?" A recruit asked weakly.

"This kind of power." Akai took a deep breath and charged his fist with the golden ripple. The recruits gasped at the sight of the crackling energy.

"How do we do that!?"

"What the heck is that!?"

"How does punching us in the gut help us get that?"

"Shush." Akai bared his teeth and the crowd went quiet. "It's very similar to total concentration breathing, so it shouldn't be that hard to achieve. Just go through the breathing process while focusing on your core. Try to draw out the power." Akai explained.


"Man, this is terrible..." Akai sighed as they tried and failed to grasp it.

Ten minutes were spent staring at the crowd as they tried different breathing patterns, trying to get a grasp on the energy.

"Well, maybe you should be more specific!!! I feel like all we're going is breathing here!" A member of the crowd shouted.

"Well, I did it on my first try! I don't know what the problem is here!" Akai bit back at the recruit. "They're all gonna die if they can't attain this..." His face shifted to a grimace as the thought came up. His annoyance grew more as he sensed someone behind him.

"Red Comet." A Kakushi made his presence known.

"We're busy right now!" Akai snapped at the Kakushi, making them jump and tremble. Akai immediately felt regret and simmered down. "Sorry. What is it?" Akai turned to face the Kakushi. 

The Kakushi came forward and whispered into his ear. Akai nodded a few times as the Kakushi explained. The Kakushi leaned back, having given all of the necessary information, bowed to him, and sprinted back down the trail he emerged from.

"Okay, everyone stop." Akai ordered the group. They all paused and turned to him. "Something just came up." He said and turned back to the trail.

The recruits gasped as the denizens of the Swordsmith Village walked into the clearing, each villager carrying a bundled-up sword.

"Looks like you all each get a new and improved sword." Akai said with a smile.

The clearing erupted in sounds of joy as the recruits all ran to greet their respective swordsmiths, accepting the gifts with glee.

"Mr. Haganezuka!" Akai greeted his swordsmith.

"Hello, boy." Haganezuka gave him a timid wave.

"How are y-...Where is my new sword?" Tanjiro halted his greeting at the sight of Haganezuka's empty hands.

"No need! There's no way my craft could surpass that of the blade you currently possess! And it's utterly impossible that could ever ruin its pristine condition!" Haganezuka laughed.




Tanjiro remembered Akai breaking the blade on his teeth.

"About that..." Tanjiro chuckled nervously.

The mingling crowd all quieted as Tanjiro's screams of fear began. In a period of .00000001 seconds, Haganezuka had gone from casual attire to being dressed like a caveman, dual-wielding ultra-sharp knives.

"YOU LITTLE BASTAAAAARD!!!" Haganezuka roared as he chased a screaming Tanjiro into the woods.

"Should probably apologize for that later..." Akai chuckled.

He then went quiet.

And he smiled sickly.

He had an idea.

"Okay swordsmiths! While the new blades are much appreciated, we must continue with the training. Please hand the swords to me and exit the training area! I will hand them to the recruits on my own as to avoid all the clutter!" He broadcasted to the crowd. The swordsmiths and recruits bowed to each other and the swordsmiths gathered around Akai, handing their swords to him before heading down the trail. He gathered them all into a pile, chuckling evily as the swordsmiths left.

Once he saw the last swordsmith's shoe disappear from sight, Akai brought his hands together, bursting the blood vessels in his wrists and charging a True Red Comet.

"WHAT'RE YOU-" A recruit tried to yell, but they were too late, as Akai fired the orb at the jumble of blades on the ground. Destroying the blades in a fiery red explosion.




"...WHAT HAVE YOU ALL DONE!?" Akai yelled at the crowd.

"HUH!? THAT WAS YOU!!!" The crowd screamed.

"Swordsmiths, come quick!!!" Akai turned to the trail and yelled.

Zenitsu immediately understood what was going on.

"Run..." Zenitsu whispered.

"Huh?" A recruit asked.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" Zenitsu screamed and zoomed into the woods.

The swordsmiths turned the corner and sprinted into the clearing, immediately seeing the damage.

"It's simply tragic!" Akai said dramatically. "They somehow managed to destroy your hard work in the period of ten seconds!" He said, trying to hide his maniacal laughter.

The swordsmiths turned to the recruits,

and drew knives from their outfits.

The clearing erupted with the sound of terrified screams as the recruits ran for the forest, the murderous swordsmiths hot on their tails.

"Try to do the breathing thing while you're trying to survive!" Akai yelled into the woods as the sound of pained screams emanated from far away. "And to you swordsmiths: Go ahead and torture 'em! I can heal them up with my demon art afterward!" He added. 



"Man, I really am just as evil as Muzan..." Akai muttered to himself.

"Yea you are." Nezuko walked up from behind him and stood next to him. 

"Gonna go save your big bro?" Akai asked her.

"He'll manage." Nezuko had faith in her brother.


Tanjiro gasped for air, having finally given Haganezuka the slip, and ducked behind a log.

"WAIT! PLEASE LISTEN, IT WAS H-AAAAAAA-" Tanjiro could hear another recruit being caught by their respective swordsmith. 

"The swordsmiths are oozing bloodlust, so we're found out we won't be able to outrun them for long." Tanjiro thought. "Dammit, I have to find a way to protect the other recruits..." Tanjiro muttered.

"You might want to worry about yourself."

"!!!-" Tanjiro gasped breathlessly as he realized- Haganezuka had been standing behind him the whole time. In barely an instant Tanjiro dodged four incomprehensibly fast swings from Haganezuka. 


"There's no convincing him- and total concentration won't last long enough. I have to try..." Tanjiro mistimed his evasion, letting a strike-slip in and take off a tuft of hair. "I have to try and tap into it!" Tanjiro inhaled a breath deeper than he had ever done. Instantly, he felt a rush of growing heat in his core, before it spread throughout his body in waves. 

"This is it!!!" Tanjiro thought as his body sparked with the golden ripple.


"Told you." Nezuko smirked.

"Heh. He might as well be the main character." Akai chuckled. 


Tanjiro felt power like he had never felt before. Effortlessly, he slipped past Haganezuka's attack and rushed forward. 

"Forgive me." Tanjiro apologized as he planted a kick into Haganezuka's crotch. He knew that only an attack of this caliber could stop him. He dodged one last swing before Haganezuka crumpled to the ground.

"I've got to tell the others!" Tanjiro said to himself and burst into a sprint. 

"INHALE THE HARDEST YOU CAN, TIME IT WITH YOUR TOTAL CONCENTRATION TO CROSS THE GAP. LET THE POWER FLOW THROUGHOUT YOUR ENTIRE BODY!!!" Tanjiro yelled the instruction as he sprinted through the woods, weaving through the underbrush as he constantly repeated the phrase.

Multiple recruits tried the method Tanjiro broadcasted. Dozens failed. Others were too tired or scared to try...

But a few,

A choice few,

They managed to channel Hamon.


"So that's a wrap." Akai smiled, a great deal of stress having been purged by seeing them finally grasp it. He cleared his throat.



Akai counted around a hundred-fifty recruits that had managed to tap into Hamon. For the rest, he had to be fast to close their stab wounds.

"Okay, just wanted to say sorry for the deception. But I'm proud of you guys!" Akai smiled playfully, despite the hateful gaze returned to him by the recruits.

"Fuck you, dude." A recruit with stab holes littering his uniform muttered.

"So, I'm just going to conclude training for the day and let you guys rest. For those who did harness Hamon, try to help your buddies who didn't. For those who didn't, keep trying cuz I believe in you!" Akai gave them an anxious thumbs up as the recruits slowly cleared out.

He slowly turned to the Swordsmiths, armed to the teeth with knives and snarling like wolves.

"I can explain-" Akai tried to speak before being swallowed by a tidal wave of knife-wielding maniacs.


Trivia: Akai Suisei would be stabbed 10,783 times.

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