Akutagawa x Reader [Nakahara...

By my_ff_r_cringe

87.6K 3.1K 1.7K

A story where Nakahara Chuuya has a younger sister, y/n. Y/n and Akutagawa have met each other when they were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Another non chapter sorryyyy
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 24

1.6K 67 0
By my_ff_r_cringe

"Akutagawa!" I shouted just as I saw Rashoumon throw him across the entire street.

He disappeared through the fog as I rolled my eyes.

"Must I do this all by myself?" I asked as I dodged the blade rushing towards me from my doppelgänger before leaping up and kicked her away.

I turned to Rashoumon and ran froward, ducking under the the tendrils of shadows and skidded past before leaping up to my feet, picking up the pipe from the ground and swung it.

It hit Rashoumon, who smashed into a car as I panted heavily before running off to find Akutagawa.

"Akutagawa-" I started but stopped halfway as I stepped out of the fog to see someone raising their gun towards Akutagawa.

I moved without thinking, leaping forward and forced the barrel away from Akutagawa, grabbing the opponents wrist and forced them onto the ground.

I blinked as the boy beneath me cried out in pain and shock.

"Nakajima Atsushi." I seethed out as I tightened my grip on him.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! That hurts!" Atsushi said from beneath me as I clicked my tongue in annoyance before letting him go.

I used my foot to kick the gun up, grabbing it swiftly and threw it to Atsushi, who fumbled to catch it.

"Point it at us and I'll kill you." I said, glaring at the boy.

"What a pathetic weapon. No pea shooter is going to have an effect on her." Akutagawa said as I glanced away from Atsushi to see Rashoumon walking towards us in the fog.

A deep growl to the left made me see the weretiger and from the right was Kyouka's Demon Snow.

I already knew that my ability was hovering above us as I sighed.

"So, this is a nice reunion. Why don't we have a chat. Maybe some tea?" I asked sarcastically just as I sensed movement from above.

I shoved everyone away, leaping away as my doppelgänger landed on the ground, cracks appearing in the concrete.

"Shit, everyone-" I started but didn't get to carry on any further as Purity was activated again.

Everyone dropped to their knees, including all the other abilities.

I grinned a little, feeling a little proud but then again, it could kill all of us.

I saw Atsushi raise his gun, struggling to fight against Purity as he fired the bullet.

"You're... fucking stupid." I said as the bullet didn't even move an inch before dropping to the ground.

I clenched my jaws, fighting against the pressure as I leapt forward.

My doppelgänger's eyes widened in shock but I had gone through immense training to be able to move at all.

Purity didn't affect just the opponent, it also affected the user.

The stronger the user was, the longer I could use Purity for.

I'm not the user of my ability, From the Pure Soul, for nothing.

I got from behind her, swinging around as I wrapped my legs around her neck and slammed my elbow into her head.

Purity was immediately cut off as I leapt away, panting heavily.

The other me, glared at me, leaping forward but a flash of blue knocked her aside as I blinked and saw the weretiger knock my doppelgänger away.

I watched as Rashoumon also joined in on the little ability contest as I scoffed.

"Amusing. Let's see who comes out on top." Akutagawa said as I sniggered a little before I saw a glint of metal and stopped Demon Snow's blade in time.

"As much as I'd want to watch, now isn't the time for that." I said as my arms trembled a little against Demon Snow.

"There's a secret passage nearby, get to it." I said as I saw Kyouka leap forward, small blade slashing at Demon Snow who leapt out the way.

"Also, my doppelgänger could beat any of yours." I said with a smirk on my face as I glanced at Kyouka.

"Take them to the passage, I'll meet you there." I said as Kyouka nodded, the two of us having a mutual friendship kinda thing.

"I'm not going to leave-" Akutagawa started but I shot him a glare.

"Just hurry up so I can actually blow them up." I said as Kyouka nodded and took off.

"Come on." She said, Atsushi following as I felt Akutagawa hesitate.

"You know, the longer your here, the harder it is for me to actually set off my grenade." I said in a matter-of-factly tone as Akutagawa scowled.

"You better be there." Akutagawa said as I rolled my eyes, despite my heart beating a little faster.

It's just adrenaline. I thought to myself.

"Just shut up and go!" I shouted as I saw the three abilities that were fighting break apart.

Akutagawa finally took off, following the disappearing forms of Atsushi and Kyouka as I ran forward, ducking under the car and barrelled into a cafe.

I protected my head from the glass as I landed on my feet and leapt over the counter before pulling out the grenade.

The sound of the abilities entering the store made me pull the pin off as smirked.

"See ya!" I said as I ran towards the back door, throwing the grenade at them and slammed the door close, barricading it with a broom and took off running.

I just exited the building, the sound of explosions and heat slightly scalding my back made me chuckle as I raced down the streets before coming off the restaurant.

I looked back to see my ability chasing me as I quickly ducked under the broken door and saw Kyouka, Atsushi and Akutagawa.

"Hurry up!" Atsushi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Honestly, we're not in that much of a hurry." I said as I grabbed a few knives from the counter and waited for my ability to appear outside the store.

It made its appearance as I grinned and I threw all the knives with a single hand, watching them race towards my doppelgänger.

The other me was too much in a hurry to even stop as I saw her desperately turn out the way, however, some knives hit home.

I backed up into the elevator, as my doppelgänger gave me an evil glare as the doors slide close.

"This emergency passage was made in case of a gifted attack. The fog won't reach us here." Akutagawa said as I checked how many bullets I had left in my gun.

Just three.

"What is that fog?" Atsushi asked as I rolled my eyes.

"It's the dragons breath." Akutagawa said as I saw Atsushi frown in confusion.

"Dragon?" He asked as Akutagawa ignored him and looked at Kyouka.

"Kyouka, with neither of us having our abilities, you could kill me with your assassin skills." Akutagawa said as I tensed up.

Kyouka didn't answer, silent as Akutagawa scoffed.

"What's wrong? Didn't you have a score to settle with me?" Akutagawa asked as Kyouka remained silent.

"Kyouka-chan doesn't think anything of you anymore!" Atsushi said as Akutagawa glared at him.

"Want to end this while we don't have our abilities?" Akutagawa growled as I frowned.

"Wait, you know how to get our abilities back?" I asked as Akutagawa gave me a slightly baffled look.

"Were you not listening when Chuuya-san was explaining to us?" Akutagawa asked as I tried to recall that day.

"Nope." I said shrugging as Akutagawa sighed.

"Of course you didn't," said Akutagawa as I crossed my arms.

"Well do you know or not?" I asked as Akutagawa nodded.

"I know of a way." Akutagawa said as Atsushi perked up.

"What?!" Atsushi asked as I fought the urge to snarl at him.

"Defeat the ability, and it'll return to its owner." Akutagawa said as I blinked.

"That's it? That much I figured out myself." I said as Atsushi cut in.

"What's your plan?" Atsushi asked as Kyouka answered for us.

"It's probably the same as ours." Kyouka said as Atsushi had a shocked look on his face.

"No... Shibusawa?" The weretiger asked as I recognised that name.

"I'm going to shred his organs and end his life." Akutagawa said casually as I scowled.

"Who said you can kill him?" I asked as Atsushi gave both of us a look of fear.

"We won't kill. That's not what the Detective Agency does." Atsushi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Well we're not in the Detective Agency." I pointed out, crossing my arms, Akutagawa speaking up again.

"Kyouka knows that this job entails. She's former Port Mafia, after all." Akutagawa said as Kyouka said in a soft voice, "I left to live in the light of day."

"I quit the Port Mafia to join the Detective Agency. The Mafia's killings and the Agency's killings are different." Kyouka continued as Atsushi stared at her differently.

"Kyouka-chan..." He whispered as Kyouka turned to us, ignoring the weretiger.

"Dazai-san has joined the enemy." Kyouka said casually as I paused while Akutagawa scoffed.

"So he's allied himself with the enemy of his own violation." Akutagawa mused as Atsushi clenched his fists tightly.

"Dazai-san wouldn't do that willingly!" Atsushi said as I scoffed.

"He already betrayed the Port Mafia. I'm going to be the one to kill Dazai-san." Akutagawa said as I chuckled under my breathe.

"You're the one killing everyone, is that it?" I asked Akutagawa, both of us glaring at each other.

"Do you both think you can kill Dazai-san?" Atsushi asked as Akutagawa and I didn't break eye contact.

"If he's going to fall into enemy hands, I'd rather kill him myself." Akutagawa said, making Atsushi raise the gun in his hand.

"I won't let you kill Dazai-san." Atsushi said as I ducked under the arm, wrapping around it and forcefully bending his arm up so the gun was pointing at the roof.

I kneed Atsushi in the stomach and slammed him against the wall of the elevator and held my dagger against his neck.

"I'm sure I warned you, the next time you point that gun to us, I was going to kill you." I said as Atsushi struggled under my grip.

The elevator slowed down, coming to a stop as the gears on the doors moved, opening it as I continued to glare at the weretiger, debating whether to seriously slit his throat right then and there.

I scoffed, flipping the blade in my hand and placed it back in my thigh strap.

I walked out the elevator, already seeing Akutagawa outside.

"I can't go with you." Atsushi said as I glared back at him.

"I never asked you too." I said, glancing at Kyouka.

She was staring at the ground and from the expression on her face, I could tell her choice was made.

The doors were beginning to close, but before it could, Kyouka placed her hand in between to stop it.

"I'm going with them." Kyouka said as the weretiger exclaimed in surprise.

"B-But, Kyouka-chan!" Atsushi said as Kyouka walked up to us, ignoring him.

I heard Atsushi mumble something under his breathe as he also walked towards us.

We walked in silence, the only sound was out footsteps until the weretiger sighed.

"Kyouka-chan, why are you following them?" Atsushi asked as I glanced back at him.

"We never asked for you to join." I said as Atsushi glanced at me.

"They has information. We can use the Mafia's secret passage." Kyouka stated as we continued walking.

"More than anything, when they've taken their abilities back. They're powerful assets. Our goal of eliminating Shibusawa is the same." Kyouka said as Atsushi stared at the ground.

"But..." He started when Akutagawa spoke up.

"It looks like you're still holding on to your mother's cell phone." Akutagawa just said randomly as I snapped my head towards him.

"Mother?" Atsushi asked, pausing for a second as Akutagawa looked back at him.

"You haven't even been told about that?" Akutagawa asked when I scowled, elbowing him in the stomach.

He grunted in pain, giving me a puzzled look as I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk with Kyouka.

"What's the shortest route?" Kyouka asked as I sighed.

"Zero five zero five." I replied as we continued on walking.

I came across the set of rails on the wall and climbed up, pushing against the grate.

It slid open with a small clank as I pulled myself up, recoiling at the rats scuttling past us.

Kyouka climbed out, Akutagawa following as he stood up, looking around.

"No wonder they can sense my presence." Akutagawa said as I looked up, squinting through the fog to see Rashoumon standing on a tower, nothing but a red dot in the distance.

"I'll help." Kyouka said, myself already knowing his answer.

"No. I've wandered many a night and slain many an enemy to prove my might. But I hadn't thought such an enemy, worthy of fighting and being defeated, would be so near." Akutagawa said, disappearing into the fog as I rolled my eyes.

"How very poetic of you." I said sarcastically as Kyouka glanced up at me.

"You're not going to follow him?" Kyouka asked as I shook my head.

"No. As much of an ass he is, he's crafty enough to defeat his own ability." I admitted before looking around.

"Speaking of abilities, I'll be going to find my own." I announced as Atsushi blinked in surprise.

"B-But don't you think it's better to stick together instead of going off on our own?" Atsushi asked as I gave him a deadpanned look.

"First, I don't want to be around you, specifically you, weretiger. And second, you can't do anything against my ability. If anything, you'll only be killed without the amount of training I received." I said as I turned around.

"We each have something we need to be doing. Do what you need to be doing." I said, walking off.

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