Secrets keeper

By SnowWhite1309

146K 6.8K 5.4K

Gawking two guys in a hot-blown make-out session in the mathematical section of the library was not what I ex... More

Book trailer!
1- The Clichés
2 - Our little secret
3 - Stalker
4 - Kidnapped by Clichés
5 - Mystery Girl
6 - A long story
7 - Party time (1)
8 - Party time (2)
9 - Party time (3)
10 - Awkward
11 - Soccer Practice
12 - Catching the cheater
13 - Victory
14 - After-party
15 - Devilish smile
16 - Preparation week
17 - Mishap
18 - Thank you and sorry
19 - Fundraiser (1)
20 - Fundraiser (2)
21 - Fundraiser (3)
22 - You like her
23 - Not until you two kiss
24 - A favor
25 - YOLO
26 - Do the daring
27 - Gay Club (1)
28 - Gay Club (2)
29 - Meeting his family
30 - No?
31 - Singletines (1)
32 - Singletines (2)
33 - Not again
34 - Positive
35 - Dexter
36 - I like him
37 - Tonight (1)
39 - Tonight (3)
40 - Spring Break (1)
41 - Spring Break (2)
42 - Spring Break (3)
43 - Spring Break (4)
44 - Spring Break (5)
45 - Spring Break (6)
46 - Back to school
47 - April Fools
48 - Dinner (1)
49 - Dinner (2)
50 - Storm (1)
51 - Storm (2)
52 - Coming out
53 - Getting caught
54 - Boys night out
55 - Girls night out
56 - Coward
57 - Surprise
58 - Karma
59 - Prom
60 - A secret
Characters Aesthetic

38 - Tonight (2)

1.8K 113 39
By SnowWhite1309

Lillian's POV

"I need some air." Chloe panicked after seeing Louis's text.

"Wait wha-"

"Air! Outside! Now!" She dragged us outside to the backyard.

My eyes widened when I saw a deep blue pool in the yard. It was a long rectangle pool, and the water sparkled as the moonlight reflected it.


"Relax girl, you haven't asked him yet." Toby tried to calm her.

"I just..." She gulped.

"Take deep breaths with me... Inhale... Exhale..." Toby took a breath and Chloe copied him.

"Alright... I'm fine."

"I'm not sure if you can do this." Toby pointed. "You should try it some other time-"

"I think you're right," Chloe murmured, and I gaped.

"What? You're giving up?"

"I want to declare my love for him, but I don't think I can do it." She huffed.

"Where did Chloe, who doesn't give up go?"

"Sometimes you need to take a step back." She shrugged. I was about to scold her, but her eyes darted behind me and widened.

"Incoming." She murmured, and I turned my head to see Ben coming toward us.

"How about we talk this through?" Toby plopped his arm around Chloe and she bobbed her head.

"What?" I frowned, and he smirked.

"You have some other things to discuss." I watched as he and Chloe walked around the pool. Toby and Ben gave each other a nod, and I had a feeling this was planned.

"Lillian..." Ben stopped in front of me and jammed his hands in the pockets of the blue jeans he wore with a white Nike shirt and the same color shoes.

"Ben..." I gave him a nod and looked around.

It's been a month since we last talked at the Singletines party. I remembered how I told him to stay away from me and that's what he did. Even though we met a lot of times in the hallways but he stayed away.

We both stood there like idiots and no one said anything. It was a surprise that he came to talk to me, so I didn't think of how to talk to him.

"Well... This is awkward." Ben grumbled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Um..." I shifted my position. I knew I had to apologize to him for what I said that day. I overreacted that time and it wasn't his fault.

"I'm sorry..." we simultaneously said.

"Why are you sorry?" I tilted my head.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about Andrew. I knew likes you, he came and ask for my permission to ask you out-"

"He asked for your permission?" My brows shot up in surprise.

"Well... Not permission..." He gave a sheepish smile. "More like telling me he's asking you out. He wanted to confirm if I had feelings for you or not."

"Oh..." I never took Andrew to be altruistic.

"Yeah..." He bobbed his head, then frowned. "Why are you sorry?"

"I..." I adjusted my glasses. "I'm sorry because I overreacted that day and said things I didn't mean..." I averted my gaze to the floor. "And I shouldn't have said that. Whatever happened was not your fault."

I played with my fingers and when he didn't respond; I peeked up to see him smiling at me.

"You're really cute, you know that." He beamed.

"Ben..." I whined as my face heated and he laughed.

"God, I missed you so much." He smiled.

"I missed you too." I returned his smile, and he pulled me into a hug.

"Come here." I hugged him back and chuckled.

"You're easy to make up with, unlike some people." He said, referring to his sister. "If I had any idea about this before, I would have come to you the next day. But you looked furious that day, so I thought of giving you some time."

"I was just confused and embarrassed," I mumbled, letting go of him.

"I know." He gave me a sad smile and then plopped his arm around my shoulders. "Let's go inside and enjoy the party."

"Alright." I giggled, and we entered the kitchen.

The music in the living room abruptly stopped. Ben and I frowned and walked toward the living room.

What happened now?

Everyone was gathered in the living room forming a circle, and someone was standing in the middle.

"Damn, he's doing it." Ben grinned as he looked over the crowd's head. Because of my height, I couldn't see a thing.

"What is going on?" I asked, and he grinned.

"Something good." He grabbed my hand and pushed the crowd making way to the front.

My eyes grew enormous when I saw Chloe and Louis in the middle, facing each other.

"She's going to do it," I said, and Ben's face scrunched in confusion.


"Chloe is going to ask Louis to be his boyfriend." he stared at me, dumbfounded.

"No... Louis is going to ask her to be his girlfriend."

"Chloe planned to ask him tonight," I argued.

"We planned Louis will ask her tonight." I opened my mouth and then paused.


"I mean... Yeah..." He shrugged his shoulders and looked in front. "Let's find who will ask who."

I darted my daze to the couple and saw them looking at each other nervously. The crowd wasn't making it easy for them, either. They were whispering among each other and some were even making videos.

"They look like they're going to puke." Ben shook his head, and I crossed my fingers.

"You can do it," I mumbled.

"Chloe..." Louis finally uttered after what felt like an eternity. "It's been a month since we have been dating. I enjoy every minute with you, you are crazy funny and... And..." He groaned and fell to his knees, extending a pink rose in front of her. "F**k the speech... Will you be my girlfriend?"

I observed Chloe as she stood there with wide eyes clasping her mouth.

"If you want to puke, then puke on me, but please don't leave me hanging like before." Louis pleaded.

The crowd began chanting 'Yes, Yes' but Chloe had something else in her mind. She bend to Louis's level, grabbed his face, and placed her lips on his.

The entire crowd gasped while only two people cheered, 'Hell yeah!'

Ben and Andrew.

"I love you," Chloe expressed, moving a little.

"I'll take it as a yes," Louis said dazedly.

"She said yes!" Ben roared, and the entire crowd cheered.

"Louis! Chloe! Louis! Chloe!" I laughed and began chiming with the crowd as they ran towards the couple and congratulate them.

"I can't believe I did it!" Chloe screamed when she saw me and hugged me tightly. "I did it!"

"You did!" I giggled and squealed with her. "It's official now!"

"OMG, I think I'm dreaming, pinch me!" She screamed. "Ouch!" We turned to see Toby grinning at her. "Why did you do that?" She slapped his arm and rubbed her waist.

"You asked to pinch." He winked. "But girl, what you did was amazing! I wasn't expecting that from you!"

"Me neither." Chloe blushed. "It was impulsive."

"But it was amazing!" I cheered.

"I know! And look." She showed the flower Louis gave. "He gave me my favorite flower! I didn't even tell him it was my favorite! Did you?" She asked me.

"No..." I shook my head.

"Maybe it was coincident," Toby said, and I glared at him.

"Or maybe he figured it out himself."

"Right, that too." Toby gave a sheepish smile.

"Chloe!" We turned to see Madeleine and Jordan. "That move was f**king hot!"

"Thank you." Chloe giggled as her cheeks turned red.

"Louis was shit scared, and I was surprised when he asked you," Jordan said.

"But I was stunned after what you did!" She put her hands on Chloe's shoulders and shook her. "Dude, you've got guts! You and your boyfriend amazed me tonight."

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The DJ spoke. "A big round of applause for our new couple!" The whole student body shooter and clapped. "And here's a special song for Louis and Chloe."

'Thinking out loud' by Ed Sheeran began players.

"Oh..." Everyone teased as Louis walked toward Chloe.

"May I have this dance with you?"

"Yes..." Chloe blushed and put her hand on his and they walked in the middle and began dancing.

"This is too much love for me." Madeleine sniffed. "I'm out."

"Where are you going?" Jordan followed her as she walked out.

Poor Jordan. I wish he also confessed his feelings before it's late.

I watched as every other couple joined Louis and Chloe. From the corner of my eye, I saw Toby and Ben sneaking out and I smiled at them. Standing in the corner, I leaned my back against the wall and observed everyone. As I roamed my eyes around, they landed on a very familiar figure.

Andrew was standing on the other side talking to Brittany, and I stared at him as the music played in the background.

"And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Oh me, I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am..."

Maybe I should have given him a chance before rejecting him.

Suddenly I felt sorrow. Shaking my head, I walked out of Nate's house and strolled into the driveway to distract myself. My eyes darted to the greenhouse, and I stood outside, trying to peek in.

I've never seen a greenhouse before and I was curious to know how this one was designed.

"What are you doing?" A familiar voice startled me.

"Nothing." I spun and saw Dexter grinning at me.

"You're up to something." He squinted his eyes at me.

"No..." I shook my head.

After our project finished, I didn't talk to him much because Chloe warned me to stay away from him. Even though he tried nothing weird, I still backed away.

Better safe than sorry.

"You want to go inside, right?" He smirked.

"No..." I shook my head again.

"You're lying. It's written on your forehead."

"What?" I frowned and put a hand on my forehead.

"Ha gotcha!" He chuckled and stepped towards the door of the greenhouse.

"Don't break it," I said, and he frowned.

"Why would I do that?" He grabbed the knob and pushed the gate. "It's open."

"Oh..." My shoulders slumped.

Here I thought it was locked.

"Coming?" Dexter asked as he entered.

Standing there, I debated if I should go inside or not. It's not like he'll do anything with the party going next to us. I stepped inside and a dim lamp switched on lightning through the greenhouse a little.

"Now it's better," Dexter said after turning the lights on.

"Wow..." I whispered when I observed the flowers.

There were hundreds of unique colorful flowers decorated beautifully. I strolled inside, mesmerized by the garden. I read the names of the flowers as I walked from one to another, stopping in front of one.

"Those are hydrangea," Dexter said from behind.

"So you do study." I joked, and he chuckled.

"I have to study to graduate this year." He said, and I nodded my head, observing the flower. "Beautiful aren't they."

"Uh-huh." I nodded, touching the flower, and felt him standing behind me, making me uncomfortable.

"Like you." I halted and blinked my eyes.

Excuse me?

"You don't give yourself much credit." He whispered, leaning towards my ear.

"Um..." I abruptly backed away and faced him. "What are you doing?"

"Just stating the facts." He shrugged and walked toward me, making me step back.

"I don't know how to respond to that." I frowned and continued stepping backward when he didn't stop.

"You don't need to respond." He smirked, and I flinched when my back hit the wall.

"Dexter..." I said his name firmly, even though I was shaking from inside. "Stop."

"What?" He stopped in front of me and tilted his head, acting innocent. "I did nothing."

"I think we should go back." I tried to step away, but he blocked my way and placed his hands on either side of me on the wall.

"What's the rush?" He gave me a smug smile. "It's not like anyone is waiting for us."

"Chloe is waiting for me-"

"She's busy with her new boyfriend." He shrugged.

"I want to go back." I gritted.

"Playing hard to get?" He gave me a smug smile. "Now I get why Ben and Andrew are so into you."

"What?" I scowled.

"I'm curious to know what tricks you got up your sleeves that you got them hooked." He smirked.

"I think there is a misunderstanding here." I gulped when I got what he was implying.

"It's alright Lillian." He whispered, and he leaned in front of mine. "I won't hurt you."

"Back away now, Dexter." I shoved myself into the wall as I tried to keep our faces apart.

"I've heard everyone talking about it, Lillian. I'll be more fun than them, I promise."

"NO!" I shouted, making him halt.

"Come on, give me a shot-"

"I said NO!" I growled and made my hands into a fist. "Back away now, Dexter."

He removed his hands from the wall, taking a step back, and I could finally breathe.

"What? You want money now?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "Name it."

My blood boiled at what he said and I fumed.

"What the heck are you talking about?! Do you think you can buy me?! I don't know what you heard from others or what anyone else thinks, but I don't do this!" I screamed my lungs out.

He stood there and watched me as my chest rose and fell with deep breaths.

"Whatever." He mumbled after a minute and walked away.

When I heard the door click closed, I slumped to the ground and, without having control over myself; I burst out crying.

What do these people think of me?!

I did no such thing even so. They think of me like that just because I'm not as rich as them!

Pulling my knees closer to my chest, I wrapped my arms around them and put my head on my knees as I cried. My mind was swiveling with emotions and I sat in the greenhouse alone while all my friends were inside having fun.

I've always been alone, and it never bothered me, but this was the first time I felt lonely.

~•~ • ~•~ • ~•~

Andrew's POV

"You finally got what you wanted," Brittany grumbled as we watched Louis and Chloe dancing.

"I only wanted good for my friend." I beamed, and she slapped my arm. "Ouch!"

"You're such a selfish jerk!" She fumed.

"What did I do?!" I whined.

"You forced poor Louis to do this just so you can spend the spring break with the so-called girl you like!"

"I didn't force Louis-"

"And you only made up with me because you knew we won't be able to go to the beach if I'm not with you and that was a threat!"

"That's not true!"

"Stop lying to me, Andrew! A**hole!" She tried to walk away, but I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Fine, I forced Louis to ask, but I didn't makeup with you just because of that."


"If I only wanted to go with Lillian, I would have asked her myself."

"Like she would have said yes." she scoffed.

"That's another thing." I groaned. "My point is I wanted all of us to go together and have fun because I've said this before, too. It's our last spring break. We all need to spend time together."

She narrowed her eyes at me, then sighed. "Whatever."

"Now, if you don't mind, I need to ask someone to dance."

"Who?" She frowned and then scowled when she got it. "Get lost."

"Love you too." I teased her and looked around for Lillian, but found her nowhere.

I swear I saw her standing here earlier.

I searched for her in the kitchen and living room and when I didn't find her, I went upstairs thinking that she might be there, but she was nowhere to be found. I was descending the stairs when my eyes darted to the greenhouse through the window and I saw the lights on.

Maybe she's there.

I jumped downstairs and walked out of the house, and entered the greenhouse. I paused when I heard someone crying inside.

What the...

I ran towards the voice and halted when I saw Lillian sitting on the floor crying. She didn't hear me coming when I stepped toward her.

"Lillian?" I cautiously said.

She flinched and stopped crying. "Leave me alone."

"What happened-"

"I said leave me alone, Andrew!" She shouted without looking at me.

I stood there, not sure how to handle the situation. Before this, if any girl cried in front of me I'd walk the other way, but seeing her like this made my heart ache.

"I won't," I said firmly.

"Don't make it difficult for me. Just leave." Her voice sounded frustrated.

"I won't leave you alone," I said and sat next to her and this time she remained quiet. I wanted to hug her so badly, but I controlled myself.

There was something wrong with her. I've never seen her cry. I remembered when the mishap happened at the fundraiser and everyone accused her she stayed strong and didn't shed a single tear.

"What happened Lillian?" I asked, but she didn't answer. My mind went to the worst possible seniors. I observed her clothes and looked for any bruises, but there was nothing. "Did someone do something?"

"No..." She sniffed.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because I'm an idiot." She mumbled and cleaned her face with the back of her sleeve.

"Here." I took my handkerchief out of my pocket and extend it toward her.

She eyed it and took it from me. Taking the glasses off her face, she turned it the other way and cleaned it.

I sat there looking in front, tapping my foot.

What am I supposed to do and say?

Should I force her to speak or let her be quiet?

I groaned and leaned my head against the wall. I wish I knew what to do.

"Why are you here?" She asked, keeping her head ducked and not letting me look at her face.

"I was looking for you," I said honestly.


"I wanted to ask you for a dance." I shrugged, and she finally turned her head towards me.

This was the first time I saw her without her black-rimmed glasses. Her green eyes were wide and glossy and her face was red because of all the weeping. I couldn't help myself, so I tugged her into a hug and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

She went stiff for a second and I squeezed my eyes shut, thinking that she'll pull back, but I blew a breath in relief when she relaxed. She slowly clasped her arms around my waist and laid her forehead on my right shoulder.

"It's alright... I'm here for you." I whispered in her ear and patted her hair.

She clenched and buried her face deeper in the shoulder, making my breath hitch. My heart began pumping fast, and I was afraid she might hear it.

"Can you take me home?" She asked in a low voice.

"O-of course." I stuttered, then cleared my throat when she pulled back. I wanted to hold her more but didn't want to look like a pervert.

I knew it was no use to ask her what happened, so I let it go for now. We got up and quietly walked out of the greenhouse to the driveway. I internally slapped myself when I realized I came with Ben and didn't bring my car.

"Can you give me a minute?" I asked Lillian. "I need to get the keys." She nodded while putting her glasses in her pocket.

I walked inside Nate's house and called Ben but he didn't pick up. I looked around and found Nate standing in the living room.

"Geek, I need your keys." I rushed, and he raised his brows at me.


"I'm taking Lillian home."

"Is something going on that I'm not aware of?" He smirked.

"I'll tell you later... Keys now." He rolled his eyes, taking the keys out of his pockets. "I also need the CCTV footage of your greenhouse," I said, taking the keys.

"Why?" He frowned.

"Just do as I say," I said and ran outside, ignoring his calls.

I exit his house and saw Lillian gazing at the sky. She looked so pretty tonight, but I didn't get the chance to tell her that.

"Ready?" I asked, cutting her thoughts.

"Yes..." she replied, glancing straight into my eyes with her sparkling green eyes.

At that moment I knew I was a goner.

~•~ • ~•~ • ~•~


Surprise again! 🥳

Louis and Chloe are now officially BF GF eeeeeek!!! I've been waiting so long to write this chapter and now I'm finally at peace 😌

As for Lilldrew, I'm not going to say much and let you guys enjoy 🤫

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